Liquidman is a being made completely of metal, and his usual form resembles a human. He was created as a result of various experiments Mechanikat was conducting in his laboratory. Through those insanely high-level, extremely complicated experiments, Mechanikat's goals were to create a special kind of metal with explosive properties, as well as make that metal into an immortal being who can manipulate its element, similarly to the Element Gods. After many hours of thought, analysis, work, and experiments, Mechanikat was finally able to achieve both of his goals with his creation, Liquidman. The result of Mechanikat's hard work was a complete success: Liquidman had almost all the properties of an Element God, being able to absorb and produce his element, as well as revive himself through his element in case his body would be destroyed, and he also had the explosive abilities Mechanikat intended him to have. The main difference Liquidman had from the Element Gods was that he could not produce his metal infinitely, but only as long as his energy allows. But he does have an incredibly large energy capacity similar to that of a Chosen Champion, so that's rarely a problem. Liquidman's power soon became known to the machines of File City, who recognized him as a powerful machine amongst them. Liquidman himself however sees himself as an invincible immortal, quite literally, and thinks of himself as one of the Element Gods, although his behaviour is very different than one. Instead of crushing challengers instantly like the other Element Gods would do, Liquidman instead is calm and relaxed in a battle, even allowing himself to be hit by enemy attacks and then just regenerating. Confident in his invincibility, he has no care in the world, and he just plays around with his foes at his whims, enjoying himself by effortlessly absorbing attacks and humiliating his opponents. Being in control of the element of Metal, Liquidman can absorb any amount of it and generate as much as his dark energy allows. His body is usually solid, but he can switch between solid and liquid metal at will, and his body also automatically turns to liquid by attacks that can break through its hardness. Although Liquidman's body in standard mode is not extremely hard and is relatively easy to turn to liquid, if he wants to, he can harden it so much as to even create some of the hardest armor in existence. In addition to that, he can make his metal heavier or lighter by controlling its density, and he can also change its color. Aside from his skills involving metal, Liquidman also has the ability to create explosions upon physical impact. The faster and harder he hits, the more powerful his explosions will be. Liquidman takes good advantage of this with moves such as Megaton Punch, Dynamite Kick, and Gigaton Dive. With his immortality, explosive abilities, and metal manipulation skills, Liquidman is one of the most powerful beings on Chaos Planet.
Here are some of Liquidman's attacks:Metal Pistol: Does the "pistol" sign with his hand, and then shoots metallic bullets from his index finger. The sound of a pistol shooting is also heard with this attack, as Liquidman blasts the bullets using small explosions at his fingertip.
Havoc Pistol: Same as Metal Pistol, but the bullets are also explosive and detonate upon impact, blasting the targets in large explosions.
Metal Javelin: An attack Liquidman sometimes uses for fun against enemies who flee from him in terror, after realizing they can not harm him. With the enemy running away with their backs turned at him, Liquidman raises his hand in the air and shapes a javelin of metal, which he then throws at his enemy as if he is hunting a wild animal.
Metal Splitter: Shapes his hands into two long swords of extreme sharpness, and then quickly cross chops the enemy with them, splitting them in half.
Shooting Spear: His arm changes to a pointy blade or spear and extends very quickly to stab the enemy, even from great distances.
Giant Axe: Raises both his hands in the air, and then shapes a huge double-handed, double-bladed axe between them. He then grabs the axe with both hands, before swinging it down at his enemy with huge force to cleave them clean in half.
Scythe Swing: Swings his arm at the enemy while transforming it to a scythe to cut them. This quick attack is usually aimed at a vital spot, like the throat, to instantly eliminate the enemy without too much trouble.
Kunai Fingers: Swings his hand and throws his fingers like kunai at the enemy.
1000 Needles: Unleashes a storm of a thousand needles on his enemy.
Transform: Using his abilities at manipulating metal, Liquidman can transform his metal body into any shape, size and color.
Underground Swimming: Liquidman can freely sink his liquid metal body into the earth and move inside it as a liquid. This way he can hide and lay ambushes, avoid attacks, and various other things.
Megaton Punch: A powerful explosive punch that blasts the enemy from point-blank range in a large explosion.
Dynamite Kick: An explosive kick that detonates upon impact, blasting the target from point-blank range.
Explosion: Makes his entire body blow up in a powerful explosion. Afterwards, he can just reform back to normal.
50 Ton Hammer: Generates and compresses an incredible amount of metal into a 50 Ton heavy hammer, which he then swings at the enemy to crush them. It is also great at besieging fortified positions and shattering them to pieces with a single swing.
10,000 Ton Press: Liquidman raises his hands and blasts an unbelievable amount of metal above his enemy. The stream of metal shapes and compresses into a huge metallic cube weighing no less than 10,000 Tons! Liquidman then releases the enormous metal cube and lets it descend upon his victim, who then gets crushed under the insane weight, which also creates a gigantic, extremely devastating earthquake with a huge range as it crashes onto the ground with unbelievable force.
Harden: Liquidman can harden his metal body, to make it as hard as Machinedramon's body or ChaosBlackWarGreymon's shield, which are nearly indestructible.
Rocket Man: Shapes a cannon around his lower body, which he then uses to blast himself like a rocket, either at the enemy or to the sky.
Fly: Liquidman grows four long, triangular, razor-sharp wings from his back, which he can then use to glide in the air.
Spring Dash: Makes his legs below the knee into springs, which he uses to launch himself at incredible speed and force.
Gigaton Dive: From a great height, Liquidman dives down at the ground like a bomb, and makes his whole body explode on the land, instantly razing everything within the range of hundreds of kilometers in an astonishingly gigantic explosion. Liquidman himself is unaffected by the attack, and simply gets up unscratched in a huge crater in the ground after the attack.
Spikes: Fills the battle ground with metallic spikes, hardening the fight for his enemy.
Metal Regeneration: Liquidman has the ability to pull himself together if he happens to get blasted to liquid metal drops by an extremely powerful enemy attack. Alternatively, he can use his metal generating powers to regenerate himself from a single drop of liquid metal. And in the case Liquidman's entire metal body is somehow disintegrated completely, Liquidman can revive himself through any metal in the environment, which would then change to explosive metal same as that of Liquidman and become Liquidman.
Metal Absorb: Liquidman has the power to absorb any metal he touches into his own body. When he absorbs a metal, it gets converted to the same explosive metal as that his own body is made of. This technique comes handy against swordsmen, whose swords he can suck in.
Metal Statue: Blasts liquid metal at his foe, which soldifies as soon as it touches them, turning them to statues of metal.
Death Metal: An attack used after Metal Statue. Liquidman makes many spikes and blades emerge within the metal his enemy is encased in, stabbing them to their death.
Metal Wave: Summons a huge wave of liquid metal from within the earth, which washes over a huge area and then hardens, covering everything under a metallic layer and immobilizing them.
Cage In: Liquidman encases himself and his enemy inside a huge metal cage of barbed wire, created by his metal manipulating powers. At the same time, he also sets up various mines of exploding metal buried under the ground, which blow up once stepped on (this is done in secret under the ground, so the enemy does not know where the bombs are, or that they even exist until he sees them exploding). Then, in this extremely dangerous battlefield, Liquidman and his opponent have a match to the death.
Titan Awakening: Assumes his most powerful form, the Iron Giant. In this form, Liquidman's size is increased to titanic proportions, as he becomes 600 meters tall! At such a size, Liquidman's enemies look like ants before him, and even the largest dragons merely resemble lizards! Liquidman's forearms, as well as his legs from the knee down are filled with metal spikes in this form, he has large, metal spikes on his shoulders and knees, and his head changes to a helmet with devil horns of metal! Naturally, Liquidman's destructive force is increased equally with his size, and Liquidman is able to obliterate an entire village at once with a single explosive stomp of his foot! His explosive punches are also enough to destroy mountains in a few blows, and his entire body becomes as hard as ChaosBlackWarGreymon's shield! His very voice also makes the ground tremble, and every step he takes causes large earthquakes! The only disadvantage of this form is that Liquidman can not fly, as to lift such an extremely huge and heavy body from the ground with wings would quickly deplete Liquidman's energy. As the Iron Giant, Liquidman has some extremely devastating attacks described below.
Titan Hand: Swings his huge hand at his ant enemies, instantly destroying them in an insanely huge explosion he creates from his hand as he hits.
Titan Foot: Tramples his enemies with huge explosive stomps, able to raze entire villages in the blink of an eye!
Giant Body Slam: Jumps in the air and body slams his enemies, from whose sight it looks as if the very sky is descending upon them! As he falls, Liquidman also creates a huge explosion with his body, razing everything within the range of thousands of kilometers!
Crushing Hand: Used against large enemies, like dragons, who look as large as rats from Liquidman's point of view. Liquidman grabs his enemy into his hand, and then squeezes them while also unleashing a huge explosion from his palm, which utterly obliterates the victim.
Giga Kick: A kick used against enemies who are actually large enough to be targeted. Liquidman kicks his enemies with his enormous foot, creating an explosion that shakes the ground in a huge earthquake, felt from hundreds of kilometers away. And of course, it eradicates the victim in a split second.
King Muk
King Muk is a huge, extremely dangerous being whose entire body is made of a mix of purple toxic sludge and acid. This acid is one of the most dangerous that exists in the world, and it is able to easily corrode and dissolve most physical substances that come in contact with it within seconds. Not even diamond can withstand its corrosion for more than a few seconds before it dissolves to nothing. It is the physical equivalent of dark energy, as like dark energy can consume the other forms of energy, this acid can also consume the other physical substances. In addition to that, this acid is also poisonous as it is mixed with toxic sludge, and even if one survives contact with it, they will still get poisoned and die within three minutes. King Muk lives in a very large sludge and acid swamp, which is actually all part of his body. Anything that falls into this swamp gets swallowed up and quickly dissolves to nothing, so this means King Muk is pretty much invincible to attacks, as they will only get absorbed into his body without causing him harm. His body also contains unbelievable levels of dark energy, able to effortlessly swallow up any energy-based attacks. Because of that, King Muk is known as one of the most powerful beings of Chaos Planet, who consumes all attacks and attackers alike without even trying.
Here are some of King Muk's attacks:Acid: Throws his hand like a stream of sludge and acid at his enemy. His acid can dissolve nearly everything at once, and even if survived, those affected by the poison will be heading for the next world within three minutes.
Sludge Bomb: Hurls a sphere of sludge and acid at his enemy, which also explodes upon impact, blasting the sludge and acid all over the place.
Dissolution: King Muk swallows up all kinds of attacks in his body and harmlessly dissolves them like nothing.
Poison Gas: Takes a deep breath, and then releases the air from his body back in the atmosphere. However, the air he releases has been poisoned by his toxic body, and anyone who inhales it dies within three minutes.
Acid Rain: Blasts a massive rain of toxic sludge and acid from his entire body, which hits everything around him like a storm of purple bullets that burn and dissolve anything they touch, as well as poison them.
Grimer Swamp: Calls many Grimer from the swamp he is in to assist him in battle.
Hidden Swamps: The area within Purple Woods where King Muk is located has a large number of hidden acid swamps in the ground, which pose an extreme danger for those travelling through there. These acid swamps are in fact so well concealed that even the most observative and analytical beings can not notice anything that tells of their presence. Because of that, for those travelling on foot, it is entirely up to luck whether they will pass through Purple Woods safely, or step on and fall into one of the many acid swamps and dissolve in seconds. Even if someone does manage to go past the swamps and reach King Muk, they'll only find themselves powerless up against the King of Corrosion himself.
Nightstalker of ChaosGraveyard
The Nightstalker of ChaosGraveyard is a dark ninja who hides in the shadows of ChaosGraveyard, ambushing the unfortunate foes he encounters. His greatest weapons are his stealth, his speed, and his power. The Nightstalker has mastered the art of concealment, and he hides and blends with his dark surroundings of ChaosGraveyard so well that he goes unnoticed even by highly observative and analytical beings. He hides in places high above the ground, on the tree branches of the enormous trees of the dark forest. From there, he silently and carefully observes his victims, waiting for the opportunity to attack them when they will not be able to react at all to his move. When the opportunity arises, the Nightstalker will suddenly move out of the shadows at blinding speed, and brush past his enemy like a shadow while silently eliminating them, usually in a single deadly blow at a vital spot. The Nightstalker's speed and stealth is such that the enemy can not see him at all, and they just die without even knowing who or what killed them. Along with his exceptional speed and stealth, the Nightstalker also has incredible power, as he possesses an extremely dangerous weapon known as the Death Scythe. The Death Scythe has a unique ability, which is to double the damage inflicted with each successive strike of the weapon at the same spot or area of the foe's body. For example, if the target is slashed or stabbed somewhere, and then attacked in the same area once more afterwards, the damage dealt will be double the second time. If this happens again, the damage will double once again, becoming four times the damage, and so on. Though there is usually not much need need for this ability, as the Nightstalker usually kills his foes with a single strike at a vital spot such as their neck or head, it can be an extremely valuable asset against extremely tough or armored foes, against whom ordinary attacks would not do much, but after a few applications of the Death Scythe's ability, even their defenses crumble eventually, leading to the Death Scythe soon cleaving through them like a hot knife through butter. With such a deadly weapon, the Nightstalker of ChaosGraveyard is greatly feared on Chaos Planet, and is one of the main causes of the deaths of travellers in the dark forest. This is not only because of his personal slaughters, but also because of the numerous Forest Traps he has set all over ChaosGraveyard. Those deadly explosive traps are triggered by even slightly touching some strings that have been attached from one tree to the other. They are also so thin they are invisible to the naked eye, so even the most careful and observative foes are unable to notice them. And when pulled even the slightest bit, for example by accidentally running onto them or stepping on them, immediately set off explosives hidden within nearby trees, which blast the victims from very close, destroying them. Countless beings have fallen victims to the Nightstalker's traps, and even more to the Nightstalker himself. One of the most powerful beings of Chaos Planet, he has never been defeated so far, and has continued to prey on victims without a single day's rest.
Here are some of the Nightstalker's attacks:Death Scythe: Uses his weapon, the Death Scythe, to kill his enemy. The Nightstalker possesses the precision and skill to easily utilize the scythe's damage-increasing abilities, with his extraordinary speed making the process even more quick and dangerous for his opponent.
Dagger Throw: Throws daggers with poison from Purple Woods, which kills within three minutes. This poison is also extremely corrosive, and enables the Nightstalker's daggers to cut through many materials with ease. Those daggers may also have explosive tags attached to them, to blow up the enemy.
Shuriken Toss: Tosses razor-sharp shuriken at the enemy, cutting them up. The Nightstalker has unmatched accuracy and speed with the shuriken, and he can throw huge numbers of them very quickly and accurately.
Flame Scroll: Throws a scroll that incinerates his enemy with a huge fire blast. Also excellent for setting the battlefield on fire to make things more dangerous.
Water Scroll: Throws a scroll that washes away his enemies with a great and powerful wave of water. This can be used as a set-up to greatly increase Lightning Scroll's effectiveness. It can also be combined with the Wind Scroll to create an ice-element technique that freezes the foe.
Lightning Scroll: Throws a scroll that generates lightning which zaps the enemies. Its effectiveness is greatly increased if Water Scroll has been used successfully in prior.
Wind Scroll: Throws a scroll that blows away and cuts his enemies with slicing wind. In combination with a Water Scroll, it creates an icy wave that freezes the target under very thick ice.
Earth Scroll: Throws a scroll that produces various effects depending on the battlefield, usually a great earthquake with fissures in which the enemy falls in, but it can also be quicksand (in the desert), a heavy landslide, or other effects, which can also come in combinations.
Extremespeed: Vanishes with extremely high-speed movement, which can not be noticed by the eye.
Smokescreen: Uses a smoke bomb to fill an area with a cloud of smoke, to render the enemy's sight useless, and possibly launch a surprise attack at them. He usually uses this before vanishing instantly with Extremespeed.
Shock Net: Throws a thorned net with electricity at his opponent to immobilize and electrify them.
Shadow Slash: A sudden slash thrown from the shadows.
Forest Traps: The Nightstalker has set up many traps spread randomly around ChaosGraveyard. Those traps are explosives hidden within trees, which are triggered by exertion of even the slightest of force on some invisible strings going from tree to tree. So, if a foe accidentally runs into a string, they will get blown up by huge explosions happening from the two nearby trees on which the string is tied. The Nightstalker himself knows the exact positions of all his traps, and sometimes if he sees someone walking just next to a tree rigged with explosives, he'll throw a dagger or shuriken himself at the string that sets off these explosives to blow up the enemy.
MetalLeomon is a fearless, powerful machine who has mastered all martial arts and melee weapons, making him the best martial artist on Chaos Planet. He carries a sword on the back of his waist, the Lion-King Sword, which is his preferred weapon in battle. Through hard work and determination, MetalLeomon has also gained powers which are far beyond those of an ordinary machine, such as moving at blinding speed, jumping on the air itself, and hardening his body to make it near invincible. MetalLeomon has travelled across the entire Chaos Planet, having met all sorts of enemies and seen their techniques and tactics in battle. By fighting all of those foes, he has gained vast amounts of experience and knowledge about battling abilities his enemies may use, and has trained himself to counter any ability and fight effectively in any situation. With his supreme knowledge, experience, skill, and power, MetalLeomon is easily one of the most powerful machines on Chaos Planet.Here are some of MetalLeomon's attacks:
Beast-King Fist: Shoots destructive fire from his fist that is shaped like a lion's head.
Lion-King Sword: Uses the sword that he carries on the back of his waist.
Extremespeed: Moves at unbelievable speed to which the enemy can not react. This includes the speed at which he attacks the enemy, for example launching huge amounts of sword strikes within seconds at his foe.
Bulk Up: MetalLeomon flexes his metal muscles, increasing his physical offense and defense by one level. His hard metal body becomes even harder, making his attacks hit even harder, and becoming impervious to the enemy's blows.
Mega Punch: Delivers a powerful punch at the enemy.
Mega Kick: Kicks the enemy with extreme force.
Mach Punch: Uses Extremespeed to catch the enemy by surprise and punch them.
Comet Punch: Unleashes a flurry of blindingly fast consecutive punches at his enemy. If too much force stacks up from the punches, it may also cause an explosion.
Rolling Kick: Does a fast evasive roll on the ground just past his enemy, while also using his leg to kick his enemy hard at the same time.
Sky Uppercut: Throws an uppercut so powerful it launches the target shooting across the sky.
Knee Kick: Attacks the enemy with a knee kick from a jump or otherwise.
Seismic Toss: Grabs the enemy and tosses them hard to the ground. In the air, MetalLeomon instead grapples the foe in a way they are unable to defend themselves, and they stays on top of their body while they both fall from the sky, with the victim getting helplessly crushed upon the landing.
Hi Jump Kick: Jumps up and kicks the enemy hard.
Wind Blade: Kicks out or slashes at very high speed and strength, sending out a slicing air blade able to even cleave steel.
Moon Step: Jumps off the air itself as if it is a physical object, enabling him to fight in close combat even against flying enemies by jumping on the air and towards them.
Calm Mind: Concentrates and controls the flow of dark energy into his body, making his special attacks like Beast-King Fist and Dark Focus Punch of Hell even more effective, and also raising his resistance to elemental attacks.
Supreme Evasion: Avoids enemy attacks with his supreme and extremely well-trained reflexes, second only to those of ChaosBlackWarGreymon.
Force Palm: Does a special palm strike that paralyzes the enemy.
Dark Focus Punch of Hell: MetalLeomon opens his hand, and then some flame-like darkness appears burning on each of his fingertips. He then clenches his fist, catching all the flame-like darkness inside it, before he delivers an extremely powerful punch directly at his foe. Instantly upon impact, a huge explosion of darkness happens on the other side of the enemy's body from where they were punched, resembling a massive eruption of dark energy. Then some spiralling, galaxy-like darkness appears around the enemy and starts imploding, sucking the enemy to Hell before disappearing completely along with the foe.
Here are some of Orochimon's attacks:
Glare: Glares at his opponent with his menacing eyes, paralyzing them.
Wrap: Wraps his enemies with his body and then squeezes them with much power, crushing their bones and rendering them completely helpless.
Poison Fang: His unique metal head bites the enemy with its powerful fangs, releasing a deadly poison in their bodies that destroys them within seconds.
Poison Spit: His unique metal head spits out some extremely corrosive and deadly poison, which can melt through almost everything.
Hyper Beam: Fires a huge beam of destructive energy from the mouth of his unique metal head.
Ice Blast: Blasts huge streams of incredibly cold ice from the mouths of his two upper metal heads, freezing the enemy.
Lava Blast: Blasts huge streams of incredibly hot lava from the mouths of his two middle metal heads, burning the enemy.
Lightning Blast: Blasts huge streams of incredibly high-voltage electricity from the mouths of his two lower metal heads, zapping the enemy.
Poison: Shoots a stream of an extremely concentrated crimson energy-like gas at the enemy, which changes their power into exploding dark energy. The enemy's entire body then glows dark crimson, and then it darkens to pitch black, at which point the enemy explodes and gets deleted instantly.
Hyper Darkness Beam: Fires a huge, catastrophic stream of darkness from his mouth.
Ame no Murakumo: Uses his tail-tip to slash the enemy like a blade.
UltimateBrachiomon is a huge dinosaur machine the size of an entire mountain. He is located somewhere in the Ancient Dino Region and, like all other dinosaur machines of that place, he has fully adapted to the atmosphere of this region, which is filled with a special energy emitted by Cellebi, the God of Time, and slows down physical movements. However, since the dinosaur machines are used to that, they can battle as if they were under normal circumstances despite this energy's existence. UltimateBrachiomon is one of the most powerful beings of Chaos Planet, and he is as tough and powerful as the two other largest machine dragons of Chaos Planet, Machinedramon the First Chosen Champion and ColossalRhydon of Underground Lava Rivers. His ultimate attack, Ultimate Blast, is also as powerful and destructive and Machinedramon's Giga Cannon and ColossalRhydon's Hyper Beam, the respective ultimate attacks of those machines. UltimateBrachiomon is the last and most powerful experiment of Overlord GAIA when he was creating dinosaur machines, before he stopped and moved on to more complicated creations. His power is said to be such that he can chop down an entire forest with a single swing of his axe-tail. UltimateBrachiomon, like Machinedramon and ColossalRhydon, also relies on his insane power and near invincible body of metal to dispose of his opponents by overwhelming them with his vastly superior power.Here are some of UltimateBrachiomon's attacks:
Ultimate Blast: Unleashes energy blasts of insane power from the four huge cannons on his body, razing everything to the ground in the range of thousands of kilometers, and eliminating everyone caught in its power.
Ultimate Quake: Stomps the ground with his incredibly heavy metal foot, creating a huge and very devastating earthquake, much more powerful than an ordinary Earthquake attack.
Ultimate Axe: Swings his axe-tail at his enemy and cuts them in half without effort. The power of this technique is enough to chop down an entire forest or even cut a whole mountain in half, all in a single swing. This technique can also be used to cut a huge fissure on the ground, swallowing up everything in the enormous crack on the ground.
Ultimate Spear: Stabs the enemy with the metallic spike-end of his axe-tail, which is powerful enough to shatter diamond effortlessly.
Headbutt: Smashes the enemy with his huge, armored head.
Stomp: Tramples smaller foes with his huge, extremely heavy metal feet.
Toxic Smokescreen: Releases a huge fog of poisonous smoke from the chimneys on his back, which not only darkens the place and greatly reduces visibility, but it can also poison enemies similarly to the Toxic attack.
Red Inferno: Unleashes extremely hot flames from the cannons on his body, burning everything around him and setting the place on a huge, wild fire.
The Herald of Darkness, Devimon
Here are some of Devimon's attacks:
Death Claw: Devimon's unique, signature attack. By touching his enemies with his claw, Devimon grabs a hold of their heart and bends them to his own will, and uses them in any way he wishes, including absorbing them.
Dark Teleport: Fades away and reappears somewhere else.
Dark Kinesis: Uses some mysterious telekinetic powers of darkness to control various things in the environment.
Intangibility: Becomes intangible like a ghost, allowing him to easily avoid attacks and fly through objects.
Nightmare Wave: Unleashes a wave that creates illusions to his enemies.
Darkness Beam: Blasts beams of dark energy from his hands.
Dark Explosion: Creates an explosion of dark energy from his body.
Shadow Wave: Flaps his wings and unleashes a shadowy wave of dark energy at the enemy, blowing them like a strong, weakening wind.
Data Absorption: His wings absorb countless dark energy from Mugen Mountain, increasing his size and power to massive levels.
Mummymon and Arukenimon

Mummymon and Arukenimon are two dark beings who are subordinates of Vamdemon. They wander around ChaosGraveyard in search of prey, and inform Vamdmon if they find anything interesting. Mummymon and Arukenimon are very powerful in combat, and they specialize in techniques that immobilize and poison the enemy.
Here are some of Mummymon's attacks:
Snake Bandage: Throws out the bandages on his body from his hands to entrap his enemies.
Necrophobia: Uses his weapon, Obelisk to fire a blast of ectoplasmic energy at his enemies.
Gun Attack: Smashes the enemy with his gun.
Here are some of Arukenimon's attacks:
Spider Thread: Fires a preeminently sharp spider web from her hand that can entrap or slice an enemy.
Acid Mist: Sprays some extremely corrosive and poisonous green acid from her mouth.
Predation Spider: Summons Dokugumon from the spider-like portion of her body.
MetalGreymon and SkullGreymon
Here are some of MetalGreymon's attacks:
Giga Blaster: Fires an organic missile from his chest.
Nova Blast: Shoots a large fire ball from his mouth.
Metal Claw: Attacks with his metal claw.
Horn Buster: Attacks the enemy with his horn.
Hyper Beam: Shoots a powerful beam of energy.
Mega Claw: Shoots out his left claw to attack the enemy from a distance. The claw still remains connected to him so he can pull it back afterwards.
Here are some of SkullGreymon's attacks:
Dark Shot: Fires an organic missile from his back.
Curse Breath: A purple breath that paralyzes enemies.
Slash: Slashes the enemy with his claws.
Crunch: Crunches the enemy with his powerful jaws.
Hyper Darkness Beam: Fires a giant beam of compressed dark energy.
Double Dark Shot: Fires two organic missiles from his back, at least one of which is guaranteed to hit.
MegaSeadramon and GigaSeadramon
Here are some of MegaSeadramon's attacks:
Thunder Javelin: Fires numerous electrical streams from his horn.
Mega Ice Blast: Shoots a freezing cold blast from his mouth.
Maelstrom: Summons great amounts of water to surround the opponent in a waterspout.
Ice Storm: Summons a hail storm that rains huge ice needles.
Hyper Beam: Shoots a powerful beam of energy.
Heavy Impact: Rams onto the enemy with huge force, possibly stunning them.
Here are some of GigaSeadramon's attacks:
Giga Sea Destroyer: Launches a strong energy torpedo from his mouth.
Sky Wave: Rain falls from the sky at fast speeds, flooding his enemies.
Solar Beam: Shoots a beam of concentrated solar energy from his mouth.
Fire Blast: Shoots a massive stream of fire from his mouth.
Hyper Beam: Shoots a powerful beam of energy.
Heavy Impact: Rams onto the enemy with huge force, possibly stunning them.
WaruMonzaemon and Phantomon
Here are some of WaruMonzaemon's attacks:
Bear Claw: Attacks enemies with the claw on his left arm.
Heartbreak Attack: With the broken hearts he sends out, he steals his opponent's will to fight back by making them depressed, dark-hearted, and crying uncontrollably in their overwhelmingly deep emotional pain.
Nasty Step: Performs a strange dance and shoots an eerie light from his stomach.
Curse: Casts a curse on himself, which overflows his body in dark energy to heighten his attack and defense. It also increases his body size and makes him bulkier. He can use Curse up to six times, becoming huge both in size and in offensive and defensive capabilities, especially with his Jiongu technique.
Darkness Beam: Shoots a beam of dark energy. After using Curse, he can also use the upgraded form of this attack, Hyper Darkness Beam.
Threads of Darkness: WaruMonzaemon's body is something similar of a rag doll, held together by hundreds of thick black threads in its interior. WaruMonzaemon is able to manipulate these threads for many purposes, like detaching his limbs and manipulating them for long range attacks, sewing himself back together if he gets damaged, or even stabbing the threads into his enemy's body and ripping out their vital organs.
Here are some of Phantomon's attacks:
Soul Chopper: Slashes enemies with his golden sickle, killing them instantly.
Death Sentence: Temporarily makes his enemies old and weak.
Backstab: While invisible, he goes behind his foe and stabs them in the back for big damage.
Back Dimension: Conceals his enemy under his mantle, making them disappear, and get trapped in another dimension within his pendant.
Darkness Beam: Shoots a beam of dark energy.
Invisibility: Becomes invisible to move unseen and take his foe by surprise.
Team Devastators
Here is some information about the members of Team Devastators:

RoboAlakazam is the leader of the team and its most intelligent member. In fact, he is one of the most intelligent beings on the entire Chaos Planet, and he also possesses unbelievable amounts of knowledge and analyzation skill. He has a metal body consisting of yellow parts connected together with green parts. The green parts actually have powerful magnetic powers that connect the yellow parts together. However, at his will, RoboAlakazam can easily disconnect his body from the green parts and make any or all individual parts of his float in the air with his powerful psychic powers. His black hands are also connected with his green forearms, and RoboAlakazam can make those disconnect as well. However, there is something special about RoboAlakazam's black hands. They are made of unbelievably compressed black metal powder, to the point where each hand weighs no less than 50 Tons. While this is a weight physically impossible to lift for most normal creatures, RoboAlakazam effortlessly keeps his black metal hands connected to his wrists thanks to his specialty, his psychic powers, which is the ability to control just about anything he wishes just with his thought. RoboAlakazam's psychic powers are amongst the greatest on Chaos Planet, and they come a close second to those of MetalMewtwo. RoboAlakazam also has some excellent skills in electromagnetic power, being able to use some excellent electric-element attacks, as well as magnetically control the compression and density of his black metal hands. For example, he can decrease their density by a great amount and change them to huge black iron powder clouds, whose movements and shapes he can control for various uses that can be extremely devastating.
Here are some of RoboAlakazam's attacks:
Psychic: Uses his psychic powers to take control of just about anything he wishes, and inflicts damage on his enemy in various ways.
Confusion: Blasts the foe with a weak telekinetic force, and renders them in a confused state where they start blindly attacking their allies or even themselves.
Recover: Heals and regenerates any damage on his body. If any part of his metal body is destroyed, he can always use some of the much metal of his dense black metal hands.
Teleport: Disappears and instantly reappears from one location to another, regardless of distance or accessibility. Besides himself, he can also teleport other living beings and objects.
Kinesis: Uses his psychic powers to make enemy attacks miss, or redirect them at the enemy.
Mind Reader: Reads the enemy's mind, seeing through their movements, thoughts, and strategies.
Thunderpunch: Attacks the enemy with a powerful electrifying punch, possibly paralyzing them.
Thunder Ray: Positions his hands one on each side of his enemy. The hands then point their index fingers at the enemy and generate a ray of lightning between them, which zaps the enemy continuously and keeps them stunned as long as this attack is in effect.
Shock Wave: A fast and unavoidable electric wave attack fired from his spoons.
Thunder Wave: A light jolt of electricity that paralyzes the foe. Fired from his index finger.
Iron Sand: Decompresses his 50 Ton heavy hands into two enormous clouds of black metal powder. Then he can use this black powder known as Iron Sand for various offensive and defensive purposes. He can send the iron powder like a tsunami crashing on the enemy, compress it into huge metallic objects that he throws at his opponent to crush them, deflect enemy attacks with waves or walls of iron powder, rain a barrage or black metal bullets upon his foes, surround opponents and make the Iron Sand implode on them to obliterate them, or just use it to hold the enemy in place with some of the Iron Sand while the rest shapes into deadly weapons that kill them while they can't move.
Future Sight: Releases some psychic energy that travels away from the battlefield, only to return in a later time to attack the enemy when they aren't suspecting. The attack usually takes the form of various beams of energy flying at various speeds and hitting the enemy. Also, aside from offensive purposes, this technique can also be used to see what happens in areas far away from the user, possibly foreseeing future events.
Psybeam: Fires a multicolored beam of psychic energy from his eyes or his spoons.
Comet Punch: Punches the enemy with his 50 Ton hand, with the force of a comet.
Finger Jab: Impales the enemy effortlessly with his finger.
Cutlass Spoons: Transforms his spoons into pirate cutlasses, which he then uses to slice up his enemy. Those cutlasses are special, and they deal sonic damage in addition to cutting damage. So for example, if RoboAlakazam slashes a cutlass at the enemy, but the enemy move back and avoid it, they are still damaged by a radiating sonic wave emitted by the cutlass as it slashes. RoboAlakazam can either have a normal sword fight with his hands attached, or he can detach them and control them as they float in the air with his psychic powers, and have a ranged sword fight in similar fashion to ChaosPiedmon.
Psychocutter: Slices the air with his sword, sending out three crescent-shaped blades of psychic energy to tear at his foe. Or alternatively, he can send out one larger psychic blade that also flies like a boomerang. These psychic blades have the ability to hit multiple targets, as they do not fade away after hitting an enemy, instead passing through them while doing damage and then keep going and hit anything else in their way in the same manner. They only disappear after a short time from their use.
Thunder Slash: Channels an incredible amount of electricity into his sword, before slashing his foe with it.
Sonicboom: Unleashes powerful sonic waves from his spoons at the enemy, damaging them without resistance. These sonic waves are emitted at an insanely high frequency, and they blow the enemy with incredible power, as if they are being struck by some huge explosion.

Gengar is the most shadowy, stealthy, and tricky member of Team Devastators. He is a ghost completely immune to physical attacks, and as long as he remains in the shadows, he is immune to elemental attacks as well. Gengar, like all other ghosts of ChaosGraveyard, are intangible and completely invincible when into the darkness. They only become vulnerable to elemental attacks when exposed to the light, but even then they are generally very resistant to them, taking much less damage than an ordinary being would, thanks to their ghostly body. Also, unlike ordinary living beings with physical bodies, ghosts can not get wounded, only weakened, making them even harder to defeat. Like attacks fly harmlessly through them, the ghosts themselves can also freely fly through physical objects, which means they can hide into the environment with great ease. In addition to these skills, the ghosts also have the ability to become invisible, and so does Gengar as one of the ghosts. Gengar also has the ability to create the illusion of himself looking different, like a transformation, and he also uses various other delusive and shadowy techniques, such as Hypnosis, Night Shade, and Nightmare. He can also attack the enemy with powerful Shadow Balls for direct damage, and freeze them with powerful ice-element techniques he likes to use.
Here are some of Gengar's attacks:
Lick: Licks the enemy with his huge tongue, leaving them shivering and paralyzed.
Confuse Ray: Gengar's eyes glow blue, and then the opponent's eyes turn red and the opponent gets confused.
Night Shade: Fires black beams from his eyes or hands. These beams have the ability to bypass an enemy's physical defenses and deal direct damage.
Hypnosis: Releases some hypnotic waves from his eyes, which put his enemy to sleep.
Dream Eater: A shadowy entity same as Gengar flies of Gengar's body, and then it flies through the body of a sleeping enemy, devouring their dreams in the process. The shadowy entity then returns to Gengar and gives him the energy that was drained from the foe's dreams.
Nightmare: Against an enemy who is asleep, Gengar makes them experience a terrifying nightmare, which very rapidly consumes their energy.
Double Team: Creates illusory copies of himself to raise his evasiness.
Shadow Punch: His arm is surrounded by dark energy in the form of purple lightning bolts, before he punches his enemy.
Shadow Ball: Creates a powerful sphere of compressed dark energy and throws it at his enemy, striking them in a large explosion of darkness.
Darkness Beam: Fires beams of darkness from his eyes or hands.
Shadow Wave: Releases a shadowy wave that darkens the area where it spreads at and strikes foes like a strong, weakening wind of darkness.
Chill Wave: Releases a cold wave that freezes the enemy in an instant.
Ice Punch: Delivers an extremely dangerous freezing punch at the enemy.
Fire Punch: Delivers an extremely dangerous fiery punch at the enemy.
Thunder Punch: Delivers an extremely dangerous electric punch at the enemy.
Thunderbolt: Unleashes a huge amount of electricity from his body into a massive lightning bolt, which strikes the enemy.
Will-O-Wisp: Points his hands at his enemy's direction and sends out multiple sinister, bluish white flames which all float towards at the foe to inflict a burn.
Curse: Uses half of his energy to cast a curse on his enemy, which drains 1/4 of their energy every 30 seconds.
Life Drain: Slips into his prey's shadow and steals their life. The enemy become to turn pale and start feeling more and more weakened, until eventually they crumble down fainted, and shortly afterwards die.
Mean Look: His eyes glow red and then he looks into the enemy's eyes, paralyzing them with his mean look.
Ghost Illusion: An illusion in which he makes his appearance look different, like a transformation. He can even become invisible.
Negative Hollow: Releases a translucent ghost-like entity resembling himself from his body, which flies through an enemy and instantly drains all their will to live, leaving them slumped on the ground regretting even being born, rendering them an easy target. The ghost-like entity can also split into more ghosts in order to affect more opponents at once.

Gunchamp is the strongest member of Team Devastators. He can lift 1,000 times his own weight, which is 100 Tons. So, Gunchamp is strong enough to lift 100,000 entire Tons. With such insane strength, Gunchamp can easily overwhelm just about any opponent in close combat, and he can ever rip entire buildings off their foundations on the ground and hurl them at his enemy, with one hand and no effort at all. He is also extremely tough and very resistant to damage, as his body is made of huge amounts of greatly compressed metal of the finest kind in existence, which can only be found on Chaos Planet. With his huge weight and strength, he is easily one of the most powerful hand-to-hand fighters on Chaos Planet, who can punch holes into mountains and take the hugest explosions from point-blank range and only feel them stinging the surface of his body a bit, and not even taking a step back or being blasted by attacks due to his huge weight. Aside from his supreme physical characteristics, Gunchamp is also an expert at the use of all sorts of weapons. In the large backpack he carries on his back, he has all kinds of weapons capable of great damage. On the left side of his backpact, there is a purple hose which can blast pressurized acid at the press of a button on the hose, while at the right side of the backpack there is a similar in shape but red in color hose, which acts as a flamethrower. Those hoses can be pulled out of the backpack so Gunchamp can use them properly, and when Gunchamp releases them from his hand they withdrew back into their previous positions with an internal mechanism of the backpack. With his destructive weapons and stunning strength, stamina, and endurance, Gunchamp's intimidating presence instills fear into many lesser beings who make the mistake of getting on his wrong side.
Here are some of Gunchamp's attacks:
Strength: Uses his extreme strength with various ways to attack the enemy, for example to single-handedly rip a building out of the ground and hurl it at them, or grab the victim with his strong arms and break them up. He can even lift entire mountains out of the ground and hurl them at his foes.
Fissure: Stomps the ground with unbelievable power, creating an extending crack so huge that it can swallow up an entire village.
Mega Punch: Sends his enemy flying with a punch.
Mega Kick: Kicks the enemy with diamond-crushing force.
Dynamicpunch: A destructive explosive punch which blasts and confuses the enemy. It's powerful enough to blast an entire mountain.
Comet Punch: Unleashes a flurry of punches at the rate of 1,000 punches in two seconds.
Focus Punch: Focuses on his target for some seconds, and then strikes them insanely hard with an unbelievably powerful punch, able to shatter any defense.
Cross Chop: Destroys his enemy with a cross chop able to slice steel effortlessly.
Arm Thrust: Thrusts his hand at the enemy, impaling through their body.
Submission: Drives the enemy to the ground and holds them to submission with his superior strength.
Vital Throw: Grabs the enemy and throws them on the ground with extreme force to destroy them.
Seismic Toss: Grabs the enemy with his hands, jumps extremely high in the air, does a few front flips while still holding the enemy, making them dizzy by the spins, and then divebombs back at the ground, slamming the enemy down first with such power that it causes a shocking earthquake.
Karate Chop: Sweeps his enemy with a swinging chop of his hand, easily able to send their head flying off their shoulders horizontally, or split them in half vertically.
Low Kick: A powerful kick below the waist, which can easily make the enemy flinch.
Submachinegun Storm: Grabs four submachineguns from his backpack and overwhelms his enemy with a storm of hundreds of bullets.
Missile Launcher: Grabs a rocket launcher from his backpack, and blasts his enemy with a highly destructive explosive rocket. He can shoot normal missiles or specially designed missiles which follow the locked target until they hit.
Sniper Rifle: Shoots his enemy from a great distance with his sniper rifle, usually aiming for a vital spot whose destruction would mean instant death.
Poison Gas: Uses a weapon that shoots off a poison-gas bomb which could exterminate a town.
Assault Rifle: Charges at his enemy while shooting at them repeatedly with an assault rifle.
Minigun: Pulls out a large, heavy minigun from his backpack, and unloads it on the enemy. The bullets of this weapon pack extreme force, each of them being able to heavily damage steel, and many together reducing the target to nothing in less than a second.
Gatling Laser: Uses an advanced minugun-like weapon which fires laser beams instead of bullets, and at an even higher rate.
Frag Grenade: Throws a fragmentation grenade at his enemy.
Burn Bomb: Throws an incendiary grenade at the enemy, torching them.
Smokescreen: Throws a smoke bomb in the area, which starts releasing a smoke that quickly fills the place and reduces visibility.
Flamethrower: Shoots extremely hot flames at his enemy using the hose to the right of his backpack.
Acidthrower: Shoots insanely corrosive and dangerous pressurized acid at his enemy using the hose to the left of his backpack.
Grenade Launcher: Uses a shotgun-like weapon that shoots grenades to blast his enemy.
Shotgun Blast: Brutally obliterates the enemy with a very close shot of his shotgun, usually from point-blank range, resulting in instant death.
Execution: Sticks a pistol against the head of a defeated foe, and finishes them off with a point-blank head shot.
Bomb Launcher: Uses a weapon that launches an extremely powerful bomb to obliterate his foe with the explosion. The power of this attack is enough to obliterate an entire city.

MetalGolem is the toughest, most defensive member of the team. He has a nearly unbreakable hide of ore consisting of 50% rock and 50% metal, and his body is made of unbelievably hot lava, which is invulnerable to physical attacks as it just regenerates if it is damaged. The lava of MetalGolem's body is also insanely hot, to the point where nearby water evaporates at his presence. His extremely tough hide of metal and rock also absorbs electric attacks because of the matal, and cancels them out with the rock. And the dark energy he has in his body like all other beings of Chaos Planet helps to easily cancel out any attack MetalGolem receives. Apart from being the most defensive member of Team Devastators, MetalGolem is also the heaviest one, as he weighs 1,000 Tons, ten times more than Gunchamp. The fact that he can stand on his feet and walk at this insane weight shows his unbelievable strength, which is the second in the team after Gunchamp. However, he is rather slow, but he can move fast by withdrawing into his spherical hide or rock and metal and roll on the ground. MetalGolem specializes in gigantic explosions he causes from his body, devastating flame and lava attacks that burn and melt the foe, as well as powerful rock and metal techniques able to overwhelm and crush even the most defensive enemies.
Here are some of MetalGolem's attacks:
Defense Curl: Hides into his spherical body of nearly impenetrable metal and rock, taking even the most powerful attacks without a single scratch.
Earthquake: Stomps the ground, causing a powerful quake whose force even strikes the enemy.
Flamethrower: Breathes flames to attack his enemy.
Fire Punch: Engulfs his lava hand in flames and punches the enemy with his burning fist, setting them on fire.
Fire Blast: Shoots his arm like an extremely thick stream of extremely hot flames and lava to incinerate his foe in an instant.
Rock Blast: Shoots large boulders of 50% metal and 50% rock from his body at the enemy. Those boulders are actually parts of his spherical body, but they regenerate instantly after being shot.
Explosion: Creates a gigantic explosion around his body, razing and setting ablaze everything in the explosion's range except MetalGolem, who is unaffected by it.
Rock Slide: Huge boulders erupt from the ground and rain down on the enemy.
Rock Tomb: Many huge rocks arise from the ground from all sides of the enemy, trapping them between them. Some of the rocks then fall on the enemy and bury them alive.
Rock Crusher: Huge masses of rocks emerge from the ground and overwhelm the enemy to crush them, or pointy stones suddenly erupt and stab them.
Fire Spin: The earth quickly cracks in a circle around the enemy, and a huge fire wall arises from the crack, encircling the enemy and trapping them.
Rollout: Rolls up and starts rolling at the enemy to strike them with huge force, using his 1,000 Ton heavy body.
Body Slam: Jumps high in the air and lands on the enemy with his extremely hard and heavy body, crushing them.
Blazing Comet: A combination of Rollout and Body Slam, during which MetalGolem also engulfs his body in insanely hot flames coming out from between the rock and metal parts of his body, and creates a huge explosion as he crashes onto his foe.
Earth Trap: Traps the victim inside a self-repairing dome of earth, which also has much metal and rock and therefore is extremely hard to damage. MetalGolem is able to absorb the energy of anyone trapped inside, weakening the foes and strengthening up himself.
Overheat: Engulfs himself in huge flames as he raises the temperature of his body unbelievably, something which also quickly raises the temperature of the area around very much, and things start to catch on fire by themselves just because of the extreme heat. Everyone in the affected area also get weakened by the heat, and embers start randomly filling the atmosphere and flying up a bit before fading away.
Eruption: Makes the ground erupt in a huge pillar of lava and flames, instantly melting the enemy who were standing above the place of the eruption.
Alphamon's Army
Omegamon is Alphamon's second-in-command, ranking just below him but above all the other machines of Alphamon's army. Omegamon battles riding his Saberdramon, which is very powerful and well-trained. Omegamon attacks his enemy from the sky, flying on Saberdramon and unleashing blasts of energy, fire, and ice to hit the enemy from a long range. Saberdramon also assists him with dark fire blasts and other attacks he combines with those of Omegamon to devastate their opponents, and together they are a great support to the rest of Alphamon's army. Flying even gives them the ability to easily flank the enemy and attack them from the rear or the sides, where they are vulnerable while the rest of the army engages them from the front to keep them busy. In fact, with his Garuru Cannon, Omegamon is able to take out entire armies of enemies alone, without needing to send the rest of the army to battle. Besides ranged combat, Omegamon is also an exceptional close combat fighter, as his swordsmanship skills are elite and amongst the greatest on Chaos Planet. He can even move at blinding speed, and would even be able to defeat an entire army by speedblitzing them all with his extremely powerful Grey Sword.Here are some of Omegamon's attacks:
Grey Sword: Slashes with the Grey Sword which emerges from the WarGreymon head hand. This extremely powerful sword is capable of killing even extremely strong foes with a single hit. The Sword may also emit flame from its edges.
Garuru Cannon: Fires colossal energy balls at foes from a cannon the emerges from the MetalGarurumon head hand. These can wipe out entire legions of enemies. The Cannon may also be fired as ice energy, in ball or beam form.
Extremespeed: Runs at blinding speed to which the enemy can not react.
Blaster Blade: Launches forward and impales the enemy with his sword.
Ultimate Uppercut: Upward slashes his enemy to send them in the air and then repeatedly blasts them with his cannon.
Sword of Ruin: Creates a ring of energy around himself, which then causes a large explosion.
Double Shot: Fires waves of fire and ice simutaneously.
Here are some of Saberdramon's attacks:
Black Saber: Saberdramon flaps his wings and throws small black flaming meteors from them which explode upon impact.
Dark Fire Storm: Flaps his wings, releasing a stream of black flames from them.
Dark Flamethrower: Spits out a stream of black flames from his mouth.
Mach Shadow: Sends out a shadow of himself at incredible speed, to attack opponents.
Talon Tear: While flying, he charges down on enemies with his talons.
Sky Attack: Flies at huge speed and crashes onto the enemy with great force.
Eye Gouge: Gouges out the enemy's eyes with his talons.

ChaosGallantmon are strong, tough, and intelligent machines who hold large shields and lances. As they are great for both offense and defense, they form the first line in Alphamon's army. Standing close to each other in a huge line in front of the enemy, they hold their shields forward to defend against any frontal attacks, and they also point their lances forward for offense and defense at the same time. This creates an line that is indestructible from the front, as the enemy are faced with a huge wall of shields and lances, on which a frontal charge will result in nothing but a massacre. In addition to that, ChaosGallantmon can also fire powerful beams from their shields, attacking the enemy from a long range. Here are some of their attacks:
Demon's Disaster: Physically attacks the enemy with his powerful lance. Most of the ChaosGallantmon's lances just do normal physical damage, but some of them exist who have modified them to do massive fire or ice damage. So, some ChaosGallantmon will freeze or burn the enemy while they stab them with their lances. For the enemy, there is no way to see which of the ChaosGallantmon have modified their lances until they see them attacking.
Judecca Prison: Fires darkness bolts from his shield.
Hyper Darkness Beam: Unleashes a huge Hyper Beam-like beam of compressed darkness from his shield. This terribly devastating beam has both the destructive power of a Hyper Beam and the energy draining effect of a Darkness Beam.
Shield Bash: Bashes the enemy with his shield.
Protecting Shield: Protects himself with his shield, which is able to deflect and shrug off all kinds of attacks.
Phalanx Formation: A team technique with other ChaosGallantmon. ChaosGallantmon hold their shields in front of them and point their lances forward, presenting a wall of lances and shields to the enemy. Frontal attacks against this formation are useless.
Schiltron Formation: A defensive team technique with other ChaosGallantmon. ChaosGallantmon form a thick circle with outward-pointing spears and shields, protecting themselves from all incoming attacks.
ChaosImpaler are swift skirmishers who stand in the second line of Alphamon's army, right behind ChaosGallantmon. Their job is to harass the enemy with a barrage of javelins they have on their backs, and then assist ChaosGallantmon in their Phalanx Formation by pointing their long pikes forward as well. When that happens, the Phalanx Formation becomes even more impossible to defeat from the front, as the enemies are faced with a wall of lances, shields, AND pikes pointing at them! ChaosImpaler are known on Chaos Planet for the forests of spears with enemies impaled on them they leave behind after their battles, giving them a frightening reputation. Here are some of their attacks:
Corroding Spear: ChaosImpaler's long pikes and vavelins have two pointy ends instead of just one. One of the pointy ends is infused with some insanely corrosive acid from Purple Woods, which is able to effortlessly melt even metal. This assures that when ChaosImpaler throw their javelins at the enemy or thrust their long pikes at them, they are sure to stab and cause damage.
Exploding Spear: The other end of a ChaosImpaler's spear or pike is explosive, and when they thrust it at their enemy and hit, they cause huge explosions that blow the enemy from point-blank range, aside from also stabbing them.
Javelin Throw: Throws a javelin from his back for a Corroding Spear or Exploding Spear attack.
Pike Thrust: Thrusts his very long pike at the enemy, to do a Corroding Spear or Exploding Spear attack.
Phalanx Formation: Many ChaosImpaler gather together, point their pikes forward, and present a wall of pikes at the enemy.
Knightmon are powerful, brave knights of metal. They form the third line in Alphamon's army. They are a general all-purpose unit, as they can move fast, attack hard, and defend well. Alphamon generally uses them to assist his other troops when needed, for example to help Boltmon hack a hole through the enemy line. The swords Knightmon use are so strong they can shatter boulders, making them very useful against armored foes, and in addition to that they can also paralyze enemies with electricity, enabling them to also fight well against fast, less armored foes. They are always ready, willing and able to fight, and never hesitate to use their Berserk Sword. Here are some of their attacks:
Berserk Sword: Attacks with his sword.
Electric Slash: The Berserk Sword surges with electricity, and then he slashes the enemy to zap and paralyze them in addition to cutting them.
Protecting Shield: Uses the shield on his back to protect himself from attacks.
Boltmon form the fourth line in Alphamon's army. They are tall, powerful warriors of metal who think of little more than crushing their foes with their huge double-hanxed, double-bladed axes. Their main purpose in a battle it to brutally cut and hack a path right through the enemy line, dispersing the enemy's formation and driving them from the battlefield. With their incredible physical strength, they are perfectly suited for their job, and they are also known to sometimes go berserk in battles, making them much more vicious than normal and also increasing their battle instinct, greatly increasing their battle performance and making them ignore all damage and just keep attacking until either they or the enemy are utterly annihilated. Alphamon handles these warriors carefully, as in some instances they have been known to even attack teammates while in a berserk rage. Here are some of their attacks:
Tomahawk Crunch: Viciously attacks with his heavy double-handed, double-bladed axe. It can even cut metal.
Wind Blade: Swings his axe with huge force, sending out a giant wind blade able to reap dozens of enemies at once.
Berserk: A technique that happens unconsiously when a battle happens to be very exciting. Boltmon completely loses his mind in the heat of battle, and begans attacking his enemies extremely viciously and mercilessly. In this state, his battle instinct reaches its peak, making his reflexes, strength, toughness and movement speed extraordinarily good, and he also ignores all damage and focuses on just devastating to his target.
ChaosBerserker are towering figures in the battlefield. Standing behind Boltmon, they form the fifth line in Alphamon's army. These extremely tall and strong machines easily stick out from the rest of the army because of their sheer size and strength. ChaosBerserker are mindless creatures who do not speak but just grunt in battle, and the only thing they know is that they are supposed to crush their enemies to powder. As such, those machines are brutal and completely merciless, even attacking already downed or surrendering enemies. They just keep attacking until there is nothing left of the enemy. This, combined with their unnatural toughness (their metal body is so hard that many times ChaosBerserker do not even realize when they are being attacked) and overwhelming strength, even close to that of a Gunchamp, makes them some of the most feared members of Alphamon's army. Most enemies usually get the feeling that they are better off avoiding those creatures just by looking at their intimidating presence! In battle, Alphamon favors unleashing ChaosBerserker against the enemy's toughest elite troops, disposing of them effortlessly. Here are some of their attacks:
Hammer: Crushes his enemy with his hammer, which can even shatter diamond with a few smashes.
Earthquake: Slams his hammer on the ground, causing an earthquake that can unsettle enemy formations.
Fissure: Slams his hammer on the ground, creating a gigantic fissure which splits the land in two, making enemies fall into the endless darkness in the crack on the earth.
Dark Fissure: An enhanced version of Fissure which some ChaosBerserker who were intelligent enough have been trained to use. Slams his hammer on the ground, creating a gigantic fissure that splits the land in two. Some dark energy within the huge crack then sucks the enemy into the crack on the ground, and after the enemy are sucked in the cracks close and bury them alive.
Iron Crusher are heavily armored machines armed with a weapon known as the morning star. This is basically a metal ball with spikes, and a chain connecting it to the weapon's handle, from where the weapon is swung for the spiked metal ball to strike and smash the enemy. While quite slow, this weapon packs extreme destructive force, being able to smash through even the heaviest enemy fortifications and armored enemies. Iron Crusher themselves are also slow moving because they are so heavily armed and armored, so they are usually better off defending, just like their fellow Iron Mauler. They also carry large metal shields which can even take direct explosions, and can be used offensively to bash and smash the enemy. Here are some of their attacks:
Morning Star: Swings his morning star and strikes the enemy like a small comet. The faster he swings the weapon, the more damage it inflicts.
Protecting Shield: Protects himself with his metal shield, which can take even extremely powerful attacks without harm.
Shield Bash: Bashes the enemy with his shield.
Testudo Formation: A defensive formation performed by many Iron Crusher together. They get into a tight, rectangular formation, in which they cover themselves completely with their shields. This forms a nearly unbreakable defense without any weak spots.
Testudo Ram: A technique used after Testudo Formation. Iron Crusher hold their formation while charging at the enemy army like a massive ram, crushing their formation with their sheer mass and force.
Shield Wall: Many Iron Crusher join together in a line and form a wall of shields before their enemy.
Iron Mauler: Iron Mauler are large, heavily armed and armored machines who bear a resemblance to Iron Crusher, but they are larger, tougher, and heavier. Despite that though, they are about as fast as Iron Crusher. Iron Mauler stand in the rear of Alphamon's army, in the seventh line, behind the Iron Crusher who form the sixth line. They are armed with huge spiked maces that are as powerful as the morning stars of Iron Crushers, but even faster, since they do not require to swing around as much prior to attacking. As the Iron Mauler's name suggest, his job is to utterly maul the enemy and crush them to bits with their maces. Their extreme destructive power makes them useful for breaking enemy formations, but with their slow movement speed, they rarely get the chance to do so before others such as Boltmon and ChaosBerserker have already grinded the enemy army to powder. Alphamon realizes that, and so he uses them carefully in battle, having them in positions which do not require them to maneuver too much. A usual position is in the flanks and rear of his phalanxmen, which would otherwise be vulnerable to enemy attacks. However, by guarding them with those super heavy troops, his army becomes near invincible. Here are some of their attacks:
Mace: Attacks his enemy with his mace, which can easily put a dent on tough steel with a single strike.
Protecting Shield: Protects himself with his metal shield, which can take even extremely powerful attacks without harm.
Shield Bash: Bashes the enemy with his shield.
Testudo Formation: A defensive formation performed by many Iron Mauler together. They get into a tight, rectangular formation, in which they cover themselves completely with their shields. This forms a nearly unbreakable defense without any weak spots.
Testudo Ram: A technique used after Testudo Formation. Iron Mauler hold their formation while charging at the enemy army like a massive ram, crushing their formation with their sheer mass and force.
Shield Wall: Many Iron Mauler join together in a line and form a wall of shields before their enemy.
ShimaUnimon are the mounts used by a part of Alphamon's army, who are some ChaosGallantmon, ChaosImpaler, and Knightmon. Those are powerful metal steeds with great power and speed, as well as a wild fiery temper. They can be found in the wild in the dark forests of ChaosGraveyard. Normally they are not too aggressive, but if bothered they will mercilessly attack and destroy the one who annoyed them. These machine horses are extremely powerful and wild, making them extremely hard to tame. Many machines who went in search for a ShimaUnimon in ChaosGraveyard never returned, either because they got destroyed by the numerous dangers that lurk in the dark forest's shadows, or by a ShimaUnimon itself that they found but it obliterated them instead. While extremely hard to tame, once done it's definitely worth the effort, as ShimaUnimon are extremely useful in battle due to their great agility, power, and ability to heal paralysis, which can be useful sometimes. ShimaUnimon and their riders play a very important role in Alphamon's army, which is to charge on already engaged enemies and destroy them. This usually results in the morale of the enemies breaking, and then the enemies soon start to attempt to flee the battlefield. Once the enemy army starts to rout, ShimaUnimon and their riders chase them down and hunt them down like worthless animals, slaughtering all of them and leaving no one alive. Here are some of their attacks:
Raster Shot: A fire-like energy burst shot from his mouth to the enemy.
Wild Thunder: Throws a burst of electricity from his horn.
Anti-Paralyse: Emits an aura from his horn which cures paralysis.
Laser Destroyer: From his eye, he shoots a ray of highly concentrated red light which disintegrates the target in an instant. This way he eliminates the foe just by looking at them.
Horn Attack: Strikes with his horn.
Charge: Charges at the enemy with great speed, ramming onto them. In the cases of mounted ChaosGallantmon and ChaosImpaler, Charge also gives much additional force to their weapons' thrusting attacks, destroying the enemy with ease.
Here are some of Cerberumon's attacks:
Hellfire: Spews out a huge stream of black flames at his enemy, which consumes them in an instant and leaves no trace behind. Those black flames can effortlessly swallow up and destroy anything, even other fire and diamond.
Crunch: Crunches his enemy with his huge and overwhelmingly powerful jaws.
Stomp: Grinds the enemy with a single tread of his colossal foot.
Slash: Cuts down his foe with a swipe of his leg, using its attached blades.
Emerald Blaze: Spews out greenish flames from each of his mouths.
Portals of Darkness: Creates a great layer of darkness on the ground that has many large, round portals of darkness on its surface, in which the enemy may fall in and end up at the Dark Side.
Instantaneous Regeneration: Instantly regenerates any damage he may receive.
Detect: With his three heads, Cerberumon is able to instantly detect any attack thrown from any direction.
Here are some of ColossalRhydon's attacks:
Hyper Beam: ColossalRhydon's ultimate attack. Charges up and compresses much energy in his mouth, and then fires it all off like a huge, devastating beam able to raze entire regions in the blink of an eye.
Earthquake: A powerful quake that can damage the enemy and alter the landscape to ColossalRhydon's advantage.
Iron Tail: Attacks his enemy with his rock-hard tail.
Megahorn: A brutal ramming attack using the horn on his head.
Crush Claw: Tears his foe with his powerful claws.
Rock Slide: Hurls many large boulders at his enemy. Inside the cave he lives in, he can also use Rock Slide by roaring so loudly that the cave is shaken and large rocks start falling off the ceiling.
Double-Edge: An extremely powerful tackle that can even destroy a mountain with ColossalRhydon's incredible strength.
Fire Blast: A fiery blast that scorches all, blasted from ColossalRhydon's mouth.
Horn Drill: Drills his enemy with his incredibly powerful drill, which can effortlessly crush diamond.
Dig: Digs into the ground with his horn, to take the enemy by surprise as he is hidden in the ground.
Body Slam: Slams his enemy with his huge, hard, and heavy body.
Skeletal Bowser
Here are some of Skeletal Bowser's attacks:
Whirling Fortress: Hides inside his shell and starts spinning around at incredible speed, ripping anything he touches to pieces with the spikes on his shell. This technique combines extreme attack, defense, and speed, all in a single attack, making it one of the best attacks that exist.
Fire Tornado: Uses Whirling Fortress while also unleashing many flames from the cracks on his shell, creating a huge tornado of fire above his shell that can hit flying enemies even above his normal Whirling Fortress's reach.
Dark Knuckle: Leans back his fist and then punches his enemy, engulfing them in some purple flames upon impact.
Fire Fist: Leans back his fist and then punches his enemy, engulfing them in some huge and extremely hot flames upon impact.
Hammer Head: Leans back a bit before smashing the enemy with an extremely powerful headbutt, able to even crush steel. Skeletal Bowser can also create an explosion of flames from his horns at the moment of impact, causing more damage to the enemy.
Burn Smash: Does an upward shell smash that blasts and sets the enemy on fire upon impact. This technique replaced his old ability of electrocuting his enemies with an upward smash of his shell.
Heat Wave: Concentrates much extreme-heated fire energy into his shell, and then spins and releases a heat wave so hot that it immediately drains enemies of their moisture and renders them to dust in an instant. This technique replaced an old attack of his, with which he used to send out a cold wind from his spinning shell that froze enemies.
Flamethrower: Breathes out extremely hot flames from his mouth, burning his enemies.
Withdraw: Withdraws into his shell, providing him excellent protection as it is both extremely hard and also filled with lava. This move is also a good setup for his Eruption attack to hit everything around like an explosion.
Eruption: From his cracked and lava-filled shell, he creates a gigantic eruption of lava, which spreads towards all directions the shell is facing and incinerates everything within its range. So, if Skeletal Bowser uses Withdraw prior to this technique, his Eruption will spread around everywhere in the area like a huge explosion of lava, causing mass devastation.
Lava Storm: A combination of Whirling Fortress and Eruption, in which Skeletal Bowser hides in his shell and starts spinning around it at extreme speed while also having much lava and flames erupting from the cracks on his shell at the same time. This creates a gigantic storm of lava and fire which rains down a huge area around, setting everything on fire and melting them by the lava.
Bonemerang: Throws out his large bones like boomerangs. They are powerful enough to break large trees and rocks to pieces.
Dark Fissure: Jumps very high in the air and then lands on the ground with huge force, shaking and cracking it. Some dark energy within the cracks then sucks the enemy into the cracks on the ground, and after the enemy are sucked in the cracks close and bury them alive.
Physical Assault: Skeletal Bowser grabs the enemy and physically assaults them with punches and headbutts. He can easily grab enemies thanks to his huge reach, which he owes to his incredible size.
Bowser Bomb: Jumps high in the air and then falls down extremely fast and lands on his butt straight down at the enemy, squashing them like ants.
Dark Bomb: An enhanced version of Bowser Bomb, which Skeletal Bowser learned as he became an undead being and gained darkness powers. Jumps very high in the air and then lands straight on the enemy, squashing them and also creating a huge explosion of dark energy upon impact, completely eradicating the target. Even if the attack misses, the enemy still get blasted by the dark explosion's huge range and power.
The Lich King
The Lich King is an undead skeleton sorcerer with incredibly powerful magical abilities. He is, in fact, the second greatest magician on Chaos Planet after ChaosPiedmon. He uses various spells in battle, which can control all elements, and he also has strong psychic abilities. However, the Lich King's psychic powers are quite unique, as he has found a way to mix them with dark energy, creating a new energy called dark psychic energy. This energy works like psychic energy, but at the same time it also possesses the energy consuming abilities dark energy has. So, this means that the Lich King's dark psychic energy not only controls things, but it also drains the energy they have, making them weaker. This unlocks an entirely new dimension of possibilities for the Lich King, as with his dark psychic energy, he can do a lot of things that psychic energy can not. For example, he can consume the enemy in darkness just by concentrating on them, and his dark psychic energy also is near impossible to be stopped by spirit energy or other psychic energy, giving it a huge advantage that normal psychic energy does not have. So, the Lich King's dark psychic energy is almost unstoppable, with only dark energy being able to counter it effectively. The Lich King resides in a castle known as the Castle of Dark Illusions, from where he commands his minions, innumerable undead creatures which swarm the forests of ChaosGraveyard and attempt to overwhelm and destroy everything.The Lich King has a long history, starting very long ago in the distant past. Hunreds of years ago, the Lich King was actually a human who lived on Earth. He was a King of a large island known as Atlantis, which was inhabited by many unique races not found anywhere else in the Pokemon World. As a King, he was extremely cruel and ruled the human-controlled part of the island with an iron fist, executing rebels remorselessly and imprisoning those suspected of betraying him. Under his leadership, the people of Atlantis suffered many hardships, and one of the greatest ones was when he demanded huge taxes in order to collect an incredible amount of money to fulfill a certain purpose. His aim was to buy two items of legendary power, the Dragon Sword and the Dragon Cape. These two items possessed power from Dragongod himself, with the Dragon Sword being made from a tiny fragment of his tooth, and the Dragon Cape being made from a tiny piece of his scale. Those two items possessed the greatest powers on Earth, one being an extremely sharp sword that was able to cut even diamond effortlessly, and the other being an almost indestructible cape. After their creation, these items fell into the hands of the Kings of Pokeia, passed down from generation to generation. Until the time when the Lich King eyed those items, they had always remained an invaluable possession of Pokeia. However, during the Lich King's reign on Atlantis, the King of Pokeia at that time was different than his predecessors. He did not care about history and the legendary items at all, and all he cared was to gain as much money as he could, believing that money was the ultimate power in the world, and if he had enough of it he could do anything. So, for an extraordinarily high price, he agreed to sell the Dragon Sword and the Dragon Cape to the King of Atlantis, who in turn had his own ambitions. The King of Atlantis aspired to use the powers of the Dragon Sword and the Dragon Cape to take over the world. Being an exceptional swordsman and magician, he had great knowledge of how to use those items, and he believed that with them and the army of his kingdom, he would be able to make the entire world bow before him. This was the Lich King's dream, to conquer the entire world and rule it for all eternity. Even in the case that the King of Pokeia would refuse to sell the legendary items to him, he had his army prepared and ready to wage war on Pokeia to take those items by force. This was not needed though, as the King of Atlantis just bought the Dragon Sword and the Dragon Cape. However, to his misfortune, while those items had arrived on Atlantis and were being enhanced in various magical ways by certain people, a young man known as Acclaim, accompanied by a super-powerful dragon called Dragonaurus, stole those items and claimed them for himself. Furious, the King of Atlantis sent his whole army against Acclaim. But the latter managed to grasp the power of the Dragon Sword and the Dragon Cape and defended himself against all the threats that came at him. Until, one day, the entire island turned on him, and then, deeply angered, Acclaim commanded Dragonaurus to unleash his ultimate attack, Golden Blast on Atlantis, completely obliterating it and killing everyone there.
Along with the millions of people that died, the Lich King was there as well. Like all spirits whose body dies, he also experienced what happens after physical death. His spirit, without a body, ended up floating in the atmosphere where his body used to be. Immediately then, he felt an irresistible dark force from space dragging him like gravity, towards a mysterious dark planet far away in space. The King of Atlantis's spirit was dragged by the dark gravity, sucked into the dark planet, and eventually into that planet's center, which resembled a black hole. Inside that center, he finally stopped getting dragged, as this was the dark gravity's destination. He had ended up in the Dark Side, or Hell as it was known on Earth, where dark demons awaited to consume him, along with eternally burning black flames of oblivion. In addition to that, his spirit started to convert from spirit energy to dark energy, an effect that takes place in the Dark Side and turns normal life into unlife. While almost the entire population of Atlantis vanished in the dark flames or got consumed by the numerous and huge and extremely powerful demons, the King of Atlantis resisted with all his power and managed to survive there thanks to his incredible magical powers. Eventually, after exploring the Dark Side for some time, he uncovered the secrets of the underworld, and began exercising on a new, dark aspect of magic: necromancy. Discovering the secrets of life and death, the Lich King managed to find out how to control and manipulate souls, and the first thing he did was to revive himself. However, even revived, the Lich King was not as he used to be. His body now only consisted of his skeleton, dressed with some dark robes, and his spirit was now not that of a normal living being, but rather, it was made of dark energy and was immortal. Resurrected in this new form, the Lich King found himself in a dark forest of the planet he was on, finally outside of the Dark Side where he previously was. This dark forest was in fact ChaosGraveyard, the dark forest of Chaos Planet where other dark creatures from the Dark Side also come to the physical world, same as the Lich King had just done. Seeing an entirely new world before him, the Lich King only got more excited about fulfilling his dream of world domination. Especially now that he was immortal, he thought nothing could stand in his way anymore. To begin taking over the world, the Lich King went to the top of a dark tree-filled mountain of ChaosGraveyard, and used his magical powers to build a huge city there after removing all the huge dark trees that were everywhere on the mountain's top. Inside this city, the Lich King resurrected the members of his kingdom's army from Atlantis who were lucky enough to have survived in the Dark Side until then. Those people, like the Lich King, were also brought back as skeletons, zombies, and other undead creatures. The Lich King also started reviving many other humans who were ending up in the Dark Side, to increase his army's size. The undead soldiers were revived without the ability to defy the Lich King's orders, so they were now his loyal minions. The Lich King was planning to use those undead people to kill everyone else who exists, and then revive them as his minions, thus creating a New World of lifeless beings who would all obey his every command. By reviving the innumerable people that die over time, the Lich King aspired to use their sheer numbers to overwhelm the rest living beings and kill them, until he would exterminate all life, turn it to unlife, and create a world that would be perfect in his view. However, he soon started to see the challenges he would have to overcome, as the city he had built was assaulted and raided from everywhere by hundreds of dark creatures of ChaosGraveyard. The monsters battered the city walls wildly, and eventually they broke in and started ravaging everything, with the Lich King watching as his deathless human soldiers were barely able to damage them, as the dark creatures were too powerful compared to humans. After a huge battle, the Lich King's army managed to repel the dark creature attack, but not before the entire city had been devastated and thousands of soldiers had scattered and shattered to bones. The Lich King then, seeing as a normal city would be in constant danger by the beasts lurking in the shadows of ChaosGraveyard, decided to build a floating castle on the top of the mountain he was on, high above the ruins of the city which had been destroyed by the dark creatures. Using his magical powers, the Lich King created the Castle of Dark Illusions, a huge floating castle above the top of the dark mountain. High in the air, it was outside the reach of most dark beings. Also, the Lich King created a huge shadow all around the castle, which engulfed the entire top of the mountain where it was on, including the ruins of his old city. This shadow is made of pitch-black darkness which causes illusions and nightmares to all those who enter it, and it was another way to protect the castle from the dark beings. In addition to those, the Castle of Dark Illusions itself was made of an unbelievably hard material, and it did not even have an entrance to it. Instead, the only way to get in or out of it was through a teleportation floor tile inside the castle. A similar teleportation tile was located in the Undercity, another place the Lich King created just beneath his old city. The Undercity was, as its name suggests, an underground city just below the old city ruins. The only entrance to it was through the old city's huge sewers. Those sewers were like a cave with an emerald river of poisonous sludge flowing in it and going from the surface of the land, in an entrance that looked like a cave's entrance, down to an underground room with a large emerald sludge pool, which also had some corridors that finally led to the Undercity itself. This was the place where the Lich King started to gather his army of undead, and had the skeletal general of his army, Death Knight, train them in battle and the use of various weapons. The Undercity is the society of the undead, a relatively organized society where undead warriors train themselves and craft and learn to use weapons. The Lich King himself lives alone above in the Castle of Illusions, and from there, every day, he summons more and more undead to join the ranks of his army in the Undercity. The undead, once they receive some basic training and grow very much in numbers, are released into the ChaosGraveyard, like monsters spawning from the veil of shadows surrounding the Castle of Dark Illusions, and then they spread and swarm the forest with their numbers, causing as much destruction as they can every time. Like this, the Lich King is trying to take over the ChaosGraveyard, by killing its dark creatures. However, with his undead soldiers only being human, they can not get very far before they get destroyed to nothing by the powerful dark beings, in a very long and dragged battle as the undead beings are very hard to destroy completely. After the Lich King's armies get defeated, the soldiers usually spread around the forest in bands of warriors, varying in size, and launch raids against other creatures. This is why the undead creatures can be found everywhere in ChaosGraveyard, even though they only come from the Undercity. Endlessly throwing undead skeletons and zombies into battle, the Lich King believes that one day, his undead will overwhelm everything and grow so much in power that they will be unstoppable, and from that point on, he will start conquering the world. So far, however, the situation remains balanced in the ChaosGraveyard, with the dark beings that get killed being replaced by others which spawn from the darkness after randomly escaping the Dark Side. With the Lich King's actions, the mountain above which his Castle of Dark Illusions is floating has become known as Death Mountain, because of the huge numbers of undead soldiers that spawn from the huge veil of darkness on its top and assault all nearby areas.
The Lich King possesses powerful magical abilities and psychic powers. He is capable of remote viewing by using a magical crystal sphere, which can display areas in far away places and what happens there. He is also able to telepathically communicate with his minions by talking to them in their minds, as well as use telekinesis, teleportation, and opening of dimension portals. He has also created a staff known as the Plague Staff, which can discharge mystical energy as well as fire various elemental blasts, and it turns anyone it physically hits into a zombie under the Lich King's command. Here are some of the Lich King's attacks:
Plague Staff: Physically strikes his enemy with his Plague Staff, turning them into a rotten walking corpse minion.
Arcane Missiles: Shoots some energy blasts of mystic magical energy from his staff, which are always super-effective on the target.
Fireball: Shoots a fire ball from his staff.
Icicle Spear: Blasts a sharp icicle at his foe from his staff.
Fire Spin: Summons a huge circular wall of flames around his foe, trapping them.
Chill Wave: Releases a very cold wave from his hand, which chills the enemy and slows them down.
Fire Blast: Releases a huge blast of fire from his staff.
Blizzard: Summons a blizzard of sharp ice needles that rain down on the enemy with much power.
Dancing Flames: Raises his staff and unleashes a huge wave of flames that rains down everywhere around, setting the entire battlefield in huge flames. The flames also start randomly moving around the battlefield, making them even harder to avoid.
Ice Statue: Instantly freezes the opponent inside some cold ice.
Thunderbolt: Unleashes a bolt of lightning from his staff, zapping the enemy.
Thunder: Raises his staff, and then a huge thunder descends upon his enemy.
Darkness Beam: Fires a beam of darkness from his staff.
Lightbeam: Fires a blinding beam of light from his staff.
Dark Psybeam: Fires a beam of dark psychic energy from his staff.
Polymorph: Transforms his enemies into harmless animals, like sheep, pigs, and turtles.
Mind Reader: Reads an opponent's mind.
Mind Control: Takes control of an enemy's mind and therefore their body as well.
Dark Kinesis: Telepathically moves objects and living beings using some dark psychic energy.
Dark Teleport: Vanishes in a spark of black lightning as he instantly teleports somewhere else. He can teleport himself or other objects and beings.
Dark Portal: Creates a dark dimensional gate in the air, so he can travel between the physical world and the Dark Side. It is useful for escaping difficult situations on either dimension.
Perish: Just with his mind, he concentrates some dark psychic energy inside the enemy's body, which then changes to black flames that start to consume the enemy from within, making them vanish in the black fire within a few seconds.
Root Trap: Roots come out of the ground at the enemy's feet and entangle them, immobilizing them.
Poisonpowder: Raises his staff and releases some poisonous powder from it, which rains down the entire battlefield.
Wind Blade: Does a quick swing of his staff, releasing a slicing wind blade at the enemy.
Rock Tomb: Many huge rocks arise from the ground from all sides of the enemy, trapping them between them. Some of the rocks then fall on the enemy and bury them alive.
Quicksand: The ground below the enemy's feet turns to quicksand, sucking them in alive. If the enemy manage to escape, a large hand of sand comes out of the quicksand and grabs them, then forcibly pulls them into the quicksand.
Shadow Bolt: Unleashes a fast-moving, shadow-like blast of energy.
Shadow Wave: Unleashes a shadow wave from his hand, which strikes the enemy like a strong, weakening wind.
Corruption: Taints an area with dark energy, damaging all those who are in that area.
Doombolt: Blasts many shadow balls from his staff, which all fly at the enemy and strike them in darkness explosions, each of which consumes a portion of the enemy's strength.
Drain Soul: Drains the life force out of an opponent, which permanently decreases their energy capacity and can even kill them. The Lich King also becomes stronger as he drains the foe's soul.
Searing Pain: A spell which inflicts excruciating pain upon the target.
Burn Soul: Casts a spell on his enemy that sets them on some transparent blue and white flames, which slowly consume their soul in an excruciatingly painful experience until they die.
Curse of Exhaustion: Casts a spell on the enemy, which makes them feel exhausted and greatly reduces their battle performance.
Scorpion Plague: Summons many scorpions within the enemy's belly, and the scorpions then plague-eat the victim from within.
Scarab Swarm: Summons a massive swarm of scarabs which overwhelms and eats away the enemy, leaving behind only their bones.
Flesh-Eating Ants: Summons an entire colony of carnivorous ants all over an enemy's body, on which the ants then begin a huge feast.
Cockroaches: Swings his hand and throws some cockroackes at his enemy, which emit a green, toxic odor that poisons, paralyzes, and hypnotizes the enemy once smelled. It is potentially deadly unless treated soon.
Nightmare Ghosts: Unleashes some ghosts from his palm, which fly through the enemy and create them the feeling of panic. Unable to control their fear, the enemies then either start fleeing or continue battling with much more random and thoughtless performance.
Oblivion: A sudden spell which shatters the enemy's soul like glass, killing them instantly. This technique works as a finisher attack after the enemy are very weakened by other attacks.
Banish: Banishes his enemy from the physical world, sending them straight to Hell.
Soul Tamer: Points his palm at a soul, and then some purple energy engulfs his palm. The same purple energy then also engulfs the foe that is being pointed at, who are then captivated and enslaved under the Lich King's command. This move is infallibly effective against ghosts and other spirits, but beings with a physical body may be able to resist for a while depending on their power. Most will fall within seconds, though.
Aside from his own powers and the swarming power of his army of countless undead, the Lich King also has his powerful and veteran general, Death Knight to serve under him, as well as three champions who each wield a legendary weapon of devastating power. In addition to those, he has a team of six extremely powerful skeletal Aerodactyl, which were his Pokemon team ever since he was the King of Atlantis. Here is some information about Lich King's army of undead:
Aerodactyl: Back whan he was the King of Atlantis, the Lich King had a team of six extremely powerful, high-level Aerodactyl. He had originally discovered only their fossils, but then using his magic, he brought them back to life and tamed them as his Pokemon. He taught them how to use some techniques that utilized the main advantages of an Aerodactyl, attack and speed. Such attacks were Earthquake, Rock Slide, Double-Edge, and Aerial Ace, and they also knew Hyper Beam. The Lich King also blessed his Aerodactyl with magic in order to increase their capacity to the fullest, and he gave them to hold items known as Choice Band, which further increased their attack power. In training, the Lich King focused on raising their attack and speed to the maximum levels, and he watched as his jolly Aerodactyl disposed of enemies in double battles quickly with their devastating Rock Slide attack, to which many enemies just flinched and could not even fight back, only fainting without even having touched the Aerodactyl. He did not have to worry about defense, as besides the fact that his gray, rock-hard Aerodactyl were naturally resistant to many attacks, most opponents could not even land a hit on them because of the deep intimidation they felt by the unparalleled power of those ancient Pokemon. Because of his team of six Aerodactyl, which unleashed a barrage on boulders on his foes and literally buried them alive, the King of Atlantis became a notorious Pokemon trainer of extreme skill and power, who was winning battles with minimal effort, while other trainers who trained and tried much harder than him and used a lot of complicated tactics and versatility in their teams only saw their Pokemon flinching before the insane power of the King's Aerodactyl. The King of Atlantis kept this fame until the whole of Atlantis was destroyed by Dragonaurus's Golden Blast, when everyone died and was forgotten. Soon after reviving himself, the King of Atlantis, now the Lich King, revived his Pokemon team as skeletons to continue serving him. As skeletons, his Aerodactyl had lost none of their power, but instead, being lighter, they had gained increased speed, now surpassing that of any existing Pokemon on Earth. In addition to that, his Aerodactyl can now reassemble if they happen to break down to their bones, making them even more difficult to defeat than before. In short, the Lich King's Aerodactyl continue being one of the best Pokemon teams in existence, maybe even the best one that exists, terrifying foes with the huge Rock Slide barrage they unleash on them in double battles.
Skeletal Dragon: Skeletal Dragon is a dragon that the Lich King revived from Atlantis. He has him as a pet minion and, when he is not using his Pokemon team, he sends him to battle and destroy his foes with his power while supporting him with his own magical powers in both offense and defense. So, enemies who want to face the Lich King will actually have to fight against two opponents at the same time, one extremely huge and with huge physical power, with the ability to even reassemble himself, and the other a great dark sorcerer of unbelievable power, unmatched by anyone on Earth.
Death Knight: Back when he was the King of Atlantis, the Lich King had a huge army of human soldiers in his kingdom, loyally serving him. The most powerful of those soldiers as well as their general was a huge, muscular man known as General Slaughter. Slaughter was famous for his exceedingly brutal ways in battle, butchering people like animals with his huge axe, and leading his army to exterminate entire villages of innocent people only suspected of betraying the King. As with everyone else on Atlantis, General Slaughter also died when the island got obliterated to nothing. But then the Lich King used his recently trained art of necromancy to bring him back and serve him in unlife as a skeleton. Now known as Death Knight, he has lost none of his brutality, and he leads the undead soldiers under his command to raid and destroy everything in their path during their frequent assaults on ChaosGraveyard.
Death Guard: The Death Guard are five battle veterans wearing heavy armor and wielding huge double-handed, double-bladed axes. As humans on Atlantis, they used to be the elite guard of General Slaughter, a role which they continue to perform after having been brought back from the dead by the Lich King.
Arthur: Arthur was once a peerless warrior who functioned as the monster-hunting Protector of Atlantis from all internal and external threats. Some of these were human threats, but the majority were creatures from other races, such as orcs, beasts, and dragons. Arthur was an exceptional swordsman with nearly superhuman skill, and he wielded a legendary sword known as Excalibur. This sword had magical powers which not only protected its wielder from damage by rapidly healing his wounds and also reducing the damage he took from all attacks, but they also amplified his power by a thousand. So, with his power a thousand times greater than normal, Arthur was able to kill the dragons who were threatening Atlantis, and in fact, he was one of the very few people who could do that, since normal weapons were not enough to even scratch the dragons' extremely tough skin. With Excalibur, his power plain overwhelmed his enemies, and finished off most of them in one hit. Arthur was a famous legendary hero of Atlantis and remained like that until the island's destruction. After that, he died like the rest population of Atlantis. But then the Lich King resurrected him as a skeleton on Chaos Planet, and he also summoned Excalibur from Earth to Chaos Planet using his magic. Being brought back from the dead by the Lich King, Arthur now loyally serves under his undead master, having lost none of his skills and power from when he was still alive.
Thor: Thor was a famous dwarf from Atlantis. He was widely known as the best blacksmith on the island, who constructed the finest weapons and armor in the entire world. He also often enhanced his creations with powerful dwarven magic, which made those weapons and armor many times superior to their ordinary counterparts. His greatest creation was a hammer known as Thor's Hammer, which would call down lightning from the heavens themselves to strike down anything struck by the hammer itself. This weapon's power was so great that a single hit from it could even kill a dragon, and it was one of the three most widely known weapons on Atlantis. Thor kept this hammer as his personal weapon of choice, and combined with the unbelievably hard armor he had created for himself, this made him known as an insanely powerful warrior. In fact, his armor was enhanced with dwarven magic and was able to swallow up all but the most powerful elemental attacks, and its hardness was nearly the same as that of a diamond, making it almost impossible to damage by physical attacks. In the few battles Thor participated, his enemies found themselves completely unable to harm him by any means, while they were getting killed from single attacks of his hammer. So amazed were the survivors who had battled against Thor, that many of them were convinced he was invincible, and rumours started to spread on Atlantis about him actually being a god. By the end of Atlantis, much of its population ended up believing that Thor was really an invincible god. But then, Dragonaurus blasted the island with his Golden Blast and killed everyone, including Thor. The Lich King, knowing of him, brought him back from the dead on Chaos Planet. However, he did not resurrect his body. Instead, he summoned his armor, which would protect his whole body, and in that armor, the Lich King trapped Thor's spirit. So then, Thor had been brought back to life in his armor, without his real body. The Lich King also summoned Thor's Hammer from Earth and gave it to Thor once again, for him to serve under him as his obedient minion.
Link: Link was a young hero from a region on North-Eastern Atlantis, known as Hyrule. He was a very charismatic and talented elf-like person, with a natural talent in swordsmanship and marksmanship. From such a young age as a child, Link went out in various quests and defeated many powerful enemies, surprising everyone with his feats. Link came across and defeated many powerful foes, and in some point in his journeys, he found and obtained the legendary Master Sword itself. This was a sword of great power, which could even unleash blasts of magical energy to destroy opponents. It was also protected by magic which prevented it from ever being physically damaged, and its magic also had the ability to repel evil. As Link continued travelling and defeating dangerous opponents, he also got new items and upgraded those he already had. Some of his items were a magical boomerang which could be controlled to change directions while flying, a cape which could make the one who wore it invisible, a shield which could deflect beams and other attacks, a bow and arrows, including flaming and frozen ones, bombs, a fire and an ice rod, three medallions which could create explosions, earthquakes, and freezing breezes, strong mail that protects from attacks, special boots which allow movement at great speeds, power gloves for lifting large boulders, a hookshot for offensive and other uses, a cane that can create magical blocks, a cane that unleashes a magical energy that protects from all attacks, a magical hammer, an other things. As time passed, his fame as a legendary hero spread throughout the entire Atlantis, and Link, even though he was still young, became known as one of the most powerful heroes on the island. However, before he could even turn eighteen, disaster struck Atlantis when Dragonaurus obliterated it. Link died, and the Lich King was quick to resurrect him as a zombie. However, he was not able to summon the Master Sword, as it repelled his evil powers. The Lich King did not give up on it though, and he came up with a way to obtain it. Realizing that the Master Sword and Link were linked somehow, the Lich King came up with a plan to exploit this fact. He converted Link's soul to dark, evil magic and infused it into Link's corpse, so that now Link's body was animated by the dark magic which used to be his soul. Then, since the Master Sword and Link were connected in some magical way, when Link's soul turned dark and evil, the Master Sword also got corrupted in order to match Link's spirit. From the Blade of Evil's Bane, it changed to a dark sword which did the exactly opposite of what it used to do: destroy the kind ones instead of those with evil hearts. With that, the Lich King was able to finally summon the Master Sword into Link's hands, who then served him like Thor and Arthur. Having the three most powerful weapons on Atlantis and the great heroes who wielded them under his command, the Lich King would then use them to try to conquer ChaosGraveyard. However, this proved to be a very difficult task, as every dark being on ChaosGraveyard was in fact as powerful as the evil bosses Link used to fight on Earth. And those were only the average dark beings, and the more powerful of them were barely defeatable even by the legendary weapons. For that reason, The Lich King's army of undead still has not been able to take over the dark forests, and all they succeed is much destruction before being driven back to the shadows.
Here are some of Epona's attacks:
Mist: Epona releases a ghostly mist from his mane and tail, drastically reducing visibility in the battlefield.
Bite: Epona bites his foe and tears out their flesh.
Ram: Epona charges at the enemy and rams onto them.
Kick: Epona kicks his enemy with great power, using either his front or his back legs.
Plague: Epona infects his opponents with a deadly plague upon direct physical contact.
Trample: Epona tramples enemies that have fallen on the ground.
Stench: Epona emits a disgusting smell from his rotten carcass that poisons and suffocates non-undead enemies.
Dance of the White Mist: Epona runs around the enemy in circles, while releasing much white mist from his hair at the same time. In so, he creates a white cloud around the enemy, that completely cuts off their sight around the place. Then, inside that white mist, Epona continues to move around constantly, while Link takes up his bow and begins shooting arrows at his enemy to kill them. The enemy, who can not even see where their enemies are, will then be pierced by the arrows that come out of the mist all of a sudden from unpredictable directions, and die a slow death of fear and agony. In case however that they have the reflexes to keep up with the arrows, Link may also use the other weapons he has at his disposal to eliminate them, such as bombs and magic rods that shoot burning and freezing blasts. Also, if the enemy attempt to make a run for it through the white mist, Epona will charge at them and crush them, always with the help of Link who rides on his back, and will not hesitate to take up the sword and shield to fight close up.
Here are some of BlackAbsol's attacks:
Dark Ray: Fires a purple beam that uses the enemy's own power against them, by making it explode within their bodies where the beam hits them.
Darkness Beam: Fires a beam of dark energy from the purple oval on his head.
Quick Attack: Moves at very high speed and tackles the enemy.
Slash: Slashes the enemy with the blades on his head and tail.
Earthquake: Creates a powerful earthquake.
Rock Slide: Makes large rocks slide down from mountains and crush his enemies.
Eruption: Makes any nearby volcanoes erupt at full power.
Tsunami: Makes a gigantic tsunami strike a coastal area.
Hail: Creates a hail storm.
Twister: Creates a massive and destructive tornado.
Meteor Fall: Makes a meteor fall to the ground, causing massive destruction.
ChaosGraveyard ChaosTree
The ChaosTree of ChaosGraveyard is a large, ancient dark tree existing in the deepest and darkest depths of ChaosGraveyard's most central and dangerous area. This dark being has existed since the most ancient times in Chaos Planet's history, growing its roots deeper and deeper into the darkness-filled land of the planet ever since. Its roots, in fact, reach all the way down to the very center of Chaos Planet, penetrating into the Dark Side itself, and endlessly sucking dark energy from all the places they reach to feed the dark tree. The entire ChaosGraveyard, home to most of the dark beings on Chaos Planet, is in reality all part of the ChaosTree, as every single tree in the dark forest is actually another one of ChaosTree's gigantic roots, which have spread all across a huge range, and some of them erupted out of the ground and turned into the countless gigantic trees that make up ChaosGraveyard. So, the entire forest, along with the wood-element dark beings such as Woodmon and Cherrymon that live in it, are in fact all extentions of the great ChaosTree, which has taken up a huge portion of Chaos Planet and turned it into a home of deep darkness. By absorbing such insane amounts of energy from the planet, the ChaosTree is able to sustain its colossal existence, while also maintaining an extremely huge level of strength, which is much higher even than the Chosen Champions' energy. The ChaosTree lays dormant in the center of its forest extention, observing everything that goes on inside it, as it has the ability to see and feel anything that happens anywhere within the ChaosGraveyard. The dark beings of the forest seem to somehow know of this tree's huge power and importance to their shadowy home, so they never attack or even approach it, leaving it completely alone, hidden in the deepest darkness of the forest. It is said that SkullMew, the God of Darkness, may be located somewhere close to this tree, perhaps hiding inside it, and that Puppetmon is also somehow related to this tree, but the mystery around this tree still remains as dark as the forest surrounding it.Dark beings grow out of its branches. It absorbs the souls of demons from Hell through its roots, and allows them to emerge in the outside world as its rapidly-maturing "fruit".
Here are some of the ChaosTree's attacks:
Hammer Arm: Smashes its foe with its powerful wooden arm.
Hard Plant: Makes many huge, spiky tree roots erupt out of the ground to smash the enemy hard, stab them with their large thorns, and bind them up to immobilize them or crush them.
Forest Power: Slams his hand on the ground, making huge trees grow out of the earth for various purposes, such as blocking an enemy's attack, forming into a series of trees in a circle around the enemy and leaning towards each other at the top to connect and trap the foe completely, or wrapping around the enemy and immobilizing them with their expanding branches. He can even use this attack to create a gigantic labyrinth of huge, extremely hard trees that block the sky from above with their huge branches, and the labyrinth is also filled with numerous nature-themed traps, such as flowers that release dangerous powders to anyone that gets nearby, vines that wrap around the enemies' bodies to immobilize them, poisonous thorns sticking out of the surfaces of trees and other plants to damage any foes that touch them, and storms of razor-sharp leaves that fly from trees and overwhelm and obliterate the targets.
Hallucination Mist: Releases a mysterious mist that makes the foe experience hallucinations. While this mist already exists randomly in ChaosGraveyard, the mist fired directly from the ChaosTree is far more powerful and effective.
Leaf Storm: Some old, dark leaves grow on the branches of nearby trees, and these leaves then all fly at the foes like a storm to overwhelm and slice them up like razors.
Darkness Seed: Grows a mysterious, dark seed, and launches it at the enemy. Once in close range, the seed pops up and reveals many small, darkness-infused vines inside it, which then entangle the enemy immediately, restraining them, and then begin draining out their energy at an extremely rapid rate. Once all the energy of an enemy has been sucked out, the dark seed then plants itself into the enemy and turns them into a zombie, animated by dark energy.
Ingrain: Feeds itself on much darkness from Chaos Planet using its roots, instantly restoring any energy it may spend during a battle.
Recover: Effortlessly restores itself from any damage by regrowing its broken or damaged parts.
Impaling Wood: Makes wooden spikes erupt suddenly from the ground to impale enemies, or makes those spikes grow as branches on nearby trees and extends them at the enemies at fast speeds. The wooden spikes can also grow even more smaller spikes on them.
Fissure: Makes the ground below the enemy's feet split up, throwing them into the depths of the earth.
Dark Fissure: Makes the ground below the enemy's feet split up, while also using some extremely thick dark energy inside the abyssally deep earth chasm to suck enemies into it with force as much as a thousand times their own weight. The enemies thus end up getting swallowed into the depths of the earth, where they get buried afterwards when the fissure closes up.
Burial: Some roots grow out at the enemy's feet and entangle them, before they pull the foe straight into the ground, burying them alive.
Terra Drain: Grabs an enemy with its hand, and then drains out their entire energy in seconds.
Overgrow: The ChaosTree absorbs huge amount of dark energy to increase its size to gigantic proportions, along with its power. It also rips itself out of the ground an grows two feet to stand on.
Stomp: Crushes the enemies under its huge feet.
Earthquake: Stomps the earth with its huge feet, creating a powerful earthquake.
Earthquake Storm: Stomps the ground repeatedly with its huge feet, creating a massive storm of devastating earthquakes.
King Gengar
King Gengar is a huge Gengar who is the King of all ghosts in ChaosGraveyard. His powers are much greater than those of any other ghost, and his techniques are the same as those of the Gengar of Team Devastators, but he can also use Thunder, Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb, Psychic, Psywave, and some other, more advanced techniques.
Here are some of King Gengar's attacks:
Back Dimension: Glares at his enemies and summons them within his eyes, trapped in an alternate dimension there. From within the eyes, the victims can see outside at what the eyes are seeing.
Hidden Power: Summons black spheres that he controls and can attack the enemy with. The spheres hit the enemy and explode with any element, like fire, ice, or lightning, but the enemy has no way of seeing what element each sphere hides as they all look the same.
Arise: Brings spirits out of the Dark Side. This can be used to resurrect fallen beings, by dragging out their soul from the darkness and putting it back to their body.
Psybolt: Concentrates psychic energy in his hands and fires bolts of psychic energy.
Doom: Points at his enemy, and then the number 40 appears above their head. Then a countdown begins, second by second, until the number reaches zero. Upon that moment, the enemy dies. This is a much more advanced version of Curse, which kills the enemy faster and doesn't sacrifice the user's energy as well.
Lifeshaver: When King Gengar has lost energy, this attack cuts down the same amount of energy from his enemy and gives it to King Gengar, restoring his energy back to full (unless the enemy has less than the required energy and just dies by the attack).
Death: Grabs his victim's spirit and pulls it out of their body.
Banish: A sudden, unstable explosion of darkness happens, and then the darkness implodes and banishes those caught in its range to Hell.
Consuming Darkness: King Gengar unleashes a cloud of darkness from his body, and then the darkness itself slowly begins to devour the enemy's body, until they perish and only their skeleton is left behind. The enemy's body will begin disappearing the moment it gets touched by the darkness, creating wounds on their body, which grow greater and more serious as the technique stays in effect, until eventually their entire body vanishes to nothingness.
Apocalymon is the current most powerful being in the Dark Side. He collects all the negative emotions of those who have been treated unfairly by life, amassing an unimaginable amount of dark energy. He is one of the strongest beings in Chaos Planet's history, about as strong as Overlord GAIA himself, and plans to exact revenge from all living beings one day.
Here are some of Apocalymon's attacks:
Darkness Zone: Reverts his enemies to a mass of data.
Death Evolution: Uses his giant claws to force enemies to de-evolve back to earlier forms or stages.
Copied Attacks: His claws transform into parts of various beings whose power he has absorbed, and then he uses those beings' attacks.
Grand Death Big Bang: Suicide attack that produces an explosion strong enough to wipe out an entire dimension. Used as a final resort.
SniperHiAndromon, also known as "The Silent Assassin", is an extremely strong and intelligent machine that has received immense amounts of training in how to kill enemies. An exceptional assassin, he hides in the wilderness, usually at high spots, and snipes down his victims with perfect accuracy and efficiency. He wears a cape that can make him invisible, and wields a high-technology sniper rifle that fires silenced, lethal shots. He is also incredibly powerful in hand-to-hand combat, being able to match the strength of opponents much larger than his size, and his signature attack, Atomic Ray, is an instant KO in almost every case. SniperHiAndromon always hides the bodies of those he kills, and never leaves any witnesses or other traces behind. Because of that, almost no one knows of his existence, but the few that do know him as the Silent Assassin.
Here are some of SniperHiAndromon's attacks:
Infinity Rifle: Uses his silenced sniper rifle of unbelievable range to silently take out targets from a huge distance. The sniper rifle, R-47, is actually a railgun designed by Mechanikat (with high-technology techniques and the use of suitable materials for it to work sufficiently), functioning as an extremely powerful rifle whose fired bullets have the force of massive explosions.
Stealth Mode: Covers himself with his cape to become invisible.
Silenced Finger: The tip of his index finger opens, revealing that it is actually a silenced pistol that shoots out a bullet at his foe. The bullet contains a virus that infects the foe and deletes them within seconds, leaving behind no trace at all.
Shotgun Palm: Points his palm at the opponent, and then a small circular area on his palm opens up and he fires it like a shotgun. This attack's effectiveness is greatest in short ranges, especially if SniperHiAndromon catches the opponent with his hand and shoots them point-blank.
Fiber Wire: Sneaks behind his target and strangles them with a fiber wire.
Spiral Sword: Spins his hand like a drill at extreme speed, and then swings it and sends out a blue slashing energy.
Gatling Missiles: He has twin missile launchers concealed under his chest plate that fire organic missiles in the form of fish. The missiles can open their mouths to reveal machine guns and are also capable of selecting and following their own targets.
Atomic Ray: Fires a beam of nuclear energy. This attack is insanely powerful, annihilating most opponents in one hit.
Copy Paste: Copies and pastes characteristics of his enemies, such as their attributes, attacks, or even appearance onto himself. In other words he gains the abilities and characteristics of his foes.
Close Combat: Physically assaults his opponent. He has incredible power, defense and stamina that easily overwhelm common enemies.
Anti-Immortal Rounds: SniperHiAndromon loads some special bullets into his sniper rifle, which are able to eliminate even normally immortal foes. These special bullets were created by Mechanikat, using a special dark energy that temporarily cancels the foe's immortality, sending them straight to Hell before they can revive.
Wisemon is the wisest being on Chaos Planet. All knowledge in the world is an open book to him; he knows everything in the universe, regardless of space and time. He holds the red Sphere of Space in his right hand and the yellow Sphere of Time in his left hand, which he can use to disable even the most powerful enemies. Wisemon is at the Lost Oasis in the Great Desert.
Here are some of Wisemon's attacks:
Eternal Nirvana: Gives an enemy a change of mind leaving them not wanting to fight.
Pandora Dialogue: Speaks of tragedies happening that soon become true.
Sphere of Space: Uses the space-controlling power of his Sphere of Space. With it, the enemy's form and place in space are at Wisemon's mercy. He can, for example, shrink his enemy to the size of an ant, or even alter their appearance. Or teleport them to the other side of the universe.
Sphere of Time: Uses the time-controlling power of his Sphere of Time. With it, Wisemon can control the enemy's age, rendering them to a state in which they were in the past, or making them older. He can also banish them until a certain time in the future, and display a world of illusion that represents a state of the world in the past.
RoboSmeargle and MetalDitto
RoboSmeargle and MetalDitto are two machines relating to art - painting and sculpture, respectively. On the first look, they may not look like much of a threat, but underestimating them would be very regrettable, as these two machines actually possess some incredible powers capable of overwhelming and eliminating even the toughest opponents they may come across. RoboSmeargle fights with his battle-affecting drawing abilities, treating a battle like a 3D painting and animation which he controls and modifies. MetalDitto makes sculptures out of himself, by assembling scanned enemy data he has gathered into his own body's information code, transforming himself into various chimera-like forms which can change at any time to adapt to the battle's needs in such a way that they will bring the enemy's desperation and annihilation. Although the two of them aren't particularly fond of battling, they will put their art to best use when threatened, and obliterate anyone foolish enough to try an assault on them.
Here are some of RoboSmeargle's attacks:Painting Zone: Defines the radius of a massive sphere of control whose center is located at the upper end of RoboSmeargle's antenna. This sphere of control usually covers a great range, it is invisible, and inside it RoboSmeargle gains the power to affect it with various image-editing skills. It remains active for as long as RoboSmeargle wishes until he uses Exit, however it can also end abruptly if RoboSmeargle is somehow thrown out of it, since he needs to remain inside it in order for it to remain active.
Select [Hexahedron, Sphere]: RoboSmeargle selects an area within Painting Zone to work on it in various ways. This is done with the help of three sphere-shaped, floating objects known as the Movers. The Movers are normally attached aligned down RoboSmeargle's back, and may begin to float around within the Painting Zone when that becomes active. These sphere-like things are very agile in their movements, and they each have a "face" which, during the Select technique, is facing at a "focus point" set by RoboSmeargle. It works like this: First, RoboSmeargle imagines a "focus point" somewhere in the Painting Zone. This point is invisible, imaginable, only really known by RoboSmeargle, and it serves as to define the beginning of his selection in all three dimensions. So, its coordinations in the three dimensions are 0, 0, 0. Then, once that focus point is set, the three Movers each define RoboSmeargle's selection in each of the three dimensions, X, Y, and Z, facing the focus point as they do that. Then, depending on their positioning and the positioning of the focus point, a hexahedron is formed, which is RoboSmeargle's selection. Here is a picture explaining it in practice (Note: in the picture, the Movers are not all perfectly facing at the "focus point" as they should, so it's not a perfect representation of the technique. Normally, they would all be facing at the point (0,0,0)). In the case of a sphere selection, then a focus point is set, and a Mover is simply assigned to define the radius of the sphere. The enemy, however, have no clue of what the Movers may do, since they do not know the location of the focus point set by RoboSmeargle. But once the Movers make their selection, although it is transparent and not very visible, a trained eye may notice a light blue outline of the selection, which RoboSmeargle can then edit using a variety of techniques.
Cut: Removes the selection from the scene. He can then Paste it back, but if he Cuts or Copies anything else before Pasting it, then the original Cut area will disappear permanently, and the Paste technique will paste the later area that was Cut or Copied. In case something important is lost by mistake, it can be undone with the Undo technique, or by Exiting the Painting Zone without Saving, in which case everything will return back to how it was since the last Save.
Paste: Reintroduces something that was Cut or Copied back into the Painting Zone area. Things that were Cut can only be Pasted once, but things that were Copied can be Pasted multiple times.
Copy: Same as Cut, except Copied objects can be Pasted many times. For example, RoboSmeargle can Copy some boulders and then Paste them multiple times above his enemy to crush them.
Resize: Redefines the size of a selection.
Color Edit: Messes with the colors of a selection to confuse or surprise his enemy.
Alpha Channel: Makes things invisible.
Delete: Deletes a selection.
Undo: Undoes the previous action.
Redo: Redoes an undone action.
Frame Delay: Slows down the "framerate" of the battle, slowing things down, but expends a lot of his energy to do so.
Save: Saves his work into reality. Unless saved, anything that goes on within the Painting Zone is not much more than an illusion, which would end if Painting Zone is exit without saving.
Exit: Cancels Painting Zone, losing all unsaved changes.
Sketch: Draws a 3D model of his enemy, which can also use one attack sketched from the enemy using it as well. Each sketched model can only use and keep using one attack of the enemy, but RoboSmeargle can just make multiple sketches of the enemy, that may each use a different one of their attacks. Or just the same attack multiple times. Also, RoboSmeargle can make sketches of other things, like drawing a wall to block the enemy. Sketch does not require Painting Zone to work.
RGB Blast: Shoots out a huge beam of red, green and blue from his right hand. It creates explosions of multiple colors, and is very devastating. It can be used without Painting Zone.
Brush Tail: Uses his brush-tail as an eraser to delete things. A brush stronger than a sword, that is useable outside of Painting Zone.
Art Blast: Swings his brush-tail and sends out a crescent-shaped blast of variously colored energy. Useable outside Painting Zone.
Final Touch: Swings his brush-tail with huge power, sending out an insanely huge, overpowered version of Art Blast. Useable outside Painting Zone.
Here are some of MetalDitto's attacks:
Data Scan: Scans the data of his enemy, to make use of it with his Transform technique. This does not scan memories and experience however, so MetalDitto doesn't automatically know how to use the bodies he transforms into to their fullest extent, but he does have knowledge of their basic attributes on which he can develop his tactics. The enemy attacks also have data of their own, which MetalDitto can scan once he sees them being used, although he can just learn them himself as well, like the original being who used them did.
Transform: Using the scanned data he has at his disposal, he changes forms and powers, exact replications of what he has scanned. The only thing he can not change is his using of dark energy as his main source of power. However, that's actually a good thing, since it usually means he has more stamina than his copied opponents, as he can store up great amounts of compressed dark energy in his body. So in most cases, MetalDitto's transformation will actually turn up even stronger than the original being he copied. In addition, he doesn't need to transform into his enemies exactly as they are, but he can select only parts of their data to copy, and combine it with data parts of other scanned beings, thus transforming himself into chimeric forms with characteristics that he chooses himself. This way, he can improve the forms of enemies he copies, and cover any possible weaknesses they may have by default.
Ditto: Makes up to ten replications of himself. Even though they are separate bodies, they are actually all controlled by the same mind - which just thinks from ten different points of view at the same time. This is hard to conceive for a living being, as ordinary living organisms can only think and concentrate on one thing at a time. However MetalDitto, being a machine, is not limited to thinking of only one thing, but can concentrate on multiple things and perform multi-tasks, just like a computer. This is how he is able to be in ten different bodies at the same time. In other words, all of MetalDitto's replications are in fact MetalDitto himself, and as such, all things experienced by each of the bodies are also recorded as memories in the minds of the other replications. So, for example, if one of MetalDitto's bodies spots the presence of an enemy somewhere, the other bodies will also immediately know about it as well, as if they saw through the first body's eyes themselves.
Bubbles is one of the many creations of Overlord GAIA while he was doing research on how to create the most powerful beings to serve under him. While experimenting on various kinds of synthetic materials of which his machines are partly made of along with metal, he created a being that was made of a quite unique material that could prove quite efficient in battle. That being was Bubbles, a machine that resembles the Pokemon Lickitung in appearance, but he is about twice as large as one, and also possesses different powers in combat based on his stickiness. His body is made of a pink, sticky gum-like substance which, once it connects with the target, is extremely difficult to come off, which can mean a lot of trouble. Bubbles' body also regenerates back to default condition on its own in case he gets damaged, which makes most attacks against him futile. In battle, he mainly uses his tongue, which can stretch to incredible lengths, to entangle his opponents and then smash them around or swallow them whole. He can also create devastating compressed air bubblegum bombs, and fire a sticky BubbleBeam. The exterior of Bubbles' body is not too sticky so that he can move around without sticking into everything, but physical attacks can easily break through that exterior and sink inside Bubbles' interior body, which is extremely sticky. Bubbles also has the ability to control how sticky he is, in case he wants to attach himself to walls and other stuff.
Here are some of Bubbles' attacks:
Lick: Licks an enemy with his tongue, wetting them with an extremely sticky liquid that can heavily restrain their movements.
Wrap: He extends his tongue at any length he wishes, and entangles his enemy in a strong, sticky trap.
Seismic Toss: Bubbles swings an enemy up at a huge height with his tongue, and then he violently smashes them down with so much power it causes an earthquake.
Power Whip: Swings his huge tongue at the enemy and strikes them with incredible force, enough to crush trees or buildings.
Swallow: Bubbles swallows his opponent whole. Inside his stomach is a portal to Hell, which means the enemies he swallows are sent straight to Hell.
Regeneration: Bubbles' body regenerates on its own back to default condition.
Gum Net: Bubbles spits out a large piece of extremely sticky gum, with which he attempts to capture his opponent like using a net.
BubbleBeam: Fires a huge spray of gum bubbles filled with highly compressed air from his mouth, hitting the enemy with multiple popping bubbles that cause powerful, damaging explosions of air, and also have the effect of making anything caught in the blasts sticky and slowing them down.
Bubble Bomb: Bubbles blows an insanely huge amount of air into a single, large bubble of gum, which he then blows at his opponent. The large gum bubble explodes when it hits the target, creating a massive, devastating explosion that wipes out everything within a great range. It is powerful enough to hollow out an entire mountain. Also, naturally, everything caught in the blast also becomes sticky after this.
The Shapeshifting Demon of ChaosGraveyard
The Shapeshifting Demon of ChaosGraveyard is, as his name suggests, a dark being with the ability to change his physical form. He is a powerful, cunning, and extremely mysterious ghost. Little is known about his intentions and what he wishes to achieve, as he makes sure that his actions or anything that can link them to him always remain a secret. As far as his powers go, his main known power is to materialize himself into a body of condensed darkness, whose form can be anything he desires. He can also possess the bodies of his victims or hypnotise them. His exact whereabouts and activities are unknown.
Here are some of the Shapeshifting Demon's attacks:
Shapeshifting: In his true form, the Shapeshifting Demon can freely change his shape into any form he wishes. He can even turn himself into a two-dimensional shadow on a wall, or hide in someone's shadow in this way to later lunge out at them from behind.
Shadow Clone: The Shapeshifting Demon of ChaosGraveyard possesses the ability to create shadowy clones of himself, made from dark energy. The clones can use all of his dark energy techniques, but will vanish easily if hit by powerful attacks. However, after being destroyed, the memories of all the experiences they had while they existed will instantly be transferred to the Shapeshifting Demon.
Invisibility: The Shapeshifting Demon of ChaosGraveyard possesses the ability to turn himself invisible, although only when he is in his true form.
Shadow Sneak: Teleports from shadow to shadow, including his enemies' shadows.
Hypnosis: Looks into the eyes of his foe and hypnotises them, making them think whatever the Shapeshifting Demon wants.
Body Possession: The Shapeshifting Demon flies into the body of his foe, who then gets engulfed by a dark aura and gets possessed. A possessed character's eyes also turn the same as those of the Shapeshifting Demon. The Shapeshifting Demon can this technique with Shadow Clone, in order to gain possession of multiple targets at once. Also, while possessing a host, the Shapeshifting Demon retains all of his own abilities to use in battle, and he can even mix them with those of his host to create new, even more powerful techniques.
Confuse Ray: His eyes glow purple as he looks at an enemy, and then that enemy's eyes also become purple and the enemy also gets engulfed in a purple aura. The enemy then becomes confused.
Night Shade: Fires beams of darkness from his eyes. These beams have the ability to bypass an enemy's physical defenses and deal direct damage.
Shadow Ball: Shapes a sphere of condensed darkness in the air and shoots it at his enemy. He can form this attack anywhere in the air, even behind his enemies while he's facing them to sneak attack them.
Shapeshifting Shadow Ball: The Shapeshifting Demon is able to control the shape and appearance of his Shadow Balls, being able to disguise them as normal objects in the environment for sudden, unexpected attacks, or making them appear as normal Shadow Balls when in fact they are transformed into spike-like projectiles, which reveal their true form upon stabbing the target.
Shadow Barrage: The Shapeshifting Demon is able to summon many Shadow Balls (shapeshifting or not) anywhere in the environment to attack his targets from everywhere, overwhelming them.
Dark Explosion: Creates a large explosion of darkness around himself, blasting everything away. He can also make his Shadow Clones explode completely, producing powerful dark explosions anywhere.
Curse: This technique can be used to cast a deadly curse on a foe, at the expense of half of the user's energy. However, the Shapeshifting Demon sacrifices his Shadow Clones instead, receiving no negative effects from the technique himself. The curse steadily depletes the enemy's energy at a fast rate, in the form of dark energy constantly coming out of their bodies like a black smoke, until they run out of power completely and faint.
Shadow Force: The Shapeshifting Demon disappears, and then a few moments later, dark energy begins erupting from his enemies' bodies, crushing their souls and killing them. He then reappears after his enemies have been defeated.
ChaosGallantmon Chaos Mode
ChaosGallantmon Chaos Mode are ChaosGallantmon who have sworn absolute, unquestionable loyalty and devotion to the Great OverLord of Chaos himself, ChaosLord. These ChaosGallantmon would be willing to give up even their own lives for ChaosLord, and have dedicated their very existences to the serving of the Ultimate Organism. As a reward for their devotion, ChaosLord has given them the highest of gifts that can be given to a being: some of his own energy, the very energy of which the universe was created from, the primal energy, chaos energy! With the chaos energy, whose base power output is much higher than all the other energy forms combined, these ChaosGallantmon have ascended to the next level of evolution, becoming ChaosGallantmon Chaos Mode and being able to use chaos energy attacks which can enable them to easily defeat almost any other machine on Chaos Planet! So, ChaosGallantmon Chaos Mode have some of ChaosLord's power, however, unlike ChaosLord, who can draw infinite amounts of chaos energy from outside of the universe, they only have a set amount of chaos energy which ChaosLord has given them. In order to maintain this energy and not use it without need, ChaosGallantmon Chaos Mode have reverted themselves back to ordinary ChaosGallantmon, serving alongside all the other machines in Alphamon's army. There, they train and fight just like every other ChaosGallantmon, however, should the need ever arise, they can ascend to their more perfect form, and obliterate their foe with their supreme chaos energy. In the thick of battle, ChaosGallantmon Chaos Mode serve as extremely inspirational figures, due to their great devotion to ChaosLord, their fearlessness, and their insane power, which give great courage the other machines and inspire them to greater feats.
Here are some of ChaosGallantmon Chaos Mode's attacks:
Chaos Lance: Attack the enemy with their lance, known as the Chaos Lance. The mere impacts of this lance onto its targets are enough to cause the ground to shake. It can shatter a diamond to countless pieces with just a gentle thrust.
Chaos Sword: Slash the enemy with their sword, known as the Chaos Sword. The sword's cutting power is such that, if the sword were to be dropped tip-first towards the ground, it would go all the way into the planet's center by itself, cutting through the land with only the minimal power of gravity! Needless to say, if the sword's wielder were to put their own strength behind the sword's cutting power, they would be able to cut through just about anything; perhaps even things which are considered to be normally indestructible.
Chaos Cutter: ChaosGallantmon Chaos Mode swing their Chaos Sword and send out a blue crescent-shaped chaos energy blast, which can easily cleave through a mountain.
Chaos Beam: ChaosGallantmon Chaos Mode punch away at the direction of their enemy, unleashing a blue beam of chaos energy from their fists with their punch. The beam is not only extremely destructive in itself, it also creates a huge blue explosion as it hits, which resembles a smaller version of ChaosPiedmon's own Ultima spell!
Fly: ChaosGallantmon Chaos Mode have the ability to fly freely in the air with their wings.
Chaos Wind: ChaosGallantmon Chaos Mode flap their wings and send out a chaos energy-infused wind which instantly cancels out any attack thrown at them from the enemy.
Chaos Speed: ChaosGallantmon Chaos Mode move at blinding speed, almost as fast as light.
Chaos Aura: ChaosGallantmon Chaos Mode get engulfed in a blue, flame-like aura which regenerates the damage on their bodies and gives them supreme defensive capabilities.
Chaos Kendo Obliteration: ChaosGallantmon Chaos Mode fuse their Chaos Sword and Chaos Lance together into a giant sword twice as large as the ChaosGallantmon Chaos Mode themselves, with a spiky hilt whose spikes resemble small Chaos Lances. ChaosGallantmon Chaos Mode then deliver a superpowerful double-handed swing capable of splitting an entire continent in half. This attack would only be used against very large and very armored foes. Despite what it seems, this is not actually an all-out attack; if a ChaosGallantmon Chaos Mode were to put their ENTIRE energy in the attack, it can cleave a moon in half. Although, after that, they would then faint and revert back to ChaosGallantmon.
Distractor is a machine in Mechanikat's laboratory that acts as a guardian, keeping watch of security. He is an invention of Mechanikat, a versatile machine that can adjust itself to cope with the requirements of any battle. His main ability is his Distraction Flash, utilizing extremely bright colors of red and blue that flash consecutively after each other at an insane rate, instantly incapacitating anyone who witnesses the attack. Aside from that, he can also fire a slicing 2D laser beam from his beak, as well as Sharpen that beak enough to cut through diamond and use it to attack the enemy. He also possesses some telekinetic powers, as well as the ability to Recover from any damage he receives. Finally, he can also use the elements of fire, ice and lightning with his Tri Attack, Trace a foes' abilities and replicate them for himself, and possesses the ability to make himself resistant to any attacks thrown his way with his Conversion.
Here are some of Distractor's attacks:
Distraction Flash: Distractor's eyes start flashing between red and blue consecutively at an insanely rapid rate, before Distractor unleashes a huge, continuous flash of extremely bright blue and red colors, which flash one after the other consecutively at an absolutely insane rate! Upon being exposed to this blast of colors and seeing it, the foes immediately crumble to the ground with their eyes rolled back, and their bodies shaking wildly and randomly completely out of control! A few moments of huge shock later, the foes stop shaking and lie unconscious on the ground, having been incapacitated for a long time before they wake up. When the foes do eventually regain their consciousness after a long sleep, they experience confusion and complete amnesia of what happened to them. This technique does not work on machines, though, which is why none of the machines in Mechanikat's laboratory are affected by it. However, anyone else that sees it even for an instant, suffers the full effects of the attack.
Sharpen: Reduces the polygons on his body to increase his attack. His beak in particular becomes much sharper, becoming able to cut a thick plate of steel with a basic peck.
Power Peck: Charges fast and pecks the foe powerfully with his beak. Normally, it can also cause an explosion of blue and red lights upon impact, but after Distractor uses Sharpen, the attack simply cuts through the foe like butter instead.
Cutting Laser: Fires a two-dimensional blue laser from his beak. The laser's two dimensions are its width, which is the same as Distractor's beak, and its length, which is as far as the laser travels. However, it has no height. The 2D laser travels at huge speed towards the target, slicing through them like a blade of light.
Distraction Laser: Fires a laser version of his Distraction Flash, which also causes a catastrophic explosion colored like his Distraction Flash but also very destructive. In other words, it combines both great destructive power and the ability to instantly incapacitate any enemies that see it.
Disintegrating Laser: Fires thin, concentrated, and extremely overheated red laser beams from his eyes, which instantly disintegrate anything they hit. Tough targets need to be weakened first before they get disintegrated though, and prior to that the red laser beams will just pierce through them and burn their wound excruciatingly instead.
Tri Attack: Fires a lightning beam from his beak, an icy beam from his left foot, and a fiery beam from his right foot, all at the same time at the target. He can also rotate his head 180 degrees and fire the attack behind him, which can catch the enemy by surprise.
Psychic: Distractor has some psychic abilities he can use in battle. He can't take control of enemies like more advanced Psychic-types can do, but he can use telekinesis to grab and use objects in the environment, utilizing them against the enemy. For example, he can grab random cables and wires lying around the laboratory and use them to bind foes, destroy the lights psychically to make the area dark, throw heavy objects at the enemies to attack them, and move objects in the way of enemy attacks to defend against them, among other possibilities.
Conversion: Distractor has the ability to change the nature of his body in order to make himself resistant to any attacks the enemies use against him. For example, if an enemy tries to use a Normal-type attack, such as a sword slash, Distractor can make himself into a Ghost-type, taking no damage from the attack, which simply goes through him without doing harm.
Trace: Distractor is able to trace, analyze, and copy the abilities of his foes, such as moving at blinding speed or having incredibly huge defense.
Recover: Regenerates any damage he may receive.
HellDragon is an experimental machine dragon of darkness, on whom Mechanikat has been working on ways to make use of the power from Hell for destruction. He is located in a deep underground section of Mechanikat's laboratory, where many experiments are being conducted.
Here are some of HellDragon's attacks:
Dark Mega Flare: Fires a blast of dark purple energy from his mouth, which instantly sends anything it hits to Hell.
Engulfing Hellfire: Engulfs his entire body with black Hellfire, making him extremely deadly. Normally this wouldn't be possible since the Hellfire would consume him as well, but Mechanikat created him in a special way that he is unharmed by the black flames burning on his body. Like this, he basically can not be fought in close combat, as whether the enemy lands a strike or are landed one by the dragon, they will get engulfed in Hellfire and perish in instants.
Crunch: Crunches his enemy with his powerful mouth.
Slash: Slashes the enemy with his powerful claws.
Iron Tail: Strikes the enemy with his powerful tail.
Fly: Has the ability to fly with his wings.
Spreading Hellfire: When surrounded in Engulfing Hellfire, he can blast the Hellfire surrounding his body at random directions, hitting all the surroundings across large ranges.
Blackhole Blast: Charges a black hole-like blast in his mouth and fires at his target. Upon hitting, the black hole-like blast explodes and expands to an incredibly huge size, sucking everything caught in its inescapable gravitational reach and sending them all straight to Hell. After sucking everything, the black hole-like blast then minimizes and disappears back to Hell, along with everything it took with it.
Cyber Dragons
The Cyber Dragons are three machine dragons Mechanikat has created and can summon in battle to fight enemies. They can also merge with each other, sacrificing speed for power.
Here are some of Cyber Dragon's attacks:
Lightbeam: Fires a bright, high-powered and compressed beam of light from his mouth. The beam can also cause a massive and catastrophic explosion of light upon impact, obliterating the target completely.
Extremespeed: Moves at blinding speed which the eye can not follow, avoiding all attacks thrown his way and surprising his enemies.
Roar: Roars powerfully, sending out strong sound waves that can have a variety of effects depending on his form. As Cyber Dragon, his Roar is powerful enough to make incoming enemy attacks stop and disperse before hitting him. As Cyber Twin Dragon, his Roar can not only stop enemy attacks, but also blast them back at the enemy. As Cyber End Dragon, his Roar not only completely disperses enemy attacks instantly, but it is also powerful enough to make the enemies themselves disintegrate to particles (like what happens starting at 03:40 of this video)!
Here are some of Cyber Twin Dragon's attacks:
Gravity Well: Forms an orb of purple energy in his mouth and then blasts it at the ground, where the orb expands into a large sphere of dark energy, sank halfway into the ground, and sucks the enemy in it with incredible attractive force, draining their energy.
Gravity Bomb: Forms an orb of yellow energy in his mouth and then blasts it at the ground, where the orb expands into a large sphere of bright energy, sank halfway into the ground, and blasts the enemy away from it with incredible repelling force, damaging them.
Gravity Force: Fires Gravity Well and Gravity Bomb combined at the enemy, creating a gray-colored sphere of energy which completely disintegrates anything caught in it. The unbelievably intense opposing forces in this attack tear the target's body apart down to the last particle.
Twin Light Laser: Fires two continuous lasers of light from his mouths. These lasers can pierce and slice through even metal with ease, and they're also extremely hard to avoid, as while the enemy is busy avoiding one laser, the other one is swung from behind them and slices them in half.
Here are some of Cyber End Dragon's attacks:
Fire Beam: Fires an insanely compressed beam of fire from his mouth.
Lava Beam: Fires an insanely compressed beam of lava from his mouth.
Ice Beam: Fires an insanely compressed beam of ice from his mouth.
Aqua Beam: Fires an insanely compressed beam of water from his mouth.
Thunder Beam: Fires an insanely compressed beam of lightning from his mouth.
Solar Beam: Fires an insanely compressed beam of solar energy from his mouth.
Tri-Disaster: Fires a Fire Beam & Lava Beam combined from one of his mouths, an Ice Beam & Aqua Beam combined from another mouth, and a Thunder Beam & Solar Beam from his last mouth. The combined force of the attack is enough to obliterate an entire mountain range.
Flash: Emits some unbelievably bright light from his wings, blinding his enemies.
Triple Ultimate Light Cannon: Charges and compresses an unbelievable amount of light energy in his three mouths, and then he fires off three huge spheres of insanely compressed light energy at the enemy. The light spheres crash onto the target in astonishingly gigantic explosions of light, enlightening an extremely huge area and disintegrating the enemy completely.
The Great Dragon
The Great Dragon is Puppetmon's summon, who he captured in Dragon Planet. He then used some dark magic to tame him into his pet. The dragon has an entire island on his back and can use all kinds of attacks.
Here are some of The Great Dragon's attacks:
Blaze Blast: Unleashes a huge stream of insanely hot bluish white fire from his mouth, setting a vast area ablaze in huge incinerating flames.
Meteor: Roars and summons a rain of meteors from the sky, crashing down and obliterating everything within an insane range. Each of the meteors is several times the size of a huge mountain.
Tsunami Cannon: Blasts an insanely huge amount of water from his mouth at extreme pressure, blasting everything before him like a massive, catastrophic tsunami.
Tsunami: By merely diving into the ocean, he sends out many tsunamis towards all directions, washing away entire islands in their wake and making them disappear, and obliterating all areas adjacent to the ocean.
Earthquake Storm: Stands back on his two back legs for a bit, before dropping and smashing his two front legs on the ground, creating an unbelievably insane storm of earthquakes powerful enough to annihilate several countries at once.
Double Cyclone: Flaps his two gigantic wings, sending out two huge cyclones that can effortlessly suck entire countries out of the ground.
Absolute Zero: Roars and unleashes a spreading explosion of icy cold energy from his body, which freezes everything within an enormous range under extremely thick, hard ice.
Thunder Storm: Summons countless dark thunderclouds in the sky, engulfing a huge area the size of an entire continent in darkness, before beginning to rain down an unbelievable storm of catastrophic pillars of lightning, obliterating everything.
Meltdown: Stomps the ground with his foot, and then a huge area of ground in front of him begins inflating, as if about to explode, from something pushing from beneath the ground. A huge wave of heat then blows out from the inflating area on the ground, incinerating everything caught in it, and then the inflating area explodes completely in an extremely huge burst of fire and lava, blasting blazing volcanic projectiles everywhere around, and leaving behind nothing but an extremely massive lava-filled lake on the ground.
Stomp: Stomps down an area several times huger than a city, levelling everything to the ground to a huge footprint-shaped crater.
Crunch: Crunches the target with his unbelievably powerful teeth.
Fly: Despite his huge size and weight, he can fly to transport around fast through the air.
Aero: Flaps his two huge wings, creating countless amounts of slicing winds with his wings, razing everything before him. This attack can also be done like an explosion of countless slicing winds, obliterating everything within a huge range around The Great Dragon.
Wing Attack: Slams his enemy with his huge wings, destroying them.
Horn Drill: Drills his target with his huge, insanely powerful horn. Nothing can stop this attack.
Tail Crash: Swings his huge tail at his target, smashing them like a whip. Or smashes the target with the club-end of his tail, which is huge enough to cover a range to obliterate more than a dozen mountains at once.
Destruction Beam: Fires a huge, destructive beam of white and red energy from his mouth, obliterating everything before him. The power of this attack can shake up a whole planet merely upon being fired!
Roar: Lets out a loud roar which deafens enemies temporarily, and it can also cause huge damages such as earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanoes erupting.
Death Cannon: Fires a giant beam of pitch-black darkness from his mouth, completely destroying extremely vast ranges without a single trace of them left.
Solar Beam: Fires a huge beam of solar energy from his mouth, crashing onto the target in a huge explosion of solar energy.
Solar Beam Storm: Summons a storm of Solar Beams from the sky, raining down to the earth as huge pillars of solar energy and obliterating everything in insanely huge explosions of solar energy.
Dragonbreath: Breathes out a massive green fire from his mouth, engulfing the enemies and completely disabling the autonomous movements of anything it hits, paralyzing them fully.
Dragon Fire: Breathes out an extremely dangerous flame which burns out even water, sand, or even lava! It pretty much extinguishes anything it hits in an instant, although it only burns for a few seconds before fading away.
Disaster: Lets out a magically-infused roar which echoes across a huge area and causes random effects at all enemies around, such as suddenly setting them ablaze, freezing them, fainting them, hypnotising them, minimizing them, slashing them, exploding them, zapping them, and other effects.
Explosion Smash: His hammer tail can create explosions of any element upon impact, such as fire, ice, or lightning.
Light Arrow: Shoots a thin lance-like beam of light out of the tip of his horn. Despite being thin compared to the dragon himself, its diameter is as large as an entire town, and its catastrophic power is way beyond that, being powerful enough to instantly obliterate a country in a huge explosion of disintegrating light.
Judgement: A sphere of light concentrates at the tip of his horn, and then from it he shoots out countless rays of light up at the sky. The rays of light then turn and go down to the ground, obliterating everything they hit with their insane, unstoppable destructive power.
Ultima: Creates a huge explosion of pure magical energy from his body, obliterating as much as half of an entire planet. This attack uses up all of his energy and faints him, so it is only used as a last resort in battle. In case this attack is used, Puppetmon hides in his mouth as shelter while everything outside gets completely destroyed.
Giga Snowstorm: Flaps his two huge wings, creating an insanely cold snowstorm which frezes everything across a huge range. The cold of this attack is so intense that it freezes things from the inside out, so it's impossible to escape it as it kills instantly.
Mega Heat Wave: Flaps his two huge wings, creating an insanely hot, flame-filled wind which burns and dehydrates everything across a huge range, turning the place to a completely barren desert, and leaving no living beings behind but their burning skeletons.
Quake: Stomps the ground hard, making all earth before him crumble into an insanely gigantic hole on the ground, even bigger than himself, leading to the center of the earth. Anyone who is swallowed into the attack falls to the center of the earth and perishes instantly.
Ultimate Quake: Stands on his two back legs, and then drops and slams his two front feet at the ground with his full power, creating an unbelievably powerful storm of spreading earthquakes, which affect the planet on a global scale. The countless, unbelievably intense earthquakes of this attack reach down even to the core of Earth, and cause drastic changes across the entire planet, splitting and rearranging entire continents, making continents sink beneath the ocean, and making new ones rise out if it. After this attack, the entire landscape of a planet completely changes to what looks like an entirely new planet, with old continents disappeared or deformed and destroyed beyond recognition, any artificial creations on the planet such as cities and others completely obliterated to unrecognizeable rubbles, and oceans taking the place of where land used to be, or retreating from space they used to occupy to reveal new lands that have risen out.
The Four Catastrophic Dragons
The Four Catastrophic Dragons are four elite dragons in ChaosLord's Chaos Tower (on 20F, 40F, 60F, and 80F). ChaosLord's Chaos Tower is also actually filled with dragons from Dragon Planet who have been turned into machines (they're known by their original names with Metal- before them. For example, MetalDragonpsy is the machine version of Dragonpsy). Also, ChaosLord's Chaos Tower is almost indestructible, but even if some of it is somehow damaged, the rest of it will still continue floating even if the part under it is gone. Also, in such a case, countless machine dragons will also swarm out of where Chaos Tower was damaged, attacking all enemies in their sight and obliterating them.
Ironite is the First of the Four Catastrophic Dragons, located on Chaos Tower 20F.
Here are some of Ironite's attacks:
Reflective Armor: Ironite's armor, despite being nearly indestructible, also possesses the ability to completely reflect the force of any physical attacks thrown against it, no matter their power. Whenever an enemy uses a physical attack against Ironite, the force of their attack will become completely reversed upon impact with Ironite's metal body, hitting the enemy instead, while Ironite is not affected at all. The force of any physical techniques is reflected so accurately that even complex attacks are perfectly reversed. For example, if a foe tries to use Horn Drill against Ironite, they are going to get drilled instead, while Ironite won't even notice. This ability reverses all physical forces exercised against Ironite, whether it is enemy attacks or the counterforce of his own physical attacks upon impact. What this practically means is that his physical attacks are pretty much unstoppable, as since their own counterforce is reversed, there is absolutely nothing that can block them. However, in any possible instance that this ability may interfere with Ironite's interactions in an undesired way, Ironite possesses the ability to locally turn off the ability at any sections of his body, so that they can function normally (for example, if he wants to kick off the ground to gain speed, he turns off the ability at his feet while doing so, as otherwise kicking the ground would not have any effect on him because all the force would be applied only to the ground).
Ultimate Impact: Ironite dives and performs a Giga Impact-like attack at the enemy. However, upon impact, the counterforce that Ironite experiences due to crashing onto the opponent is actually reversed due to his Reflective Armor, using even that against the enemy! In other words, the enemy is hit even harder than Ironite's normal power, while Ironite himself is not even affected at all by the crash. As a matter of fact, all of Ironite's attacks which experience counterforce have their counterforce reversed, gaining a hefty increase in power.
Extremespeed: Moves at blinding speed and attacks his opponent.
Horn Drill: Drills the enemy with his horn. The power of this attack is hugely increased due to his Reflective Armor, being able to drill through just about any obstacle in his way.
Hammer Arm: Smashes the enemy with his powerful arm. The power of this attack is increased due to his Reflective Armor.
Tail Crash: Swings his tail and strikes the opponent with huge power. The power of this attack is increased due to his Reflective Armor.
Shadow Strike: Ironite performs a physical attack in the air, and then a huge, shadowy version of his body part that attacks forms and performs the same attack in front of Ironite. For example, Ironite swings his tail at the opponent's direction, and then a huge shadowy tail same as Ironite's but much larger appears, performing the exact same attack simultaneously, striking the enemy.
Hyper Darkness Beam: Charges a massive amount of dark energy in a sphere in his mouth, before he discharges it into a giant beam of darkness capable of consuming enormous areas at once.
Fly: Flies freely into the air.
Thunder Storm: Summons countless dark thunderclouds that fill the sky and conceal everything in darkness, before an apocalyptic, flooding rain happens, accompanied by a bombardment of huge pillars of lightning that crash down to the earth and destroy everything they hit.
Oceanic Wave: Controls the ocean to make it rage, creating legendary oceanic waves even larger than tsunamis which crash onto his opponents and drown them.
Volcanic Eruption: Makes huge volcanic eruptions happen in the area where his enemies are, to completely eradicate them from the face of the earth. This technique results in the creation of many active volcanoes which continue to exist even after the attack ends.
Darkside Quake: Makes the ground shake and shatter around an enormously huge range, filling the whole area with huge fissures leading to the abyssal depths of the earth. This creates an extremely dangerous battlefield for those who dwell on the ground.
Great Blizzard: Summons an unbelievably huge snow storm and abnormally heavy, extremely harzardous blizzard, which covers everything completely in ice around an extremely vast range. No living beings survive the attack.
Ultimate Cyclone: Creates dozens of insanely huge cyclones which can rip apart entire countries in a matter of seconds.
Darkchomp is the Second of the Four Catastrophic Dragons, located on Chaos Tower 40F.
Here are some of Darkchomp's attacks:
Insane Speed: Darkchomp possesses the ability to move at unbelievable speed, many times greater than Extremespeed. His insane speed also naturally results in insane force behind his attacks, powerful enough to destroy even the hardest opponents with a single divebomb or even a simple slash.
Catastrophic Impact: Darkchomp dives at his opponent with insane speed, crashing onto them and completely obliterating them. This attack can be powerful enough to instantly destroy thousands of enemies at once.
Fly: Darkchomp is able to fly in the air.
Energy-Deflecting Body: Darkchomp's body has the special ability of deflecting the energy from any attack thrown at it. This renders elemental attacks almost useless against him, as they simply get deflected off of him, and blunt physical attacks also harm him much less than normal. The energy-deflecting nature of his body also helps to hugely reduce the drag of his fast movements, which is why he can move at such insane speeds so freely.
Devastating Sonic Boom: As Darkchomp flies at unbelievable speed, he produces multiple shockwaves around him, which devastate everything in a large area around his flight path.
Cyclonic: Darkchomp flies at insane speed and starts spinning around himself insanely fast, creating a massive cyclone around himself, which sucks in everything within a great range from his position. Whatever gets drawn into the cyclone then gets shredded to countless pieces by Darkchomp's spinning fins of death. After he stops spinning around himself, the attack turns into a normal cyclone that continues to rage by itself and spread devastation everywhere it goes.
Slash: Slashes the opponent using his razor-sharp fins, which can slice even diamond effortlessly.
Air Slash: Slashes the air with the fins on his arms, sending out blades of slicing wind against his opponents. This attack can cut through almost anything when used by Darkchomp.
Guillotine: Presses the fins on his arms against the opponent's neck and then decapitates them.
Tail Strike: Strikes the enemy hard with his tail.
Gible Machinegun: Darkchomp opens his mouth and starts shooting out thousands of tiny dark Gible-like bullets which explode upon impact, destroying his enemy.
Dig: Darkchomp dives into the ground, where even there he can move at huge speed and ambush his opponent.
Earthquake: By digging powerfully through the ground, Darkchomp can cause earthquakes happen in the areas where he digs.
Fissure: By digging with huge force through the ground, Darkchomp can make it crack open where he travels, creating huge fissures for his opponents to fall in.
Dive: Darkchomp dives into the water, where he can still move extremely fast.
Tidal Wave: By swimming insanely fast in the water, Darkchomp can make huge tidal waves happen and crash onto his opponents.
Whirlpool: By swimming fast in circles, Darkchomp can create whirlpools into the water, to suck the enemies in.
Dark Impact: Darkchomp can infuse dark energy into any of his physical attacks to make them even more powerful and destructive.
Hyper Darkness Beam: Charges a massive amount of dark energy in two spheres before his two horns, before he discharges them into a giant beam of darkness capable of consuming enormous areas at once.
Tyranitear is the Third of the Four Catastrophic Dragons, located on Chaos Tower 60F.
Here are some of Tyranitear's attacks:
Intangibility: As a ghostly being, Tyranitear is immune to physical attacks. Other kinds of attacks can work, although Tyranitear is still heavily resistant to them. With this ability, Tyranitear is naturally able to pass through physical objects, and can easily fall through the ground to ambush his enemies at any sudden moment.
Invisibility: Turns himself invisible.
Shadow Slip: Turns himself into a flat shadow and travels quickly along the ground or other surfaces. This is useful for evading enemy attacks and surprising enemies.
Levitate: Tyranitear is able to levitate and fly off the ground freely.
Emerald Blaze: Spews out some emerald-colored flames at his opponent. These flames can be controlled in where they go, making them avoid or bypass the enemy's efforts to block them, and they can also be made to replicate themselves and spread around, even if there is nothing to burn. This makes them extremely difficult to deal with, as the flames continue to spread and avoid being put out while constantly approaching the enemy to set them ablaze.
Crimson Lightning: Gets engulfed in some crimson lightning around his body, which he then discharges at his foe. This lightning zaps and damages the enemy badly, and it also leaves an effect on them, where their entire body randomly gets completely paralyzed for a few brief moments at random times during the battle. This can potentially interrupt their attacks and movements, leaving them exposed to Tyranitear's own attacks.
Black Blizzard: Summons a black-colored blizzard that blows towards his enemy and freezes them solid. The ice does not only freeze the enemy's body but also their energy, rendering them unable to use any special attacks for a while. Once an enemy is frozen solid by this attack, it is almost impossible to escape, unless they possess the pure physical power needed to break out of the ice.
Stone Touch: Tyranitear has the ability to turn anything he touches or flies through into stone. Simply by physically attacking his opponents, he can make parts of them turn to stone where they get hit.
Paralyzing Gaze: Tyranitear's eyes glow red as he looks at his enemy, who then suddenly becomes completely paralyzed. The effectiveness of this technique is greatly increased if the enemy has been hit by his Crimson Lightning in prior.
Illusion: Just by looking at his opponent, Tyranitear can place them under an illusion.
Damage Absorption: Whenever he gets hit in battle, Tyranitear absorbs some of the the damage taken, converting it into a reserve of dark energy which is stored within himself. If he absorbs a massive, critical amount of damage, it is released as a huge burst of overflowing dark energy on Tyranitear, increasing his power insanely and making his attacks extremely more destructive. This is also often accompanied by him growing gigantic to completely crush his enemies.
Size Control: Tyranitear possesses the ability to change the size of his body at will. He can use it to become either gigantic or tiny. In his Giant Form, where he grows gigantic, his attacks become much more powerful and devastating, but he has little mobility and can not fly much. In his Suppressed Form, he becomes smaller than a bug, making his attacks ineffective, but in exchange his energy also becomes undetectable, making him completely impossible to sense if he also uses his invisibility.
Spreading Darkness: Darkness comes out from Tyranitear's body and starts spreading across a huge area around, engulfing everything in pitch-black darkness.
Possessing Darkness: Tyranitear sends out some dark energy that he can use to possess and control just about anything in the environment around him, using it to his advantage. It can also overpower some weak foes, forcibly controlling their bodies. The range and power of this technique can be hugely increased if Tyranitear absorbs enough damage with his Damage Absorption and then releases it as overwhelming dark energy, becoming gigantic and insanely more destructive.
Dark Sandstorm: Uses his Possessing Darkness to control the sand on the earth and raise a massive sandstorm, buffetting his foes. Since the sandstorm is also infused with darkness, every grain of sand that comes in contact with the foe drains out their energy, fainting them extremely quickly.
Dark Surf: Uses his Possessing Darkness on the water to send powerful waves to crash on his opponents. As the water is infused with darkness, it also starts draining out the energy of anyone that is in it or gets wet by it. So if someone gets hit by this attack, they will start to slowly have their energy sucked out from that point until they faint.
Dark Earthquake: Uses his Possessing Darkness on the ground to create massive earthquakes and fissures.
Dark Rock Slide: Uses his Possessing Darkness to lift huge rocks and hurl them at his enemies.
Dark Air Slash: Uses his Possessing Darkness to control the wind and make it slash his enemies with great power. The surprising nature of this attack can also make the enemies flinch, as it happens all of a sudden.
Soul Cruncher: Crunches the enemy's soul itself and tears it from their body, killing them.
Shadow Punch: Clenches his fist and gathers dark energy in the form of purple lightning bolts in it, before punching at his opponent.
Shadow Claw: Tears his opponent with his extremely powerful claws.
Tail Smash: Smashes the enemy with his tail.
Night Shade: Shoots out shadowy beams from his eyes, which bypass the enemy's defenses and always deal a lot of damage.
Dark Fissure: Stomps the ground extremely hard with his foot, causing it to crack open. An unbelievably concentrated darkness within the fissure then starts sucking nearby opponents into the fissure with insane force, drawing them inside the seemingly bottomless darkness. The fissure afterwards closes, burying the victims that got sucked in it under the darkest depths of the earth.
Hyper Darkness Beam: Charges a massive amount of dark energy in a sphere in his hand, before he discharges it into a giant beam of darkness capable of consuming enormous areas at once.
Dark Explosion: Unleashes a huge explosion of dark energy from his body, destroying everything in a large area around his person.
DevaSalamence is the Fourth of the Four Catastrophic Dragons, located on Chaos Tower 80F.
Here are some of DevaSalamence's attacks:
Invincibility: DevaSalamence is completely immune to all damage, spells, and anything else external that would affect him against his will. His only weak spot is the round sphere at the end of his tail. He can only ever be harmed if he is hit at this vulnerable spot by attacks of enough power, of which none but the most powerful beings in existence possess.
Dragonbreath: Lets out out a breath of golden fire, which completely freezes anything it hits.
Dragon Fire: Breathes out an extremely dangerous flame which burns out even water, sand, or even lava! It pretty much extinguishes anything it hits in an instant, although it only burns for a few seconds before fading away.
Crunch: Crunches his enemy with his powerful fangs.
Dragon Claw: Stands on his back legs and slashes his enemy with his extremely powerful claws.
Roar of the Heavens: Roars loudly, damaging enemies with the sheer sound pressure. The power of this attack is also enough to weaken and break barriers, screens or fields the enemy may be protecting themselves behind.
Golden Tail: Strikes the enemy with the golden sphere at the end of his tail, turning them into gold statues upon impact.
Fly: Flies freely into the air using the wings on his back.
Light Shot: Fires powerful blasts of light energy from his mouth. DevaSalamence can either fire ordinary quick blasts to dispose of weak foes, or he can charge up much energy into a single, large sphere of light in his mouth, before shooting it at his target. The sphere of light explodes in a huge explosion of light upon impact, obliterating even extremely armored and powerful enemies.
Photon: Looks at his enemy with concentration, and then suddenly a shining, circular seal of light appears around the enemy and instantly traps and completely immobilizes them. A few moments later, the circular seal of light containing the enemy explodes, causing exceedingly powerful and concentrated light-element damage. It is powerful enough to instantly disintegrate most ordinary foes.
Collapsing Light Sphere: DevaSalamence summons many small spheres of compressed light around his opponent, and then all the spheres of light come together and form into a huge sphere of light, in which the opponent has been trapped in. The huge sphere of light, with the opponent in it, then implodes and collapses on itself, crushing everything within it with the power of the insanely compressing light.
Prism Stars: Causes countless blasts of light to appear everywhere around the enemy, before they all start getting launched at them like an incredibly huge barrage of light blasts from all directions.
Ray: DevaSalamence glows magnificently bright with light, and then starts blasting hundreds of beams of light from his entire body towards all directions, destroying everything that surrounds him.
Hyper Light Beam: DevaSalamence charges a sphere of insanely compressed light energy in front of him, and blasts out an insanely huge and catastrophic beam of light that razes everything before DevaSalamence in an instant.
Star-Light Explosion: DevaSalamence flaps his wings, causing a rain of countless falling golden grains to happen across an extremely huge area. The innumerable golden grains engulf an insanely huge amount of space like a gigantic golden cloud, and they also get attached to anything they come in contact with, such as enemies. After the targeted area becomes completely engulfed, the golden grains then suddenly all together start shining extremely brightly, before each one of them blows up in an insanely powerful explosion of light, powerful enough for each individual golden grain's explosion to be able to disintegrate diamond instantly! With all the golden grains exploding together, this creates an insanely devastating explosion of light as bright as a star, utterly erasing everything within the golden cloud and in a large range around it.
Swords of Revealing Light: DevaSalamence roars, causing three swords made of pure light to appear around his enemy (if there are multiple enemies, three swords appear around each enemy). These swords completely immobilize the opponent for some time, leaving them unable to attack, defenseless and exposed. The spell starts off very powerful, capable of immobilizing even the most powerful of foes, but after that, it starts to gradually lose power, with the swords disappearing one by one as the spell weakens, and after some time they will all have faded and the spell will break.
Resurrection: Even if DevaSalemence were to somehow be defeated, he can still revive himself. He can also revive others on his wish, his eyes glowing gold as he brings someone back to life.
Judgement: Causes a rain of giant pillars of light to happen, obliterating everything in a vast range.
Draco Meteor: Summons a catastrophic rain of meteors to rain down a huge area and devastate everything.
Ultimate Devastation: DevaSalamence's ultimate attack. Fires a giant stream of destructive golden energy that instantly disintegrates everything before him. It crashes onto the opponent, disintegrates them completely, and blows away their dust. Other than Dragongod, Overlord GAIA, the 13 Element Gods, NeoCrimson, ChaosLord and the Chaos Generals, there is not a single other enemy in existence that can survive this attack.