ChaosBlackWarGreymon is one of the three Chaos Generals. He possesses unbelievably huge strength and endless stamina, meaning that he never gets tired from battle, no matter how hard it is. He is a calm, concentrated, fearless dragon-machine who constantly trains to get stronger, and overwhelms his opponents in battle with his unbelievable power, defense, and speed. His skills in close combat equal the level of his huge strength, as ChaosBlackWarGreymon is unbelievably efficient in instantly perceiving and dodging enemy attacks, reading through the enemy's every move and predicting their plans during battle, and locating their weaknesses and striking them for maximum damage with his extremely destructive physical attacks. He is so fast that he can easily avoid even sudden and point-blank attacks, and so powerful that he usually ends his battles in an instant with a single, lethal blow at an enemy's vital spot like their head. His supreme abilities are retained in ranged combat, where ChaosBlackWarGreymon can attack with a good number of long-range techniques, all of which being extremely powerful and almost on par with the power of his physical strikes. ChaosBlackWarGreymon's signature attack is Terra Destroyer, which creates an energy sphere of no border in its power capacity, capable of destroying anything from just a single foe to a large portion of the universe.
Here are some of ChaosBlackWarGreymon's attacks:Black Device: Disappears into a black cloud and reappears somewhere else. The black cloud can also hurt enemies.
Black Storm Tornado: Raises his claws up and begins spinning around himself very fast, forming a dark tornado around himself, and then some other dark tornadoes are sent out from the original one to devastate the surroundings.
Black Tornado: Raises his claws up and begins spinning around himself extremely fast, forming a tornado of darkness around him. He then jumps off of the ground and turns to point his claws towards the enemy, before diving at them to rip through them.
Blast Burn: Raises his hands in the air and then spreads them out downwards powerfully, unleashing a huge fiery explosion around himself which razes everything in a great range.
Blaze Kick: Delivers an extremely powerful kick at his opponent, which also creates an explosion of fire upon impact, engulfing his foe in flames after the attack.
Brave Shield: Uses the shield on his back to form an almost unpenetrable defense.
Chaos Wave: Slashes the air with his claw, sending out three crescent-shaped blasts of black and dark red energy, one from every tip of the blades on his claw. By doing an X-slash with both his claws, he can send out six crescent-shaped energy blasts at once towards his foe. Alternatively, he can do a horizontal chop and send out a single, combined blast of black and dark red energy with more concentrated power. This attack is extremely powerful, capable of slicing through almost anything.
Counter: Performs various counter-attacks in hand-to-hand combat, like grabbing the enemy from the arm and tossing them or avoiding their attack and hitting them while their guard is down.
Dark Explosion: Forms an "X" with his arms and then punches outwards at the air, creating a huge explosion of black energy around himself, which strikes all surrounding enemies.
Dark Impact: Infuses dark energy into some of his physical attacks, increasing their power and also creating dark explosions upon impact.
Detect: With his unrivalled reflexes, ChaosBlackWarGreymon can detect just about any technique and avoid it. He can avoid even the most sudden attacks from point-blank range.
Dragon Boost: Launches forward at incredible speed and delivers an extremely quick upward claw swipe to his opponent, flinching them. His claw may also be engulfed in flames during the slash.
Dramon Killer: Attacks the enemy with his claws. He can also slash the air and unleash waves of darkness or flames to attack enemies from a long distance, and unleash blue energy blasts during his stabs. His claws are also especially effective against all kinds of dragons, slicing through their tough hides effortlessly like butter.
Duo ScissorClaw: Performs a cross-slash of unbelievably extreme power, aiming to break through all of the enemy's defenses and dish out some devastating damage. The enemy is sure to be left weakened after being hit by such power, capable of effortlessly obliterating an entire row of mountains.
Eruption: ChaosBlackWarGreymon raises his claws up and begins spinning around himself like a tornado, before he launches off the ground. He then dives back at it, and digs deep into it effortlessly with his spinning claws like a drill. A few seconds later, he suddenly emerges from the ground right below the enemy's feet, spinning like a tornado and enfulfed in a huge pillar of lava, ripping the enemy to shreds with his claws and burning them with the insanely hot lava.
Extremespeed: Moves at blinding speed to attack his enemies or dodge their attacks.
Flame Choke: Charges at the enemy fast and grabs them by the head with his hand, lifts them in the air, and attacks them with a point-blank dark pulse from his hand. Afterwards, he slams them head-first back down to the ground, with earth-shattering force. This attack can get even more powerful if performed in mid-air, getting stronger depending on the height, and ChaosBlackWarGreymon can also produce a huge explosion of darkness as he slams the enemy to the ground with a sky dive.
Giant Power: Unleashes an insane amount of light blue energy like an explosion from his body, blasting and obliterating everything away in a huge range.
Giga Destroyer: Fires a yellow fish-shaped missile from in between his hands. This attack creates a massive explosion as it hits.
Ground Zero: Fires a black fish-shaped missile from in between his hands. This attack creates an explosion of black energy as it hits, which greatly decreases the enemy's power.
Hand Sweep: Swings his arm and smashes the enemy with the back of his hand.
Headbutt: Strikes the enemy with a powerful headbutt.
Horn Impulse: A powerful, high-speed smash with his horn.
Mega Flame: Raises his hands and creates a huge fireball between them, which he then throws at his enemy.
Mega Kick: Kicks the enemy with incredible force, enough to shatter armor.
Mega Meteor Fall: Flies with the force of a comet, creating a fiery spherical aura around him before tackling the enemy with insane force. This attack is powerful enough to blast an extremely huge area into a crater.
Mountain Hurler: Stabs a mountain with his claw, infuses it with dark energy, and then rips it off the earth and hurls it at his opponent.
Sky Uppercut: Strikes his enemy with a devastating uppercut, knocking them out.
Terra Destroyer: ChaosBlackWarGreymon's signature attack. Collects negative energy between his hands and shapes it into a massive red sphere of darkness, which he hurls at his opponent. This attack can become powerful enough to blow up whole planets.
War Blaster: Charges some green energy between his hands and then shoots green projectiles outward from it.

ChaosMetalSeadramon is one of the three Chaos Generals. He is completely indestructible, invulnerable to any kind of harm, making him virtually impossible to defeat. ChaosMetalSeadramon is a huge, metal sea dragon who enjoys completely dominating his foes with his huge power and invincibility. He is quite arrogant, knowing that he is invincible and having incredible strength to put behind his extremely catastrophic attacks, but he can also be short-tempered at times, if his expectations are not met. In battle, he viciously attacks his opponents with his extremely powerful attacks, while effortlessly shrugging off the enemies' attacks like nothing, not even trying to avoid them as they have no effect anyway. Despite his large size, he is also extremely fast, whether he is flying in the air or swimming in the water, where his speed is unrivalled. His attacks are of a great variety, capable of easily dealing with foes of any kind, and many of them work great in combination with each other, such as his water and electric-type techniques. ChaosMetalSeadramon's signature attack is Ultimate Stream, which unleashes a huge, continuous laser that disintegrates everything in its path.
Here are some of ChaosMetalSeadramon's attacks:Absolute Zero: Unleashes an extreme explosion of icy cold energy from his body, instantly lowering the temperature in a huge area to the lowest level possible and freezing everything in hard, thick ice. If a rain is currently in effect, the use of this move turns it into a hailstorm.
Burning Spear: His horn is wrapped in flames and he attacks with it. The flames are hot enough to melt diamond.
Chaos Wave: Swings his huge forked tail at his opponent, sending out two extremely powerful, crescent-shaped blasts of black and dark red energy that can slice through almost everything.
Crunch: Crunches the enemy with his powerful jaws.
Deadly Sting: Stabs or slashes the enemy with the tips of his tail, which contain some deadly corrosive poison. The same can also be done with the spikes on his back.
Dive: Dives into the sea to launch an ambush attack on his enemy.
Dragon's Flame: Spews a stream of all-consuming flames from his mouth, incinerating the target to ashes.
Earthquake: Slams the ground with his huge tail, creating an earthquake.
Energy Blast: Unleashes many powerful beams of yellow energy from his entire body, which fly towards all directions and spread devastation in their path.
Giga Ice Blast: Shoots a freezing cold blast from his mouth, freezing the enemy in extremely hard ice.
Hell Squeeze: Wraps the enemy and squeezes the life out of them.
Horn Cutter: Cuts down the enemy with the blade horn on his head.
Hydro Cannon: Fires a huge water blast of extreme pressure at the enemy from his nose-cannon.
Hydroelectric Cannon: Shoots out a massive blast of extremely pressurized water surging with an incredible amount of hugely powerful electricity from his nose-cannon, devastating the enemy.
Hyper Beam: Shoots a devastating Hyper Beam from his nose-cannon.
Hyper Darkness Beam: Fires a giant beam of darkness from his nose-cannon.
Ice Crusher: Wraps up the enemy with his body, and then freezes them solid. After that, he squeezes and shatters the frozen target to pieces. In another variation of this attack, he instead stabs the foe deeply with his horn, freezes them solid, and then rotates his horn to the side or rushes forwards and shatters the foe.
Megavolt: Wraps up the enemy with his body, and then begins electrocuting them with some super-powerful electricity.
Poseidon Divide: Swims or flies fast and strikes his enemies with great force, possibly stunning them.
Rain Dance: Flies in the circle high in the sky, summoning a heavy, flooding rain.
Sky Toss: Wraps his enemy with his tail, flies up high in the air with them, and then tosses them from a great height to fall to the ground and get crushed.
Tail Crash: Strikes the enemy hard with his tail.
Thunder Fang: Crunches his enemy with his powerful fangs, and then starts electrifying them with much powerful electricity from his fangs.
Tidal Wave: Summons an enormous wave of water that crashes onto his enemy. He can also ride the wave and tackle his enemy hard with the gained force from the wave.
Tsunami Cannon: Blasts an insanely huge amount of water from his nose-cannon, so much that it creates a gigantic tsunami able to obliterate and flood huge areas.
Ultimate Stream: ChaosMetalSeadramon's signature attack. Fires an instantaneous giant blue laser beam from his nose-cannon. It disintegrates anything it hits instantly. The attack can be fired continuously to sweep across an area, disintegrating everything in its path.
Volt Tackle: Much incredibly powerful electricity surrounds his body, before he charges at high speed and delivers a devastating shocking tackle at the foe.
Water Grave: Wraps up his enemy and dives deep into the sea with them, drowning them.
Water Poisoning: Puts the tip of his tail into the water and begins releasing much poison in it, making the water deadly for any living organism that touches even a single drop of it. He can also release the poison from the spikes on his back.
Water Power: In areas with great water concentration, such as in the sea or during a rain storm, he discharges a huge amount of electricity from his body, zapping everything within the water-filled area.

ChaosPiedmon is one of the three Chaos Generals. He possesses unlimited magical power, allowing him to effortlessly cast spell after spell without any sort of limit, and he also has knowledge of a huge amount of techniques of all kinds, effects, and powers. ChaosPiedmon is a powerful, sadistic pierrot, who enjoys toying around with his foes for a bit before finishing them off. He is almost always smiling evily while he is in battle, or even at the thought of his enemies' tormenting and destruction. As a wizard, he is second to none, having unsurpassed knowledge and skill in using magic, to the point where other magicians do not even stand a chance against him, as he can effortlessly read through their magic, cancel it out, or even turn their own spells against them. He is able to do just about anything he wishes with magic. However, he is also an unbelievably skilled swordsman, being able to use some incredibly high-level sword techniques capable of doing much more than a simple slash or stab. In addition, he can use his swords to attack the enemy from a distance, as he can throw them and control them telekinetically to slash and stab the foe from afar. ChaosPiedmon's signature attack is Trump Sword, where he throws his four swords straight to the enemy to do some unblockable damage.
Here are some of ChaosPiedmon's attacks:Fire
Ember: Makes a small flame appear on the tip of his finger, before swinging his hand and throwing the flame at the target to ignite them.
Pink Fire Ball: Creates a pink fire ball on the tip of his index finger, and then hurls it at his enemy. This attack reduces the enemy's offensive powers by one level, making their attacks a lot weaker than normal.
Blue Fire Ball: Shapes a light blue fire ball on the tip of his index finger, and then shoots it at his opponent. This attack reduces the enemy's defensive powers by one level, making them much more vulnerable to following attacks.
Will-O-Wisp: Points his hands at his enemy's direction and sends out multiple sinister, bluish white flames which all float towards at the foe to inflict a burn.
Flamethrower: Points his hand at the enemy, and then some flames appear on his palm. He then shoots out a stream of hot flames from his palm, torching the enemy.
Heat Wave: Sends a weakening wave of heat at the enemy, exhausting and fainting them.
Fire Blast: Shoots out an intense blast of all-consuming fire at the foe, which is so powerful it instantly leaves a burn upon connecting with the target.
Fire Spin: Summons two great pillars of fire on both sides of the enemy, which then start moving in a circle around the enemy. The pillars of fire leave a trail of fire as they move, creating a large, circular wall of fire that encircles the foe and traps them in. Then, while still moving in a circular way, the pillars of fire begin slowly closing in on the enemy, until eventually reaching them and burning them to crisps.
Dancing Flames: A flame appears on the tip of his index finger, before he flings it and tosses it high in the air. The flame then creates a bright explosion, which produces hundreds of other flames similar to the original one. The flames then land on the ground, and then they start moving around in random directions, igniting anything they happen to touch on their way.
Eruption: Creates a huge eruption of lava and fire from the ground beneath the enemy's feet, incinerating them instantly.
Drought: Intensifies the sun's effect in an area enough to dry out all water, weaken and faint foes by the heat, and make it much more likely for fires to start in random places.
Abolishing Flames: Swings his hand and fires a blast of purple energy that will incinerate a target instantly and completely when it makes contact.
Blast Burn: Creates an unbelievably massive fiery explosion around himself, razing everything in a huge area around.
Magma Storm: Many huge pillars of lava start erupting from the ground in a large area, and then a huge maelstrom of extremely hot fire rages over the entire area until everything gets reduced to to ashes.
Meltdown: An enormous, explosion-like wave of heat comes out of the earth in a huge area, before the ground starts shaking, cracking and crumblling, giving its place to an incredible amount of lava that slowly arises from the depths of the earth. Everything in the affected area soon crumbles down and melts away, giving its place to a newly formed, gigantic pool of lava.
Fiery Solarbeam: A gigantic beam of solar power covered in solar flames descends from the sky onto the target, causing an extremely huge fiery explosion of energy upon impact, which obliterates everything in a huge area leaving behind nothing but a flame-filled crater.
Water Gun: Points his index and middle fingers at his foe, and shoots out a quick forceful shot of water like a bullet, powerful enough to break a rock.
Ice Beam: Shoots an icy-cold beam of energy from his index finger, freezing the target solid in hard ice.
Icy Wind: Sends out a chilling wind that freezes everything in its path.
Mist: Raises a thick mist to conceal everything in a large area.
Hail: Creates a great and powerful hail storm to harass enemies in a vast area.
Hydro Pump: Creates a great fountain of water which comes out of the ground at huge pressure, blasting the enemy.
Blizzard: Summons a heavy, howling blizzard to attack and possibly freeze foes.
Cutting Stream: Swings his arm upward, summoning a vertical cutting blast of water on the ground, that slices through the ground and above it at high speed as it heads towards its target.
Icicle Spear: Summons many floating spears of ice pointing at the enemy, and then shoots them all at a huge speed to the target. Or, he can make the icicle spears come out of the ground or other surfaces to stab nearby enemies.
Whirlpool: Summons a fast, vicious whirlpool to suck the enemy in and trap them there, possibly also drowning them if they can not breathe underwater.
Ice Pillar: A circle of ice appears on the ground below the enemy, and then the area above that circle freezes into a huge pillar of ice, encasing the enemy in. Shortly afterwards, the ice pillar shatters to pieces along with the foe.
Flash Rain: Summons a heavy rain of cold, poisoned water, combined with large blasts of green lightning that zap foes, which quickly makes even the toughest adversaries crumble.
Flood: Summons an extremely heavy and dense rain that is so powerful it causes damage to the enemies, hides everything with its incredible density, and soon floods an entire area at the size of a city into a massive lake.
Tsunami: Floats upwards at a very great height while the ground starts to shake, before an unbelievably enormous tsunami starts to show behind him in the distance, heading fast towards his opponents to obliterate them with its extreme power.
Hydroelectric Cannon: A large eruption of water happens below the enemy's feet, catching them inside a massive fountain. Then, while the enemy is still inside the fountain, a gigantic and extremely concentrated lightning descends from the sky straight on the enemy, zapping them to nothing.
Absolute Zero: Unleashes a huge, icy explosion that instantly reduces the temperature over a huge area to the lowest level possible, freezing everything completely solid in insanely hard ice.
Thundershock: Points his index finger at the enemy and fires a light jolt of electricity to zap them.
Flash: Creates a sudden, extremely bright light that temporarily blinds all opponents around.
Thunder Wave: Sends out a wave of electricity that lightly zaps and paralyzes foes.
Light Screen: Creates a screen of light that deflects away elemental attacks.
Thunder Ball: Forms a large ball of electricity and throws it at the enemy.
White Lightning: Shoots a beam of white lightning of varying thinness and power from his index finger, piercing through his enemy. An instantaneous attack.
Thunderbolt: Points his hand at the enemy and shoots out a powerful thunder bolt to zap them.
Chains of Light: Shoots out five arrow-like beams of light from each of his fingers, stabbing a single enemy at different parts of their body and taking control of them like a puppet. A technique which is meant to be used against large, powerful foes.
Thunder: An extremely large, powerful and compressed blast of lightning strikes and devastates the enemy.
Lightbeam: Points his index finger at the target, and shoots out a blindingly bright beam of light, which is also insanely compressed and powerful, capable of hollowing out a mountain in a huge explosion.
Zap Cannon: Thrusts his palm at the enemy, and shoots out a huge, catastrophic stream of electricity that zaps the enemy extremely badly and paralyzes them completely.
Flash Cannon: Thrusts his palms at the enemy's direction, shooting out a blindingly bright, fast and hugely destructive blast of light, capable of obliterating entire mountains to rubbles.
Thunder Storm: Summons a huge amount of black clouds which fill the sky and shadow an enormous area below, and then a huge storm of gigantic pillar-like bolts of lightning begins raining down from the dark clouds, bombarding the ground and obliterating everything.
Moonbeam: A quick and powerful laser-like beam of light descends from the Moon itself at the speed of light to hit his enemy in an astonishingly catastrophic explosion, capable of turning a city into a crater.
Advent of Thunder: ChaosPiedmon uses his magical powers to gather many dark thunder clouds all over the sky. A huge thunder storm then begins to happen, which bombards areas at the size of an island with devastating lightnings. Then, ChaosPiedmon uses his magical powers again to gather many thunder clouds together and shape them all into a gigantic, sphere-shaped combination of many compressed thunder clouds. The sphere-shaped cloud looks much more stable than an ordinary cloud, an it resembles an enormous solid object floating in the sky between the clouds. When this is done, ChaosPiedmon uses his magical powers to drop the sphere-shaped cloud to the ground, causing an insanely huge explosion of thunder able to devastate enormous areas.
Light of Judgement: An enormous, devastating beam of light descends from the sky and lays waste across the world like a huge, continuous laser. Its power is enough to split continents in half in a single motion, and instantly obliterate any cities in its path.
Vine Whip: Makes many vines come out of the ground to whip the foe hard.
Whirlwind: Summons a strong wind meant to quickly blow away enemies or attacks.
Giga Drain: Places his palm on the enemy and rapidly drains out their energy.
Razor Leaf: Summons a single, razor-sharp leaf between his index and middle finger, and then swings his hand quickly and sends the leaf flying fast towards the enemy to cut them. The leaf can increase its size on the way to the enemy if needed, and it may also optionally leave a trail of many replications of itself as it travels, which also head towards the enemy to inflict even more damage. A combination of the two is also possible, sending out a trail of huge, razor-sharp leaves to crush the enemy's defense.
Binding Leaves: Raises many leaves which wrap themselves around his enemies, turning them into leaf-covered "mummies" and immobilizing them.
Magical Leaf: Summons many razor-sharp leaves which fly at the foe, and automatically surround them and slash them up repeatedly. They also chase after them if they try to escape.
Razor Wind: Slices the air with his sword and sends a quick slicing wind at the enemy.
Air Cutter: Slashes at the air with his sword, sending out a blade of air which then splits up into five blades of air.
Wind Shield: Creates a spherical shield of extremely powerful and fast-moving wind around himself, deflecting all attacks.
Poison Vines: Many thorned, poisonous vines come out of the ground below the enemy's feet, rapidly entangling them and slashing them up with their thorns, infecting them with some extremely deadly and paralyzing poison.
Leaf Storm: Summons many floating, razor-sharp leaves behind and above him, and then sends them all to overwhelm and slice up his foes.
Massacring Wind: Sends out a wind that starts cutting up the enemy multiple times as if it was filled with blades.
Energy Ball: Points his hand at the enemy, draws power from nature in it and condenses it into a sphere in his hand, and then shoots it at the foe.
Leech Seed: A seed suddenly pops out of the ground before the enemy, and then miniature vines come out of it to wrap up the foe, restraining them and beginning to drain out their energy.
Sleep Powder: A cloud of sleep-inducing powder appears above the enemy and falls at them, putting them to sleep.
Stun Spore: A cloud of paralyzing powder appears above the enemy and falls at them, paralyzing them.
Poisonpowder: A cloud of poisonous powder appears above the enemy and falls at them, poisoning them.
Aeroblast: Points his hand at the enemy and shoots out a largely condensed, horizontal vortex of incredibly powerful air to inflict damage.
Hard Plant: Huge, spiky tree roots erupt out of the ground to smash the enemy hard, stab them with their large thorns, and bind them up to immobilize them or crush them.
Hurricane: Creates a twister in his hand, and then throws it to away the ground, where it turns into a gigantic, devastating hurricane, wrapping the foe in a catastrophically fierce wind that flies up to the sky.
Solar Beam: An incredibly huge solar beam descends from the sky at huge speed and obliterates the foe in an enormous explosion.
Air Slash: Slashes at the air with his sword, sending out a blade of air the height of a skyscraper, powerful enough to tear even the sky.
Forest Power: Slams his hand on the ground, making huge trees grow out of the earth for various purposes, such as blocking an enemy's attack, forming into a series of trees in a circle around the enemy and leaning towards each other at the top to connect and trap the foe completely, or wrapping around the enemy and immobilizing them with their expanding branches. He can even use this attack to create a gigantic labyrinth of huge, extremely hard trees that block the sky from above with their huge branches, and the labyrinth is also filled with numerous nature-themed traps, such as flowers that release dangerous powders to anyone that gets nearby, vines that wrap around the enemies' bodies to immobilize them, poisonous thorns sticking out of the surfaces of trees and other plants to damage any foes that touch them, and storms of razor-sharp leaves that fly from trees and overwhelm and obliterate the targets.
Tornado Storm: Summons a great wind that rages across a very vast range, and starts many large, powerful tornadoes everywhere to create devastation. The tornadoes are very destructive individually, but they can become even stronger by combining together with each other into even larger tornadoes, capable of sweeping up entire countries.
Sandstorm: Raises a powerful sandstorm that buffets his enemies and hugely reduces visibility in the affected area.
Quicksand: Changes the ground below the enemy's feet into quicksand, which sucks them down to the depths of the earth.
Muddy River: Levitates high off the ground, while a huge wave of mud appears in the distance, crashing towards his foes to overwhelm and carry them off.
Ancientpower: Swings his hand upwards, and massive boulders begin suddenly erupting out of the ground with great power consecutively in a straight line towards the foe.
Sand Tomb: A large amount of sand arises from the ground and surrounds the target tightly, and then on the clench of a fist the sand implodes, crushing the target.
Rock Tomb: Four giant boulders erupt from the ground all around the foe, and then they close in and crush them.
Earth Power: The ground at the enemy's feet erupts powerfully like a landmine, damaging the foe.
Rock Slide: Huge boulders erupt out of the earth and fly up to a great height, before raining back down at the foes. ChaosPiedmon can also just make the boulders appear in the air above the enemy and fall onto them to crush them.
Earthquake: Creates a big and disastrous earthquake, which damages enemies with its powerful spreading shockwaves.
Grave: Many stalagmites erupt near the foe and stab them from all directions. Stalactites can also be used if the environment allows it.
Fissure: Steps on the earth, and then the ground there cracks open, and the crack continues to extend into a huge chasm as it reaches towards the enemy to make them fall inside.
Stone Edge: One or more large rocks rapidly arise from the ground below or near the enemy to stab them with their sharpened tops.
Stealth Rock: Lays a trap of magically levitating sharp stones, which lift off the ground and hurl themselves at any nearby enemies that approach.
Petrifier: Points his hand at the enemy, and then fires a green ray of energy that turns the enemies to stone.
Crushing Rocks: Huge rocks emerge from the ground for various offensive or defensive purposes.
Dark Fissure: The ground splits up into a huge chasm of abyssal darkness, which sucks all enemies in with irresistible force, equal to a thousand times their own individual weight. After a few seconds, the massive gap on the ground closes again, burying any opponents it managed to suck in.
Earthquake Storm: Infuses a ridiculous amount of dark energy into the ground, and then a massive storm of simultaneous earthquakes starts all across an enormous area at the size of an entire continent, obliterating everything.
Meteor: A catastrophic rain of comets happens and obliterates his foes.
Shadow Ball: Forms a black ball of dark, shadowy energy and throws it at the enemy.
Darkness Beam: Shoots a beam of darkness from his index finger at the target.
Shadow Wave: Sends out a wave of pure darkness that damages the enemies and fills their hearts with fear.
Dark Impact: Infuses dark energy to create dark explosions at the moment of impact of his physical attacks, making them more powerful and sucking out the target's energy.
Dark Infusion: Infuses dark energy into his elemental attacks, making them shadowy versions of themselves and draining out the foe's energy when they hit.
Chaos Wave: Slashes the air with his sword, sending out an extremely powerful crescent-shaped blast of black and dark red energy that can slice through almost anything.
Dark Explosion: Creates a powerful explosion of black energy, which damages enemies and sucks out their energy.
Dark Pulse: Unleashes a horrible aura of darkness, which makes the enemies see a terrible illusion about their worst nightmares coming true. This can temporarily devastate the enemy's concentration, flinching them. This attack can also be used to fade out other incoming attacks, cancelling them.
Dark Void: Casts an illusion to the victim, in which they keep falling forever into a bottomless abyss of darkness. The foe is put to sleep and never wakes up unless they are helped by an extrenal force.
Dark Magic: Points his palm at his enemy, blasting them with a magical force. The magical force causes the enemy to suddenly see everything in reversed colors, and then a moment afterwards the illusion shatters, along with the enemy's defenses, which get reduced to the lowest level possible.
Evil Wind: Sends out a sinister wind of darkness at the enemy, which weakens them down and fades out any attacks they are using at the moment.
Invisibility: Becomes invisible, completely or partially.
Intangibility: Becomes intangible for a short amount of time, enough to pass through an obstacle or avoid an attack.
Hyper Darkness Beam: Shoots a high-powered, wide-range Hyper Darkness Beam from the tip of his index finger.
Hand of Darkness: Infuses his hand with much condensed darkness, and then swings it at an incoming attack to deflect it effortlessly.
Death: Places his hand on an enemy's head and then pulls out their soul from their body, killing them.
Black Device: Disappears into a black cloud which can damage enemies, and reappears somewhere else.
Dark Sphere: Points his hand at his enemy, and then they get engulfed in some darkness, which then forms into a sphere around them, and the darknes also slows down the enemy's movements dramatically so they can't escape. The dark sphere surrounding the enemy then starts draining much of their energy at a rapid rate, and then a few moments later it explodes, blasting the enemy using the power it absorbed from them.
Black Coffin: Some dark energy appears in his hand, and then the dark energy forms into a black box that surrounds the target. The black box is then pierced by dozens of dark energy spears, lacerating the one inside from head to toe. Afterwards, the black box disappears, revealing the target, who, a second later, has their blood spray out with great pressure from all over their body, before falling over, dead.
Black Cloning: Creates a clone of his opponent, exactly similar to them but entirely black. The clone's initial power, which is the power of the cloned foe at the time they were cloned, remains unchenged during the course of battle.
Dark Guillotine: With a click of his fingers, two crescent blades of dark energy suddenly appear on either sides of the enemy's neck, both pointing at the neck and flying towards it at high speed. The enemy's head then flies off their shoulders. The attack can also be used to chop off other body parts of the enemy as well.
Gravity: Fires a specially enchanted Shadow Ball at the enemy, which doubles the weight of anything it hits. Gravity can be used over and over to double the same target's weight again and again, increasing it to 2x (on the first hit), 4x, 8x, 16x, 32x, 64x, 128x, and so on, until a maximum of 1024x. Along this already devastating ability, Gravity also has an additional effect. If the enemy somehow dispels it, then Gravity is rigged to instantly drain out half of the enemy's energy in an explosion of darkness happening from within the foe's body, blasting them and leaving them badly weakened.
Poison: Shoots a stream of an extremely concentrated crimson energy-like gas at the enemy, which changes their power into exploding dark energy. After being hit by the attack, the enemy's entire body glows dark crimson, and then it darkens to pitch black, at which point the enemy explodes and gets deleted instantly.
Dark Curse: Points his hand at his enemy and casts a dark spell on them, which surrounds them in a dark aura, blinds, deafens and mutes them, and renders them unable to cast any spells.
Death Wave: Begins emitting many odd, cold energy waves. With each additional consecutive wave the enemy is being exposed to, their heart starts beating slower and slower, until it eventually stops, at which point the enemy suffers a heart attack and dies. The wave frequency of this attack is pretty high, so its final effect happens within only a few seconds after the attack starts. This technique only has effect on living beings, while undead beings will simply be caused to faint by it.
Soul Cruncher: Swings his hand upwards and releases a shadowy, dragon-shaped beam that flies through the enemy's body and shatters their soul in the process.
Final Destination: Creates an explosion of darkness which sends everything caught within it straight to the depths of Hell.
Psychic: Uses his unrivalled psychic powers to overwhelm his opponents.
Psybeam: Shoots a multicolored beam of psychic energy from his palm, his eyes, or out of nowhere, provided he can see where he will shoot the attack from.
Confusion: Blasts the foe with a weak telekinetic force, and renders them in a confused state where they start blindly attacking their allies or even themselves.
Hypnosis: Hypnotizes the foe with his psychic powers. He can simply put them to sleep, or completely take control of their personality, memories and thoughts and turn them into entirely different persons.
Mind Reader: Reads the mind of his enemy using his psychic abilities. He can also use this ability remotely on targets distanced very far away from him, and to such an extent that he can even see through their eyes and sense through their other senses. The only requirement is that he has met that being and read their mind before.
Illusion: Places the foe under a flawless illusion.
Disable: Uses his psychic powers to affect the enemy's mind and make them temporarily forget how to use a certain technique of theirs.
Teleport: Instantly teleports from a place to another, even between different dimensions. He can also remotely teleport objects, or even living beings by touching them with his hand.
Reflect: Erects a powerful energy shield that blocks physical attacks.
Future Sight: Sets up some multicolored psychic energy beams to appear sometime later and blast the foe from behind by surprise. Aside from offensive purposes, this technique can also be used by the user to see what is happening at faraway distances, possibly foreseeing future events.
Psychocutter: Slices the air with his sword, sending out three crescent-shaped blades of psychic energy to tear at his foe. Or alternatively, he can send out one larger psychic blade that flies like a boomerang. These psychic blades have the ability to hit multiple targets, as they do not fade away after hitting an enemy, instead passing through them while doing damage and then keep going and hit anything else in their way in the same manner. They only disappear after a short time from their use.
Psywave: Begins emitting many odd, hot energy waves. Each of these waves weakens the enemy's power by a certain percentage of their total energy, and if the target is exposed to too many of these waves consecutively, they lose all of their energy and faint.
Psychic Blast: Creates an explosion of multicolored psychic energy at a selected location.
Psychic Cutter: Cuts the air with his sword, and the physical damage is inflicted directly on the enemy.
Psycho Boost: Unleashes an incredibly huge blast of extremely compressed multicolored psychic energy at his enemy.
Body Possession: He disappears, his swords appear on an enemy's back, and then he takes full control of the enemy's body until it is destroyed or he exits willingly.
Sword Attack: Attacks his target with his swords, slashing or stabbing them.
Sword Throw: Throws one of his swords at the target.
Illusion Stab: Unleashes a flurry of stabs with his sword, which are so fast that many afterimages of his sword can be seen during the technique, looking like they are all stabbing the enemy together.
Ghost Thrust: Performs a special thrust of his sword, which has the ability to bypass obstacles such as the enemy's blocking weapons or armor, and attack the enemy hiding behind those obstacles. His sword simply passes through these obstacles like a ghost, ignoring them, and stabs the foe after them instead. More specifically, the technique works like this.
Cross Cutter: Does a devastating cross-slash with his swords, which is extremely difficult to block.
Phantom Blade: With his sword drawn out, he rushes past his opponent at blinding speed, appearing as if he just disappears and then reappears behind his enemy instantly. A huge slash wound then appears on the enemy, out of which their blood starts spouting out like a volcanic eruption.
Diabolic Slash: A sword slash that leaves many shadowy afterimages of the sword while it is being swung, and it also seems like it harmlessly passes through the target before its damage takes effect. While it looks like a calm and elegant technique, it possesses unnaturally extreme power, meant to crush through the enemy's defenses completely and slice them clean in two. It is powerful enough to cut down an entire forest in a single swing, or split a whole mountain in two.
Sword Plant: Jumps high in the air, and then grabs his sword with both hands and turns it to point downwards at his foe, before falling down at them and planting the sword deep into their body to finish them off. Alternatively, he just holds his sword from the hilt, pointing it downwards at the enemy, before thrusting and planting it to their body.
Hell Shredding: Does a cross-slash with his swords, unleashing one million long, thin, concentrated crescent blades of slicing energy from each sword at the same time. The crescent blades are condensed together so much that all of them together appear like a single, large energy blast, although in reality each of the blades cuts the target individually with unbelievably extreme power, as each one of these blades on their own can slice through diamond. This technique works both from close and as a ranged attack. It can also be used with one sword, though it will only have half the power.
Toxic Spikes: Hundreds of poisoned spikes suddenly emerge from the ground, badly poisoning anyone that gets hurt by them.
Mortal Dagger: Raises his hand up, and a small dagger comes out of his his sleeve into his hand. He then quickly quickly swings his hand down and throws the dagger at the enemy. Upon impact, a deadly poison is injected into the enemy, and then the dagger disappears. The poison causes the target's cells to break down and dissolve.
Trump Sword: ChaosPiedmon's signature attack. Grabs the four swords from his back and throws them all at the enemy, controlling their flight if he wants to. They deal unblockable damage that ignores the enemy's defenses, and also instantly cancel out any power-ups or transformations the enemy used during the battle, reverting them back to their original forms.
Smokescreen: Creates an explosion of obscuring smoke, temporarily hiding everything within the resulting cloud.
Poison Gas: Summons some deadly poison gas that comes out of the earth below the enemy's feet. The gas makes the foe faint if inhaled, and later kills them if left untreated.
Double Team: Creates many illusory copies of himself to confuse the opponent.
Sonic Boom: Fires a destructive shock wave of sound from his index finger.
Energy Shot: Shoots a powerful burst of yellow energy at his foe.
Counter Wave: Sends out some waves which quickly repel and send back any incoming attacks.
Toy Wonderness: Swings his arm up fast, sending out a powerful shockwave at the enemy's direction. The shockwave can lift rocks off the ground and throw them at the foe for additional damage.
Full Recovery: Fully recovers from any damage or status effects.
Restore Seal: Casts a spell that prevents the foe from using any restorative or power-up techniques.
Tri Attack: Shoots out three beams of fire, ice, and electricity that fly together in a triple spiralling formation towards the foe.
Exhibition Case: Traps the enemy in an inescapable exhibition case, in which they are completely helpless and unable to move. This technique can only be cast on currently defenseless foes, for example being asleep or under an illusion.
Energy Drill: Creates a huge energy drill in the air, which then spins and rips through the enemy.
Water Poisoning: Puts the tip of his index finger inside some water, and quickly poisons the entire body of water.
Final Spell: Creates a sonic blast that would inflict mortal injury.
Hidden Power: Summons many small dark spheres floating around himself in a circle, each containing a different elemental power. The dark spheres then shoot out towards all directions, hitting the surroundings with large explosions of random, unpredictable elemental natures.
Hyper Beam: Shoots a high-powered, wide-range Hyper Beam from the tip of his index finger.
Element Infusion: Infuses elements into his attacks, doing moves such as fiery slashes, icy tornadoes and thunder punches.
Enchantment: Adds various effects to objects in the environment. He can do a huge variety of things with this ability, which is great for laying traps. For example, he can enchant rocks with explosive power, making them blow up as someone steps on them, he can disguise an elemental attack as another attack (for example, disguising a Thunderbolt as an Ice Beam), make anything poisonous, make something such as a statue come to life animated by dark energy and even having abilities of ChaosPiedmon's choice, creating a quicksand or swamp and disguising them as regular earth, casting negative effects on his enemies' weapons (such as a sword being unable to cut, or the sword's hilt growing spikes from it to stab the user's hand), and countless other things.
Magical Trap: An application of Enchantment. Infuses the ground or another surface or object with magical energy. When an enemy passes near the magically infused place or object, the trap is set off and explodes, blowing up the enemy. For example, a vase can be enchanted with fiery power. Then when an enemy passes near the vase, the vase blows up in a huge explosion of fire, incinerating the target. Other kinds of spells can also be used as traps, for example a hypnotic spell could have been set off instead of a fiery explosion in the previous example, if such had been infused into the vase.
Rising Wall: A massive wall of any element of his choice arises before him to block an enemy attack.
Clown Trick: Does various tricks, including transformation and disguises. One of these tricks is to throw a handkerchief at his enemies, which expands enough in size to cover them up completely, then zap them with some purple lightning, and then turn them into small dolls hanging around ChaosPiedmon's waist. Another is to throw another, black handkerchief at an enemy's incoming attack, making it disappear, and then waving the handkerchief and returning the enemy's attack ten times stronger.
Cancel: Instantly cancels out an enemy attack with a yellow energy from his hand.
Slow: Casts a spell which slows down all of the enemy's movements, as if it slows down time for them.
Stop: A spell that completely immobilizes his foe for some time.
Dimension Gate: Does a slash with his sword, ripping up a dimensional gate that links the current dimension to another.
Reverse Magic: With his superior skill in controlling magic, ChaosPiedmon is able to steal the sovereignty of any spells his enemies use, and turn them against their original casters.
Magic Comprehension: With his supreme understanding of magic, ChaosPiedmon has the ability to easily see through the workings of any magical technique that is being used by others, and replicate it for his own use.
Magical Illusion: Places the foe into an endless loop of extremely realistic illusions, which look and feel just like reality. This illusion is special because one can not break out of it on their own. Even if they somehow realize or think they are in an illusion and try to use a technique to break it, this will only start another realistic illusion, and this goes on and on no matter how many times the victim tries to break out of the illusion. Thus, the victim will either think the illusion is reality and live normally in it, or they will fall into despair and madness knowing they can never escape the dream. The effect of this technique can only be overcome by assistance from the outside.
Magic Channeling: Channels his magical powers through a selected target that acts as a medium, enabling him to remotely cast spells at far away locations, by viewing there through the selected enemy's eyes with Mind Reader. He can even cast Hypnosis on the enemy whose eyes he is seeing through, to completely take control of their actions and what they are seeing.
Off Waves: Sends out multiple red rings of destructive energy, which expand away and repel or obliterate everything in their way.
Ending Snipe: Raises both his hands up and catches them in each other, and then he points at his enemy and shoots out an incredibly powerful magical blast intended to finish off the foe.
Ultima: Unleashes a gigantic explosion of evil magical energy. This unbelievably destructive technique bypasses all defenses, covers a huge range, and plain murders everything caught in its range, leaving behind nothing but devastation. It is the most powerful spell in existence.
A master of moves, ChaosPiedmon never fails to surprise his enemies, always having one more trick up his sleeve...