Chaos Planet is a planet of about the same size as Earth. It is a dark planet, as it does not have a Sun to enlighten it, and its only sources of light are a Moon and the light from Highlight Heaven, where the God of Light HolyJirachi lives. This light is enough to enlighten the entire File Island, a large part of the Great Desert to its South, the Sunshine Moon Beach, the Purple Woods and everything even up to the Seadragon's Den to its West, the area up to the Thunderclouds Region to its North, and the sea until the Giant Rock Circle to its East. Those areas are enlightened by Highlight Heaven's light, while everything else is enlightened by moonlight from the Moon of Chaos Planet. Chaos Planet is inhabited by various beings, which are machines, dark beings, elemental beings, or just normal living organisms. Those beings are usually concentrated in specific areas of the planet, where the living conditions are appropriate for them.
Area Information:
File City: File City is a huge city inhabited by many machines. It is the most advanced and organized place of the planet, where machines from all corners of the world meet each other. The city itself has a very large amount of tall buildings in its center, and the buildings then become more and more spread out and smaller towards the city's outskirts. In charge of the city's defense is Machinedramon, the First Chosen Champion, who is a gigantic dragon machine who commands an army of other machines. The greatest researcher of the planet also has his laboratory in File City. He is Mechanikat, a cat-like machine and one of the Chosen Champions, who possesses an unbelievable amount of knowledge and has information about the entire planet. The other Chosen Champions are also usually in this city, except Puppetmon, who is too busy playing around on File Island. Alphamon also usually trains with his army at Castle Alpha, but he visits File City occasionally to check on the situation there. Beelzemon sometimes goes off to roam around the planet on his Behemoth, Mega-Emperor visits the Thunderclouds Region every once in a while to train his electrical skills, and the Massacrer disappears and his whereabouts are unknown. He is believed to wander around in the shadows of ChaosGraveyard, but no one has ever reported seeing him there while he's gone from the city.
Kernel Zone: Kernel Zone is an extremely vast, square dark area to the North of File City. It is the area where Chaos Planet's two most powerful machines, ChaosLord and Overlord GAIA are located. In the center of the area, there is Core Tower, a huge black tower inside which resides the New GAIA, the resurrected Overlord GAIA brought back by Mechanikat. However, in his current state, he only acts as a super-powerful machine with near endless capacity, capable of projecting a special information shield known as the GAIA Shield around the entire Chaos Planet, and controlled by Mechanikat's control room in his laboratory. Core Tower has three entrances, each of which is guarded by an extremely powerful machines known as a Guardian. The three Guardians are the Vaccine Guardian, the Virus Guardian, and the Data Guarian, guarding the West, North-East, and South entrances of Core Tower, respectively. On the top of the tower, there is a huge radar called the GAIA Radar, which can be used to scan the universe in incredibly large distances, as well as release various wave and beam attacks in space. To the South-West of Core Tower, and also to the South-West corner of Kernel Zone, is the GAIA Cannon, a giant black cannon which can utilize GAIA's energy to launch planet-busting energy shots. To the North-East corner of Kernel Zone, there is the Chaos Tower, a huge black tower with 100 floors, where the Overlord of Chaos himself, ChaosLord resides on its top, watching over the planet.
ChaosGraveyard: An extremely dark forest to the East of File City. It is filled with leafless trees and Woodmon hiding amongst them and posing as such, ready to launch their energy-draining attacks when the enemy isn't suspecting. Many of the trees are also incredibly huge, covering the sky and preventing even the moonlight to enter the forest. In the forest, there are mists which not only make the place even less visible, but they can also cause illusions, further increasing the difficulty of travelling in that area. Also, there are swamps at random areas, in which Yanmamon, Raremon, Gekomon, Sukamon and Numemon live. The inhabitats of ChaosGraveyard are dark beings which lurk in the shadows, ready to lunge at their victims and viciously tear them to shreds. The dark beings' approach in battles varies. Ghosts like to cause illusions to their enemies and confusing them in any way possible, such as transforming into other forms or releasing Confuse Rays on them. Other ghosts prefer to stay invisible until they sneak behind their foe's back and backstab them. Skeletons and other undead creatures suddenly appear from behind trees or arise from the ground and slowly advance towards their enemy, overwhelming them with their numbers and immortality. Powerful beings such as Devidramon suddenly lunge from the shadows and deliver deadly physical blows at their victims. Some of them, such as DexDorugamon, don't even hide in the shadows, and just destroy anyone in their way. In the deepest, darkest, and most nightmarish depths of ChaosGraveyard lives SkullMew, the God of Darkness, although no one has ever survived so far to see him. Vamdemon and Knightmare, two extremely powerful former Chosen Champions, also live in the dark forest. Knightmare wanders around ChaosGraveyard and destroys anyone he finds in his way, devouring their souls with his huge blade, the Soul Edge, while Vamdemon lives in a mansion known as the Grey Lord's Mansion, and he has his subordinates, Mummymon and Arukenimon, search for powerful beings in the forest and bring them to him to drink their souls. A threat equal to these two Chosen Champions, a being known as the Nightstalker of ChaosGraveyard also lives in the forest. The Nightstalker sets up numerous deadly traps all over the forest, and moves around at blinding speeds, brushing past his foes from behind like a shadow as he cuts them with his scythe, whose blade is covered in a poisonous acid able to cut through almost anything. In addition to that, his blade has the ability to kill anything it stabs twice at the same spot, making it one of the most lethal weapons in the entire Chaos Planet.
Death Mountain: Death Mountain is a dark, heavily forested mountain somewhere very deep in ChaosGraveyard. The mysterious top of this mountain is engulfed in a huge veil of shadows that makes it impossible to see what is there. Out of this veil of shadows, many skeletons, zombies, and other undead beings constantly come out and raid the nearby areas, attacking whoever they find in their way. The shadows on Death Mountain's top have yet to be explored by the machines, as the ChaosGraveyard in general is a place that is avoided because of the fearsome nightmares within its shade, which can consume even the most powerful warriors. What lies inside the shadows on the top of Death Mountain is a huge, floating dark castle known as the Castle of Dark Illusions. The castle's magic is actually what shrouds Death Mountain's top with the huge veil of shadows, which not only is pitch-black, but it also creates horrible, inescapable illusions to anyone who enters its darkness. Inside the Castle of Dark Illusions is the Lich King, an extremely powerful sorcerer who is responsible for the summoning of the undead creatures that come out of the shadow on Death Mountain's top and attack the rest of ChaosGraveyard. The Castle of Dark Illusions has no entrances, only a teleportation portal on a place on the floor inside the castle. This teleportation portal links to another teleportation portal which is at another place, an underground city beneath the top of Death Mountain, known as the Undercity. The Undercity is under the ground below another old, ruined city on the mountain's top. This huge underground city is where the undead beings are summoned by the Lich King, and then after some basic training and getting armed with simple weapons they are thrown in ChaosGraveyard to kill as many foes as they can, hoping that one day, they will slay all those who stand in the Lich King's way to become the Master of the Universe.
Wastelands: An area adjacent to the ChaosGraveyard to its South-West. There is nothing there but gray dust and variously shaped and sized gray rocks. In its center, there is ChaosPiedmon's Observatory Tower, where he resides and observes Chaos Planet with a telescope.
Great Long Mountain Row: Just to the East of ChaosGraveyard, right next to it, there is a huge row of thousands of mountains, known as the Great Long Mountain Row. This unbelievably massive row of mountains is extremely long, extending from Freezeland to the North down to the end of ChaosGraveyard in the South. The mountains are of various sizes, but most of them are extremely tall. They present a huge obstacle for those travelling East of File City, as they block the way with their incredible sizes and heights. They do have some caves however, including a huge tunnel extending from one end of the row of mountains to the other. But the caves are harsh and very dangerous to travel in, with powerful beings such as Golemon, Killix, Raidon, Aggronn, Giant Soldier of Stone, MetalGolem, and Sandsteel eager to attack travellers. On the North part of the Great Long Mountain Row, the mountains and the caves within them are completely made of ice, and fast-moving Sneasel used to the ice take advantage of the travellers' difficulty to move properly, and attack them with fast-moving slashes and tackles. Their foes are unable to defend themselves well enough because of the slippery ice on their feet and the extreme cold which hinders their performance. There are also a lot of Coldbats in the frozen paths, which attack travellers with bites that suck heat instead of blood, freezing the victims to ice. Ice bears known as Cursaring and metallic winter wolves called MetalGarurumon can also sometimes be found in the ice caves.
Giant Rock Circle: After the Great Long Mountain Row, to its East, there is an incredibly enormous mountain of rock which shapes into a circle around an area. This is called the Giant Rock Circle. There are no caves, tunnels, or passages at all, it can get very steep at times, and the extremely aggressive and powerful Airondactyl that live on its heights make it incredibly hard to pass by climbing or flying.
Lava Rivers: This is the area inside the Giant Rock Circle. To the North-East of this place is one of the four highest mountains of Chaos Planet, Mount Lava, on the top of which the God of Fire, M-Moltres lives. Mount Lava is an active, powerful volcano, from the top of which huge amounts of lava pour constantly. The lava goes down the mountain and creates many rivers, as well as a huge lake of lava on the ground. The area took its name from those rivers of lava, which emit extreme heat and make the temperature within the Giant Rock Circle reach incredible levels, to the point where even metal may melt. Lava Rivers is also a very dark area, because a huge fire constantly burns on the top of Mount Lava, and the black smokes created from it darken the clouds and make ot difficult for the moonlight to reach the ground. Also, many embers created from M-Moltres's flames constantly rain down from the top of Mount Lava to the whole area inside Giant Rock Circle, creating a rain of fire in the place. However, the beings that live there, such as Magmabot, Ponysteel, Meramon, SkullMeramon, Flarerizamon, Irozard, Phoenixmon, Greymon, Kyuubimon, Tyrannomon, MechArcanine, Meltei, and Volcamon, have no problem living in such conditions, as fire is their element.
Underground Lava Rivers: Through a cave on the foot of Mount Lava, one can travel down to lower levels of Lava Rivers. Those areas look like caves in which there are many lava rivers and lakes, just like those on the surface, but underground. There are even lava waterfalls at many places, some falling into seemingly bottomless holes on the ground. Underground Lava Rivers has many levels under the ground and goes extremely deep. The beings that live in Underground Lava Rivers are the same as those who live on Lava Rivers and also many rock and ground-type beings, and they all become more and more powerful as one travels lower and lower into the ground.
Shadow Abyss: After a certain huge depth in Underground Lava Rivers, the place becomes so hot and dark that even ground, rock, and fire-type beings can not safely survive there. This area in the great depths of earth is known as Shadow Abyss. It is much darker than the other levels above it, and the lava there is so hot that it instantly melts diamond. The land is also much rougher, with steep and narrow passes on cliffs that have deadly lava surrounding them. No beings at all live in this area, except for a single one. In the bottom of Shadow Abyss, there is a huge cave with a gigantic pool of lava covering most of the floor, in which many waterfalls of lava pour in from the sides. This place is inhabited by that one being who rests sunken into the lava. He is ColossalRhydon of Shadow Abyss, a gigantic Rhydon made of metal and rock with glowing red eyes, and one of the most powerful machines on Chaos Planet, whose power and toughness are the same as those of Machinedramon and UltimateBrachiomon. Few have ever survived to reach him, and none survived the encounter.
File Island: File Island is an island in the sea between the Giant Rock Circle and the Purple Woods. It is an island full of grass, plants and trees, including Woodmon, Cherrymon, Vegiemon, RedVegiemon, Petaldramon, Floramon, Giganium, Mushroomon and Blossomon, bugs, such as GranKuwagamon, Kabuterimon, Kuwagamon, Flymon, Snimon, HerculesKabuterimon, Cyther, Pinsiron, MetalHeracross, Dokunemon, Tentomon, and Butterflee, and some birds, like Kokatorimon, Akatorimon, Deramon and Kiwimon. The reason all those living beings and plants are able to exist is because of the oxygen M-Grasquatro, the God of Nature, constantly produces from his body from the top of Mount Nature, one of the four highest mountains of Chaos Planet, on File Island. Because of this oxygen, the water, and the light from Highlight Heaven, File Island has turned into a beautiful paradise inhabited by nature-based beings. Aside from Mount Nature, which is a mountain full of trees except for its top, where there's a valley of grass and flowers, File Island is mostly filled with trees, but there is also a valley of grass and flowers through which a river also runs, called the Hidden Valley. File island is also the Place where Puppetmon, one of the Chosen Champions lives. He stays at his house someplace in the forest, and from there, with his subordinates and forest tricks, he has fun taking care of unwanted intruders.
Hidden Valley: Somewhere on File Island, there exists a huge valley with filled with flowers, grass, bushes, and some trees, which also has a river flowing through its land. This area is also surrounded completely by mountains, which are all covered in extremely thick forestation. Even the river that comes into the valley passes through a mountain to reach there. This valley is known as the Hidden Valley, as it is incredibly difficult to access by land. The beings that live there are not trees, bugs or plants, but large dinosaurs. Those dinosaurs live exclusively in the Hidden Valley, isolated from the other living organisms which inhabit the rest of the island. The beings which can be found in Hidden Valley are Agumon, Greymon, Tyrannomon, Monochromon, Triceramon, Vermillimon, Shellmon, MasterTyrannomon, DarkTyrannomon, Seadramon, Airdramon, Groundramon, Veedramon, Tuskmon, Tortomon, MoriShellmon, Guilmon, Growlmon, Ankylomon, Brachiomon, Stegomon, Plesiomon, AeroVeedramon, DinoRexmon, and Spinomon.
Purple Woods: The Purple Woods is an area named after its purple trees and grass. Pink flowers also bloom on the trees and emit a deadly poisonous scent. M-Grasquatro's oxygen gets carried by the wind and reaches this area, and the light from Highlight Heaven gets somewhat darkened by some dark energy from the purple flora and makes it look like it is almost always afternoon. Purple Woods is split into two parts, the Forest Area to the North, and the Grass Area to the South. The Forest Area is mostly filled with trees that have poisonous, falling brown or purple leaves. As the trees' leaves are falling, it looks like it is Autumn, as there are a lot of leaves on the ground, however they are very quick to grow back on the tree branches, and so the trees do not look like they have lost too many leaves. Along with the leaves, tiny pink particles of poison powder also sometimes fall from the trees, which can kill certain beings with ease. Randomly spread amongst the forest are many swamps of poisonous, sludge-like acid that can dissolve anything that ends up inside it. Those swamps also exist in the Grass Area to the South, which has extremely tall purple and brown grass. However, the swamps in the Grass Area are even more dangerous than those of the forest, because of the tall grass that blocks sight, so with a single inconsiderate move one may end up falling in an acid swamp and dissolving to nothing in an instant. In all those swamps, it is often for Grimer to live in, made by sludge and acid and unaffected by it, being actually a part of the swamp they are in. Other beings that live in Purple Woods are powerful predatory bugs like Pinsiron, Cyther, Skizor, Snimon, Flymon, Kuwagamon, and HerculesKabuterimon, which are much more aggressive and ferocious than those on File Island. Arbok and Seviper live only in the Grass Area, hiding in the long grass and ambushing those who are passing through. Igamon, Kougamon, Peckmon, Seviper, Zangoose, Woodmon, Mushroomon and RedVegiemon can be found in the Forest Area only. Igamon and Kougamon hide in trees and use shadow clones, eliminating their prey with kunai and shuriken covered in poisonous acid from the swamps. Also, in this area there exists an extremely powerful being undefeated by all the rest. It is a gigantic Muk many times larger than a normal one, who is known as King Muk of Purple Woods, and he lives inside a huge sludge-like swamp of poisonous acid somewhere in the woods. He has never known defeat to anyone, as he always consumed his opponents and even their attacks with his dissolving, sludge-like acid body.
Thunderclouds Region: To the North of Purple Woods, there is a mountainous area which is always covered by dark thunderclouds. That place is known as the Thunderclouds Region. The thunderclouds that darken the sky and prevent the moonlight from brightening up the place are caused by none other than the God of Thunder, M-Zapdos, who lives on the top of one of the four highest mountains of Chaos Planet, Mount Thunder in the Thunderclouds Region. This region of land is always dark because of the thunderclouds, which rain down thunders at random, and fill the atmosphere with electricity, which sometimes randomly sparks in the air and may cause electrical shocks to living beings. The electrical jolts vary in intensity, from light shocks to electric strikes of destructive power. While this may be dangerous for many living beings, it is not for those who live in this area, as they are all electric-element beings such as Electabot, Raiku, Magneton, Electrode, MetalRaichu, and Azulongmon, and therefore they are immune to the electrical shocks that happen randomly in the air. Those beings generally do not live on the mountains, but rather on low ground, feeling the electricity in the atmosphere flowing through their bodies and powering them up. For those passing through the Thunderclouds Region, angering its inhabitats would make it impassable, as their electric attacks move at the speed of lightning and are pretty much unavoidable, as well as extremely dangerous. Mega-Emperor, one of the Chosen Champions, trains his electrical powers at this region sometimes.
Sunshine Moon Beach: The longest beach of Chaos Planet, which is located between Purple Woods and File Island. It is named like that after the fact that it is always night time all over its North part, while daylight is always shining at its South. In both cases, the view of the ocean is beautiful and calming all across the beach, resembling a relaxing summer scene. Many sea beings can be found on the sand or buried under it, such as Shellmon, Crabmon, and MetalCloyster.
Great Desert: In the large South of Chaos Planet, there is a completely dry desert where there is not a single drop of water. This area is called the Great Desert, a place where there is nothing but hot sand, huge sandstorms blowing hard across the land, and quicksand which can suck and bury victims hundreds of meters under the ground. Great Desert includes Infinity Canyon and the Desert of Destruction within it, although those two places differ in some ways than the rest of the desert. A very vast area of the Great Desert, including even Infinity Canyon, is enlightened by the light from Highlight Heaven. The dry desert sand and air of the enlightened area of the Great Desert are insanely hot, and it always looks like a very hot day. On the other hand, there is another part of the desert, including the Desert of Destruction, where Highlight Heaven's light does not reach, and there it looks like a really cold night. The sky above the Great Desert is also always completely clear, without any clouds, so it never rains. While the desert is an extremely dangerous and deadly place to be in, there exist a few beings who are suitable to live in its harsh conditions and do live there. They are Scorpiomon, SandYanmamon, RoboClaydol, Sandsteel, and D-Camerupt. Scorpiomon and Sandsteel usually hide beneath the sand to ambush their victims, while Cameland, SandYanmamon and RoboClaydol just roam on (or above) the desert's hot sand.
Lost Oasis: An oasis located deep in the Great Desert. Inhabited by Wisemon, who sustains its existence in the harsh desert conditions with his space-time manipulation abilities.
Infinity Canyon: In the center of the Great Desert, and the most South part of Chaos Planet, is a huge canyon made almost completely of rock, and very few sand. This place is the Infinity Canyon, and it is the dryest place in the entire Chaos Planet. It is a canyon whose depth increases at an extremely fast rate as one keeps moving towards its center, and at that center, the canyon's depth is such that it seems bottomless, filled with nothing but darkness. The canyon is shaped in a way that resembles the patterns on Grindon's body, who is the God of Earth, and lives on the top of the canyon's center. Grindon is also the only being to inhabit Infinity Canyon, as the dryness of that place is too much even for the beings that live in the rest of the Great Desert. Infinity Canyon is shined upon by Highlight Heaven's light, and it always looks like a sunny, extremely hot day.
Desert of Destruction: South from File City, about where the Great Desert begins, is the Desert of Destruction. This is a place in the night area of the Great Desert, meaning it is dark and cold. This place has two differences from the rest of the Great Desert. One is that it is not inhabited by any of the beings that live in the rest of the desert. There is only one being living there, and that is Cygonaurus, the God of Sound, who obliterates everyone who enters his territory with his extreme sound waves. Cygonaurus's territory, of course, is the Desert of Destruction, and it was named like this after the incalculable destruction the has caused in the area ever since his creation and settling there. Cygonaurus's roars echo loudly across the entire desert, and as they spread outwards from his location to all directions, they blow the desert's sand away and shape it into circular wave-like hills of increasing size around his position. In that way, Cygonaurus creates a characteristic landscape with his roars, and that is also the second difference between the Desert of Destruction and the rest of the Great Desert. The Desert of Destruction also extends outside the Great Desert, to the North, and even though that place is not a desert, there are still wave-shaped hills of soil created by Cygonaurus's roars. The Desert of Destruction is considered the most deadly area in the entire Chaos Planet, with a 0% survival rate and countless victims, whose few remains lie buried beneath the cold desert sand.
Mountain Passes: To the North-West of the Desert of Destruction is a huge area resembling a very steep, but cracked mountain with a lot of passes on it. This place is known as Mountain Passes. It is a huge, extremely high mass of soil and rocks, which is very hard to pass through. On this area's top there are some insanely powerful winds blowing constantly, which make it impossible to pass the area by flying or climbing on it. The only remaining option is to go through its numerous passes, as well as its few caves and underground rivers. All of these passes, caves and rivers form a gigantic maze, only one specific path of which actually leads to somewhere. Every single other choice would lead to a loop or a dead end, and there are countless possibilities of mistakes as the place is like a huge, extremely complicated labyrinth. Some who have been lost in it spent months, or even years in some occasions to get out. Some never made it out, as they were unfortunate enough to meet with Orochimon, an extremely powerful being that randomly wanders around Mountain Passes and crushes whoever he meets with Hyper Beams from his eight heads, or a dissolving poisonous acid he spits from his main head, which can melt anything. Aside from Orochimon, there are no other beings in the Mountain Passes area. It is all quiet there, although the silence may abruptly end in a sudden, shocking encounter of the wandering killer snake, Orochimon.
Mugen Mountain: If someone manages to pass through the Mountain Passes, they will find themselves in an area inside the Mountain Passes. In this vast area, there is nothing but a huge, black mountain called the Mugen Mountain. Mugen Mountain is made of black soil and rocks from the deep depths of Chaos Planet. The mountain is extremely tall, and it is completely filled with extremely compressed dark energy, which gives it its black color. On Mugen Mountain live many extremely aggressive Saberdramon, Deltamon, DarkTyrannomon, Devilzard, Devidramon, SkullGreymon, and Darkrizamon, which mercilessly assault and crush their enemies with their destructive attacks of darkness. On its top, there is a temple where the extremely powerful Devimon lives, looking down at the Mountain Passes since Mugen Mountain's peak is at a higher position than the highest areas of Mountain Passes. Devimon is an extremely powerful being of darkness, who is able to give the Baptism of Evil to his foes with his touch, Death Claw. When someone receives the Baptism of Evil, their eyes flip white, and they get possessed by the desire to destroy everything. Somewhere else on Mugen Mountain, there exists an extremely long cave, known as the Cave of Origin. This cave goes down the mountain and heads towards the center of Chaos Planet itself. Somewhere very, very deep in it, close to the center of Chaos Planet, there is a huge room, inside of which is an unbelievably gigantic Cerberumon who is guarding an insanely enormous double black gate. This gate is as large as a hundred whole mountains, and the Cerberumon guarding them is half their height, being the largest being on the entire Chaos Planet, although his existence is barely known to anyone, as no one has ever survived an encounter with him to tell the story. Cerberumon obliterates his foes instantly by spitting out at them the black flames of Hell itself, Amaterasu, which burn any target until it completely vanishes, whatever that target is. The gates he is guarding are said to be the entrance to the Dark Side itself, which is believed to be at the very core of Chaos Planet. The gates to its entrance that Cerberumon guards are known as the Gates of Hell, and they are the only place from where one can enter the Dark Side without using dimensional teleportation of their own.
Dark Side: The Dark Side, also known as Hell, is the very center and core of Chaos Planet, which is both a mass existing in the physical world, but also an entirely different dimension at the same time. It is when spirits go after they die, and then they undergo a conversion to dark beings and get to inhabit this place. Dark Side, the core of Chaos Planet, resembles an unbelievably massive, black sphere of unimaginably compressed dark energy. It is like a black hole in the center of Chaos Planet, although it does not suck things into it as powerfully as an actual black hole. There is a single entrance to the Dark Side, which is the Gates of Hell at the end of Cave of Origin. By going through the Gates of Hell, one enters a different dimension inside the huge sphere of darkness. This dimension inside Chaos Planet's core is called the Dark Side. It resembles an extremely dark and horrible place, with dark energy filling the atmosphere and everything else in the dimension. Its physical construction varies wildly and insanely, as space and time are distorted, and the laws of physics do not apply. The land of the place consists of many floor-like sections floating at different angles, however it is possible to walk on those sections in any direction, as if gravity is completely messed up. For example, one may be walking on a section while seeing someone else walking upside down on another section above them! Many rocks and land much are floating still in the void this way, and while things may appear to be calm sometimes, the space of the area is subject to completely random changes at any time. For example, land masses might break apart or join together, or black flames of darkness, which burn eternally at various locations, may suddenly spread to engulf huge areas, or just vanish all of a sudden, or start out of nothing and at any location, even in void space (what would be the air in the normal world)! There are also various dark portals in the Dark Side which lead to totally random locations in there, and various other things that are unheard of in the normal world. Also, besides space, time is also messed up; it may randomly stop in random locations, freezing everything to a standtill for unknown amounts of time! Or, the perception of time may randomly be changed for any individual being, causing them to experience things slower or faster than normal, in varying degrees. With its messed up space an time, dark flames, demons, ghosts, horrors, nightmares, and even randomly cast illusions, the Dark Side is an extremely dangerous place that is nearly impossible to escape from. Only ChaosPiedmon, the Chaos General, can safely travel back and forth there, and the Massacrer, one of the Chosen Champions, managed to escape from it once. But other than these few exceptions, generally no one else ever makes it out of there. Also, in the pitch-black, void center of the Dark Side lies an insanely powerful foe known as Apocalymon, who has consumed and continues to consume endless amounts of dark energy gathered from all across the Dark Side, and has amassed power dangerously close to that of Overlord GAIA, and continues to increase with every passing moment.
Freezeland: Freezeland is the huge frozen area that is the North of Chaos Planet. Every single thing there is made of freezing cold ice, making the environment unsuitable for all but those naturally resistant to the insane cold. Freezeland is mostly just a plain area of ice, however there are some huge mountains of ice to its South borders, which block access to it from foot. Those mountains, some of which are to the North of File City, while the rest are to the North of the Thunderclouds Region, are known as Ice Caves, because they have frozen caves and passages inside them. Inside, the caves are like the rest of Freezeland in that ther are completely made of ice, however there are also many stalagmites on the ground and stalactites on the frozen ceilings of the caves. The Ice Caves are inhabited by aggressive Sneasel, Freezebat, Coldbat, Cursaring, and MetalGarurumon which are all excellent in battling in that frozen environment. Other than the mountains with the Ice Caves, there are also many mountains to the Northest part of Freezeland, which form a huge, thick mass resembling one actual, extremely huge mountain. However, this is not one mountain, but just many huge ice mountains combined together and resembling a single entity. Those mountains are extremely hard to find because of the gigantic avalances of snow that happen often, as well as the highly dangerous barrage of ice from extremely powerful blizzard and snow storms that happen without stop there. Amongst those mountains is one of the four highest mountains of Chaos Planet, Mount Ice, on the top of which the God of Ice, M-Articuno lives. M-Articuno's freezing powers are also responsible for the existence of Freezeland, as well as the Icebergs and the Half-Frozen Lake. Mount Ice, on the top of which he lives, is located at the most North part of Chaos Planet, and huge snow and blizzard storms constantly fall from there because of M-Articuno's power. The snow and blizzard storms constantly fall thickly all over Freezeland and the areas around it, freezing everything over, and reducing visibility by a great amount. These ice storms get thicker and thicker the closer one gets to M-Articuno's position. These heavy storms of ice and snow, aside from creating an extremely cold and slippery ground of ice, sometimes instead form huge masses of snow that are at some points as tall as a dinosaur. In fact, spread around Freezeland are huge holes on the ground filled with nothing but snow, and if one steps on them they will immediately sink into the snow like a quicksand and end up at the bottom of the huge snow-filled holes, where they will get trapped in the unclimbable snow and freeze alive. These dangerous snowy traps on the ground are often almost impossible to spot, as the ground resembles just the ordinary frozen solid ice that is everywhere. So, for those who are inexperienced of living on Freezeland, that place can be incredibly dangerous and filled everywhere with threats. However, the beings that live there have suited themselves to the environment and eventually have managed to become able to tell of its traps and avoid them. Those beings are BlueMeramon, IceDevimon, WinterUmbreon, Cursaring, and MetalGarurumon, all of them used to the ice and unaffected by it.
Icebergs: Around Freezeland, there are a lot of icebergs floating in the extremely cold water. Sometimes, Penguinmon, Ikkakumon, MetalLapras, and MetalDewgong can be found there.
Half-Frozen Lake: This is an incredibly gigantic lake to the North of File City. Half of it is connected to Freezeland, and the surface of the water of that half is covered in a layer of ice. The other half of the lake is filled with water which is cold close to the frozen part of the lake but gets to warmer temperatures later. The frozen part of the lake is very dangerous to walk on, as the icy ground can crumble at any time and result in one falling straight into the extremely cold water of the frozen half of the lake. The beings who live there, which are Cursaring and Penguinmon, are usully careful about that, but even if they fall in the water they can still take it without much trouble, as they are used to the extremely cold temperatures of Freezeland anyway. There are also Colduck which freely swim just anywhere in the lake, as they are completely immune to ice, like Magmabot are to fire and Electabot to electricity.
Ancient Dino Region: Across the sea to the West of File City, there is a huge penninsula with a lot of lakes and rivers everywhere on it. This place is known as the Ancient Dino Region. It is the place where Overlord GAIA's very first creations, the metallic dinosaurs, are gathered for the most part. Although, many of them are also spread across the entire planet at random places. Aside from the threat of the huge, powerful dinosaurs, this area is hard to cross for two reasons. One is because of the many rivers, which block the path of travellers in many areas and force them to swim or fly over them. The second reason is because in this area, there exists a force in the atmosphere, which makes physical movements five times slower. In other words, those who enter this place will either move five times slower than normal, as if time is slowed down for them, or they will need to put five times the normal effort in order to move at a normal speed. This force in the area, which slows down physical movements of living beings, is known as kinetic resistance. It is produced by none other than Cellebi, the God of Time, who lives hidden somewhere in the center of this area. Cellebi's kinetic resistance, does not have a serious impact on the dinosaur machines who live in that area, as they have grown very used to it, strengthened up and increased their energy capacity to keep up with the massive amounts of energy required to move around, and as a result of all these they can move around normally. However, for others who are not used to kinetic resistance, travelling in this place can become extremely difficult. In case they are attacked by the dinosaurs, defending themselves will also be extremely hard, since they will be facing experienced opponents used to the environment, while they themselves will struggle to move while rapidly spending their energy in their efforts. Only their elemental attacks will actually be able to move at normal speed, since Kinetic Resistance only affects physical movements of the bodies of living beings. The dinosaur machines who live in this place are extremely wild and unpredictable, and they are Airondactyl, MetalPlesiosaur, Tyranosaurus Wrecks, Metalsaurus Rex, MetalTyrannomon, IronTriceratops, MetalAnkylosaurus, RoboTitanosaurus, Robociraptor, CyMamenchisaurus, MechaStegosaurus, CannonBrachiosaurus, and Cannondramon. There also exists a single, completely insanely powerful and huge machine dinosaur known as UltimateBrachiomon somewhere in the Ancient Dino Region. This unbelievable dinosaur machine is 1.5 times as high as a Brachiosaurus, and possesses such immense destructive power that he can cut a whole mountain in half with a single swing of his axe-tail. Each step he takes also causes earthquakes, and his destructive power is actually considered to be on the same level as Machinedramon himself, the first Chosen Champion. He is said to be the last and most completed experiment of Overlord GAIA in dinosaur machines, before he stopped making them and moved on to other, more complicated machines, other than the plain brutal dinosaurs who mainly just relied on their pure destructive force. UltimateBrachiomon's ultimate attack, Ultimate Blast, in which he releases insanely huge and destructive blasts of energy from the cannons on his body, is said to be well capable of obliterating a large part of the Ancient Dino Region at once in an unbelievably gigantic explosion of raw energy.
Primitive Jungle: A part of the Ancient Dino Region is covered in an ancient, gray forest of incredibly huge gray trees, which seem to have frozen in time since the very distant past. These trees, and some other gray flora that can be found there, are unique and look much different than the flora that is on File Island, as if they are extinct there. In the Primitive Jungle, there are many machine dinosaurs dwelling as in the rest of Ancient Dino Region. However, Robociraptor and Airondactyl ambushes are much easier to pull of there because of the plenty amount of trees to hide behind. UltimateBrachiomon is also said to live in some area within that jungle.
Seadragon's Den: This is a very big reef with caves, located in the center of the sea between Purple Woods and Ancient Dino Region. Its top even reaches outside the sea and is visible on its surface. The caves of Seadragon's Den are inhabited by many sea dragons, who are Cygonairs, MetalSeadramon, MegaSeadramon, GigaSeadramon, WaruSeadramon, and Seadramon, and it is even home to one of the Chaos Generals themselves, ChaosMetalSeadramon. ChaosMetalSeadramon is resting there when he is not surfing and swimming around the seas of Chaos Planet with his fellow seadragons accompanying him.
Element Fall: To a place North of Giant Rock Circle, there is an incredibly enormous hole on the ground. To this hole end two rivers, one of which is a powerful river of water coming from the sea, and the other being a river of lava coming down straight from Mount Lava. As these two rivers end in the same hole, which is so deep it seems bottomless, they create two huge falls there, one of which is a waterfall and the other is a lava-fall. This huge hole on the ground, a truly magnificent sight to behold, that is half a huge waterfall and half a huge lava-fall, is known as Element Fall.
Boiling Lake: Adjacent to the Giant Rock Circle to its North, there is a very large lake of boiling water, known as Boiling Lake. Its water is warmed up by some underground lava rivers coming from underneath Mount Lava.
Castle Alpha: Somewhere in a vast, empty area between File City, the Wastelands, and the Mountain Passes, there is a huge castle known as Castle Alpha. The castle is surrounded from everywhere by water, where powerful D-Fence swim and crunch those who fall inside with their extremely strong jaws. There is only one gate to Castle Alpha, and when it opens by lowering it creates a bridge over the water surrounding the castle, so that it may be entered. There is also a secondary gate behind that gate, which is a black cage-like gate of steel that drops to block entrance or stab those entering with some sharp pointy ends on its bottom. Boiling pots filled with lava are also on the top of the castle's extremely thick and tough walls of stone, from where the lava can be thrown down at those trying to force their way into the castle by climbing its walls. Inside, the castle is filled with training areas and weapon storage rooms, and there is also a single room higher than all the rest of the rooms, where Alphamon resides, and looks down at the army he leads as they train in the various training areas of the castle.
Mainland: All land of Chaos Planet which does not belong to any of the above places is simply known as Mainland. It is mostly uninhabited, except for dinosaur machines randomly spread around it, and the occasional travelling machines from any area of Chaos Planet.
The Sea: The sea includes all the sea of Chaos Planet. It is very rich in life, with many water-element machines and dark beings swimming and surfing all over it. Needless to say, it includes Endless Ocean and Umbrage Sea.
Umbrage Sea: A huge sea constantly filled with giant tidal waves, whirlpools, tornadoes and tsunamis, located to the North of Element Fall and also being the source of water for its water river. In the middle of this wild sea there is a giant cyclone above the surface of the water, connected to an equally giant whirlpool in the sea directly above it. The fast-moving currents are so powerful they shake up the entire sea, filling it with all kinds of dangers, and the tornadoes generated by the cyclone can even reach and sweep the land close to the sea. It is said the reason for the massive whirlpool and the cyclone above it is Cygia, the God of Psyche, who is resting at the bottom of the sea in the middle of the huge whirlpool, and with his raging spirit he directly affects the environment and causes this.
Endless Ocean: The deepest ocean of Chaos Planet, located to the North-West sea from File City. The depth of this ocean is unbelievable, to the point where at the bottom the Moon's light doesn't even reach, and the pressure there makes it impossible for any beings to survive other than the God of Water, MetalKyogre, who created this ocean, and ChaosMetalSeadramon, the Chaos General. Above the ocean's surface, huge and heavy rainstorms happen without stop, which reduce visibility by a great amount.
Astonishment Waterfall: To the South of Giant Rock Circle, where the sea resembles a giant river in shape, there is one part of that sea that is an unbelievably huge waterfall going from coast to coast between the Great Desert and the land close to the Giant Rock Circle. This insanely gigantic waterfall is known as the Astonishment Waterfall, at which extremely fast and strong water currents from the sea come constantly and then fall down it from an extreme height, and then calm down as the sea starts to end there.
Ascesis Isle: After the Astonishment Waterfall, there is the end of the sea, which is another, calmer sea. In the middle of that sea is an isolated island known as Ascesis Island. This is a small island with a huge waterfall and many boulders, where MetalLeomon trained, meditating under the waterfall for a hundred years continuously, and exercising to lift the boulders single-handedly and shatter them with a single thrust of his finger.
Wind Islands: To the South of the Ancient Dino Region, far away in the middle of the ocean, there is a large number of islands concentrated there. These islands are very strange, as they are made mostly of rock, and their height is also a lot of times greater than their width, making them look like huge pillars or rock sticking out of the sea. These rock pillar-like islands gradually narrow down towards the top, and they can reach extreme heights above the sea's surface. The only beings that inhabit them are flying-type creatures such as Airdramon, Phoenixmon, Skarmwary, Airondactyl and Pteramon, who make their nests there to rest when they are not travelling across the planet. The God of Air himself, Grayquaza, is also witnessed quite frequently flying on the clouds above these islands by the beings that live there.
The Sky: Some beings like Airdramon, Pteramon, and Skarmwary, and various others can be found in the skies of Chaos Planet. The sky is also where Grayquaza, the God of Air, roams freely above its clouds.
Highlight Heaven: On a huge mass of clouds somewhere in the sky of Chaos Planet, there exists a place known as Highlight Heaven. This is the home of all the holy beings, including of course the God of Light HolyJirachi. It looks like a beautiful, peaceful white town where the buildings are all made of condensed cloud. Highlight Heaven is full of light because of HolyJirachi who emits it, and this makes it a paradise as HolyJirachi's holy light clears away all that is evil and harmful. Also, the light extends from Highlight Heaven in a huge area around it, even reaching a large part of Chaos Planet. The light enlightens File Island, the Great Long Beach, Purple Woods, the Seadragon's Den, and a large part of the Great Desert. In those enlightened areas, the Moon is also actually made to resemble a Sun by the light. So, it always looks like day, especially when the Moon passes by.
The Moon: Not really a part of Chaos Planet, but it provides it with endless moonlight and enlightens most of it to look like night. The Moon is also where Clone Ho-oh, the God of Power, lives as a solitary king in possession of the entire planet.