The Chaos Region
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The Chaos region is one of the many regions in the Pokemon World. It is an extremely powerful region famous for its great defense, never having allowed attackers to take a single step beyond its borders during war. It is a powerful, advanced, and resourceful region, where all kinds of different people exist together. From the distant past up until this day, the Chaos region has been ruled by a Great King, who resides in a huge, awesome castle to the North, known as the Castle of Might. The Great King makes the rules of the country and decides the punishments for those who break them, among his other duties such as handling just about every affair of the region. From the inner development of the region to its external actions towards other regions, nothing can happen without the Great King's approval. The current King of the Chaos region is King Randor, a noble, worthy man who has travelled across the world in his youth, gathering countless experiences and seeing all kinds of peoples and civilizations, before returning to the region to rule it when it was time. With the wisdom King Randor has gained in his journeys, he now makes an excellent, fair King who leads the Chaos region to peace and prosperity. There is quite a lot of freedom in the country, as the people are mostly relaxed and laid-back, and they don't have any reasons to perform criminal actions since the living conditions are excellent, to the point where one could survive even without working. Although despite that, most people still have jobs and work, doing whatever they are interested in in a relaxed and carefree manner, and surprisingly, the quality of their work is also often much better than that of other regions where people are forced to work and live in stressful ways. Most of the people of the Chaos region are friendly, respectful and well-mannered, although some of them do have their weaknesses, and only a small amount of population causes trouble for the region. Those troublemakers can mostly be found at Pirate Island or in Outcast Town, a town with a bad reputation which is avoided by most. The state at Outcast Town is completely lawless, with suspicious people doing whatever they want like fighting each other, conning and robbing any unsuspecting visitors, and stealing from everywhere they can. Fortunately, the rest of the region has decent security, so the criminals rarely get off with their actions outside their own town. To protect its great internal condition from outside powers, the Chaos region maintains a huge army of extremely powerful Knights at the Castle of Might, ready to defend the region in case of war. The Knights wear a special armor exclucively designed and produced in the Chaos region, which is powerful enough to protect the wearer from even directly being hit by a cannonball or bomb, while the Knights themselves are also extremely well-trained and can even use chakra, to infuse it into their attacks and make them much more devastating than normal. Also, for spying and sabodaging purposes, the Chaos region also has a hidden village somewhere, known as the Hidden Ninja Village, where many talented and excellently trained Ninja reside, ready to support the region in case there is need. The Ninja are mostly used for stealthy missions, intelligence gathering, and assassination of enemy leaders and influential opponents, but they can also participate in battles to support the Knights with their great mobility, versatility, and power. The region's Pokemon can also participate in the fight if needed, fighting with their own powers. And finally, even the Pirates that roam about the Chaos region's seas can participate on their region's side, as it would be against their interests if the region fell into enemy hands. However, besides all those, the Chaos region also has two invincible trump cards on its side. One of them is the Sixth PokeKage, the head ninja in the Hidden Ninja Village, who, with his unbelievable power, skill, and unique ability, the Pokemon Mimicking Technique, would be enough to stop an entire enemy invasion numbering in the millions all by himself. The other one is the Chaos region's King himself, King Randor, who possesses a power so great he would be able to instantly obliterate a whole enemy country with a single attack! With those two on their side, the people of the Chaos region have nothing to fear, and carefreely enjoy their lives in the vast, prosperous lands of the region.
Notable Characters
King Randor
King Randor is the Great King of the Chaos region. In his youth, he travelled across the world, meeting with all kinds of people and coming in contact with all sorts of cultures of the world. During his travels, King Randor faced many tough challenges, which made him stronger and wiser as he overcame them, leaving him with many precious experiences. On his way to learning about life and making himself a better person, King Randor wandered to places no one had ever been before, and collected some precious, unique items, which aided him greatly in future challenges. The most notable of those items were his great sword, the Warblade of The Heavens, three jeweled rings on his right hand, and a golden pendant, which King Randor wears up to this day. The three jeweled rings are a ring with an ice-blue gem, a ring with a lightning-yellow gem, and a ring with a fire-red gem, which King Randor wears on the index finger, middle finger, and the finger to the right of the middle finger of his right hand. They contain the extremely huge powers of the Legendary Birds themselves, which King Randor is able to unleash from the gems on the rings during battle, eliminating all obstacles before him. In addition, the powers of the three rings can also be combined, summoning the water and wind-element power of Lugia, or bringing forth an even greater power capable of devastating entire countries. His pendant, known as the Sacred Pendant, is a gift from Ho-oh himself, approving of King Randor's noble and fair ways. The Sacred Pendant protects King Randor from the effects of any indirect attack, from elemental attacks to spells, cancelling them out with a magical golden aura. With those blessed items in his possession, the secret teachings of the Royal line that enable him to control the Chaos region's Guardians, the Immortals, and his own extremely great skill and power in swordsmanship, as well as his countless experiences and wisening lessons through life, King Randor now stands a great King for the Chaos region, possibly the greatest King ever in its history.
Here are some of King Randor's attacks:
Warblade of The Heavens: King Randor possesses a blade of magnificent and unrivalled power, known as the Warblade of The Heavens. He obtained this legendary weapon during his travels around the world, when one day, an angelic being suddenly revealed itself before him. The angelic being had observed King Randor's noble deeds throughout his journeys, and had decided to reward his efforts with this blade. Honored before the presence of the angelic being, King Randor humbly accepted the heavenly gift, and thanked the angelic being for its help. From that day on, King Randor wielded the Warblade of The Heavens, and soon afterwards, he also became the King of the Chaos region, after his very long journey across the world had finally ended. The Warblade of The Heavens that King Randor has is an extremely powerful weapon, undoubtedly one of the most powerful swords in existence. Its massive blade leaves behind a golden trail as it is swung, and once it hits, is slashes everything before its path regardless of obstacles. That is to say, even if the enemy successfully blocks a slash with another weapon or armor, the slash that the blade would have caused if it had not been blocked still happens! Things that would not be affected by the slash, such as a powerful weapon or a strong protective armor will still not get affected by the slash, but everything else will. For example, let's assume an enemy that wears a cape durable enough to not get slashed, and also has a sword powerful enough to block the Warblade of The Heavens. If the Warblade of The Heavens is swung down against such an opponent, and he covers himself with his cape and uses his sword to block, the blade of the Warblade of The Heavens will stop where it is blocked. However, the slash it would have caused still happens and affects anything that would have been affected by it. In this example, it will not damage the defending man's sword and cape, but it will slash his more vulnerable clothes and body behind those obstacles. So what the enemy experiences is that they still get slashed behind their defenses, even if they successfully blocked the attack! The power and depth of the slash that happens depends on the power with which the sword is swung, so a gentle swing will not damage an enemy much, but a fierce one can effortlesly cleave them in two regardless of what they try to do to defend.
Royal Swordsmanship: King Randor possesses exceptional skill with the huge sword he wields, as well as the huge power needed to swing it even one-handedly. The power behind King Randor's raw swings is such that even if enemies guard with their own weapon, they get sent flying off their feet by the impact of the sword's upward slashes, or sent sliding back on their feet, if their weapons don't instantly break upon contact with King Randor's attack, that is! King Randor's great knowledge and thorough understanding of swordsmanship also allow him to be able to cut through just about any material by focusing on it, as well as unleash the power of his slashes out of his sword, flying in the air and cutting his enemies from a distance. Also, he possesses the incredible skill to channel the force of his attacks through a medium, such as an object or an enemy, and damaging something else in contact with the medium instead. For example, by doing a downward slam of his sword at an enemy who blocks with their own weapon, King Randor can send the force of his attack through the enemy, attacking the ground under them instead and making it break under the enemy's feet, burying them up to their knees and immobilizing them (this only works if he uses the flat part of his sword to attack though, as otherwise the sword's effect will simply slash everything in its way even if it gets blocked). Defensively, King Randor also fares just as well, being able to handle his huge sword with surprising speed and skill and block or Guard Impact any attacks, even ones of huge power and speed.
Guard Impact: Turns his sword upside down in a forward thrusting motion, deflecting an enemy's attack. The enemy then gets stunned temporarily after that, leaving them open for a following attack.
Immortals Summoning: A secret technique passed through the Royal line of the Chaos region. With it, King Randor can summon and command the Immortals, human-like statues made of a mineral that is harder than diamond. The Immortals are insanely powerful artificial beings, capable of obliterating entire mountains with their punches, and withstanding even the most powerful attacks thrown at them without damage on their bodies. Even if they are somehow defeated, they can be summoned again by the King of the Chaos region, coming back at perfect condition, hence their name, Immortals. They are said to be the Guardians of the Chaos region, who were summoned by its first King in order to establish its borders. Ever since, the Royal line of the Chaos region has been using these golems for defense along with the region's regular soldiers. Because the Immortals become ineffective outside of the region's borders, it is widely believed by the people of the Chaos region that this is a sign that the Chaos region is meant to be defended, and not to expand any further than it is. This has been taken to have symbolical meaning, which is to know one's limits and not advance further than those limits. It is a value held by the people of the Chaos region both for their region and for themselves. For this exact reason, the Chaos region has always been only a defensive region throughout its history, and while other regions battled for expansion among each other, the Chaos region only focused on defending its territory, which it did better than any other region in the Pokemon World, not allowing a single enemy to ever cross their borders and cause any damage.
Sacred Pendant: King Randor's pendant protects him from magical attacks, and generally any non-physical, indirect attacks (the pendant shines with wondrous magical energy, cancelling out the techniques).
Spirit of Articuno: King Randor punches forwards with his right fist, and then out of his ring with the ice-blue gem, which glows brightly during the attack, he shoots out a huge blast of icy energy, whose end resembles Articuno. The huge blast of icy energy then crashes onto the target in a massive icy explosion, freezing everything solid in some insanely hard ice. Alternatively, King Randor raises his right fist up, pointing at the sky, and then his ring with the icy-blue gem shines brightly, summoning a huge snowstorm across a huge range, freezing and burying everything in snow.
Spirit of Zapdos: King Randor punches forwards with his right fist, and then out of his ring with the lightning-yellow gem, which glows brightly during the attack, he shoots out a huge blast of lightning, whose end resembles Zapdos. The huge blast of lightning then crashes onto the target in a massive electrical explosion, zapping the target with insane power. Alternatively, King Randor raises his right fist up, pointing at the sky, and then his ring with the lightning-yellow gem shines brightly, summoning a huge thunderstorm across a huge range, raining down a catastrophic bombardment of lightning.
Spirit of Moltres: King Randor punches forwards with his right fist, and then out of his ring with the fire-red gem, which glows brightly during the attack, he shoots out a huge blast of super-hot flame, whose end resembles Moltres. The huge blast of super-hot flame then crashes onto the target in a massive fiery explosion, burning everything to cinders. Alternatively, King Randor raises his right fist up, pointing at the sky, and then his ring with the fire-red gem shines brightly, summoning a huge heat wave that burns over a huge range, setting everything ablaze across its path.
Triple Spirits: King Randor punches forwards with is right fist, with the gems on all three of his rings glowing brightly. He then unleashes three huge blasts of ice, lightning and fire from his three rings, whose ends look like Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres, respectively. The three huge blasts then spiral around each other as they travel towards the enemy, and then they combine all together into a single, Lugia-like blast made of unbelievably pressurized water and air, engulfed in much catastrophic lightning. The huge blast then crashes onto the target into a huge explosion of wind, water and lightning, completely obliterating them.
Big Bang: King Randor raises his right fist in the air, and then the gems on his three rings begin to shake with power and shine extremely brightly. Afterwards, King Randor then punches forwards with his right fist at a location, and then an insanely huge, unbelievably catastrophic explosion of energy happens there, obliterating as much as an entire country in an instant!
Fist of the King: King Randor raises his right fist in the air, and then the gems on his three rings shine brightly. King Randor then delivers a huge punch forwards, unleashing a giant stream of catastrophic energy which instantly disintegrates everything in its path.
Element Infusion: King Randor can infuse the elements of ice, lightning and fire into his sword, giving a different effect to his sword attacks.
The Sixth PokeKage
The Sixth PokeKage is the leader of a village hidden somewhere in the Chaos Region, known as the Hidden Ninja Village. This village is inhabited by ninja, Pokemon trainers, and villagers, who live mostly isolated from the rest of the region. The ninja are divided in five ranks: the Low Ninja, who wear a headband with a Poke Ball Symbol, the Middle Ninja, who wear a headband with a Great Ball symbol, the High Ninja, who wear a headband with an Ultra Ball symbol, the Mercenary Ninja, who wear a headband with a Safari Ball symbol, and the single Kage, who wears a triangular hat with a Master Ball symbol. As the leader of this village, the Sixth PokeKage is the strongest ninja in the village, as well as the most powerful Pokemon trainer in it. In fact, the Sixth PokeKage has a reputation within the village as The Psychic Pokemon Master, as his team of Psychic-type Pokemon appears to be unnaturally powerful, since not one of his Pokemon has ever fainted in a battle before! The Sixth PokeKage himself is even more powerful than his Pokemon, and many people are convinced that it is not even possible for him to be defeated, since his unique technique, the Pokemon Mimicking Technique, opens up countless possibilities in battle to deal with any sort of situation. The PokeKage is not very famous outside his village, since he is hidden there and never really leaves after all, but anyone who has seen him battle has no doubt that this man might very well be the strongest man to have ever walked on Earth. It has never taken him any more than a few seconds to deal with any threat. His weapon of choice is a large double-bladed battle axe which he carries on his back. It is powerful enough to crush even diamond.
Here are some of the Sixth PokeKage's attacks:
Master Ninja Technician: The Sixth PokeKage is a master of all standard ninja techniques, such as stealth, use of kunai, and jutsu such as the Body Replacement Technique, Clone Technique, and Transformation Technique. However, the PokeKage has adapted these abilities to his Pokemon Mimicking Technique, taking them to the next level. For example, he uses Razor Leaf in the same manner as he would use kunai, except his leaves are even sharper and faster than kunai, he uses perfect-accuracy Swift instead of throwing shuriken, and his Transform is also superior to the ninja Transformation Technique, since it requires much less energy to use, and it also allows him to copy the attacks and traits of the Pokemon, characters or objects he transforms into.
Supreme Perception: The Sixth PokeKage possesses unbelievable perception and reflexes in battle, enabling him to react and defend against even the most sudden, fast, and surprising attacks. He also has no blind spots thanks to his psychic energy, which enables him to perceive even attacks coming from behind him or from under the ground or other cover, without having to see or hear them.
Huge Endurance: The Sixth PokeKage possesses an incredibly huge amount of chakra in his body, which is more than twice that of a Kage-level ninja. The massive amount of chakra in him allows him to cast multiple high-level techniques one after the other, overwhelming his foes.
Spirit Axe: The PokeKage's double-handed, double-bladed axe is insanely powerful, being able to effortlessly OHKO a Steelix if the PokeKage infuses his gray-colored chakra into it. The Sixth PokeKage is extremely skilled in using this weapon, and can fight excellently against users of any other weapons, evading or Guard Impacting their attacks and retaliating with his own. The PokeKage only uses his axe as a last resort against extremely powerful opponents to finish them off, crushing their defenses effortlessly even if they try to defend, and obliterating them instantly with its unbelievably overwhelming power.
Guard Impact: The PokeKage thrusts his axe forwards, deflecting an enemy's attack and leaving them temporarily stunned and vulnerable to counter-attack.
Pokemon Mimicking Technique: This is the PokeKage's unique jutsu and main ability, which allows him to learn and use any Pokemon technique. He only needs to see the move being performed by a Pokemon, and then he learns that move and can use it in battle. The Sixth PokeKage has travelled across the world and learned a very large number of Pokemon attacks, including a few techniques from legendary Pokemon, which he can use in battle.
Acid Armor: The PokeKage liquifies, and then reforms somewhere else.
Aeroblast: The PokeKage points his right hand straight at his enemy, and then a spinning wind appears briefly in his hand before he shoots out a huge, destructive horizontal tornado of shredding wind at the foe.
Agility: The PokeKage relaxes and lightens his body, increasing his movement speed by a lot.
Bind: A long body of dark purplish rope-like energy appears around the enemy and tightens around their body, binding them.
Blast Burn: Much extremely hot fire engulfs the PokeKage's body, before he unleashes a huge, catastrophic explosion of fire which razes and sets ablaze everything within a huge range.
Blizzard: Summons a huge, howling blizzard that freezes everything in a large area around and covers them in snow.
Bulk Up: The PokeKage tenses his muscles to bulk up his body, increasing his physical attack and defense.
Calm Mind: The PokeKage quietly focuses his mind and calms his spirit to increase his special attack and special defense.
Comet Punch: Unleashes a huge flurry of punches at his opponent.
Confusion: Blasts the foe with a weak telekinetic force, and renders them in a confused state where they start blindly attacking their allies or even themselves.
Cross Chop: The PokeKage attacks with a powerful cross-chop of both his hands, powerful enough to shatter rock.
Cut: Scyther blades grow out along the outer sides of the PokeKage's forearms, for him to use them to cut up his targets. The PokeKage's Cut attack is very powerful, being able to cut rock, and it gets even stronger after the PokeKage uses power-up techniques.
Dark Pulse: Releases a horrible aura imbued with dark thoughts from his body, hitting and flinching the opponent a bit. This attack can also fade out other incoming attacks, cancelling them.
Dig: The PokeKage digs under the ground to ambush his foe.
Disable: The PokeKage focuses on his target and renders them unable to use one of their techniques during the battle. The enemy can only be made unable to use one technique though, not any more.
Dive: The PokeKage dives under the water to ambush his foe. My mimicking Water-type Pokemon, he can even breathe underwater.
Dizzy Punch: Throws a confusing punch at his enemy.
Double Team: The PokeKage creates multiple illusory copies of himself to confuse the enemy.
Drain Punch: Delivers a powerful energy-draining punch at his opponent, sucking out their energy.
Dynamicpunch: The PokeKage delivers a destructive explosive punch at his foe.
Earth Power: Makes the ground below the enemy's feet erupt powerfully like a land mine, blasting them.
Earthquake: Makes an intense, destructive earthquake happen.
Endure: Using this technique, the PokeKage can survive normally lethal attacks, being left in one piece, but in a barely surviving condition.
Energy Ball: The PokeKage shapes a green sphere of condensed natural energy in his hand, and the he thrusts or hurls it at his enemy.
Eruption: A massive eruption of lava happens under the enemy's feet, incinerating them.
Explosion: This technique uses up all of the user's energy to create a catastrophic explosion, devastating everything within a great range. The PokeKage often has his Substitutes using this attack, especially against opponents that like to fight from a close range.
Extremespeed: The PokeKage moves at blinding speed and tackles his foe.
Fire Blast: The PokeKage takes a deep breath, before he shoots out an intense blast of all-consuming fire from his mouth, creating a catastrophic explosion of fire upon impact.
Fire Punch: Delivers a powerful fiery punch at his opponent.
Fissure: Creates a fissure that expands under his foe.
Flamethrower: The PokeKage points his hand at his enemy, shooting out a great stream of flames at them.
Fly: Two raised Xatu wings appear on the PokeKage's back, raising from behind his shoulders, enabling him to levitate off the ground and fly freely in the air. The PokeKage can also cast various psychic-type attacks from these wings, such as Reflect, Light Screen, Psywave, Psychic and Future Sight, while simultaneously performing other kinds of attacks with the rest of his body.
Focus Blast: The PokeKage looks concentrated at a location, and then a huge explosion happens in that location.
Focus Punch: The PokeKage focuses his power for a while, before delivering an insanely powerful punch that can even shatter steel.
Follow Me: The PokeKage makes all current attacks get drawn to him. He usually uses this with one of his clones to make it draw all ranged attacks at it.
Force Palm: Delivers a powerful, special palm strike which can paralyze the enemy's entire body upon impact, and also blasts them with a shockwave on hit.
Future Sight: The PokeKage focuses his mind, generating a psychic power in a distant area from the battle. The psychic energy will then start travelling in the form of beams towards his enemy, and arrive in the battle some time later to strike them unexpectedly. Aside from offensive purposes, this technique can also be used to see what is happening in faraway areas from the user, possibly predicting future events.
Giga Drain: The PokeKage places his hand on the enemy and drains out their energy at an extremely rapid rate, fainting them in seconds.
Giga Impact: The PokeKage charges at the foe with insanely huge force, getting engulfed in energy like a comet. He then crashes onto his target in a catastrophic explosion of energy, obliterating the target.
Grass Knot: Pieces of grass grow out of the ground near the enemy's feet and tie together into a knot, tripping a moving opponent. This works especially well on charging opponents.
Guillotine: The PokeKage grows Scyther blades from the outer sides of his forearms, and then he makes his arms into a scissor formation, with the enemy's head inside the scissor. The PokeKage then chops off the enemy's head in an instant with his Scyther blades.
Harden: The PokeKage hardens his body, enabling him to do things such as effortlessly grabbing swords with his hand and tanking even extremely powerful attacks without any harm on his body.
Haze: The PokeKage expels a black haze out of his body, which clears away any stat changes that happened during the battle. The PokeKage then emerges out of the haze in his original state.
Horn Drill: The PokeKage's forearm changes into a large Rhydon drill, which he spins and uses to drill through his foe. This extremely powerful attack would drill through even a Shuckle or a Steelix.
Hydro Pump: A massive fountain of extremely pressurized water suddenly erupts under the enemy's feet, blasting them.
Hyper Beam: The PokeKage points his index finger at the enemy, and then he charges and compresses much energy at his finger tip, before he unleashes it all into a huge, destructive beam of energy.
Hypnosis: The PokeKage looks into the eyes of his opponent and hypnotizes them, putting them to sleep or manipulating their thoughts.
Ice Beam: The PokeKage points his index finger at his enemy, shooting out a freezing beam of ice at them.
Ice Punch: Delivers a powerful icy punch at his opponent.
Iron Tail: Grows two Ambipom tails from his back, hardens them a lot like metal, and uses them to strike his target at any direction with power. The PokeKage can also make those tails extend in long ranges to grab onto objects or deliver long-range attacks.
Jump Kick: The PokeKage jumps and knee smashes the enemy.
Karate Chop: The PokeKage attacks with a chop of his hand. He can do it at blinding speed, and it is powerful enough to smash rock.
Light Screen: The PokeKage points his left palm forward, creating a wondrous wall of light that deflects elemental attacks.
Low Kick: The PokeKage attacks with a kick to the enemy's legs, tripping them.
Mach Punch: An insanely fast punch executed at blinding speed.
Mega Kick: Kicks the enemy hard with his leg.
Mega Punch: Punches the enemy hard with his fist.
Mind Reader: The PokeKage places his hand on the opponent's head, reading their thoughts, memories and emotions. He can also read their intentions from a distance, predicting the movements they are about to make and countering them properly before or after they carry out their thoughts.
Minimize: Compresses his body to decrease his size. However, his power remains unaltered. The main use the PokeKage makes of this technique it to have it be used by his Substirutes, followed by Teleport inside the enemy's body, and then Explosion.
Miracle Eye: Enables the PokeKage to see through any of the enemy's techniques and detect them without fail, and also makes him able to use his Psychic powers even on Dark-type foes.
Night Shade: The PokeKage points his index and middle fingers at his enemy and fires out a black beam which bypasses the foe's defenses and deals direct damage regardless of their strength.
Poison Sting: Transforms his forearm to a Beedrill's arm-sting, and uses it to stab and poison the enemy.
Protect: Using this technique, the PokeKage can effortlessly deflect or evade any enemy attack thrown at him. It can only be effectively used once in a while, though, not in succession.
Psybeam: Fires a beam of multicolored energy from his hand, or two such beams from his eyes.
Psychic: Utilizes psychic energy to overwhelm his opponent, mainly with telekinesis. He can even control and send the enemies' attacks back at them.
Psycho Cut: The PokeKage does a chop with his hand, sending out a blade formed by psychic power. The psychic blade passes through the enemy after damaging them and keeps going, enabling it to strike multiple targets at once.
Psywave: The PokeKage emits many odd, hot energy waves from his body, which reduce the energy of everything nearby and soon cause them to faint or stop working.
Razor Leaf: The PokeKage creates a razor-sharp leaf between his indes and middle fingers. He then swings his hand, throwing out the leaf to the enemy at huge speed to slice them. The leaf can also be made to split up into multiple other razor-sharp leaves as it flies in the air, which then all fly at the enemy to slice them up badly.
Razor Wind: The PokeKage does a chop with his hand, sending out a blade of slicing wind at his enemy.
Recover: The PokeKage absorbs energy from the atmosphere to restore up to 50% of his own at a time, and also any damage his body may have sustained.
Reflect: The PokeKage points his right palm forward, creating a sturdy wall of energy that deflects physical attacks.
Rock Slide: The PokeKage swings his hand up, and many huge masses of rock erupt from the ground behind him and then rain down at where his opponents are.
Rock Tomb: Four huge masses of rock erupt from the ground all around the opponent, surrounding them, and then they crumble forwards and fall onto them, burying the foe alive.
Sacred Fire: The PokeKage gets engulfed in a magnificent flame which protects him from all attacks without fail, and can also be shot out to burn his opponents. It is almost impossible to defend against as its flight can be controlled by the user, and it is much more intense and damaging than an ordinary flame. In addition, this flame possesses sacred restorative powers, and if the PokeKage receives any fatal wounds or dies in a battle, then this engulfing flame can revive and recover him back to perfect condition! However, only the PokeKage himself can make use of this flame, not his Substitutes.
Sand Tomb: Much sand comes out of the ground at the enemy's feet and captures them inside a large mass of sand. The sand then implodes, crushing the enemy instantly in a bloody explosion.
Sheer Cold: An extremely cold icy aura surrounds the PokeKage's body, before he unleashes a huge, insanely cold explosion of icy energy which freezes everything within a huge range under a thick layer of ice.
Shadow Ball: The PokeKage shapes a sphere of condensed darkness in his hand, and the he thrusts or hurls it at his enemy.
Shadow Punch: Delivers a quick, powerful shadowy punch at his opponent.
Smokescreen: Sends out a cloud of smoke that engulfs the area, concealing everything.
Solarbeam: A gigantic beam of solar energy descends from the sky at insane speed, obliterating his target before they can even react.
Stomp: The PokeKage thrusts his foot at the opponent, stomping them.
Strength: The PokeKage focuses his power to achieve great feats of strength, such as lifting huge boulders and hurling them at his enemy, breaking out of ice effortlessly, and others.
Substitute: The PokeKage expends 25% of his energy to create a Substitute of himself. The PokeKage's Substitutes have 1/4 his energy capacity, but are otherwise exactly the same in everything else, speed, power, and defense. Usually, the PokeKage uses Substitute to create 2 Substitutes using 50% of his power, before he restores it with Recover. The process can be repeated as many times as the PokeKage wants, since the PokeKage does not even waste energy as he Recovers it.
Substitute Teleport: Creates a Substitute which appears anywhere he wants by teleporting there the instant it is created.
Double Substitute: Creates two Substitutes at the same time and then uses Recover to replenish the energy he used.
Superpower: The PokeKage's entire body bursts with insane power, and then he attacks with unbelievably huge power, able to hollow out a mountain with a single punch.
Surf: The PokeKage summons a huge wave of water from behind him, and then he jumps onto it and rides it as it crashes onto his foe.
Swift: The PokeKage forms some shuriken-like stars of energy between his fingers, and then he swings his hand and throws them at the enemy. The stars of energy then fly at the enemy, homing in on them and following them until they cut them or stab onto them.
Teleport: The PokeKage freely teleports anywhere he wishes in an instant.
Thunder: The PokeKage raises his hand up, pointing at the sky. He then swings it down powerfully, and with the swing of his arm, an unbelievebly massive thunder descends from the sky as well, crashing onto his enemy and disintegrating them completely within its absolutely insane power.
Thunderbolt: The PokeKage forms a javelin-like bolt of lightning in his hand, and then he throws it at his enemy, striking them with an incredibly destructive blast of electricity. The PokeKage has honed this technique incredibly, making it insanely more powerful and destructive than normal.
Thunderpunch: Delivers a powerful electrifying punch at his opponent.
Torment: The PokeKage casts a dark spell on the enemy, which prevents them from using the same technique twice in a row, as it will fail in such a case.
Transform: The PokeKage possesses the ability to transform himself into different things, copying both their form and their traits, abilities and characteristics. The single thing that remains the same in the PokeKage after he transforms is his energy capacity, and the ability to cancel out the transformation to revert to his original form. The PokeKage can also do partial transformations of himself, mainly during techniques such as Cut, Fly, and Dive.
Vine Whip: Many whip-like vines erupt out of the ground to strike the enemy harshly like whips.
Whirlwind: The PokeKage summons a powerful wind that blows away everything before him.
Wood Hammer: The PokeKage's arm turns into a hard piece of wood, and then he smashes his enemy hard.
Zap Cannon: The PokeKage points his right hand straight at his enemy, and then he forms a sphere of extremely compressed electricity in his right hand. He then shoots out the sphere of lightning, which enlarges greatly after being fired, and then it crashes onto the opponent into a huge explosion of electricity which creates a massive field of lightning that zaps and paralyzes everything caught in it.
Edward McKiller, or Ed for short, is by far the wealthiest person in the Chaos region, possessing more than 80% of the businesses in the region, and having an incredibly huge amount of money which would be enough to buy anything he wishes like nothing. He lives relaxedly and enjoys life in a huge, luxurious mansion he owns somewhere in a beautiful and pleasant location at the Chaos region, free of all worries. With his nearly endless money, he also greatly assists the Chaos region in improving itself, being able to afford the construction of any useful structures and other facilities, as well the funds for all kinds of research programs for development in all areas. And besides that, his money can even help in the case of war, by hiring foreign mercenaries to fight for the Chaos region's goals, or even bribing enemy armies to throw aside their arms and join the side of the Chaos region instead! In one famous occasion, a large army detachment from another region was once about to invade the Chaos region, when Ed revealed himself before them, smiling confidently. Immediately, the soldiers all threw aside all their weapons and shouted "Hail Lord Edward!", giving up their orders and joining the Chaos region's side under the promise of money. Throughout the Chaos region, Ed's name is quite well-known, and he is praised as a person who has contributed a lot to the betterment of the region. But besides his huge fortune, Ed is also known for another thing: his insanely unbelievable luck! In fact, it was this unbelievable luck which enabled him to rise from just an average person to the richest person in the region! Ed started out in a family who had a Miltank farm somewhere near Harvest Town, and made their living selling the milk their Miltank produced. Since he was a kid, Ed has always been blessed by this incredible luck, which kept him away from all misfortune and kept bringing good things in his way. At first, when Ed was a kid, people thought that the numerous lucky events that were happening to him, such as often finding money and items on the ground, were simply the result of coincidence. But then one day, Ed picked up a Poke Ball and ran into some grass, hoping to catch his first Pokemon. Then all of a sudden, a Mew floated by, and Ed threw his Poke Ball at it and caught it immediately on his first try, without even having weakened it first! As he returned home, everyone was unable to believe what had just happened, extremely surprised that Ed had come across such an extremely rare and hard to catch Pokemon so simply, and managed to catch it effortlessly just by throwing an ordinary Poke Ball at it! After this, Ed started to realize that he was somehow blessed with an unbelievable luck, which simply turned all events in his favor without any effort on his part! Later, Ed left home to start his journey as a Pokemon Trainer, having Mew by his side as his starter Pokemon. As he travelled, Ed continued to find money and rare items dropped on the ground on his way, such as Nuggets, Berries, and rare TMs. As he wandered around, whenever he was unsure of what to do, Ed simply flipped a coin and let luck decide for him. Eventually, his luck led him to win a great prize at a lottery, and later when he visited a Game Corner, the Game Corner was left almost broke, as Ed had won almost all of its money in the games! Realizing his luck, Ed then started a long journey across the Pokemon World, defeating trainers for money, participating in lotteries and winning lots of prizes and rewards, and visiting the Game Corners of the various regions and winning all their money effortlessly! By winning in lotteries and at the Game Corners, Ed soon made a huge fortune for himself, which only kept increasing. After gathering an insane amount of money, Ed then returned to the Chaos region, where he purchased a large lot in a location with a great view and calm, peaceful surroundings, and built a huge mansion there, where he now lives. From since building his mansion, he also started getting involved in the matters of the Chaos region itself, buying businesses and improving them, and using his unending amounts of money to improve the region in any areas deemed necessary. As in everything else, Ed is also extremely lucky in Pokemon, having never lost a single Pokemon battle before, as his Pokemon all have unnaturally huge evasion, accuracy, and chance to cause effects to their enemies with their attacks, such as flinching them or freezing them! Despite the fact that Ed's Pokemon team is more suitable for travelling around the world than being balanced for battling, due to their sheer unbelievable luck, they have never lost a single battle before, even against highly skilled trainers such as the Elite Fours of the various regions Ed has visited and swept through effortlessly.
Here are Ed's Pokemon:
Dugtrio: Dugtrio's 100%-accuracy Fissure and his ability to always flinch the enemy Pokemon successfully at least three times in a row with his Rock Slide are a good reason that Ed has him as his usual starting Pokemon in a battle. Dugtrio has swept countless teams by himself, and has an Expert Belt to make some of his attacks even more powerful under the right circumstances. Aside from battle, Dugtrio can also help Ed in travelling underground or through walls with his Dig.
Rapidash: Rapidash defeats enemy Pokemon with his 100%-accuracy Horn Drill and his always critical-hitting Flare Blitz and Fire Blast. Also holds a Shell Bell. Aside from battling, Rapidash can also help Ed in travelling faster, by being his fast, strong mount, and can Horn Drill any obstacles in the way.
Tropius: Tropius's Silver Wind raises his stats every time he uses it, quickly making him a tough enemy to face. He quickly uses Sunny Day and then blasts away with SolarBeam, healing anytime he needs with Synthesis, and using Safeguard to prefent status effects. He also has a Focus Band that always activates, making him nearly invincible. Aside from battle, Tropius can also help Ed in travelling through the sky with Fly, and he can also use Defog to clear foggy areas.
Scizor: Scizor has a Berserker Gene, which increases his attack hugely, although he never hurts himself from confusion. He destroys anything in his way with his Bullet Punch and other attacks, which also always critical hit. Also, by using Double Team just once, he can completely escape his enemy's grasp for the rest of the battle with his afterimages. In addition to all those, he also somehow knows how to use Guillotine, which always hits when he uses it and eliminates any Pokemon before him, and after using Agility once, he is able to sweep entire teams with Guillotine. Aside from battling, Scizor can also help Ed in travelling by moving or removing obstacles with Cut, Strength, and Rock Smash.
Lapras: Lapras OHKOs any foe before him with his Sheer Cold and Horn Drill, which always land on target. Also, he has a Quick Claw which makes him go first every single turn, making him nearly impossible to defeat. Aside from battling, Lapras can also help Ed in travelling in the water with Surf, Waterfall, Whirlpool and Dive.
Mew: Mew holds a Brightpowder which activates on every turn, making him virtually untouchable. With his extremely wide array of techniques, he is able to deal with any kind of situation that comes up. Aside from battling, Mew can also help Ed in travelling instantly with his Teleport, and he can also use Flash to lighten up dark areas and Rock Climb to scale rocky surfaces.
A mysterious researcher with unknown goals and potential.
The Three Head Chaos Region Rocket Scientists
Three scientists working for Team Rocket in the Chaos region, and leading the research there. Their groundbreaking research has opened endless possibilities for Pokemon battling, although often at the expense of the lives of many Pokemon.
Doctor Oak
Makes Pokemon learn attacks they normally can't. Also creates and uses Dark Balls which can steal the opponent's Pokemon and turn them obedient to him.
Professor Ortmeier
Cloning expert seeking to create perfect Pokemon. Creates the most powerful and absolutely obedient Pokemon with perfect genes. They also have all of their EVs maxed, meaning they are far more powerful than ordinary Pokemon.
Researcher Quaint
Copies stats and powers from one Pokemon to another. He has created things like a Wonder Guard Sableye with Mew's stats and movepool, Huge Power Slaking, Levitate Magnezone, etc.
The Hidden Village of Darkness
A village located somewhere in the Pokemon World. Its location is completely unknown, as is its purpose.
The YamiKage
Shrouded in mystery. He gave the Dark Five their powers.
Here are some of the YamiKage's attacks:
Intangibility: Phases in or out from the physical world, switching between tangibility and intangibility. By default he is intangible, and he only becomes tangible when he wants to perform an action such as an attack. Even when he is tangible during his attacks, physical attacks against him still will not work, as he will instantly become intangible upon being hit. Energy attacks, on the other hand, can work to some extent.
Hellfire: The YamiKage points his arm somewhere, and then some black, all-consuming fire from Hell appears at that location, burning whatever is there. This attack can be used continuously, in other words, the YamiKage can keep swinging his arm around and having Hellfire engulf everything that is being pointed at, like a spreading fire that spreads the directions the YamiKage swings his arm. The YamiKage can use this ability with any of his arms, or both of them at the same time.
Hellfire Replication: A replication of himself made from Hellfire. It looks just like the YamiKage and can use his attacks, but if hit by an attack, it will explode to Hellfire which engulfs everything nearby. Naturally, it is extremely dangerous to fight in close ranges.
Shadow Clone: A replication of himself that disperses easily by enemy attacks. Can be used in the start of a battle to make enemies think of it as a weak technique and defeating it with close combat attacks, before a deadly Hellfire Replication is launched later, underestimated by the enemy and attacked directly by them with deadly results.
Dark Void: A darkness envelops everything, and then the enemies start falling into an endless abyss of darkness. This is actually an illusion which puts the enemies to sleep, unable to wake up without external interference.
Shadow Disperse: Disperses to shadows that float away and disappear in the air. The shadows then reappear somewhere else and reform back to the YamiKage.
Dark Seal: A dark seal the YamiKage secretly places on the Dark Ninja. This seal can be used by the YamiKage to instantly end a Dark Ninja's life, infuse their corpse with dark energy, and reanimate it to be under the YamiKage's complete control. Also, if a Dark Ninja dies by other means, then the same thing also happens after their death, adding their corpse to the YamiKage's collection. The YamiKage can also put a Dark Seal on anyone anytime just by touching them with his hand, and then he can activate it and kill them in an instant.
Shadow Possession: Points his arm at an enemy, shooting out an extremely fast shadowy blast which enters the target's body and completely possesses them. Upon being possessed, the foe gets engulfed in a dark aura, and their eyes become red with purple ripples. The YamiKage can then control the possessed target like a puppet with his mind.
Gates of Hell: Summons two huge gates, which open up to reveal an unbelievably terrifying darkness and black flames burning inside, before sucking the enemy inside into Hell. After sucking the enemy in, the gates then close and disappear.
Night Shade: Two red eyes with purple ripples suddenly appear in the enemy's shadow, and then two black beams shoot out of the eyes to strike the enemy. These beams also ignore defenses such as armor or a tough hide, and deal direct damage to the foe's vulnerable parts.
Shadow Force: A shadowy blast flies up from behind the YamiKage and homes in at an enemy, striking them and dispersing. Darkness then begins erupting out of the enemy's body where they got struck, completely disabling any body part out of which the darkness comes from. If the darkness erupts from the foe's vital spots, they can be killed with ease.
Shadow Ball: Forms a Shadow Ball and shoots it at his opponent. The YamiKage can form Shadow Balls from anywhere in the air, even behind his enemies' blind spots while facing them, landing some critical blows on them with ease.
Hellfire Shadow Ball: A blast of Hellfire disguised as a Shadow Ball.
Dark Resurrection: With this technique, the YamiKage can resurrect the corpses of the dead and have them animated with dark energy. The corpses made like this have no minds of their own and are nothing more than puppets, who only obey their summoner's commands.
Corpse Summonning: Summons resurrected corpses to fight for him.
Summoning Technique: Dance of the Infinite Ghosts: The YamiKage summons a seemingly infinite amount of ghost-type Pokemon surrounding the entire battlefield, and constantly changing positions while switching their visibility on and off, seemingly teleporting at random, making them almost impossible to hit. Engulfing the enemy completely, the ghosts keep appearing and disappearing as if teleporting at random, and when the chance strikes, they launch attacks from the enemy's blind spots, hurting them before instantly retreating in order to avoid getting hit. The ghosts constantly focus on confusing the enemy and evading their attacks, while slowly wearing them down with sneak attacks. Even if the enemy tries to fight back, no matter what attacks they use, the ghosts will just avoid them quickly, as this is their main focus after all, and in the end they will always resume their formation of surrounding the enemy and confusingly moving around them. Like this, being unable to attack or defend, the enemy is eventually brought to their knees and eliminated.
Summoning Technique: The Endless Tide of Ninja Corpses: The YamiKage summons an endless army of darkness-infused Ninja corpses all over a huge area, and then controls all of their movements with his mind, having possessed all of them (as they are possessed by the YamiKage, the corpses are also engulfed in a dark aura and have red eyes with purple ripples). The corpses have increased power, speed and endurance thanks to the dark energy in their bodies, being even more formidable than when they were alive. Each of the Ninja corpses can use any attacks they knew when they were alive, they can move and fight fast and hard without worrying about getting tired or getting hurt, since they don't have such feelings, and they can also regenerate from huge amounts of damage, as even if a single cell of them is left back, the Ninja can completely regenerate their entire body as long as they are in contact with the earth, which is the material used to regenerate the corpses. The undead army, which only keeps increasing in numbers as more and more corpses constantly come out of the ground without stop, then completely overwhelms and destroys the foe.
Hellfire Control: After using ???, he has complete control of Hellfire, summoning it anywhere in the air or elsewhere and controlling where it goes and how it spreads with his mind, sending it against his enemies to utterly annihilate them.
The Dark Five
The five strongest Dark Nin under the Yamikage.
Alpha is an undead replica of the Sixth PokeKage, created by the YamiKage to serve him in his purposes. He is completely immortal, being able to endlessly revive himself from the Earth, even if his body is completely destroyed in battle. He has no personality or emotions, almost never speaks, and does nothing except obey the YamiKage's commands.
Here are some of Alpha's attacks:
Overwhelming Dark Power: Alpha possesses a completely insane amount of dark energy in his body, many times greater even than Legendary Pokemon such as Rayquaza! This extremely huge, compressed dark energy makes his attacks have insane power behind them, being able to kill even a Kage-level Ninja with a single kick that blows a hole on their body, crushing their lungs and killing them instantly, as well as increasing his defense to such an incredible level that he effortlessly shrugs off even high-level attacks such as Hyper Beam and Giga Impact, merely being knocked back by them, without suffering any harm in his body! His strength is enough to stop even a Horn Drilling Dragonite bare-handed by grabbing its horn with only one hand, and his defense is enough that he'd survive even a Snorlax's Selfdestruct without much damage! Also, he is nearly immune to spells, breaking out of them effortlessly with his incredible dark power, and psychic powers have no effect of him at all.
Obliviousness: Alpha is oblivious to pain and emotions, and also being immortal and capable of regenerating any kind of damage easily, he never flinches or gets surprised in battle. No matter what happens, he always remains expressionless, simply analyzing the situation and coming up with counters to the enemy's attacks. At first in a battle, his reactions to attacks are only on a normal level, and he may just be hit by enemy attacks which are fierce and fast enough. But then once he analyzes them, he'll react at unbelievable speed compared to before and counter them without fail.
Extremespeed: Moves and performs attacks at blinding speed.
Heart Destroyer: Thrusts his hand at the enemy's chest and impales them through the heart, killing them.
Dead Punch: Punches the enemy and deals devastating internal damage. For example, punching an enemy at the stomach effortlessly crushes their stomach, and the enemy cough out much blood. Punching them at the head faints them instantly and may send them in a comatose condition, or even outright kill them in a single strike. Bones can also easily be shattered with this attack.
Dead Kick: Works similarly to Dead Punch, but is even more powerful. Alpha's kick usually involves him turning his right side to his enemy and delivering a devastating thrusting kick with his right foot at the enemy's chest, head or stomach, sending them crashing through anything in the way with insanely huge power. This kick is so powerful it can instantly kill even a Kage-level Ninja, blowing a crater-like hole in their chest which crushes their lungs completely, killing them. This kick is also used by the Sixth PokeKage, and in fact Alpha uses the same kick because he was cloned from him.
Cero: Points his index finger at his enemy, charges some energy at his fingertip, and then fires out a huge, wide-range blast of energy. The color of his Cero is gray.
Gran Rey Cero: A much higher-level Cero which he charges and fires from his palm, and it is also darker than his normal Cero.
Burial: Gets himself swallowed into the ground as if he was sinking in water. He can remain hidden and move underground for as much as he wants, and emerge from anywhere from the ground he wishes, usually behind the enemy to ambush them. Also, another thing he can do when in his released form, is to stay underground and send his tentacles from there to attack the enemy above the surface, completely avoiding direct combat.
Instantaneous Regeneration: If he is somehow damaged, Alpha can simply regenerate the damage on his body in an instant. He can even regenerate huge amounts of damage which would have normally been fatal for an ordinary person.
Earth Rebirth: Alpha is completely immortal. Even if his body is completely destroyed somehow, he simply forms his body again from the earth and resurrects. No matter how many times he goes down, he always gets back up.
Unending Energy: Alpha drains his energy from the earth, regenerating any power he uses up for attacks or during defense. As he constantly absorbs energy, he never runs out of it, and continues to fight at full power for the whole duration of a battle, showing no signs of his attack, defense and speed weakening at all even after extended periods of fighting.
Death Gaze: Alpha's eyes suddenly turn silver, and then he locks his eyes with those of his enemy, trapping them in a horrible, inescapable illusion in which they experience their own gruesome death 1,000,000 times in excruciatingly painful ways. Instead of simply incapacitating the enemy, this technique completely overwhelms their soul and actually kills them. No one has ever survived even halfway through it. This technique is devastating, but takes a considerable amount of time to recharge before it can be used again. Also, even though the illusion seems to last for an eternity in the victim's mind, in the real world it is over in a second, after which the enemy drops dead. In Alpha's released form, his eyes are already silver, so they do not change any further when he uses the attack.
Release: Resurrected Form: Normally, Alpha is in a form where his true power is sealed. With this technique, Alpha releases his true power in battle, greatly increasing his ability. When Alpha releases his true power, his pale-looking gray skin becomes darker, his black hair grows longer, his eyes turn silver and a black line appears across his face on the level of his eyes, his nails become sharper like claws, and he also gains vampire-like fangs. Also, six large tentacles covered with with razor-sharp slashing bones on them spout out of his back, to be used as his main tool for battle. These tentacles possess unbelievable demonic power, being able to entangle and crush a tank to scraps with little effort, and the razor-sharp bones on them are extremely dangerous, too, as a single contact with them during a tentacle swing could mean the instant loss of a limb. The tentacles are also extremely hard to damage, just like the rest of Alpha's body, which is now even stronger than it was before. On top of all that, the tentacles can extend to any range to grab enemies from any distance and position, and merely coming in contact with them is damaging due to the razor-sharp bones on them. Even if one manages to cut the tentacles somehow, Alpha can simply regenerate them instantaneously, making them unbelievably difficult to deal with. Actually, the tentacles have even more abilities beyond those, such as being able to drain out the energy of anything they wrap at an insanely rapid rate, turning any living being they stab into an undead puppet under Alpha's control, and even firing huge blasts of darkness from their tips, which can be powerful enough to obliterate an entire village each! With these tentacles as his main way of attack, Alpha then proceeds to completely obliterate his target.
Tentacle: Attacks the enemy with the tentacles on his back, which can extend to attack enemies at long ranges. The tentacles have many razor-sharp pieces of bone sticking out of them, which can badly cut the enemy.
Death Stab: Stabs his foe with his tentacle and drains out their life, turning them into a lifeless, gray-skinned corpse. He can then control the foe he killed like a puppet, manipulating them through his connecting tentacle. He can use all their powers and abilities, as well as channel his own through them.
Dark Drain: Catches an enemy with one or more of his tentacles, and then engulfs them in a dark aura that sucks out all of their energy in a matter of seconds.
Bone Barrage: Points his six tentacles at the enemy's direction, and shoots out a huge barrage of razor-sharp pieces of bone at them. Each of those bone pieces is powerful enough to pierce through boulders and shatter them effortlessly.
Cero Oscuro: An insanely huge and powerful, pitch-black Cero attack. He charges insanely compressed, black-colored energy at the tip of any of his tentacles, and then fires an astonishingly gigantic and destructive black Cero which obliterates all in its path. The range and power of this attack is enough to level an entire village at once, and since Alpha has six tentacles, he can fire six of these at once at any direction.
Summoning Scroll: Corpse Apocalypse: Uses the summoning scroll on his back to summon the corpses of 4,000 dead ninja into the battle. Afterwards, an equal number of tentacles spout out of his back, stab each of the ninja corpses at their backs, and turn them into puppets under his control. Even though they are dead, the ninja are still capable of using any jutsu and other abilities they had in their lives, and Alpha uses them all to utterly annihilate his target with all sorts of attacks. Also, the ninja corpses are nearly impossible to destroy, as their undead puppeteer regenerates any damage they receive through his own regeneration ability. And to make things even more hopeless, the corpses have each been infused with Kage-level amounts of energy, making them insanely challenging and durable opponents. Alpha and all the 4,000 ninja corpses combined are like one insanely huge organism, with Alpha acting as the heart of that organism, controlling all of the organism's parts. Because the corpses are part of Alpha's organism instead of the mere tools they would be in the hands of a simple puppeteer, Alpha is able to control all of them much better than that since they are like parts of himself, making them avoid enemy attacks and regenerating any damages they receive, and using much more synchronized, careful, and skillful attacks than a normal puppeteer would be able to use.
Supreme psychic master whose psychic abilities also have darkness infused in them, effortlessly overcoming other psychics and basically just about anyone. She is calm, serious and calculating.
Here are some of Beta's attacks:
Dark Psychic: Uses her dark psychic powers to overwhelm her enemies. Beta's psychic powers are extremely effective, and as they are infused with dark energy they effortlessly overwhelm other users of psychic power like nothing, as well as being able to be used against dark-type foes. She can instantly overwhelm and faint an army of enemies using psychic power, move objects around telekinetically, control and redirect attacks coming at her back to the foes that fired them, read and manipulate people's minds, and countless other possibilities. Just by being exposed to Beta's psychic powers also drains out the foes' energy, because of the dark energy in beta's psychic energy. Beta can also use normal psychic powers when darkness is not needed, such as when viewing locations in far distances, hidden locations or interior places with Future Sight.
Teleport: Instantly teleports herself from one place to another. She can also teleport other people and objects around.
Dark Psybeam: Fires a darkness-infused beam of psychic energy from her hands or eyes, blasting the enemy away. This technique can instantly cancel any other attack colliding with it, making it vanish in an instant.
Dark Psywave: Releases many odd, cold waves which freeze the enemy completely in their tracks, even in the air. In other words, whatever is exposed to this attack will instantly have their movements completely suspended, whether it's solid, liquid, or gas, as if time freezes for them. This technique dispels on its own after some time, or if the targets are moved through contact from an external force. Enemies, their attacks, and anything else will be completely suspended by this.
Mind Reader: Places her hand on an enemy's head and reads everything in their mind, thoughts, memories, emotions, and everything else. She can also read their intentions from a distance, predicting the movements they are about to make and countering them properly before or after they carry out their thoughts.
Psybolt: Points her palm at the target, charges a spherical blast of concentrated psychic energy, and shoots it at the target. The flight path of this psychic blast can also be controlled mentally, making the attack much more tricky to deal with.
Miracle Eye: Beta possesses the ability to be able to use her psychic powers even against Dark-type foes.
Future Sight: In combat, this ability can be used to concentrate much psychic energy in an area away from the battle, and that psychic energy can then be called and used later to strike at the enemy from behind when they're not suspecting, usually in the form of powerful psychic beams flying fast and crashing onto the foe's back, dealing much damage. Outside of combat, this ability can be used to see anything that is happening at faraway distances, in buildings and other interiors, and generally in any area across a great range, giving the user the ability to possibly foresee events that may soon take place where they are, such as reinforcements or something else arriving.
Hypnosis: Looks at the enemy in the eyes and hypnotises them, manipulating their thoughts and making them do whatever she wishes. She can also just put the target to sleep.
Psychic Palm: Delivers a serious psychic and darkness-infused palm strike, which completely destroys the enemy's chakra circulatory system, rendering them unable to use any special attacks anymore. The attack also blasts the foe back with much force.
Disable: Disables an ability of a foe, so they can't use it for the rest of the battle. This technique can also be used to disable other things, such as machines and other mechanisms.
Psychic Shield: Creates a protective a bubble shield of psychic energy around herself, which can protect against attacks.
Release: Soul Power: Releases her true psychic power, getting her body engulfed completely in a protective psychic aura, as well as growing large wings of dark psychic energy on her back. Those wings can generate endless amounts of razor-sharp feathers of dark psychic energy, which can be used for offensive as well as defensive purposes. Those feathers also have an activatable ability to ignore anything which is not living, passing through all kinds of obstacles and slicing the enemy directly. However, Beta only activates this ability when sending those feathers to attack, and otherwise leaves the feathers as normal for defensive purposes. Beta's dark psychic abilities in general also become much more powerful in this form, being able to effortlessly overwhelm any kind of enemy that shows before her like nothing.
Psychic Aura: In her released form, Beta is surrounded by a protecting aura of dark psychic energy, which prevents all attacks from hitting, stopping physical attacks cold and deflecting other kinds of attacks to the sides.
Feather Dance: Flaps her wings and sends out countless razor-sharp feathers of dark psychic energy, which she sends in waves against her opponents to slice them to countless shreds, or uses them for defense to block out enemy attacks. These feathers have an ability that can be activated by Beta, which is to ignore anything that is non-living, passing through them harmlessly like ghosts, and only cutting up living beings themselves. Beta often activates this ability when sending the feathers to attack, creating a virtually unstoppable offense that, for example, would be able to slice a knight to shreds behind their armor, which is ignored by the attack. Otherwise, the feathers behave normally and can be used to block attacks and come in contact with the surroundings.
Wing Blast: Flaps her opponent with her psychic wing, smashing them with a dark psychic blast as well as with countless dark psychic razor-sharp feathers fired at them from point-blank range, ripping them to shreds.
Protecting Wings: Intensifies the dark psychic energy in her wings and uses them as additional protection against attacks, in case her Psychic Aura somehow is not enough.
Psyclone: Creates a huge cyclone of countless of her razor-sharp dark psychic energy feathers, which can slice up anything its way to countless shreds. The cyclone also attracts anything within a large range around it to be sucked inside it and be reduced to countless tiny pieces, spreading huge devastation in its path, which can be controlled by Beta.
Final Obliteration: Sends countless of her razor-sharp dark psychic energy feathers swirling around the enemy into a gigantic, sphere-like cloud of feathers flying around the enemy. The feathers then fly insanely fast at the enemy from every single angle around them, attacking them from every conceivable direction. The enemy is then instantly torn to innumerable shreds by the unbelievable attack, which shrinks to an incredibly compressed form as it collapses on the enemy completely, before producing an insanely huge explosion of dark psychic energy, utterly annihilating the foe.
Psykick: Does a powerful kick at the enemy's direction, and then the enemy gets blasted by a strong psychic power in the same way as if the kick would have hit them.
Psycho Boost: Unleashes an unbelievably enormous and destructive blast of insanely powerful psychic energy, obliterating everything.
Supreme close combat master. The darkness engulfing his body makes him near invincible. Spells don't work on him because of his protecting dark energy, and other ranged attacks also have no effect. His extremely trained and tough body also endures even the most powerful physical attacks. He likes to fight challenging opponents.
Here are some of Gamma's attacks:
Huge Power: Gamma possesses unbelievably huge physical strength, being able to easily lift entire buildings out of their foundations and hurl them at his enemies, smash huge trees or rocks with a single punch, or punch a fissure into the ground, among many other things.
Dark Armor: Gamma's entire body is unfused with huge amounts of extremely compressed dark energy, making his entire body harder than steel. He can effortlessly grab swords bare-handed, and tank even extremely powerful attacks with barely any damage.
Extremespeed: Moves and attacks at unbelievable, blinding speed.
Dark Punch: Delivers a darkness-infused punch at his enemy. Along with the huge physical impact, the attack also sends much compressed through the enemy's body, erupting from the other side of their body during the punch, and blasting out much of the foe's energy, weakening them extremely. Any of Gamma's punch attacks can be like that.
Dark Kick: Delivers a devastating darkness-infused kick at his enemy. Along with the unbelievable physical impact, the attack also sends much compressed through the enemy's body, erupting from the other side of their body during the kick, and blasting out much of the foe's energy, weakening them extremely. Any of Gamma's kick attacks can be like that.
Bullet Punch: Moves at blinding speed and delivers a blindingly fast punch at the enemy's stomach, blasting out all the air from their lungs instantly! The enemy then get stunned as their breath is abruptly cut, and then they get completely stunned for some moments as they fall to their knees, trying to take deep breaths to recover.
Comet Punch: Unleashes an overwhelming flurry of punches at his enemy.
Karate Chop: Strikes his foe with a sharp chop of his arm.
Low Kick: Performs a powerful low kick that makes the foe fall over.
Rolling Kick: While close to the enemy, he does an evasive roll on the ground towards the enemy's direction, while slamming a leg on them in the middle of the roll.
Massacreing Arm: Impales the enemy with his brutal arm, with his hand emerging from the other side of the enemy's body full of their blood.
Counter: Sees through the foe's attack and performs a counter-attack, turning the force of their own attacks against them.
Quick Deflection: Quickly deflects an enemy attack with the back of his hand, exposing them to counter-attack.
Cross Chop: Does a catastrophic double chop with his forearms crossed, powerful enough to smash even steel.
Dark Dynamicpunch: Delivers an absolutely devastating punch of darkness, which creates a huge explosion of darkness upon impact.
Knee of Hell: Jumps and does an unbelievably powerful knee smash at the enemy, which can blast them away with unbelievably extreme power. An insane explosion of darkness can also happen upon impact, blasting the enemy away engulfed in darkness.
Dark Elbow: Delivers a destructive elbow smash at his opponent. He can also create a huge explosion of darkness upon impact.
Dark Explosion: Grabs his enemy and blasts them point-blank with a dark explosion between himself and the foe. The foe gets blasted with much power by the explosion, but Gamma himself is not harmed by it.
Shoulder Smash: Smashes the enemy with his powerful shoulder.
Axe Kick: Raises his leg up and then brings it down like an axe at the enemy, hitting them with huge power. If he charges his leg with darkness, he can also create a huge dark explosion as his leg crashes on the ground.
Back Elbow: With the enemy behind him, he turns around quickly while using his elbow to smash them in the face, making them take a few steps back and dazzling them a bit.
Back Spinning Kick: With the enemy behind him, he turns around while raising his leg and performing a back spinning kick at the enemy's head. The enemy are caused to turn around themselves by the kick, showing their back to Gamma, who can then attack them from the back while they are dazzled a bit.
Quick Jab: Does an extremely quick jab at the enemy, which can be good for interrupting their attacks.
High Kick: Does a high kick at the enemy's upper body or head, which can also have enough power to launch them into the air.
Darkness Beam: Fires a huge, wide-range beam of darkness and destruction from his hand.
Flame Choke: Grabs the enemy by the face, lifts them off the ground, and blasts their head point-blank with a pulse of darkness, before slamming them head-first to the ground, with enough force to shatter it.
Dark Bomb: Kicks the enemy at the stomach, making them bend forwards a bit. He then grabs them by the sides of their waist, lifts them high in the air, and then smashes them with unbelievably huge power to the ground, cratering a huge area around.
Death Driver: Launches the enemy into the air with an attack, in a way that the foe's body is turned upside down in the air. He then jumps up and goes behind the foe, facing their back, with the foe being upside down and him being in normal position. Gamma then steps on the inside of the enemy's arms, in a way that the enemy's arms are stretched and extended away from their body, while he also grabs their legs with his hands. Then, holding their limbs fixed, Gamma starts falling fast to the ground with the upside-down turned enemy, driving them head-first to the ground with unbelievable power, creating a huge explosion of earth and rubble upon impact.
Stomach Kick: Delivers a strong kick at the enemy's stomach, usually to stop their charge.
Sweep Kick: Falls on his hand and spins, doing a sweep kick that trips his enemy.
Backfist: Smashes the enemy with huge power using the back of his fist.
Scissor Kick: Uses his legs to performs a scissor-like kick at the enemy from various positions, such as being fallen to the ground and scissor kicking their legs from the back of the knees to make them fall, or jumping up and guillotining the enemy's head.
Hammer Arm: Brings down his extremely powerful arm like a hammer at the enemy, smashing them with huge force.
Jump Double Kick: Jumps up and performs two rapid upward kicks at his enemy, launching them into the air.
Defense Crusher: Cancels the enemy's power-ups with a devastating darkness-infused blow at the stomach, spine or face.
Ghost Combo: Launches his enemy high in the air with an attack, and then he suddenly disappears at blinding speed. The enemy are then suddenly struck by a blindingly fast punch to their chin, followed by a devastating spine strike, a kick across the face, a cross chop on their chest, and then a leg dropped on their stomach from above with huge power, driving them to the ground with huge speed and crashing them down with devastating force.
Release: Engulfing Darkness: Gamma releases his true power in battle, engulfing his entire body in fire-like darkness. This darkness dramatically increases his attack, defense and speed, making him nearly invincible. Also, from that point on, all of his attacks are infused with darkness, making them all cause huge dark explosions upon direct impact, rapidly depleting the foe's energy.
Dark Jet: Uses the darkness on his body to propel himself at high speeds towards any direction. The darkness can even allow him to suspend himself in the air and dive towards any direction, making him able to fight airborne.
Dark Jet Uppercut: Propels himself with darkness while launching a huge dark uppercut at the enemy's chin, driving them very high into the air.
Dark Jet Kick: Propels himself with darkness at huge speed towards the enemy, doing a sliding-like kick at them. The kick can be done sliding on the ground or diving from the air.
Dark Blitz: Intensifies the darkness around his body, making the black flames much larger and even darkening the surrounding environment, before he launches out at his opponent with astonishing speed and crashes onto them with insane power, obliterating them completely in an unbelievably catastrophic dark tackle and explosion.
Dark Comet Punch: Launches a massive flurry of extremely powerful darkness-infused punches at his enemy, overwhelming them with darkness that engulfs them completely and blasts them in a huge dark explosion.
Hyper Darkness Beam: Points his hand at the enemy, places his other hand onto the arm of the pointed hand, and fires an extremely massive, unbelievably powerful, concentrated and destructive blast of darkness, much huger and more destructive than a basic Darkness Beam.
Fist of Darkness: Punches forwards with his fist, sending out a very fast, powerful blast of darkness, which causes a destructive dark explosion upon impact.
Catastrophic Stomp: Performs a double aerial stomp which causes a catastrophic dark explosion upon impact, blasting the enemy with insanely tremendous force. He can do it both vertically and horizontally.
Summoner. By striking his extremely powerful darkness-infused Pokemon with his whip, the Pokemon increase in size and power with every strike of his whip! He can also revive them and push them off their limits this way, at the cost of great suffering for the Pokemon themselves. He doesn't care about his pokemon and doesn't care that they hurt at all, all he cares is to win and obliterate the enemy with Hyper Beams and other catastrophic attacks. He can also summon a huge Steelix and hide in his mouth for protection, and has a hidden Abra hung on his back for Teleport. He usually summons dragon-like Pokemon and other huge, powerful Pokemon, never weak ones as he hates weaklings. He often laughs insanely during battle while overwhelming and obliterating his foes.
Here are some of Delta's attacks:
Summoning Technique: Darkness-Infused Pokemon: Summons dark-infused Pokemon to fight his enemies. These dark-infused Pokemon are darker and red-eyed versions of their normal counterparts. They are much more powerful than normal, having their power and defense heightened by the darkness, to the point where their resistances to attacks are one level higher than they would normally be! For example, while a normal Rhydon would have a 4x weakness to water, a darkness-infused Rhydon will only have a 2x weakness to it! The power of the darkness-infused Pokemon is also much greater than normal, doing 1.5x the damage they normally would! Their speed can also be greater than normal sometimes, seemingly demonic, catching their opponent off-guard and delivering unexpected attacks. Although these abilities are already a huge power-up, the strength of those darkness-infused Pokemon can be raised even further than that, as when Delta strikes those Pokemon with his whip, they can grow in size and power, reaching entirely different levels than their normal counterparts! These darkness-infused Pokemon are extremely hard to take down, continuing to fight even after fainting, as they can be revived by being struck by Delta's whip, getting pushed completely off their limits and reaching unbelievable levels of power as well as extremely huge sizes!
Mass Summoning Technique: Army of Dark Pokemon: Summons a huge army of darkness-infused Pokemon to launch an extremely massive attack, which would be enough to easily obliterate a country.
Tormenting Whip: Uses his whip to strike his darkness-infused Pokemon, making them fight harder. When the darkness-infused Pokemon are struck harshly with the whip, they start glowing in a dark red color as if evolving, and increase in size and power. Should they happen to faint in battle, Delta can continue whipping them extremely harshly, making them revive and grow completely beyond their limits, becoming unbelievably destructive and dangerous. The darkness-infused Pokemon also suffer extreme amounts of pain while in that state, making them fight much more viciously and savagely, trying to completely eradicate their opponents with their full power. Aside from striking his darkness-infused Pokemon, Delta can also use his whip on the enemies themselves, causing them to flinch extremely often.
Huge Endurance: Delta has an incredibly huge endurance, capable of surviving even extremely powerful attacks hitting him directly. This is useful in case an enemy somehow manages to get him with an attack, although it is extremely hard for that to happen.
Abra Helper: Delta has a darkness-infused Abra hanging on his back, hidden under his coat. This Abra helps Delta to Teleport around easily, and he may also occasionally pop out his head and use Psybeam to attack, or Psychic to redirect and throw off incoming attacks, making them miss.
Completely invincible during the night (attacks pass through). Shadowy elemental and dark curse/spell master. He is extremely confident and arrogant, looking down at his opponents, but runs away and hides during the day. Although if pushed, he can still battle well during the day, except he won't be invincible. He can use many shadowy attacks without even moving, simply calling the attacks which then happen.
Here are some of Epsilon's attacks:
Shadow Invulnerability: During the night, Epsilon is completely invulnerable to all kinds of damage. Any attacks thrown at him simply pass through his body harmlessly as if he was a ghost, and spells have no effect as well, simply wasting the caster's energy without doing anything.
Shadow Fire: The foe suddenly gets engulfed in a shadowy blue fire, making them perish in seconds. This fire is much harder to put out than a normal fire, and it also burns away the enemy's energy, so even if they somehow survive it, they'll have lost much of their power.
Shadow Ice: The foe suddenly begins freezing in some hard, shadowy purple ice. This ice also freezes the enemy's energy, making them unable to use any special attacks, which makes this technique far more dangerous than a normal freezing technique. The foe's frozen energy also gets drained out while they are in the ice, and also, even if they somehow do break out of the ice, their energy will remain frozen for some time, rendering them unable to use special attacks for a while.
Shadow Lightning: The foe is suddenly struck by a shadowy pink lightning from the sky. The attack instantly zaps away much of the target's energy, as well as paralyzing their entire body for some time.
Shadow Wind: A shadowy wind of darkness is sent out to blow away enemies and their attacks, which simply fade into the dark wind. The shadowy dark wind also blows out the energy from the bodies of enemies and absorbs it, weakening them a lot. The shadowy wind can also be made to form into tornadoes of darkness, raging across the battlefield and sucking the energy out of everything around.
Shadow Stream: A fissure suddenly cracks open near the enemy, and then a huge tsunami of dark green water comes out at huge pressure and power, crashing onto the foe. The enemy's energy also flows out of their body very rapidly when they are hit by this attack.
Shadow Swamp: The ground below the enemy's feet suddenly changes to a darkness-filled, muddy swamp, in which the enemy falls and starts sinking into the mud. It is extremely hard to escape the swamp once fallen in, as despite its natural ability to slow down movements dramatically due to the mud, it also rapidly drains out the foe's energy, weakening them extremely fast.
Shadow Stone: Large, sharp darkness-infused stones suddenly erupt from the ground to hurt enemies. The stones can also be controlled to fly in the air and be hurled at foes.
Shadow Melt: The ground suddenly erupts under the enemy, sending out a giant pillar of black lava that melts down the target in an instant. But even if they somehow survive, the attack also drains out an insane amount of their energy upon hitting, leaving them extremely weakened.
Shadow Chasm: An abyssal fissure suddenly cracks open under the enemy's feet, making them fall into the endless darkness in the fissure. If the enemy somehow dodges it, the fissure then starts following their movements automatically until they fall in.
Shadow Drain: Points his hand at his target, and then their energy starts coming out of their body in small dark bubbles that fly and get sucked into Epsilon's hand. Epsilon can also absorb any incoming attacks with his hand with this technique, no matter their power.
Shadow Bind: Ropes of darkness suddenly appear around the foe and tie them up, immobilizing them. The dark ropes are extremely difficult to break, and they can also be used for other purposes, such as hanging the target.
Shadow Flick: Flicks his finger at his target from a range, blasting them with much power.
Shadow Punch: Does a punch in the air, and then a large fist of shadow punches the enemy in the same way.
Shadow Choke: Makes his hand as if he's grabbing the enemy's throat, although from a range, and the enemy feel an invisible hand grabbing their throat and choking them. This attack can be used to easily toss enemies away across huge distances, or lift them up high in the air and drop them from great heights.
Shadow Blast: Points his palm at a location and creates a shadowy explosion there. Such explosions can also be made to happen with Shadow Punch and Shadow Flick.
Shadow Beam: Fires a thin, piercing shadow beam from his index finger, which can also be fired continuously for a few more seconds to slice anything in its path.
Shadow Box: Four walls of darkness arise around the enemy, and then a ceiling and bottom also encase the enemy inside a box of darkness. Epsilon can then use Shadow Beam to slice the box in half along with the enemy, or other attacks to destroy it and the trapped enemies.
Shadow Control: Points his hand at an enemy, who then suddenly gets engulfed in darkness. That enemy can then be controlled like a puppet by Epsilon, using his hand to make them move and use any of their abilities.
Shadow Down: Snaps his fingers and the enemy's defenses are lowered by a lot, making them much more weak and vulnerable. If the enemy is resisting an attack, this move can further weaken them to make them crumble to the attack.
Shadow Blind: Thrusts his index and middle finger as if poking the enemy's eyes, although from a range, and they get blinded by darkness for some time.
Shadow Magic: The target's own shadow assumes a form and fights against them. It looks like a pitch-black clone of its owner. The shadow has the exact same abilities as the one it belongs to, but fights much more cunningly and evily than them, exposing their weaknesses which it knows and destroying them mercilessly. The shadow can also speak and even has a personality, which is an evil version of the personality of its owner.
Shadow Vanish: Vanishes in a cloud of darkness, teleporting away while turning invisible at the same time. The invisibility is broken if he uses any attacks, though.
The Four Masters of Chaos
The Four Masters of Chaos serve as the Elite Four of the Chaos region. They are four persons who are both great trainers and extremely powerful individuals, and serve as a final challenge to test the best trainers in the region. Unlike in other regions, in the Chaos region it is considered praiseworthy for its trainers to not only have powerful Pokemon, but also for the trainers themselves to be strong enough to stand and fight alongside the Pokemon that accompany them. For this reason, in the final challenge of the Chaos region, the Four Masters of Chaos do not only use their Pokemon into battle, but they themselves also participate in the battle and fight against the enemy and their Pokemon team! This makes the final challenge in the Chaos region much harder than in other regions, as the Four Masters of Chaos are actually even more powerful than their Pokemon, and possess moves and skills that will give even the strongest and most well-trained Pokemon much trouble! However, it's still possible to win, as the Four Masters of Chaos will not go all out in battle, but rather they will carefully test the enemy trainer's abilities and, if they are strong enough, they will acknowledge them and allow them to proceed further. So far, only one person has ever managed to defeat all of the Four Masters of Chaos, a mysterious unnamed Pokemon Master who is only referred to as Hermit by those who know of him, and has withdrawn into the deepest depths of the ice caves on Northern Island, away from civilization. Although it's almost impossible, anyone that can manage to defeat all of the Four Masters of Chaos will receive the honorary title of Champion from the King himself, and is also entitled an audience with His Majesty, if they wish.
The challenge of the Four Masters of Chaos is entirely different than the Pokemon Leagues in other regions around the Pokemon World. To start, the Four Masters of Chaos are not simply waiting in rooms, but rather in extremely huge areas, which are also often inhabited by powerful, high-level Pokemon preying on challengers! The four areas where the Four Masters of Chaos are located are the Blizzard Mountain, the Desert, the Evil Witch's Castle, and the Hell Cave. Unlike in the Pokemon League where Pokemon trainers go from lower to higher areas as they advance, the opposite happens here, as the areas where the Four Masters of Chaos are are actually located lower and lower as one advances through them. Each of these areas is a huge, extremely dangerous challenge, filled with traps, powerful Pokemon, the difficulty in finding the way to advance, and of course, the Master of Chaos waiting in each area. The way from each area to the next is locked, and the keys to open the way is held by each Master of Chaos, from whom the key must be retrieved through battling them. However, that's almost impossible, as even if a trainer manages to eventually find the Master of Chaos in an area, they will be so exhausted by all the other challenges in the area that they will most likely go down in seconds before the absolutely overwhelming power of the Four Masters of Chaos, who are much, much more harsh and powerful than all the rest difficulties in their area! For this reason, even the strongest trainers qualified to challenge the Four Masters of Chaos consider it extremely seriously before they proceed, as it is unlike any of the other challenges they have faced so far. The stories of horror and despair told by those who have emerged out of the challenge in failure after having all their powers exhausted and fainted only serve as to make people more reluctant to proceed with the challenge, and eventually, only extremely few decide to take the challenge anyway, out of whom none but a single person known as the Hermit have managed to actually complete the challenge successfully. Most challengers faint before even finding Ulf in Blizzard Mountain, and of those who manage to proceed, other than Hermit, only a single person has ever made it to the final member of the Four Masters of Chaos, Datenshi, only to be completely annihilated by him in seconds.
Ulf of the North
Team: Mightyena, Granbull, Manectric, Lucario, Ninetales, Arcanine
Ulf is the first member of the Four Masters of Chaos. He resembles a large, vicious anthropomorphic wolf. Ulf's area is known as the Blizzard Mountain. After passing through two huge gates at the beginning of the challenge, a trainer will find themselves in an extremely vast, snow-covered area, where the severe cold and constant, heavy blizzard already start harassing the challenger. In this area, there is a huge mountain, covered in snow and much forestation. The challenger is to make their way up that forest and find Ulf, who holds a special key they will need for the challenge. However, the trip will not be easy. The icy mountain is harsh and steep, and extreme caution must be taken when climbing it, else the challenger may find themselves slipping off a steep cliff and falling from the mountain! There are areas on the mountain which are less steep and more safe, but these are also usually filled with forestation, making it easy for one to get lost. Aside from these, the entire Blizzard Mountain is inhabited by many Mightyena, which hunt in packs and assault any trainers they encounter! During the challenge to defeat the Four Masters of Chaos, it is impossible to run from battles, so whenever a challenger encounters wild Pokemon, they must fight and defeat them to proceed. So, in Blizzard Mountain, challengers will often have to fight against relentless packs of powerful Mightyena, all while being hit by the constant Hail that damages their Pokemon! The Mightyena also like to dodge and stall challengers' Pokemon, steadily wearing them down by the Hail. So, just by fighting battles, which is unavoidable, the Pokemon of challengers are getting weakened more and more, until they become unable to continue and their trainers are forced to give up. However, it is also possible to take a rest in the mountain, as there are caves at some places on the mountain, which can be good as a place to rest away from the powerful blizzard outside. But those caves are usually inhabited by powerful Ursaring, Zubat, Golbat, and other Pokemon, which are not very content in having challengers resting in the caves they live! So wherever they go, the challengers will have to constantly be facing battles, expending their power. Eventually, if the challengers are strong and persistent enough, they may find where Ulf is and battle him. Although usually, it's Ulf that finds the trainers first, and then he stalks them and lunges at them from behind, swiping them at the head with his strong paw and knocking them out, sending them out of the challenge and back at the beginning! Many trainers have had their challenge ended this way, waking up in the healing center before the challenge after being knocked out by Ulf. However, if a trainer is not taken out by this, they can then start battling Ulf for his key. The battles against the Four Masters of Chaos are no ordinary battles. The rules are that trainers can send out all of their Pokemon at the same time to battle, and trainers themselves can also participate in the fight! So, Ulf sends out all his team of Pokemon at once while also charging at the enemy's team himself, devastating them with his incredible power! At this point, if a challenger is not skilled in combat themselves, they will most likely watch their Pokemon team overwhelmed and sweeped by Ulf and his team in seconds. For most trainers who reach at this point, their challenge ends here, as trainers are usually not trained in combat themselves, and even if they are, it's rare for them to be able to even keep up with Ulf's incredible physical power and energy, far huger than a normal human can reach. But if they manage to somehow hold their ground against Ulf's onslaught, their goal would be to retrieve a special key from him. The key is located in a pocket in Ulf's jacket, and if the challenger manages to get it, the battle ends. The challenger is to then use this key to open a hidden path to the next area. To the south of the Blizzard Mountain, there is a large boulder blocking the way. This boulder is immovable by normal means, but if the challenger has Ulf's Key, the boulder will react to the key and roll aside, revealing a long, but simple rocky cave that leads the way down to the next area, the Desert, where the next of the Four Masters of Chaos, Lasph resides.
Here are some of Ulf's attacks:
Overwhelming Power: Overwhelms his opponent with his huge power, which would be enough to crush even steel.
Paw Swipe: Swipes at the enemy with his paw, which is enough to instantly knock an average person unconscious with a hit at their head. This attack can crush down trees with ease.
Pounce: Pounces on the enemy, throwing them to the ground, and then begins attacking them savagely with vicious slashes and bites.
Slash: Slashes the enemy with his powerful claws, which can carve rock with ease.
Fury Swipes: Slashes the enemy multiple times at high speed.
Crunch: Crunches the enemy with his extremely powerful fangs.
Agility: Moves at great speed, evading the enemy's attacks and attacking them at high speeds to which they may not be able to react in time.
Lupine Beast: Roars and delivers a huge smash with the back of his arm at the opponent, unleashing a huge blue blast that resembles a wolf's head that knocks away the opponent with power.
Summoning Howl: Howls and summons hundreds of Mightyena to assist him in battle.
Fissure: Punches the ground so hard it creates a large fissure that starts extending towards his enemy.
Lasph of the South
Team: Hippowdon, Sandslash, Whiscash, Flygon, Claydol, Swampert
Lasph is the second member of the Four Masters of Chaos. He resembles a mummy-like person covered in worn-out old bandages and mud. Lasph's area is known as the Desert. After exiting the long, rocky tunnel going down from the Blizzard Mountain, one will find themselves in a completely different place, which is basically an extremely huge desert, constantly buffeted by a powerful, harassing sandstorm. The desert is extremely vast, seemingly having no end in the distance, and there are also many skulls and bones of animals scattered around the sand at places, disheartening travelers. There are no notable landmarks in the desert, making it extremely easy to get lost and wander around aimlessly in the sandstorm, while occasionally being attacked by the high-level Pokemon that inhabit the desert, such as Sandslash, Cacturne, Garchomp, Flygon, and others. As the challengers keep fighting against these Pokemon, their own Pokemon also get weakened by the constant Sandstorm, continually wearing them down battle after battle. On top of that, some of the Pokemon of the desert know and often use Fissure, making them extremely dangerous! In addition, the desert has many quicksand pits scattered around it, which are very hard to notice, and if challengers fall in them, they get sucked into the earth and end up in some underground caves beneath the desert! These caves are like extremely complicated mazes with various perplexing puzzles, making it extremely long and difficult to get out and back to the surface, while the puzzles also often require the techniques taught by various HMs such as Surf, Strength and Rock Smash to proceed, else the challengers will get trapped in the cave and be unable to go any further! Also, the caves are inhabited by powerful ancient Pokemon such as Kabutops, Omastar, and Relicanth, and these Pokemon also sometimes know OHKO moves, such as Omastar using Horn Drill, and some of them may even use OHKO moves they normally wouldn't know, such Kabutops using Guillotine and Cradily using Fissure! All in all, the underground caves are an extremely dangerous place and very hard to get out of, on par with the desert above, if not even harsher. Around the desert, there are a few places where a small oasis may be found, but they are extremely few, very hard to find, and they are also guarded by various Pokemon that will attack anyone that comes to the oasis. However, if they clear out all the dangers awaiting them, the challengers may use the oasis as a place to rest temporarily. But to proceed anywhere from there, they must find the Master of Chaos located in the desert, Lasph. Lasph is wandering around randomly in the desert, so he is insanely hard to find considering the unbelievable vastness of the area, the extremely limited visibility because of the sandstorm, and the fact that he also moves around. However, if the challenger somehow manages to stumble upon him, they must then retrieve a key from him. The key is tied to the end of one of his bandages. Acquiring it will be no easy task however, as Lasph is particularly dangerous and elusive, being able to hide under the sand and move freely under the ground to attack with ambushes, and he is even able to easily move even in quicksand where his opponent may not be able to follow him. Lasph's Pokemon are also great at battling in the desert, unaffected by the Sandstorm, and they will undoubtedly give any challenger a very hard time as they attack together with Lasph, as well as the very environment around them. If the challenger manages to take his key, the battle will end. The challenger is then to find a hidden, buried, ancient temple somewhere to the west of the desert. Naturally, locating this will be an extremely difficult task, as apart from having defeated the Master of Chaos in the Desert, all the other threats in the area, such as wild Pokemon, the sandstorm, and the numerous quicksand pits, will still continue to be active. If the challenger has no previous clues as of the existence of the hidden buried temple, they may not even know what to do with the key, as Lasph will not even say anything about it, making it nearly impossible to find the answer. In fact, there have been some cases where challengers who made it this far gave up at this point, after wandering for days through the desert without finding anything to do. But aside from those cases, eventually, if the challenger manages to find the small buried temple, its entrance can be opened with Lasph's Key. Inside the temple, there is a trapdoor to the ground, and opening it will reveal some stairs leading to the next area.
Here are some of Lasph's attacks:
Bandage Bind: Throws out his bandages and wraps up the enemy, immobilizing them.
Power Whip: Throws out his sand-covered bandages with huge power like whips, striking the enemy.
Rapid Spin: Makes some bandages on his body unfold and spin extremely fast, striking everything around like slicing swords. The whips then spin once again the opposite way to fold themselves back to normal.
Quicksand: Places his hand on the ground and makes the ground below the enemy's feet into a quicksand, making them sink into the earth.
Sandstorm: Raises a huge sandstorm, buffeting the enemy and greatly decreasing their visibility and their mobility.
Sand Tornado: Creates a massive raging tornado of sand around him, blowing everything around him away. This attack is great for both defense and offense, as the tornado around him both blocks any incoming attacks and sucks in any nearby enemies, hurting them and leaving them to Lasph's mercy as they spin around in the tornado. The tornado can also be sent out against the foe.
Geyser: Places his hand on the ground, and makes a huge stream of boiling-hot water erupt under the enemy and blast them upwards at huge pressure.
Dive: Dives into the water of even into the earth and swims freely there, ambushing his opponent.
Aqua Fang: A sharp blast of water erupts and starts slicing along the ground at high speed towards his opponent.
Mud Missiles: Unleashes countless bullets of mud from all over his body, dealing damage to everything around.
Muddy River: The ground suddenly cracks and a gigantic wave of mud erupts out powerfully towards the foe, overwhelming them and carrying them away.
Earthly Whirlpool: Places both of his hands on the ground, and makes a huge area around turn into a gigantic whirlpool of mud, sucking everything in.
Sand/Water/Mud Clone: Creates clones of himself made of sand, water, or mud.
Sorciere of the West
"Hee hee hee hee hee!"
Team: Gengar, Banette, Dusknoir, Drifblim, Froslass, Mismagius
Sorciere is the third member of the Four Masters of Chaos. She resembles a mischievous white-haired, green-skinned witch which always grins evily. Sorciere's area is known as the Evil Witch's Castle. After one goes down the stairs from the hidden temple in the Desert before, they will find themselves in a small room with a black door. Upon opening the door, they will see a great area, in which it is always night, and there is a huge, tall, creepy castle with bats flying around. Around the castle, there is a massive, dark and bloody red forest, although there are also occasionally lakes and rocky areas blocking the way around the forest. Nevertheless, everywhere in the forest there is danger, as there are various kinds of Pokemon such as Gengar, Golem, and Gyarados (in the lakes), which are all after challengers, and they are also extremely powerful. The Pokemon around the forest are tough and strong, and they all use extremely powerful attacks to damage the wandering trainers' Pokemon as much as possible. There is also a heavy fog everywhere in the forest, although it can be made to go away with Defog. After going through the forest, a challenger is then to enter the Evil Witch's Castle, and make their way up the several levels of the castle until they reach the roof, where the Master of Chaos in this area, Sorciere awaits. However, going up the castle will not be easy. The grounds inside the castle are cursed, and with every step a trainer takes, all the Pokemon in their team lose 1HP per step! This steadily weakens the trainer's Pokemon, and if they neglect to take care of them, they will faint. Also, besides this curse, there are also many tricky puzzles, pitch-black chambers, and traps around the castle, making it very hard to advance up the castle, while lurking inside the castle are many dangerous pokemon such as Ariados, Raticate, Seviper, Golbat, and Haunter, all of which are very eager to use moves that cause status effects such as Toxic, Hypnosis, Glare, and Confuse Ray on the Pokemon of challengers to badly harass them! By this point, even extremely strong trainers who started out well-equipped and prepared will probably be starting to run out of items, starting to feel the true pressure of the challenge they decided to get themselves into. If they manage to get to the top of the castle after a lot of struggle, challengers will finally meet Sorciere, the witch, waiting to battle under the crescent moon. Sorciere likes to send out her team of Ghost-type Pokemon to float around the enemy and their team, appearing and disappearing around their foes to confuse and surround them, and using their techniques to cause them status effects before striking them with powerful elemental and other attacks. Sorciere herself takes off into the air riding on her magical broom, flying above the battlefield and continuously casting extremely devastating spells such as Indignation, Explosion, Ground Dasher, Absolute, Tidal Wave, and Cyclone to completely obliterate the enemy and their team. As usual, for the challengers, their objective would be to retrieve a key that Sorciere has hidden in her upper garment. If Sorciere's Pokemon are somehow defeated and she starts getting hit by attacks in battle, she will eventually give up after taking some damage, and then she will land on the top of the castle across her opponent. She will then take out her key and reveal that it is used to activate a teleporter to the next area, which, fortunately, is not far from there or difficult to find, as was the case with the two previous areas. In fact, the teleportation portal to the next area is just nearby, on the top of the castle where the battle just took place, to the east part of it. At this point, the challenger should be just a few steps away from proceeding to the next area. However, Sorciere, instead of handing over her key, she will throw it off the top of the castle to fall at the ground below! As Sorciere laughs evily, the challenger who just defeated her will then have to go through her castle all over again twice, once to get down and search for the key, and once more to get back up to reach the teleporter! Naturally, this will take an extremely heavy toll on a trainer's Pokemon, thanks to the cursed, dangerous nature of the inside of Sorciere's castle. If all of this hardship is overcome, then after the challenger has gotten Sorciere's Key and made their way back to the top of her castle, the teleportation portal that is located there can be activated, enabling the challenger to finally move forward. However, before proceeding, Sorciere will warn any trainers that managed to reach this far that after that teleportation portal is the point of no return, as the final and most powerful Master of Chaos, Datenshi, is much more serious than anything they've seen so far, and facing him would be placing their lives at stake. If the challenger wishes to continue despite that, all they have to do to get to the end of this long challenge is to step on the teleportation portal, on to the final battle.
Here are some of Sorciere's attacks:
Aqua Edge: Sends out slicing disc-shaped blasts of water flying at the enemy, cutting them.
Spread: Makes a large eruption of pressurized water happen under the enemy, blasting them upwards.
Aqua Laser: Shoots out a massive horizontal blast of water at the enemy that is like a huge aquatic laser.
Tidal Wave: Summons a giant, destructive tidal wave to crash on the enemies and obliterate them.
Fire Ball: Shoots fire balls at the enemy.
Eruption: Several waves of magma pulse out of the ground in a dome-like formation, blasting the enemy upwards several times.
Flame Lance: A great magical blade of fire descends diagonally down from the air to the ground where the enemy is, striking them with much power. Shortly afterwards, an explosion of fire also happens along the area near where the magical fire sword has been stabbed, blasting the enemy once more.
Explosion: A large, insanely compressed fire ball descends from the sky vertically straight down at the foe, crashing onto them in a gigantic, catastrophic explosion.
Icicle: A large icicle suddenly rises up from beneath the target, stabbing them.
Ice Tornado: Summons a huge icy tornado to suck in, damage and freeze the enemy.
Freeze Lancer: Sends out multiple ice shards flying fast at the foe, hitting and damaging them.
Absolute: The ground under the enemy suddenly starts freezing, and then all of a sudden the foe is hit and completely frozen inside a huge mass of insanely hard ice. A few moments later, the ice shatters along with the enemy.
Lightning: Summons lightning to strike the foe.
Thunder Blade: A great magical blade of blue lightning descends vertically from the air straight down at the foe, stabbing them for a lot of damage. Shortly afterwards, a large amount of lightning also surges out along the area near where the magical sword of lightning has been stabbed, zapping the enemy once more.
Spark Wave: Creates a localized discharge of lightning in the form of a sphere, which zaps anything that touches it extremely rapidly and multiple times.
Indignation: A bright light shines above the enemy, enlightening them and a large area around them, and then some time later, a thick, insanely powerful bolt of lightning descends from the sky, obliterating everything it hits with its unbelievably extreme power. The bolt of lightning also causes a massive explosion as it hits the ground, blasting everything in the enlightened area even if they don't get hit directly.
Stone Blast: Many small rocks rise out of the ground beneath the enemy and fly upwards with power, damaging them.
Stalagmite: A large mass of sharp rock erupts under the enemy to inflict heavy damage.
Grave: A massive spike of rock quickly arises from under the enemy to impale them on its top, and then many more similar rock spikes also erupt from the surrounding area and all impale the target from all sides.
Ground Dasher: The ground under the enemy starts shaking heavily and cracks open in many areas, from where much power from the earth bursts out to deal huge damage to the enemy.
Wind Blade: Summons many blades of wind to surround and slice up the enemy.
Air Thrust: The enemy is surrounded by many powerful, slicing blades of wind in a spherical formation, dealing a lot of damage in a short time and also lifting the foe off the ground during the attack.
Air Blade: Shoots out a large, horizontal blast of wind that slices up everything it hits on its way.
Cyclone: Creates a huge, devastating cyclone that lifts everything off the ground and destroys them.
Dark Sphere: The enemy is suddenly immobilized by a sphere of darkness, which drains out their energy for some time. Afterwards, it explodes and hits the enemy with much power that it absorbed from them.
Bloody Lance: Sharp spears of darkness rise out of the ground around the enemy, and then they fly at them extremely fast and stab them from all sides. A final spear of darkness also descends straight down at the enemy from the air at the end of the attack, finishing them.
Poison Mist: Makes a huge purple mist appear and surround the entire battlefield, poisoning all enemies. Sorciere herself is immune to the poison, though.
Magic Bolt: Fires a bolt of magical energy from her hand. The bolt can also be charged to increase in size and power, and home in on the target.
Protecting Force: Creates a spherical force field of magical energy around herself, which protects against attacks.
Spell Break: Breaks any spells the enemy uses with her superior magic.
Meteor Storm: Summons a catastrophic rain of meteors that rains down across the entire battle field and obliterates everything.
Datenshi of the East
"Do you really want to know what happens after death? Then I will send you there."
Team: Houndoom, Weavile, Umbreon, Charizard, Absol, Tyranitar
Datenshi is the fourth member of the Four Masters of Chaos. He is a calm, serious man wearing black and red clothes, a half black half white mask that also makes his eyes appear red, a pair of wings, one of which is a diabolic one and the other is an angelic one, a tail like that of a Houndoom, and holds a human skull in his hand, looking at it and pondering over life and death. After one uses the teleporter from the Evil Witch's Castle, they will disappear and reappear on a huge, round platform inside a dark cave. The masive round platform is flat and is colored like a Poke Ball, and it is suspended above a huge inferno of gigantic, raging flames burning wildly beneath the platform! The way the platform is suspended above these flames is with some chains that are attached at six areas of the platform and connect the platform to the walls of the dark cave, keeping it in place. On this platform inside this dark cave, which is enlightened by nothing other than the huge flames burning beneath the platform, the challenger then stands and watches as Datenshi, the final, most powerful Master of Chaos, makes a short speech about life and death, before getting up and immediately beginning battle. Datenshi wastes no time as he immediately summons his team of Pokemon to charge and attack his opponent with all their power at once, while Datenshi himself also spreads his wings, jumps up, and begins flying towards the challenger at high speed! This is the last and, by far, most difficult part of the Four Masters of Chaos challenge. Datenshi is far stronger than Ulf, way more evasive than Lasph, casts even more powerful spells than Sorciere, and has more endurance than all three of them together! Even taking in consideration all the other hardships the challengers have to go over just to get to Datenshi, such as the countless wild Pokemon they must have battled and the insane amounts of persistent effort they must have had to go through all the difficult obstacles in their way, all of these are nothing compared to Datenshi's unbelievably insane power, which can even OHKO a Blissey with a single intermediate-level spell! Unlike the previous three Masters of Chaos, who would usually attack the enemy's Pokemon team unless the enemy trainers themselves were to participate in the fight too, Datenshi always goes after the enemy trainer, leaving their Pokemon to be dealt with by his own Pokemon. This makes him extremely more dangerous, as the trainers facing him won't be able to support their Pokemon properly as they'll be too busy trying to avoid his attacks, if they can even do that. In addition, the battlefield itself is extremely dangerous and agonizing, as if anyone other than Datenshi falls into the huge flames burning beneath the platform, they'll most likely die instantly. Also, the intense heat of these flames can also be felt above the platform, quickly weakening Datenshi's opponents. Finally, unlike the previous battles against the other three Masters of Chaos, Datenshi's battle can not be won in the same way, as Datenshi does not have a key to be retrieved from him. Instead, for the battle to be considered won, Datenshi and his team of Pokemon must be completely defeated, which seems like an impossible thing to happen considering Datenshi's demonic power. As a final resort, Datenshi will attempt to destroy the platform where the battle is taking place, throwing his opponents to burn in the fire below. How exactly the Hermit managed to defeat him is a complete mystery, but other than him, no one has ever managed to complete the challenge of the Four Masters of Chaos.
Here are some of Datenshi's attacks:
Demonic Power: Datenshi possesses unbelievable power, being able to bare-handedly stop creatures thousands of times his own size with little effort. This power extends to his offense, defense, and speed, in all of which his level is far beyond even the strongest Legendary Pokemon, such as Groudon, Kyogre and Rayquaza.
Fire Ball: Points his hand at the enemy and shoots out an incredibly hot fire ball.
Flame Lance: Summons a magical blade of fire which descends diagonally onto the foe to impale and incinerate them. After getting stabbed onto the ground or the opponent, the flame lance also destroys itself in an explosion of fire, further damaging anyone it hits.
Flame Wall: A huge wall of flames arises from the ground to serve various purposes, such as defense against an attack or blocking an enemy's way. The wall of fire can also extend to the sides and encircle the enemy, trapping them in huge surrounding flames.
Eruption: An eruption of multiple magma waves happens beneath the opponent, burning them.
Explosion: Summons a large, unbelievably concentrated fire ball from the sky, descending down with huge power and producing an insanely gigantic and destructive explosion of fire upon hitting the ground, totally obliterating everything within an extremely vast range the size of an entire town.
Flaming Sword: Datenshi has in his possession a sword of legendary power known as the Flaming Sword. This sword has an insanely overheated blade engulfed in super hot flames, and possesses tremendous destructive capability. It is so powerful that other weapons that clash against it are immediately melted and destroyed in no more than one or two hits by it. The same also goes with armor, melting away in a few slashes, so it becomes extremely difficult, if not impossible to properly defend against this fiery blade of destruction. Combined with the overwhelming, relentless onslaughts that Datenshi unleashes on his opponents, it is a nearly unstoppable force that can crush through just about any defense no matter how tight and careful.
Hell Fang: Swings his sword and sends out a huge blast of insanely hot fire that completely incinerates anything it hits.
Burning Tiger Blade: Attacks the enemy with many fierce upward and downward swings of his sword in an attempt to break through their guard.
Blazing Sword Rain: Unleashes an overwhelming flurry of fiery stabs against his opponent with his sword.
Infernal Thrust: Thrusts his sword at the enemy, and then upon impact, even if the enemy guards, a massive pillar of flames erupts underneath the foe to reduce them to cinders. In other words, this technique is two attacks at once.
Explosion Circle: Slams his flaming sword onto the ground, creating a huge explosion of fire around the place of impact.
Fiery Beast: Rams a shoulder on the enemy, and then swings the back of his fist at them, striking them and also unleashing a huge flaming blast that resembles a fiend's head during the swing of his arm.
Incineration Tempest: Leaps at the opponent and starts to flip into the air with huge speed while holding his sword outward, resembling a fiery vertical shuriken that heads towards the target to devastate them.
Rising Phoenix: Flies up into the air (if he is not in the air already) and then dives at the enemy with his sword held and pointed forwards to impale the target before him. Many fiery shockwaves also engulf him as he dives down during this attack.
Blaze Spin: Holds his sword outward and spins around wildly, sending out multiple waves of fire in all directions. Even if the enemy blocks or dodges the sword's blade, they still get hit by the huge waves of fire that are sent out in the attack.
Flare Blitz: Unleashes an insane amount of high-speed consecutive attacks with his sword, which pin the enemy into the defensive and overwhelm them. If the enemy can even defend, that is.
Fiery Outburst: Produces a huge explosion of insanely hot fire from his body, incinerating everything near him.
Grave: Points his hand at the enemy and makes a huge stalagmite erupt right underneath the target, impaling them. Many additional stalagmites then also erupt all around the impaled foe to stab them from all sides.
Light/Darkness Immunity: Datenshi is completely immune to any techniques of the light or darkness element. They are completely harmless against him, as he breaks them effortlessly, no matter how powerful they are.
Light Shot: Points his hand at the enemy and blasts out a small but extremely powerful shot of light energy at them.
Shadow Beam: Points his index finger at the enemy and shoots out a thin, slicing laser of shadow energy.
Hyper Light Beam: Fires an insanely catastrophic beam of unbelievably compressed light from his hand, destroying as much as an entire city with the attack.
Hyper Darkness Beam: Fires an absolutely devastating beam of unbelievably condensed darkness from his hand, obliterating as much as an entire city with the attack.
Judgement: Summons a rain of light pillars which destroy anything they hit. The pillars instantly disintegrate anything they touch and cause huge explosions of light upon hitting the ground.
Black Hole: Points his hand at a location, and then a black hole-like sphere of darkness appears there, sucking everything within a large range around it straight to Hell. The force with which the black hole sucks things in is nearly irresistible, even by the most powerful opponents.
Heaven and Hell: Blasts countless rays of light and darkness from his wings, obliterating everything everywhere around him in an extremely huge area.
The Champion
"Bland and simple."
The only person to have ever defeated the challenge of the Four Masters of Chaos is a mysterious character known by no name but just as "Hermit". One day, out of nowhere, this man suddenly appeared and challenged the Four Masters of Chaos. They had no previous reputation, and by their initial appearance, which was not very impressive, it seemed confusing how a trainer with such simple, ordinary Pokemon could possibly hope to win the challenge that no one else had ever completed before. However, soon after their introduction, the Hermit and his team of trusted Pokemon began displaying their unbelievable power in battle, completely surprising their opponents as they overwhelmed them in a manner never seen before in battle. Overcoming every challenge in their way, the Hermit and his Pokemon soon defeated the Four Masters of Chaos for the first time ever, leaving them impressed with the unique, astounding skills and strength that had developed as a result of the strong bonds of trust and care between the Hermit and his Pokemon. As the first Champion of what is possibly the hardest Pokemon League challenge in the entire Pokemon World, the Hermit was then approached by the King of the Chaos region himself, and the two had a discussion about something. Soon afterwards, the Hermit disappeared once again, before getting the chance to become well-known across the region. His exact identity remained a mystery, as he left to live alone in the Ice Caves to the north of Northern Island. There, in the deepest, darkest, and coldest depths of those caves, the Hermit continues training with his Pokemon, while also guarding the passage to something known as the Otherworldly Gate, which is said to connect the Pokemon World to another world of darkness, where beings completely different than the lifeforms on Earth are said to exist...
Here are some of Hermit's attacks:
Master Dice: The Hermit possesses two mysterious dice with the abilitiy to change form into weapons. During battle, they can transform to suit the needs of combat and surprise the enemy with their unpredictable nature. Each of the dice can change between a sword, an axe, a spear, a scythe, a hook, a lance, a hammer, a halberd, a trident, a dagger, a knuckle with claws or spikes, a whip, a chain, a magical rod through which spells can be cast, a bow or crossbow with arrows, a heavy mace, a morning star, a shield, a chakram, a leg guard, and others. Using both his dice, the Hermit can also dual wield weapons, increasing his power further.
Chi Healer: The Hermit concentrates and sends his energy to assist his Pokemon in battle.
History of the Pokemon World
Legendary PokeGod
An ancient cave painting of a mysterious, unknown being (to the people of the Pokemon World). In the extremely few ancient inscriptions talking about it, the being is referred to as "God", said to be standing "even above Arceus". It is described as a being of unbelievable, overwhelming, otherworldly power, who in his mere presence causes all existence around him to fall down into submission, forcing people and Pokemon to their knees and making even the surrounding trees bend down before him. Not much more information is provided about the being. Due to lack of evidence for its existence, it is considered as just a legendary, mythological being, and is not very well-known among people except those interested in archaeology, such as Ruin Maniacs. Due to the fact that the being's name is never mentioned in texts, archaeologists have simply dubbed the being as "The PokeGod", based on the accounts of it. Once worshipped by people in ancient times, the PokeGod is now no longer worshipped or even known by the majority of people, although a few Ruin Maniacs believe that there may be more to this being than simply a legend...

Mouse over the Towns, Landmarks, and Points of Interest to view more information.
The Chaos region is one of the many regions in the Pokemon World. It is an extremely powerful region famous for its great defense, never having allowed attackers to take a single step beyond its borders during war. It is a powerful, advanced, and resourceful region, where all kinds of different people exist together. From the distant past up until this day, the Chaos region has been ruled by a Great King, who resides in a huge, awesome castle to the North, known as the Castle of Might. The Great King makes the rules of the country and decides the punishments for those who break them, among his other duties such as handling just about every affair of the region. From the inner development of the region to its external actions towards other regions, nothing can happen without the Great King's approval. The current King of the Chaos region is King Randor, a noble, worthy man who has travelled across the world in his youth, gathering countless experiences and seeing all kinds of peoples and civilizations, before returning to the region to rule it when it was time. With the wisdom King Randor has gained in his journeys, he now makes an excellent, fair King who leads the Chaos region to peace and prosperity. There is quite a lot of freedom in the country, as the people are mostly relaxed and laid-back, and they don't have any reasons to perform criminal actions since the living conditions are excellent, to the point where one could survive even without working. Although despite that, most people still have jobs and work, doing whatever they are interested in in a relaxed and carefree manner, and surprisingly, the quality of their work is also often much better than that of other regions where people are forced to work and live in stressful ways. Most of the people of the Chaos region are friendly, respectful and well-mannered, although some of them do have their weaknesses, and only a small amount of population causes trouble for the region. Those troublemakers can mostly be found at Pirate Island or in Outcast Town, a town with a bad reputation which is avoided by most. The state at Outcast Town is completely lawless, with suspicious people doing whatever they want like fighting each other, conning and robbing any unsuspecting visitors, and stealing from everywhere they can. Fortunately, the rest of the region has decent security, so the criminals rarely get off with their actions outside their own town. To protect its great internal condition from outside powers, the Chaos region maintains a huge army of extremely powerful Knights at the Castle of Might, ready to defend the region in case of war. The Knights wear a special armor exclucively designed and produced in the Chaos region, which is powerful enough to protect the wearer from even directly being hit by a cannonball or bomb, while the Knights themselves are also extremely well-trained and can even use chakra, to infuse it into their attacks and make them much more devastating than normal. Also, for spying and sabodaging purposes, the Chaos region also has a hidden village somewhere, known as the Hidden Ninja Village, where many talented and excellently trained Ninja reside, ready to support the region in case there is need. The Ninja are mostly used for stealthy missions, intelligence gathering, and assassination of enemy leaders and influential opponents, but they can also participate in battles to support the Knights with their great mobility, versatility, and power. The region's Pokemon can also participate in the fight if needed, fighting with their own powers. And finally, even the Pirates that roam about the Chaos region's seas can participate on their region's side, as it would be against their interests if the region fell into enemy hands. However, besides all those, the Chaos region also has two invincible trump cards on its side. One of them is the Sixth PokeKage, the head ninja in the Hidden Ninja Village, who, with his unbelievable power, skill, and unique ability, the Pokemon Mimicking Technique, would be enough to stop an entire enemy invasion numbering in the millions all by himself. The other one is the Chaos region's King himself, King Randor, who possesses a power so great he would be able to instantly obliterate a whole enemy country with a single attack! With those two on their side, the people of the Chaos region have nothing to fear, and carefreely enjoy their lives in the vast, prosperous lands of the region.
Notable Characters
King Randor

King Randor is the Great King of the Chaos region. In his youth, he travelled across the world, meeting with all kinds of people and coming in contact with all sorts of cultures of the world. During his travels, King Randor faced many tough challenges, which made him stronger and wiser as he overcame them, leaving him with many precious experiences. On his way to learning about life and making himself a better person, King Randor wandered to places no one had ever been before, and collected some precious, unique items, which aided him greatly in future challenges. The most notable of those items were his great sword, the Warblade of The Heavens, three jeweled rings on his right hand, and a golden pendant, which King Randor wears up to this day. The three jeweled rings are a ring with an ice-blue gem, a ring with a lightning-yellow gem, and a ring with a fire-red gem, which King Randor wears on the index finger, middle finger, and the finger to the right of the middle finger of his right hand. They contain the extremely huge powers of the Legendary Birds themselves, which King Randor is able to unleash from the gems on the rings during battle, eliminating all obstacles before him. In addition, the powers of the three rings can also be combined, summoning the water and wind-element power of Lugia, or bringing forth an even greater power capable of devastating entire countries. His pendant, known as the Sacred Pendant, is a gift from Ho-oh himself, approving of King Randor's noble and fair ways. The Sacred Pendant protects King Randor from the effects of any indirect attack, from elemental attacks to spells, cancelling them out with a magical golden aura. With those blessed items in his possession, the secret teachings of the Royal line that enable him to control the Chaos region's Guardians, the Immortals, and his own extremely great skill and power in swordsmanship, as well as his countless experiences and wisening lessons through life, King Randor now stands a great King for the Chaos region, possibly the greatest King ever in its history.
Here are some of King Randor's attacks:
Warblade of The Heavens: King Randor possesses a blade of magnificent and unrivalled power, known as the Warblade of The Heavens. He obtained this legendary weapon during his travels around the world, when one day, an angelic being suddenly revealed itself before him. The angelic being had observed King Randor's noble deeds throughout his journeys, and had decided to reward his efforts with this blade. Honored before the presence of the angelic being, King Randor humbly accepted the heavenly gift, and thanked the angelic being for its help. From that day on, King Randor wielded the Warblade of The Heavens, and soon afterwards, he also became the King of the Chaos region, after his very long journey across the world had finally ended. The Warblade of The Heavens that King Randor has is an extremely powerful weapon, undoubtedly one of the most powerful swords in existence. Its massive blade leaves behind a golden trail as it is swung, and once it hits, is slashes everything before its path regardless of obstacles. That is to say, even if the enemy successfully blocks a slash with another weapon or armor, the slash that the blade would have caused if it had not been blocked still happens! Things that would not be affected by the slash, such as a powerful weapon or a strong protective armor will still not get affected by the slash, but everything else will. For example, let's assume an enemy that wears a cape durable enough to not get slashed, and also has a sword powerful enough to block the Warblade of The Heavens. If the Warblade of The Heavens is swung down against such an opponent, and he covers himself with his cape and uses his sword to block, the blade of the Warblade of The Heavens will stop where it is blocked. However, the slash it would have caused still happens and affects anything that would have been affected by it. In this example, it will not damage the defending man's sword and cape, but it will slash his more vulnerable clothes and body behind those obstacles. So what the enemy experiences is that they still get slashed behind their defenses, even if they successfully blocked the attack! The power and depth of the slash that happens depends on the power with which the sword is swung, so a gentle swing will not damage an enemy much, but a fierce one can effortlesly cleave them in two regardless of what they try to do to defend.
Royal Swordsmanship: King Randor possesses exceptional skill with the huge sword he wields, as well as the huge power needed to swing it even one-handedly. The power behind King Randor's raw swings is such that even if enemies guard with their own weapon, they get sent flying off their feet by the impact of the sword's upward slashes, or sent sliding back on their feet, if their weapons don't instantly break upon contact with King Randor's attack, that is! King Randor's great knowledge and thorough understanding of swordsmanship also allow him to be able to cut through just about any material by focusing on it, as well as unleash the power of his slashes out of his sword, flying in the air and cutting his enemies from a distance. Also, he possesses the incredible skill to channel the force of his attacks through a medium, such as an object or an enemy, and damaging something else in contact with the medium instead. For example, by doing a downward slam of his sword at an enemy who blocks with their own weapon, King Randor can send the force of his attack through the enemy, attacking the ground under them instead and making it break under the enemy's feet, burying them up to their knees and immobilizing them (this only works if he uses the flat part of his sword to attack though, as otherwise the sword's effect will simply slash everything in its way even if it gets blocked). Defensively, King Randor also fares just as well, being able to handle his huge sword with surprising speed and skill and block or Guard Impact any attacks, even ones of huge power and speed.
Guard Impact: Turns his sword upside down in a forward thrusting motion, deflecting an enemy's attack. The enemy then gets stunned temporarily after that, leaving them open for a following attack.
Immortals Summoning: A secret technique passed through the Royal line of the Chaos region. With it, King Randor can summon and command the Immortals, human-like statues made of a mineral that is harder than diamond. The Immortals are insanely powerful artificial beings, capable of obliterating entire mountains with their punches, and withstanding even the most powerful attacks thrown at them without damage on their bodies. Even if they are somehow defeated, they can be summoned again by the King of the Chaos region, coming back at perfect condition, hence their name, Immortals. They are said to be the Guardians of the Chaos region, who were summoned by its first King in order to establish its borders. Ever since, the Royal line of the Chaos region has been using these golems for defense along with the region's regular soldiers. Because the Immortals become ineffective outside of the region's borders, it is widely believed by the people of the Chaos region that this is a sign that the Chaos region is meant to be defended, and not to expand any further than it is. This has been taken to have symbolical meaning, which is to know one's limits and not advance further than those limits. It is a value held by the people of the Chaos region both for their region and for themselves. For this exact reason, the Chaos region has always been only a defensive region throughout its history, and while other regions battled for expansion among each other, the Chaos region only focused on defending its territory, which it did better than any other region in the Pokemon World, not allowing a single enemy to ever cross their borders and cause any damage.
Sacred Pendant: King Randor's pendant protects him from magical attacks, and generally any non-physical, indirect attacks (the pendant shines with wondrous magical energy, cancelling out the techniques).
Spirit of Articuno: King Randor punches forwards with his right fist, and then out of his ring with the ice-blue gem, which glows brightly during the attack, he shoots out a huge blast of icy energy, whose end resembles Articuno. The huge blast of icy energy then crashes onto the target in a massive icy explosion, freezing everything solid in some insanely hard ice. Alternatively, King Randor raises his right fist up, pointing at the sky, and then his ring with the icy-blue gem shines brightly, summoning a huge snowstorm across a huge range, freezing and burying everything in snow.
Spirit of Zapdos: King Randor punches forwards with his right fist, and then out of his ring with the lightning-yellow gem, which glows brightly during the attack, he shoots out a huge blast of lightning, whose end resembles Zapdos. The huge blast of lightning then crashes onto the target in a massive electrical explosion, zapping the target with insane power. Alternatively, King Randor raises his right fist up, pointing at the sky, and then his ring with the lightning-yellow gem shines brightly, summoning a huge thunderstorm across a huge range, raining down a catastrophic bombardment of lightning.
Spirit of Moltres: King Randor punches forwards with his right fist, and then out of his ring with the fire-red gem, which glows brightly during the attack, he shoots out a huge blast of super-hot flame, whose end resembles Moltres. The huge blast of super-hot flame then crashes onto the target in a massive fiery explosion, burning everything to cinders. Alternatively, King Randor raises his right fist up, pointing at the sky, and then his ring with the fire-red gem shines brightly, summoning a huge heat wave that burns over a huge range, setting everything ablaze across its path.
Triple Spirits: King Randor punches forwards with is right fist, with the gems on all three of his rings glowing brightly. He then unleashes three huge blasts of ice, lightning and fire from his three rings, whose ends look like Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres, respectively. The three huge blasts then spiral around each other as they travel towards the enemy, and then they combine all together into a single, Lugia-like blast made of unbelievably pressurized water and air, engulfed in much catastrophic lightning. The huge blast then crashes onto the target into a huge explosion of wind, water and lightning, completely obliterating them.
Big Bang: King Randor raises his right fist in the air, and then the gems on his three rings begin to shake with power and shine extremely brightly. Afterwards, King Randor then punches forwards with his right fist at a location, and then an insanely huge, unbelievably catastrophic explosion of energy happens there, obliterating as much as an entire country in an instant!
Fist of the King: King Randor raises his right fist in the air, and then the gems on his three rings shine brightly. King Randor then delivers a huge punch forwards, unleashing a giant stream of catastrophic energy which instantly disintegrates everything in its path.
Element Infusion: King Randor can infuse the elements of ice, lightning and fire into his sword, giving a different effect to his sword attacks.
The Sixth PokeKage

The Sixth PokeKage is the leader of a village hidden somewhere in the Chaos Region, known as the Hidden Ninja Village. This village is inhabited by ninja, Pokemon trainers, and villagers, who live mostly isolated from the rest of the region. The ninja are divided in five ranks: the Low Ninja, who wear a headband with a Poke Ball Symbol, the Middle Ninja, who wear a headband with a Great Ball symbol, the High Ninja, who wear a headband with an Ultra Ball symbol, the Mercenary Ninja, who wear a headband with a Safari Ball symbol, and the single Kage, who wears a triangular hat with a Master Ball symbol. As the leader of this village, the Sixth PokeKage is the strongest ninja in the village, as well as the most powerful Pokemon trainer in it. In fact, the Sixth PokeKage has a reputation within the village as The Psychic Pokemon Master, as his team of Psychic-type Pokemon appears to be unnaturally powerful, since not one of his Pokemon has ever fainted in a battle before! The Sixth PokeKage himself is even more powerful than his Pokemon, and many people are convinced that it is not even possible for him to be defeated, since his unique technique, the Pokemon Mimicking Technique, opens up countless possibilities in battle to deal with any sort of situation. The PokeKage is not very famous outside his village, since he is hidden there and never really leaves after all, but anyone who has seen him battle has no doubt that this man might very well be the strongest man to have ever walked on Earth. It has never taken him any more than a few seconds to deal with any threat. His weapon of choice is a large double-bladed battle axe which he carries on his back. It is powerful enough to crush even diamond.
Here are some of the Sixth PokeKage's attacks:
Master Ninja Technician: The Sixth PokeKage is a master of all standard ninja techniques, such as stealth, use of kunai, and jutsu such as the Body Replacement Technique, Clone Technique, and Transformation Technique. However, the PokeKage has adapted these abilities to his Pokemon Mimicking Technique, taking them to the next level. For example, he uses Razor Leaf in the same manner as he would use kunai, except his leaves are even sharper and faster than kunai, he uses perfect-accuracy Swift instead of throwing shuriken, and his Transform is also superior to the ninja Transformation Technique, since it requires much less energy to use, and it also allows him to copy the attacks and traits of the Pokemon, characters or objects he transforms into.
Supreme Perception: The Sixth PokeKage possesses unbelievable perception and reflexes in battle, enabling him to react and defend against even the most sudden, fast, and surprising attacks. He also has no blind spots thanks to his psychic energy, which enables him to perceive even attacks coming from behind him or from under the ground or other cover, without having to see or hear them.
Huge Endurance: The Sixth PokeKage possesses an incredibly huge amount of chakra in his body, which is more than twice that of a Kage-level ninja. The massive amount of chakra in him allows him to cast multiple high-level techniques one after the other, overwhelming his foes.
Spirit Axe: The PokeKage's double-handed, double-bladed axe is insanely powerful, being able to effortlessly OHKO a Steelix if the PokeKage infuses his gray-colored chakra into it. The Sixth PokeKage is extremely skilled in using this weapon, and can fight excellently against users of any other weapons, evading or Guard Impacting their attacks and retaliating with his own. The PokeKage only uses his axe as a last resort against extremely powerful opponents to finish them off, crushing their defenses effortlessly even if they try to defend, and obliterating them instantly with its unbelievably overwhelming power.
Guard Impact: The PokeKage thrusts his axe forwards, deflecting an enemy's attack and leaving them temporarily stunned and vulnerable to counter-attack.
Pokemon Mimicking Technique: This is the PokeKage's unique jutsu and main ability, which allows him to learn and use any Pokemon technique. He only needs to see the move being performed by a Pokemon, and then he learns that move and can use it in battle. The Sixth PokeKage has travelled across the world and learned a very large number of Pokemon attacks, including a few techniques from legendary Pokemon, which he can use in battle.
Acid Armor: The PokeKage liquifies, and then reforms somewhere else.
Aeroblast: The PokeKage points his right hand straight at his enemy, and then a spinning wind appears briefly in his hand before he shoots out a huge, destructive horizontal tornado of shredding wind at the foe.
Agility: The PokeKage relaxes and lightens his body, increasing his movement speed by a lot.
Bind: A long body of dark purplish rope-like energy appears around the enemy and tightens around their body, binding them.
Blast Burn: Much extremely hot fire engulfs the PokeKage's body, before he unleashes a huge, catastrophic explosion of fire which razes and sets ablaze everything within a huge range.
Blizzard: Summons a huge, howling blizzard that freezes everything in a large area around and covers them in snow.
Bulk Up: The PokeKage tenses his muscles to bulk up his body, increasing his physical attack and defense.
Calm Mind: The PokeKage quietly focuses his mind and calms his spirit to increase his special attack and special defense.
Comet Punch: Unleashes a huge flurry of punches at his opponent.
Confusion: Blasts the foe with a weak telekinetic force, and renders them in a confused state where they start blindly attacking their allies or even themselves.
Cross Chop: The PokeKage attacks with a powerful cross-chop of both his hands, powerful enough to shatter rock.
Cut: Scyther blades grow out along the outer sides of the PokeKage's forearms, for him to use them to cut up his targets. The PokeKage's Cut attack is very powerful, being able to cut rock, and it gets even stronger after the PokeKage uses power-up techniques.
Dark Pulse: Releases a horrible aura imbued with dark thoughts from his body, hitting and flinching the opponent a bit. This attack can also fade out other incoming attacks, cancelling them.
Dig: The PokeKage digs under the ground to ambush his foe.
Disable: The PokeKage focuses on his target and renders them unable to use one of their techniques during the battle. The enemy can only be made unable to use one technique though, not any more.
Dive: The PokeKage dives under the water to ambush his foe. My mimicking Water-type Pokemon, he can even breathe underwater.
Dizzy Punch: Throws a confusing punch at his enemy.
Double Team: The PokeKage creates multiple illusory copies of himself to confuse the enemy.
Drain Punch: Delivers a powerful energy-draining punch at his opponent, sucking out their energy.
Dynamicpunch: The PokeKage delivers a destructive explosive punch at his foe.
Earth Power: Makes the ground below the enemy's feet erupt powerfully like a land mine, blasting them.
Earthquake: Makes an intense, destructive earthquake happen.
Endure: Using this technique, the PokeKage can survive normally lethal attacks, being left in one piece, but in a barely surviving condition.
Energy Ball: The PokeKage shapes a green sphere of condensed natural energy in his hand, and the he thrusts or hurls it at his enemy.
Eruption: A massive eruption of lava happens under the enemy's feet, incinerating them.
Explosion: This technique uses up all of the user's energy to create a catastrophic explosion, devastating everything within a great range. The PokeKage often has his Substitutes using this attack, especially against opponents that like to fight from a close range.
Extremespeed: The PokeKage moves at blinding speed and tackles his foe.
Fire Blast: The PokeKage takes a deep breath, before he shoots out an intense blast of all-consuming fire from his mouth, creating a catastrophic explosion of fire upon impact.
Fire Punch: Delivers a powerful fiery punch at his opponent.
Fissure: Creates a fissure that expands under his foe.
Flamethrower: The PokeKage points his hand at his enemy, shooting out a great stream of flames at them.
Fly: Two raised Xatu wings appear on the PokeKage's back, raising from behind his shoulders, enabling him to levitate off the ground and fly freely in the air. The PokeKage can also cast various psychic-type attacks from these wings, such as Reflect, Light Screen, Psywave, Psychic and Future Sight, while simultaneously performing other kinds of attacks with the rest of his body.
Focus Blast: The PokeKage looks concentrated at a location, and then a huge explosion happens in that location.
Focus Punch: The PokeKage focuses his power for a while, before delivering an insanely powerful punch that can even shatter steel.
Follow Me: The PokeKage makes all current attacks get drawn to him. He usually uses this with one of his clones to make it draw all ranged attacks at it.
Force Palm: Delivers a powerful, special palm strike which can paralyze the enemy's entire body upon impact, and also blasts them with a shockwave on hit.
Future Sight: The PokeKage focuses his mind, generating a psychic power in a distant area from the battle. The psychic energy will then start travelling in the form of beams towards his enemy, and arrive in the battle some time later to strike them unexpectedly. Aside from offensive purposes, this technique can also be used to see what is happening in faraway areas from the user, possibly predicting future events.
Giga Drain: The PokeKage places his hand on the enemy and drains out their energy at an extremely rapid rate, fainting them in seconds.
Giga Impact: The PokeKage charges at the foe with insanely huge force, getting engulfed in energy like a comet. He then crashes onto his target in a catastrophic explosion of energy, obliterating the target.
Grass Knot: Pieces of grass grow out of the ground near the enemy's feet and tie together into a knot, tripping a moving opponent. This works especially well on charging opponents.
Guillotine: The PokeKage grows Scyther blades from the outer sides of his forearms, and then he makes his arms into a scissor formation, with the enemy's head inside the scissor. The PokeKage then chops off the enemy's head in an instant with his Scyther blades.
Harden: The PokeKage hardens his body, enabling him to do things such as effortlessly grabbing swords with his hand and tanking even extremely powerful attacks without any harm on his body.
Haze: The PokeKage expels a black haze out of his body, which clears away any stat changes that happened during the battle. The PokeKage then emerges out of the haze in his original state.
Horn Drill: The PokeKage's forearm changes into a large Rhydon drill, which he spins and uses to drill through his foe. This extremely powerful attack would drill through even a Shuckle or a Steelix.
Hydro Pump: A massive fountain of extremely pressurized water suddenly erupts under the enemy's feet, blasting them.
Hyper Beam: The PokeKage points his index finger at the enemy, and then he charges and compresses much energy at his finger tip, before he unleashes it all into a huge, destructive beam of energy.
Hypnosis: The PokeKage looks into the eyes of his opponent and hypnotizes them, putting them to sleep or manipulating their thoughts.
Ice Beam: The PokeKage points his index finger at his enemy, shooting out a freezing beam of ice at them.
Ice Punch: Delivers a powerful icy punch at his opponent.
Iron Tail: Grows two Ambipom tails from his back, hardens them a lot like metal, and uses them to strike his target at any direction with power. The PokeKage can also make those tails extend in long ranges to grab onto objects or deliver long-range attacks.
Jump Kick: The PokeKage jumps and knee smashes the enemy.
Karate Chop: The PokeKage attacks with a chop of his hand. He can do it at blinding speed, and it is powerful enough to smash rock.
Light Screen: The PokeKage points his left palm forward, creating a wondrous wall of light that deflects elemental attacks.
Low Kick: The PokeKage attacks with a kick to the enemy's legs, tripping them.
Mach Punch: An insanely fast punch executed at blinding speed.
Mega Kick: Kicks the enemy hard with his leg.
Mega Punch: Punches the enemy hard with his fist.
Mind Reader: The PokeKage places his hand on the opponent's head, reading their thoughts, memories and emotions. He can also read their intentions from a distance, predicting the movements they are about to make and countering them properly before or after they carry out their thoughts.
Minimize: Compresses his body to decrease his size. However, his power remains unaltered. The main use the PokeKage makes of this technique it to have it be used by his Substirutes, followed by Teleport inside the enemy's body, and then Explosion.
Miracle Eye: Enables the PokeKage to see through any of the enemy's techniques and detect them without fail, and also makes him able to use his Psychic powers even on Dark-type foes.
Night Shade: The PokeKage points his index and middle fingers at his enemy and fires out a black beam which bypasses the foe's defenses and deals direct damage regardless of their strength.
Poison Sting: Transforms his forearm to a Beedrill's arm-sting, and uses it to stab and poison the enemy.
Protect: Using this technique, the PokeKage can effortlessly deflect or evade any enemy attack thrown at him. It can only be effectively used once in a while, though, not in succession.
Psybeam: Fires a beam of multicolored energy from his hand, or two such beams from his eyes.
Psychic: Utilizes psychic energy to overwhelm his opponent, mainly with telekinesis. He can even control and send the enemies' attacks back at them.
Psycho Cut: The PokeKage does a chop with his hand, sending out a blade formed by psychic power. The psychic blade passes through the enemy after damaging them and keeps going, enabling it to strike multiple targets at once.
Psywave: The PokeKage emits many odd, hot energy waves from his body, which reduce the energy of everything nearby and soon cause them to faint or stop working.
Razor Leaf: The PokeKage creates a razor-sharp leaf between his indes and middle fingers. He then swings his hand, throwing out the leaf to the enemy at huge speed to slice them. The leaf can also be made to split up into multiple other razor-sharp leaves as it flies in the air, which then all fly at the enemy to slice them up badly.
Razor Wind: The PokeKage does a chop with his hand, sending out a blade of slicing wind at his enemy.
Recover: The PokeKage absorbs energy from the atmosphere to restore up to 50% of his own at a time, and also any damage his body may have sustained.
Reflect: The PokeKage points his right palm forward, creating a sturdy wall of energy that deflects physical attacks.
Rock Slide: The PokeKage swings his hand up, and many huge masses of rock erupt from the ground behind him and then rain down at where his opponents are.
Rock Tomb: Four huge masses of rock erupt from the ground all around the opponent, surrounding them, and then they crumble forwards and fall onto them, burying the foe alive.
Sacred Fire: The PokeKage gets engulfed in a magnificent flame which protects him from all attacks without fail, and can also be shot out to burn his opponents. It is almost impossible to defend against as its flight can be controlled by the user, and it is much more intense and damaging than an ordinary flame. In addition, this flame possesses sacred restorative powers, and if the PokeKage receives any fatal wounds or dies in a battle, then this engulfing flame can revive and recover him back to perfect condition! However, only the PokeKage himself can make use of this flame, not his Substitutes.
Sand Tomb: Much sand comes out of the ground at the enemy's feet and captures them inside a large mass of sand. The sand then implodes, crushing the enemy instantly in a bloody explosion.
Sheer Cold: An extremely cold icy aura surrounds the PokeKage's body, before he unleashes a huge, insanely cold explosion of icy energy which freezes everything within a huge range under a thick layer of ice.
Shadow Ball: The PokeKage shapes a sphere of condensed darkness in his hand, and the he thrusts or hurls it at his enemy.
Shadow Punch: Delivers a quick, powerful shadowy punch at his opponent.
Smokescreen: Sends out a cloud of smoke that engulfs the area, concealing everything.
Solarbeam: A gigantic beam of solar energy descends from the sky at insane speed, obliterating his target before they can even react.
Stomp: The PokeKage thrusts his foot at the opponent, stomping them.
Strength: The PokeKage focuses his power to achieve great feats of strength, such as lifting huge boulders and hurling them at his enemy, breaking out of ice effortlessly, and others.
Substitute: The PokeKage expends 25% of his energy to create a Substitute of himself. The PokeKage's Substitutes have 1/4 his energy capacity, but are otherwise exactly the same in everything else, speed, power, and defense. Usually, the PokeKage uses Substitute to create 2 Substitutes using 50% of his power, before he restores it with Recover. The process can be repeated as many times as the PokeKage wants, since the PokeKage does not even waste energy as he Recovers it.
Substitute Teleport: Creates a Substitute which appears anywhere he wants by teleporting there the instant it is created.
Double Substitute: Creates two Substitutes at the same time and then uses Recover to replenish the energy he used.
Superpower: The PokeKage's entire body bursts with insane power, and then he attacks with unbelievably huge power, able to hollow out a mountain with a single punch.
Surf: The PokeKage summons a huge wave of water from behind him, and then he jumps onto it and rides it as it crashes onto his foe.
Swift: The PokeKage forms some shuriken-like stars of energy between his fingers, and then he swings his hand and throws them at the enemy. The stars of energy then fly at the enemy, homing in on them and following them until they cut them or stab onto them.
Teleport: The PokeKage freely teleports anywhere he wishes in an instant.
Thunder: The PokeKage raises his hand up, pointing at the sky. He then swings it down powerfully, and with the swing of his arm, an unbelievebly massive thunder descends from the sky as well, crashing onto his enemy and disintegrating them completely within its absolutely insane power.
Thunderbolt: The PokeKage forms a javelin-like bolt of lightning in his hand, and then he throws it at his enemy, striking them with an incredibly destructive blast of electricity. The PokeKage has honed this technique incredibly, making it insanely more powerful and destructive than normal.
Thunderpunch: Delivers a powerful electrifying punch at his opponent.
Torment: The PokeKage casts a dark spell on the enemy, which prevents them from using the same technique twice in a row, as it will fail in such a case.
Transform: The PokeKage possesses the ability to transform himself into different things, copying both their form and their traits, abilities and characteristics. The single thing that remains the same in the PokeKage after he transforms is his energy capacity, and the ability to cancel out the transformation to revert to his original form. The PokeKage can also do partial transformations of himself, mainly during techniques such as Cut, Fly, and Dive.
Vine Whip: Many whip-like vines erupt out of the ground to strike the enemy harshly like whips.
Whirlwind: The PokeKage summons a powerful wind that blows away everything before him.
Wood Hammer: The PokeKage's arm turns into a hard piece of wood, and then he smashes his enemy hard.
Zap Cannon: The PokeKage points his right hand straight at his enemy, and then he forms a sphere of extremely compressed electricity in his right hand. He then shoots out the sphere of lightning, which enlarges greatly after being fired, and then it crashes onto the opponent into a huge explosion of electricity which creates a massive field of lightning that zaps and paralyzes everything caught in it.

Edward McKiller, or Ed for short, is by far the wealthiest person in the Chaos region, possessing more than 80% of the businesses in the region, and having an incredibly huge amount of money which would be enough to buy anything he wishes like nothing. He lives relaxedly and enjoys life in a huge, luxurious mansion he owns somewhere in a beautiful and pleasant location at the Chaos region, free of all worries. With his nearly endless money, he also greatly assists the Chaos region in improving itself, being able to afford the construction of any useful structures and other facilities, as well the funds for all kinds of research programs for development in all areas. And besides that, his money can even help in the case of war, by hiring foreign mercenaries to fight for the Chaos region's goals, or even bribing enemy armies to throw aside their arms and join the side of the Chaos region instead! In one famous occasion, a large army detachment from another region was once about to invade the Chaos region, when Ed revealed himself before them, smiling confidently. Immediately, the soldiers all threw aside all their weapons and shouted "Hail Lord Edward!", giving up their orders and joining the Chaos region's side under the promise of money. Throughout the Chaos region, Ed's name is quite well-known, and he is praised as a person who has contributed a lot to the betterment of the region. But besides his huge fortune, Ed is also known for another thing: his insanely unbelievable luck! In fact, it was this unbelievable luck which enabled him to rise from just an average person to the richest person in the region! Ed started out in a family who had a Miltank farm somewhere near Harvest Town, and made their living selling the milk their Miltank produced. Since he was a kid, Ed has always been blessed by this incredible luck, which kept him away from all misfortune and kept bringing good things in his way. At first, when Ed was a kid, people thought that the numerous lucky events that were happening to him, such as often finding money and items on the ground, were simply the result of coincidence. But then one day, Ed picked up a Poke Ball and ran into some grass, hoping to catch his first Pokemon. Then all of a sudden, a Mew floated by, and Ed threw his Poke Ball at it and caught it immediately on his first try, without even having weakened it first! As he returned home, everyone was unable to believe what had just happened, extremely surprised that Ed had come across such an extremely rare and hard to catch Pokemon so simply, and managed to catch it effortlessly just by throwing an ordinary Poke Ball at it! After this, Ed started to realize that he was somehow blessed with an unbelievable luck, which simply turned all events in his favor without any effort on his part! Later, Ed left home to start his journey as a Pokemon Trainer, having Mew by his side as his starter Pokemon. As he travelled, Ed continued to find money and rare items dropped on the ground on his way, such as Nuggets, Berries, and rare TMs. As he wandered around, whenever he was unsure of what to do, Ed simply flipped a coin and let luck decide for him. Eventually, his luck led him to win a great prize at a lottery, and later when he visited a Game Corner, the Game Corner was left almost broke, as Ed had won almost all of its money in the games! Realizing his luck, Ed then started a long journey across the Pokemon World, defeating trainers for money, participating in lotteries and winning lots of prizes and rewards, and visiting the Game Corners of the various regions and winning all their money effortlessly! By winning in lotteries and at the Game Corners, Ed soon made a huge fortune for himself, which only kept increasing. After gathering an insane amount of money, Ed then returned to the Chaos region, where he purchased a large lot in a location with a great view and calm, peaceful surroundings, and built a huge mansion there, where he now lives. From since building his mansion, he also started getting involved in the matters of the Chaos region itself, buying businesses and improving them, and using his unending amounts of money to improve the region in any areas deemed necessary. As in everything else, Ed is also extremely lucky in Pokemon, having never lost a single Pokemon battle before, as his Pokemon all have unnaturally huge evasion, accuracy, and chance to cause effects to their enemies with their attacks, such as flinching them or freezing them! Despite the fact that Ed's Pokemon team is more suitable for travelling around the world than being balanced for battling, due to their sheer unbelievable luck, they have never lost a single battle before, even against highly skilled trainers such as the Elite Fours of the various regions Ed has visited and swept through effortlessly.
Here are Ed's Pokemon:
Dugtrio: Dugtrio's 100%-accuracy Fissure and his ability to always flinch the enemy Pokemon successfully at least three times in a row with his Rock Slide are a good reason that Ed has him as his usual starting Pokemon in a battle. Dugtrio has swept countless teams by himself, and has an Expert Belt to make some of his attacks even more powerful under the right circumstances. Aside from battle, Dugtrio can also help Ed in travelling underground or through walls with his Dig.
Rapidash: Rapidash defeats enemy Pokemon with his 100%-accuracy Horn Drill and his always critical-hitting Flare Blitz and Fire Blast. Also holds a Shell Bell. Aside from battling, Rapidash can also help Ed in travelling faster, by being his fast, strong mount, and can Horn Drill any obstacles in the way.
Tropius: Tropius's Silver Wind raises his stats every time he uses it, quickly making him a tough enemy to face. He quickly uses Sunny Day and then blasts away with SolarBeam, healing anytime he needs with Synthesis, and using Safeguard to prefent status effects. He also has a Focus Band that always activates, making him nearly invincible. Aside from battle, Tropius can also help Ed in travelling through the sky with Fly, and he can also use Defog to clear foggy areas.
Scizor: Scizor has a Berserker Gene, which increases his attack hugely, although he never hurts himself from confusion. He destroys anything in his way with his Bullet Punch and other attacks, which also always critical hit. Also, by using Double Team just once, he can completely escape his enemy's grasp for the rest of the battle with his afterimages. In addition to all those, he also somehow knows how to use Guillotine, which always hits when he uses it and eliminates any Pokemon before him, and after using Agility once, he is able to sweep entire teams with Guillotine. Aside from battling, Scizor can also help Ed in travelling by moving or removing obstacles with Cut, Strength, and Rock Smash.
Lapras: Lapras OHKOs any foe before him with his Sheer Cold and Horn Drill, which always land on target. Also, he has a Quick Claw which makes him go first every single turn, making him nearly impossible to defeat. Aside from battling, Lapras can also help Ed in travelling in the water with Surf, Waterfall, Whirlpool and Dive.
Mew: Mew holds a Brightpowder which activates on every turn, making him virtually untouchable. With his extremely wide array of techniques, he is able to deal with any kind of situation that comes up. Aside from battling, Mew can also help Ed in travelling instantly with his Teleport, and he can also use Flash to lighten up dark areas and Rock Climb to scale rocky surfaces.

A mysterious researcher with unknown goals and potential.
The Three Head Chaos Region Rocket Scientists

Three scientists working for Team Rocket in the Chaos region, and leading the research there. Their groundbreaking research has opened endless possibilities for Pokemon battling, although often at the expense of the lives of many Pokemon.
Doctor Oak

Makes Pokemon learn attacks they normally can't. Also creates and uses Dark Balls which can steal the opponent's Pokemon and turn them obedient to him.
Professor Ortmeier

Cloning expert seeking to create perfect Pokemon. Creates the most powerful and absolutely obedient Pokemon with perfect genes. They also have all of their EVs maxed, meaning they are far more powerful than ordinary Pokemon.
Researcher Quaint

Copies stats and powers from one Pokemon to another. He has created things like a Wonder Guard Sableye with Mew's stats and movepool, Huge Power Slaking, Levitate Magnezone, etc.
The Hidden Village of Darkness

A village located somewhere in the Pokemon World. Its location is completely unknown, as is its purpose.
The YamiKage

Shrouded in mystery. He gave the Dark Five their powers.
Here are some of the YamiKage's attacks:
Intangibility: Phases in or out from the physical world, switching between tangibility and intangibility. By default he is intangible, and he only becomes tangible when he wants to perform an action such as an attack. Even when he is tangible during his attacks, physical attacks against him still will not work, as he will instantly become intangible upon being hit. Energy attacks, on the other hand, can work to some extent.
Hellfire: The YamiKage points his arm somewhere, and then some black, all-consuming fire from Hell appears at that location, burning whatever is there. This attack can be used continuously, in other words, the YamiKage can keep swinging his arm around and having Hellfire engulf everything that is being pointed at, like a spreading fire that spreads the directions the YamiKage swings his arm. The YamiKage can use this ability with any of his arms, or both of them at the same time.
Hellfire Replication: A replication of himself made from Hellfire. It looks just like the YamiKage and can use his attacks, but if hit by an attack, it will explode to Hellfire which engulfs everything nearby. Naturally, it is extremely dangerous to fight in close ranges.
Shadow Clone: A replication of himself that disperses easily by enemy attacks. Can be used in the start of a battle to make enemies think of it as a weak technique and defeating it with close combat attacks, before a deadly Hellfire Replication is launched later, underestimated by the enemy and attacked directly by them with deadly results.
Dark Void: A darkness envelops everything, and then the enemies start falling into an endless abyss of darkness. This is actually an illusion which puts the enemies to sleep, unable to wake up without external interference.
Shadow Disperse: Disperses to shadows that float away and disappear in the air. The shadows then reappear somewhere else and reform back to the YamiKage.
Dark Seal: A dark seal the YamiKage secretly places on the Dark Ninja. This seal can be used by the YamiKage to instantly end a Dark Ninja's life, infuse their corpse with dark energy, and reanimate it to be under the YamiKage's complete control. Also, if a Dark Ninja dies by other means, then the same thing also happens after their death, adding their corpse to the YamiKage's collection. The YamiKage can also put a Dark Seal on anyone anytime just by touching them with his hand, and then he can activate it and kill them in an instant.
Shadow Possession: Points his arm at an enemy, shooting out an extremely fast shadowy blast which enters the target's body and completely possesses them. Upon being possessed, the foe gets engulfed in a dark aura, and their eyes become red with purple ripples. The YamiKage can then control the possessed target like a puppet with his mind.
Gates of Hell: Summons two huge gates, which open up to reveal an unbelievably terrifying darkness and black flames burning inside, before sucking the enemy inside into Hell. After sucking the enemy in, the gates then close and disappear.
Night Shade: Two red eyes with purple ripples suddenly appear in the enemy's shadow, and then two black beams shoot out of the eyes to strike the enemy. These beams also ignore defenses such as armor or a tough hide, and deal direct damage to the foe's vulnerable parts.
Shadow Force: A shadowy blast flies up from behind the YamiKage and homes in at an enemy, striking them and dispersing. Darkness then begins erupting out of the enemy's body where they got struck, completely disabling any body part out of which the darkness comes from. If the darkness erupts from the foe's vital spots, they can be killed with ease.
Shadow Ball: Forms a Shadow Ball and shoots it at his opponent. The YamiKage can form Shadow Balls from anywhere in the air, even behind his enemies' blind spots while facing them, landing some critical blows on them with ease.
Hellfire Shadow Ball: A blast of Hellfire disguised as a Shadow Ball.
Dark Resurrection: With this technique, the YamiKage can resurrect the corpses of the dead and have them animated with dark energy. The corpses made like this have no minds of their own and are nothing more than puppets, who only obey their summoner's commands.
Corpse Summonning: Summons resurrected corpses to fight for him.
Summoning Technique: Dance of the Infinite Ghosts: The YamiKage summons a seemingly infinite amount of ghost-type Pokemon surrounding the entire battlefield, and constantly changing positions while switching their visibility on and off, seemingly teleporting at random, making them almost impossible to hit. Engulfing the enemy completely, the ghosts keep appearing and disappearing as if teleporting at random, and when the chance strikes, they launch attacks from the enemy's blind spots, hurting them before instantly retreating in order to avoid getting hit. The ghosts constantly focus on confusing the enemy and evading their attacks, while slowly wearing them down with sneak attacks. Even if the enemy tries to fight back, no matter what attacks they use, the ghosts will just avoid them quickly, as this is their main focus after all, and in the end they will always resume their formation of surrounding the enemy and confusingly moving around them. Like this, being unable to attack or defend, the enemy is eventually brought to their knees and eliminated.
Summoning Technique: The Endless Tide of Ninja Corpses: The YamiKage summons an endless army of darkness-infused Ninja corpses all over a huge area, and then controls all of their movements with his mind, having possessed all of them (as they are possessed by the YamiKage, the corpses are also engulfed in a dark aura and have red eyes with purple ripples). The corpses have increased power, speed and endurance thanks to the dark energy in their bodies, being even more formidable than when they were alive. Each of the Ninja corpses can use any attacks they knew when they were alive, they can move and fight fast and hard without worrying about getting tired or getting hurt, since they don't have such feelings, and they can also regenerate from huge amounts of damage, as even if a single cell of them is left back, the Ninja can completely regenerate their entire body as long as they are in contact with the earth, which is the material used to regenerate the corpses. The undead army, which only keeps increasing in numbers as more and more corpses constantly come out of the ground without stop, then completely overwhelms and destroys the foe.
Hellfire Control: After using ???, he has complete control of Hellfire, summoning it anywhere in the air or elsewhere and controlling where it goes and how it spreads with his mind, sending it against his enemies to utterly annihilate them.
The Dark Five
The five strongest Dark Nin under the Yamikage.

Alpha is an undead replica of the Sixth PokeKage, created by the YamiKage to serve him in his purposes. He is completely immortal, being able to endlessly revive himself from the Earth, even if his body is completely destroyed in battle. He has no personality or emotions, almost never speaks, and does nothing except obey the YamiKage's commands.
Here are some of Alpha's attacks:
Overwhelming Dark Power: Alpha possesses a completely insane amount of dark energy in his body, many times greater even than Legendary Pokemon such as Rayquaza! This extremely huge, compressed dark energy makes his attacks have insane power behind them, being able to kill even a Kage-level Ninja with a single kick that blows a hole on their body, crushing their lungs and killing them instantly, as well as increasing his defense to such an incredible level that he effortlessly shrugs off even high-level attacks such as Hyper Beam and Giga Impact, merely being knocked back by them, without suffering any harm in his body! His strength is enough to stop even a Horn Drilling Dragonite bare-handed by grabbing its horn with only one hand, and his defense is enough that he'd survive even a Snorlax's Selfdestruct without much damage! Also, he is nearly immune to spells, breaking out of them effortlessly with his incredible dark power, and psychic powers have no effect of him at all.
Obliviousness: Alpha is oblivious to pain and emotions, and also being immortal and capable of regenerating any kind of damage easily, he never flinches or gets surprised in battle. No matter what happens, he always remains expressionless, simply analyzing the situation and coming up with counters to the enemy's attacks. At first in a battle, his reactions to attacks are only on a normal level, and he may just be hit by enemy attacks which are fierce and fast enough. But then once he analyzes them, he'll react at unbelievable speed compared to before and counter them without fail.
Extremespeed: Moves and performs attacks at blinding speed.
Heart Destroyer: Thrusts his hand at the enemy's chest and impales them through the heart, killing them.
Dead Punch: Punches the enemy and deals devastating internal damage. For example, punching an enemy at the stomach effortlessly crushes their stomach, and the enemy cough out much blood. Punching them at the head faints them instantly and may send them in a comatose condition, or even outright kill them in a single strike. Bones can also easily be shattered with this attack.
Dead Kick: Works similarly to Dead Punch, but is even more powerful. Alpha's kick usually involves him turning his right side to his enemy and delivering a devastating thrusting kick with his right foot at the enemy's chest, head or stomach, sending them crashing through anything in the way with insanely huge power. This kick is so powerful it can instantly kill even a Kage-level Ninja, blowing a crater-like hole in their chest which crushes their lungs completely, killing them. This kick is also used by the Sixth PokeKage, and in fact Alpha uses the same kick because he was cloned from him.
Cero: Points his index finger at his enemy, charges some energy at his fingertip, and then fires out a huge, wide-range blast of energy. The color of his Cero is gray.
Gran Rey Cero: A much higher-level Cero which he charges and fires from his palm, and it is also darker than his normal Cero.
Burial: Gets himself swallowed into the ground as if he was sinking in water. He can remain hidden and move underground for as much as he wants, and emerge from anywhere from the ground he wishes, usually behind the enemy to ambush them. Also, another thing he can do when in his released form, is to stay underground and send his tentacles from there to attack the enemy above the surface, completely avoiding direct combat.
Instantaneous Regeneration: If he is somehow damaged, Alpha can simply regenerate the damage on his body in an instant. He can even regenerate huge amounts of damage which would have normally been fatal for an ordinary person.
Earth Rebirth: Alpha is completely immortal. Even if his body is completely destroyed somehow, he simply forms his body again from the earth and resurrects. No matter how many times he goes down, he always gets back up.
Unending Energy: Alpha drains his energy from the earth, regenerating any power he uses up for attacks or during defense. As he constantly absorbs energy, he never runs out of it, and continues to fight at full power for the whole duration of a battle, showing no signs of his attack, defense and speed weakening at all even after extended periods of fighting.
Death Gaze: Alpha's eyes suddenly turn silver, and then he locks his eyes with those of his enemy, trapping them in a horrible, inescapable illusion in which they experience their own gruesome death 1,000,000 times in excruciatingly painful ways. Instead of simply incapacitating the enemy, this technique completely overwhelms their soul and actually kills them. No one has ever survived even halfway through it. This technique is devastating, but takes a considerable amount of time to recharge before it can be used again. Also, even though the illusion seems to last for an eternity in the victim's mind, in the real world it is over in a second, after which the enemy drops dead. In Alpha's released form, his eyes are already silver, so they do not change any further when he uses the attack.
Release: Resurrected Form: Normally, Alpha is in a form where his true power is sealed. With this technique, Alpha releases his true power in battle, greatly increasing his ability. When Alpha releases his true power, his pale-looking gray skin becomes darker, his black hair grows longer, his eyes turn silver and a black line appears across his face on the level of his eyes, his nails become sharper like claws, and he also gains vampire-like fangs. Also, six large tentacles covered with with razor-sharp slashing bones on them spout out of his back, to be used as his main tool for battle. These tentacles possess unbelievable demonic power, being able to entangle and crush a tank to scraps with little effort, and the razor-sharp bones on them are extremely dangerous, too, as a single contact with them during a tentacle swing could mean the instant loss of a limb. The tentacles are also extremely hard to damage, just like the rest of Alpha's body, which is now even stronger than it was before. On top of all that, the tentacles can extend to any range to grab enemies from any distance and position, and merely coming in contact with them is damaging due to the razor-sharp bones on them. Even if one manages to cut the tentacles somehow, Alpha can simply regenerate them instantaneously, making them unbelievably difficult to deal with. Actually, the tentacles have even more abilities beyond those, such as being able to drain out the energy of anything they wrap at an insanely rapid rate, turning any living being they stab into an undead puppet under Alpha's control, and even firing huge blasts of darkness from their tips, which can be powerful enough to obliterate an entire village each! With these tentacles as his main way of attack, Alpha then proceeds to completely obliterate his target.
Tentacle: Attacks the enemy with the tentacles on his back, which can extend to attack enemies at long ranges. The tentacles have many razor-sharp pieces of bone sticking out of them, which can badly cut the enemy.
Death Stab: Stabs his foe with his tentacle and drains out their life, turning them into a lifeless, gray-skinned corpse. He can then control the foe he killed like a puppet, manipulating them through his connecting tentacle. He can use all their powers and abilities, as well as channel his own through them.
Dark Drain: Catches an enemy with one or more of his tentacles, and then engulfs them in a dark aura that sucks out all of their energy in a matter of seconds.
Bone Barrage: Points his six tentacles at the enemy's direction, and shoots out a huge barrage of razor-sharp pieces of bone at them. Each of those bone pieces is powerful enough to pierce through boulders and shatter them effortlessly.
Cero Oscuro: An insanely huge and powerful, pitch-black Cero attack. He charges insanely compressed, black-colored energy at the tip of any of his tentacles, and then fires an astonishingly gigantic and destructive black Cero which obliterates all in its path. The range and power of this attack is enough to level an entire village at once, and since Alpha has six tentacles, he can fire six of these at once at any direction.
Summoning Scroll: Corpse Apocalypse: Uses the summoning scroll on his back to summon the corpses of 4,000 dead ninja into the battle. Afterwards, an equal number of tentacles spout out of his back, stab each of the ninja corpses at their backs, and turn them into puppets under his control. Even though they are dead, the ninja are still capable of using any jutsu and other abilities they had in their lives, and Alpha uses them all to utterly annihilate his target with all sorts of attacks. Also, the ninja corpses are nearly impossible to destroy, as their undead puppeteer regenerates any damage they receive through his own regeneration ability. And to make things even more hopeless, the corpses have each been infused with Kage-level amounts of energy, making them insanely challenging and durable opponents. Alpha and all the 4,000 ninja corpses combined are like one insanely huge organism, with Alpha acting as the heart of that organism, controlling all of the organism's parts. Because the corpses are part of Alpha's organism instead of the mere tools they would be in the hands of a simple puppeteer, Alpha is able to control all of them much better than that since they are like parts of himself, making them avoid enemy attacks and regenerating any damages they receive, and using much more synchronized, careful, and skillful attacks than a normal puppeteer would be able to use.

Supreme psychic master whose psychic abilities also have darkness infused in them, effortlessly overcoming other psychics and basically just about anyone. She is calm, serious and calculating.
Here are some of Beta's attacks:
Dark Psychic: Uses her dark psychic powers to overwhelm her enemies. Beta's psychic powers are extremely effective, and as they are infused with dark energy they effortlessly overwhelm other users of psychic power like nothing, as well as being able to be used against dark-type foes. She can instantly overwhelm and faint an army of enemies using psychic power, move objects around telekinetically, control and redirect attacks coming at her back to the foes that fired them, read and manipulate people's minds, and countless other possibilities. Just by being exposed to Beta's psychic powers also drains out the foes' energy, because of the dark energy in beta's psychic energy. Beta can also use normal psychic powers when darkness is not needed, such as when viewing locations in far distances, hidden locations or interior places with Future Sight.
Teleport: Instantly teleports herself from one place to another. She can also teleport other people and objects around.
Dark Psybeam: Fires a darkness-infused beam of psychic energy from her hands or eyes, blasting the enemy away. This technique can instantly cancel any other attack colliding with it, making it vanish in an instant.
Dark Psywave: Releases many odd, cold waves which freeze the enemy completely in their tracks, even in the air. In other words, whatever is exposed to this attack will instantly have their movements completely suspended, whether it's solid, liquid, or gas, as if time freezes for them. This technique dispels on its own after some time, or if the targets are moved through contact from an external force. Enemies, their attacks, and anything else will be completely suspended by this.
Mind Reader: Places her hand on an enemy's head and reads everything in their mind, thoughts, memories, emotions, and everything else. She can also read their intentions from a distance, predicting the movements they are about to make and countering them properly before or after they carry out their thoughts.
Psybolt: Points her palm at the target, charges a spherical blast of concentrated psychic energy, and shoots it at the target. The flight path of this psychic blast can also be controlled mentally, making the attack much more tricky to deal with.
Miracle Eye: Beta possesses the ability to be able to use her psychic powers even against Dark-type foes.
Future Sight: In combat, this ability can be used to concentrate much psychic energy in an area away from the battle, and that psychic energy can then be called and used later to strike at the enemy from behind when they're not suspecting, usually in the form of powerful psychic beams flying fast and crashing onto the foe's back, dealing much damage. Outside of combat, this ability can be used to see anything that is happening at faraway distances, in buildings and other interiors, and generally in any area across a great range, giving the user the ability to possibly foresee events that may soon take place where they are, such as reinforcements or something else arriving.
Hypnosis: Looks at the enemy in the eyes and hypnotises them, manipulating their thoughts and making them do whatever she wishes. She can also just put the target to sleep.
Psychic Palm: Delivers a serious psychic and darkness-infused palm strike, which completely destroys the enemy's chakra circulatory system, rendering them unable to use any special attacks anymore. The attack also blasts the foe back with much force.
Disable: Disables an ability of a foe, so they can't use it for the rest of the battle. This technique can also be used to disable other things, such as machines and other mechanisms.
Psychic Shield: Creates a protective a bubble shield of psychic energy around herself, which can protect against attacks.
Release: Soul Power: Releases her true psychic power, getting her body engulfed completely in a protective psychic aura, as well as growing large wings of dark psychic energy on her back. Those wings can generate endless amounts of razor-sharp feathers of dark psychic energy, which can be used for offensive as well as defensive purposes. Those feathers also have an activatable ability to ignore anything which is not living, passing through all kinds of obstacles and slicing the enemy directly. However, Beta only activates this ability when sending those feathers to attack, and otherwise leaves the feathers as normal for defensive purposes. Beta's dark psychic abilities in general also become much more powerful in this form, being able to effortlessly overwhelm any kind of enemy that shows before her like nothing.
Psychic Aura: In her released form, Beta is surrounded by a protecting aura of dark psychic energy, which prevents all attacks from hitting, stopping physical attacks cold and deflecting other kinds of attacks to the sides.
Feather Dance: Flaps her wings and sends out countless razor-sharp feathers of dark psychic energy, which she sends in waves against her opponents to slice them to countless shreds, or uses them for defense to block out enemy attacks. These feathers have an ability that can be activated by Beta, which is to ignore anything that is non-living, passing through them harmlessly like ghosts, and only cutting up living beings themselves. Beta often activates this ability when sending the feathers to attack, creating a virtually unstoppable offense that, for example, would be able to slice a knight to shreds behind their armor, which is ignored by the attack. Otherwise, the feathers behave normally and can be used to block attacks and come in contact with the surroundings.
Wing Blast: Flaps her opponent with her psychic wing, smashing them with a dark psychic blast as well as with countless dark psychic razor-sharp feathers fired at them from point-blank range, ripping them to shreds.
Protecting Wings: Intensifies the dark psychic energy in her wings and uses them as additional protection against attacks, in case her Psychic Aura somehow is not enough.
Psyclone: Creates a huge cyclone of countless of her razor-sharp dark psychic energy feathers, which can slice up anything its way to countless shreds. The cyclone also attracts anything within a large range around it to be sucked inside it and be reduced to countless tiny pieces, spreading huge devastation in its path, which can be controlled by Beta.
Final Obliteration: Sends countless of her razor-sharp dark psychic energy feathers swirling around the enemy into a gigantic, sphere-like cloud of feathers flying around the enemy. The feathers then fly insanely fast at the enemy from every single angle around them, attacking them from every conceivable direction. The enemy is then instantly torn to innumerable shreds by the unbelievable attack, which shrinks to an incredibly compressed form as it collapses on the enemy completely, before producing an insanely huge explosion of dark psychic energy, utterly annihilating the foe.
Psykick: Does a powerful kick at the enemy's direction, and then the enemy gets blasted by a strong psychic power in the same way as if the kick would have hit them.
Psycho Boost: Unleashes an unbelievably enormous and destructive blast of insanely powerful psychic energy, obliterating everything.

Supreme close combat master. The darkness engulfing his body makes him near invincible. Spells don't work on him because of his protecting dark energy, and other ranged attacks also have no effect. His extremely trained and tough body also endures even the most powerful physical attacks. He likes to fight challenging opponents.
Here are some of Gamma's attacks:
Huge Power: Gamma possesses unbelievably huge physical strength, being able to easily lift entire buildings out of their foundations and hurl them at his enemies, smash huge trees or rocks with a single punch, or punch a fissure into the ground, among many other things.
Dark Armor: Gamma's entire body is unfused with huge amounts of extremely compressed dark energy, making his entire body harder than steel. He can effortlessly grab swords bare-handed, and tank even extremely powerful attacks with barely any damage.
Extremespeed: Moves and attacks at unbelievable, blinding speed.
Dark Punch: Delivers a darkness-infused punch at his enemy. Along with the huge physical impact, the attack also sends much compressed through the enemy's body, erupting from the other side of their body during the punch, and blasting out much of the foe's energy, weakening them extremely. Any of Gamma's punch attacks can be like that.
Dark Kick: Delivers a devastating darkness-infused kick at his enemy. Along with the unbelievable physical impact, the attack also sends much compressed through the enemy's body, erupting from the other side of their body during the kick, and blasting out much of the foe's energy, weakening them extremely. Any of Gamma's kick attacks can be like that.
Bullet Punch: Moves at blinding speed and delivers a blindingly fast punch at the enemy's stomach, blasting out all the air from their lungs instantly! The enemy then get stunned as their breath is abruptly cut, and then they get completely stunned for some moments as they fall to their knees, trying to take deep breaths to recover.
Comet Punch: Unleashes an overwhelming flurry of punches at his enemy.
Karate Chop: Strikes his foe with a sharp chop of his arm.
Low Kick: Performs a powerful low kick that makes the foe fall over.
Rolling Kick: While close to the enemy, he does an evasive roll on the ground towards the enemy's direction, while slamming a leg on them in the middle of the roll.
Massacreing Arm: Impales the enemy with his brutal arm, with his hand emerging from the other side of the enemy's body full of their blood.
Counter: Sees through the foe's attack and performs a counter-attack, turning the force of their own attacks against them.
Quick Deflection: Quickly deflects an enemy attack with the back of his hand, exposing them to counter-attack.
Cross Chop: Does a catastrophic double chop with his forearms crossed, powerful enough to smash even steel.
Dark Dynamicpunch: Delivers an absolutely devastating punch of darkness, which creates a huge explosion of darkness upon impact.
Knee of Hell: Jumps and does an unbelievably powerful knee smash at the enemy, which can blast them away with unbelievably extreme power. An insane explosion of darkness can also happen upon impact, blasting the enemy away engulfed in darkness.
Dark Elbow: Delivers a destructive elbow smash at his opponent. He can also create a huge explosion of darkness upon impact.
Dark Explosion: Grabs his enemy and blasts them point-blank with a dark explosion between himself and the foe. The foe gets blasted with much power by the explosion, but Gamma himself is not harmed by it.
Shoulder Smash: Smashes the enemy with his powerful shoulder.
Axe Kick: Raises his leg up and then brings it down like an axe at the enemy, hitting them with huge power. If he charges his leg with darkness, he can also create a huge dark explosion as his leg crashes on the ground.
Back Elbow: With the enemy behind him, he turns around quickly while using his elbow to smash them in the face, making them take a few steps back and dazzling them a bit.
Back Spinning Kick: With the enemy behind him, he turns around while raising his leg and performing a back spinning kick at the enemy's head. The enemy are caused to turn around themselves by the kick, showing their back to Gamma, who can then attack them from the back while they are dazzled a bit.
Quick Jab: Does an extremely quick jab at the enemy, which can be good for interrupting their attacks.
High Kick: Does a high kick at the enemy's upper body or head, which can also have enough power to launch them into the air.
Darkness Beam: Fires a huge, wide-range beam of darkness and destruction from his hand.
Flame Choke: Grabs the enemy by the face, lifts them off the ground, and blasts their head point-blank with a pulse of darkness, before slamming them head-first to the ground, with enough force to shatter it.
Dark Bomb: Kicks the enemy at the stomach, making them bend forwards a bit. He then grabs them by the sides of their waist, lifts them high in the air, and then smashes them with unbelievably huge power to the ground, cratering a huge area around.
Death Driver: Launches the enemy into the air with an attack, in a way that the foe's body is turned upside down in the air. He then jumps up and goes behind the foe, facing their back, with the foe being upside down and him being in normal position. Gamma then steps on the inside of the enemy's arms, in a way that the enemy's arms are stretched and extended away from their body, while he also grabs their legs with his hands. Then, holding their limbs fixed, Gamma starts falling fast to the ground with the upside-down turned enemy, driving them head-first to the ground with unbelievable power, creating a huge explosion of earth and rubble upon impact.
Stomach Kick: Delivers a strong kick at the enemy's stomach, usually to stop their charge.
Sweep Kick: Falls on his hand and spins, doing a sweep kick that trips his enemy.
Backfist: Smashes the enemy with huge power using the back of his fist.
Scissor Kick: Uses his legs to performs a scissor-like kick at the enemy from various positions, such as being fallen to the ground and scissor kicking their legs from the back of the knees to make them fall, or jumping up and guillotining the enemy's head.
Hammer Arm: Brings down his extremely powerful arm like a hammer at the enemy, smashing them with huge force.
Jump Double Kick: Jumps up and performs two rapid upward kicks at his enemy, launching them into the air.
Defense Crusher: Cancels the enemy's power-ups with a devastating darkness-infused blow at the stomach, spine or face.
Ghost Combo: Launches his enemy high in the air with an attack, and then he suddenly disappears at blinding speed. The enemy are then suddenly struck by a blindingly fast punch to their chin, followed by a devastating spine strike, a kick across the face, a cross chop on their chest, and then a leg dropped on their stomach from above with huge power, driving them to the ground with huge speed and crashing them down with devastating force.
Release: Engulfing Darkness: Gamma releases his true power in battle, engulfing his entire body in fire-like darkness. This darkness dramatically increases his attack, defense and speed, making him nearly invincible. Also, from that point on, all of his attacks are infused with darkness, making them all cause huge dark explosions upon direct impact, rapidly depleting the foe's energy.
Dark Jet: Uses the darkness on his body to propel himself at high speeds towards any direction. The darkness can even allow him to suspend himself in the air and dive towards any direction, making him able to fight airborne.
Dark Jet Uppercut: Propels himself with darkness while launching a huge dark uppercut at the enemy's chin, driving them very high into the air.
Dark Jet Kick: Propels himself with darkness at huge speed towards the enemy, doing a sliding-like kick at them. The kick can be done sliding on the ground or diving from the air.
Dark Blitz: Intensifies the darkness around his body, making the black flames much larger and even darkening the surrounding environment, before he launches out at his opponent with astonishing speed and crashes onto them with insane power, obliterating them completely in an unbelievably catastrophic dark tackle and explosion.
Dark Comet Punch: Launches a massive flurry of extremely powerful darkness-infused punches at his enemy, overwhelming them with darkness that engulfs them completely and blasts them in a huge dark explosion.
Hyper Darkness Beam: Points his hand at the enemy, places his other hand onto the arm of the pointed hand, and fires an extremely massive, unbelievably powerful, concentrated and destructive blast of darkness, much huger and more destructive than a basic Darkness Beam.
Fist of Darkness: Punches forwards with his fist, sending out a very fast, powerful blast of darkness, which causes a destructive dark explosion upon impact.
Catastrophic Stomp: Performs a double aerial stomp which causes a catastrophic dark explosion upon impact, blasting the enemy with insanely tremendous force. He can do it both vertically and horizontally.

Summoner. By striking his extremely powerful darkness-infused Pokemon with his whip, the Pokemon increase in size and power with every strike of his whip! He can also revive them and push them off their limits this way, at the cost of great suffering for the Pokemon themselves. He doesn't care about his pokemon and doesn't care that they hurt at all, all he cares is to win and obliterate the enemy with Hyper Beams and other catastrophic attacks. He can also summon a huge Steelix and hide in his mouth for protection, and has a hidden Abra hung on his back for Teleport. He usually summons dragon-like Pokemon and other huge, powerful Pokemon, never weak ones as he hates weaklings. He often laughs insanely during battle while overwhelming and obliterating his foes.
Here are some of Delta's attacks:
Summoning Technique: Darkness-Infused Pokemon: Summons dark-infused Pokemon to fight his enemies. These dark-infused Pokemon are darker and red-eyed versions of their normal counterparts. They are much more powerful than normal, having their power and defense heightened by the darkness, to the point where their resistances to attacks are one level higher than they would normally be! For example, while a normal Rhydon would have a 4x weakness to water, a darkness-infused Rhydon will only have a 2x weakness to it! The power of the darkness-infused Pokemon is also much greater than normal, doing 1.5x the damage they normally would! Their speed can also be greater than normal sometimes, seemingly demonic, catching their opponent off-guard and delivering unexpected attacks. Although these abilities are already a huge power-up, the strength of those darkness-infused Pokemon can be raised even further than that, as when Delta strikes those Pokemon with his whip, they can grow in size and power, reaching entirely different levels than their normal counterparts! These darkness-infused Pokemon are extremely hard to take down, continuing to fight even after fainting, as they can be revived by being struck by Delta's whip, getting pushed completely off their limits and reaching unbelievable levels of power as well as extremely huge sizes!
Mass Summoning Technique: Army of Dark Pokemon: Summons a huge army of darkness-infused Pokemon to launch an extremely massive attack, which would be enough to easily obliterate a country.
Tormenting Whip: Uses his whip to strike his darkness-infused Pokemon, making them fight harder. When the darkness-infused Pokemon are struck harshly with the whip, they start glowing in a dark red color as if evolving, and increase in size and power. Should they happen to faint in battle, Delta can continue whipping them extremely harshly, making them revive and grow completely beyond their limits, becoming unbelievably destructive and dangerous. The darkness-infused Pokemon also suffer extreme amounts of pain while in that state, making them fight much more viciously and savagely, trying to completely eradicate their opponents with their full power. Aside from striking his darkness-infused Pokemon, Delta can also use his whip on the enemies themselves, causing them to flinch extremely often.
Huge Endurance: Delta has an incredibly huge endurance, capable of surviving even extremely powerful attacks hitting him directly. This is useful in case an enemy somehow manages to get him with an attack, although it is extremely hard for that to happen.
Abra Helper: Delta has a darkness-infused Abra hanging on his back, hidden under his coat. This Abra helps Delta to Teleport around easily, and he may also occasionally pop out his head and use Psybeam to attack, or Psychic to redirect and throw off incoming attacks, making them miss.

Completely invincible during the night (attacks pass through). Shadowy elemental and dark curse/spell master. He is extremely confident and arrogant, looking down at his opponents, but runs away and hides during the day. Although if pushed, he can still battle well during the day, except he won't be invincible. He can use many shadowy attacks without even moving, simply calling the attacks which then happen.
Here are some of Epsilon's attacks:
Shadow Invulnerability: During the night, Epsilon is completely invulnerable to all kinds of damage. Any attacks thrown at him simply pass through his body harmlessly as if he was a ghost, and spells have no effect as well, simply wasting the caster's energy without doing anything.
Shadow Fire: The foe suddenly gets engulfed in a shadowy blue fire, making them perish in seconds. This fire is much harder to put out than a normal fire, and it also burns away the enemy's energy, so even if they somehow survive it, they'll have lost much of their power.
Shadow Ice: The foe suddenly begins freezing in some hard, shadowy purple ice. This ice also freezes the enemy's energy, making them unable to use any special attacks, which makes this technique far more dangerous than a normal freezing technique. The foe's frozen energy also gets drained out while they are in the ice, and also, even if they somehow do break out of the ice, their energy will remain frozen for some time, rendering them unable to use special attacks for a while.
Shadow Lightning: The foe is suddenly struck by a shadowy pink lightning from the sky. The attack instantly zaps away much of the target's energy, as well as paralyzing their entire body for some time.
Shadow Wind: A shadowy wind of darkness is sent out to blow away enemies and their attacks, which simply fade into the dark wind. The shadowy dark wind also blows out the energy from the bodies of enemies and absorbs it, weakening them a lot. The shadowy wind can also be made to form into tornadoes of darkness, raging across the battlefield and sucking the energy out of everything around.
Shadow Stream: A fissure suddenly cracks open near the enemy, and then a huge tsunami of dark green water comes out at huge pressure and power, crashing onto the foe. The enemy's energy also flows out of their body very rapidly when they are hit by this attack.
Shadow Swamp: The ground below the enemy's feet suddenly changes to a darkness-filled, muddy swamp, in which the enemy falls and starts sinking into the mud. It is extremely hard to escape the swamp once fallen in, as despite its natural ability to slow down movements dramatically due to the mud, it also rapidly drains out the foe's energy, weakening them extremely fast.
Shadow Stone: Large, sharp darkness-infused stones suddenly erupt from the ground to hurt enemies. The stones can also be controlled to fly in the air and be hurled at foes.
Shadow Melt: The ground suddenly erupts under the enemy, sending out a giant pillar of black lava that melts down the target in an instant. But even if they somehow survive, the attack also drains out an insane amount of their energy upon hitting, leaving them extremely weakened.
Shadow Chasm: An abyssal fissure suddenly cracks open under the enemy's feet, making them fall into the endless darkness in the fissure. If the enemy somehow dodges it, the fissure then starts following their movements automatically until they fall in.
Shadow Drain: Points his hand at his target, and then their energy starts coming out of their body in small dark bubbles that fly and get sucked into Epsilon's hand. Epsilon can also absorb any incoming attacks with his hand with this technique, no matter their power.
Shadow Bind: Ropes of darkness suddenly appear around the foe and tie them up, immobilizing them. The dark ropes are extremely difficult to break, and they can also be used for other purposes, such as hanging the target.
Shadow Flick: Flicks his finger at his target from a range, blasting them with much power.
Shadow Punch: Does a punch in the air, and then a large fist of shadow punches the enemy in the same way.
Shadow Choke: Makes his hand as if he's grabbing the enemy's throat, although from a range, and the enemy feel an invisible hand grabbing their throat and choking them. This attack can be used to easily toss enemies away across huge distances, or lift them up high in the air and drop them from great heights.
Shadow Blast: Points his palm at a location and creates a shadowy explosion there. Such explosions can also be made to happen with Shadow Punch and Shadow Flick.
Shadow Beam: Fires a thin, piercing shadow beam from his index finger, which can also be fired continuously for a few more seconds to slice anything in its path.
Shadow Box: Four walls of darkness arise around the enemy, and then a ceiling and bottom also encase the enemy inside a box of darkness. Epsilon can then use Shadow Beam to slice the box in half along with the enemy, or other attacks to destroy it and the trapped enemies.
Shadow Control: Points his hand at an enemy, who then suddenly gets engulfed in darkness. That enemy can then be controlled like a puppet by Epsilon, using his hand to make them move and use any of their abilities.
Shadow Down: Snaps his fingers and the enemy's defenses are lowered by a lot, making them much more weak and vulnerable. If the enemy is resisting an attack, this move can further weaken them to make them crumble to the attack.
Shadow Blind: Thrusts his index and middle finger as if poking the enemy's eyes, although from a range, and they get blinded by darkness for some time.
Shadow Magic: The target's own shadow assumes a form and fights against them. It looks like a pitch-black clone of its owner. The shadow has the exact same abilities as the one it belongs to, but fights much more cunningly and evily than them, exposing their weaknesses which it knows and destroying them mercilessly. The shadow can also speak and even has a personality, which is an evil version of the personality of its owner.
Shadow Vanish: Vanishes in a cloud of darkness, teleporting away while turning invisible at the same time. The invisibility is broken if he uses any attacks, though.
The Four Masters of Chaos
The Four Masters of Chaos serve as the Elite Four of the Chaos region. They are four persons who are both great trainers and extremely powerful individuals, and serve as a final challenge to test the best trainers in the region. Unlike in other regions, in the Chaos region it is considered praiseworthy for its trainers to not only have powerful Pokemon, but also for the trainers themselves to be strong enough to stand and fight alongside the Pokemon that accompany them. For this reason, in the final challenge of the Chaos region, the Four Masters of Chaos do not only use their Pokemon into battle, but they themselves also participate in the battle and fight against the enemy and their Pokemon team! This makes the final challenge in the Chaos region much harder than in other regions, as the Four Masters of Chaos are actually even more powerful than their Pokemon, and possess moves and skills that will give even the strongest and most well-trained Pokemon much trouble! However, it's still possible to win, as the Four Masters of Chaos will not go all out in battle, but rather they will carefully test the enemy trainer's abilities and, if they are strong enough, they will acknowledge them and allow them to proceed further. So far, only one person has ever managed to defeat all of the Four Masters of Chaos, a mysterious unnamed Pokemon Master who is only referred to as Hermit by those who know of him, and has withdrawn into the deepest depths of the ice caves on Northern Island, away from civilization. Although it's almost impossible, anyone that can manage to defeat all of the Four Masters of Chaos will receive the honorary title of Champion from the King himself, and is also entitled an audience with His Majesty, if they wish.
The challenge of the Four Masters of Chaos is entirely different than the Pokemon Leagues in other regions around the Pokemon World. To start, the Four Masters of Chaos are not simply waiting in rooms, but rather in extremely huge areas, which are also often inhabited by powerful, high-level Pokemon preying on challengers! The four areas where the Four Masters of Chaos are located are the Blizzard Mountain, the Desert, the Evil Witch's Castle, and the Hell Cave. Unlike in the Pokemon League where Pokemon trainers go from lower to higher areas as they advance, the opposite happens here, as the areas where the Four Masters of Chaos are are actually located lower and lower as one advances through them. Each of these areas is a huge, extremely dangerous challenge, filled with traps, powerful Pokemon, the difficulty in finding the way to advance, and of course, the Master of Chaos waiting in each area. The way from each area to the next is locked, and the keys to open the way is held by each Master of Chaos, from whom the key must be retrieved through battling them. However, that's almost impossible, as even if a trainer manages to eventually find the Master of Chaos in an area, they will be so exhausted by all the other challenges in the area that they will most likely go down in seconds before the absolutely overwhelming power of the Four Masters of Chaos, who are much, much more harsh and powerful than all the rest difficulties in their area! For this reason, even the strongest trainers qualified to challenge the Four Masters of Chaos consider it extremely seriously before they proceed, as it is unlike any of the other challenges they have faced so far. The stories of horror and despair told by those who have emerged out of the challenge in failure after having all their powers exhausted and fainted only serve as to make people more reluctant to proceed with the challenge, and eventually, only extremely few decide to take the challenge anyway, out of whom none but a single person known as the Hermit have managed to actually complete the challenge successfully. Most challengers faint before even finding Ulf in Blizzard Mountain, and of those who manage to proceed, other than Hermit, only a single person has ever made it to the final member of the Four Masters of Chaos, Datenshi, only to be completely annihilated by him in seconds.
Ulf of the North

Team: Mightyena, Granbull, Manectric, Lucario, Ninetales, Arcanine
Ulf is the first member of the Four Masters of Chaos. He resembles a large, vicious anthropomorphic wolf. Ulf's area is known as the Blizzard Mountain. After passing through two huge gates at the beginning of the challenge, a trainer will find themselves in an extremely vast, snow-covered area, where the severe cold and constant, heavy blizzard already start harassing the challenger. In this area, there is a huge mountain, covered in snow and much forestation. The challenger is to make their way up that forest and find Ulf, who holds a special key they will need for the challenge. However, the trip will not be easy. The icy mountain is harsh and steep, and extreme caution must be taken when climbing it, else the challenger may find themselves slipping off a steep cliff and falling from the mountain! There are areas on the mountain which are less steep and more safe, but these are also usually filled with forestation, making it easy for one to get lost. Aside from these, the entire Blizzard Mountain is inhabited by many Mightyena, which hunt in packs and assault any trainers they encounter! During the challenge to defeat the Four Masters of Chaos, it is impossible to run from battles, so whenever a challenger encounters wild Pokemon, they must fight and defeat them to proceed. So, in Blizzard Mountain, challengers will often have to fight against relentless packs of powerful Mightyena, all while being hit by the constant Hail that damages their Pokemon! The Mightyena also like to dodge and stall challengers' Pokemon, steadily wearing them down by the Hail. So, just by fighting battles, which is unavoidable, the Pokemon of challengers are getting weakened more and more, until they become unable to continue and their trainers are forced to give up. However, it is also possible to take a rest in the mountain, as there are caves at some places on the mountain, which can be good as a place to rest away from the powerful blizzard outside. But those caves are usually inhabited by powerful Ursaring, Zubat, Golbat, and other Pokemon, which are not very content in having challengers resting in the caves they live! So wherever they go, the challengers will have to constantly be facing battles, expending their power. Eventually, if the challengers are strong and persistent enough, they may find where Ulf is and battle him. Although usually, it's Ulf that finds the trainers first, and then he stalks them and lunges at them from behind, swiping them at the head with his strong paw and knocking them out, sending them out of the challenge and back at the beginning! Many trainers have had their challenge ended this way, waking up in the healing center before the challenge after being knocked out by Ulf. However, if a trainer is not taken out by this, they can then start battling Ulf for his key. The battles against the Four Masters of Chaos are no ordinary battles. The rules are that trainers can send out all of their Pokemon at the same time to battle, and trainers themselves can also participate in the fight! So, Ulf sends out all his team of Pokemon at once while also charging at the enemy's team himself, devastating them with his incredible power! At this point, if a challenger is not skilled in combat themselves, they will most likely watch their Pokemon team overwhelmed and sweeped by Ulf and his team in seconds. For most trainers who reach at this point, their challenge ends here, as trainers are usually not trained in combat themselves, and even if they are, it's rare for them to be able to even keep up with Ulf's incredible physical power and energy, far huger than a normal human can reach. But if they manage to somehow hold their ground against Ulf's onslaught, their goal would be to retrieve a special key from him. The key is located in a pocket in Ulf's jacket, and if the challenger manages to get it, the battle ends. The challenger is to then use this key to open a hidden path to the next area. To the south of the Blizzard Mountain, there is a large boulder blocking the way. This boulder is immovable by normal means, but if the challenger has Ulf's Key, the boulder will react to the key and roll aside, revealing a long, but simple rocky cave that leads the way down to the next area, the Desert, where the next of the Four Masters of Chaos, Lasph resides.
Here are some of Ulf's attacks:
Overwhelming Power: Overwhelms his opponent with his huge power, which would be enough to crush even steel.
Paw Swipe: Swipes at the enemy with his paw, which is enough to instantly knock an average person unconscious with a hit at their head. This attack can crush down trees with ease.
Pounce: Pounces on the enemy, throwing them to the ground, and then begins attacking them savagely with vicious slashes and bites.
Slash: Slashes the enemy with his powerful claws, which can carve rock with ease.
Fury Swipes: Slashes the enemy multiple times at high speed.
Crunch: Crunches the enemy with his extremely powerful fangs.
Agility: Moves at great speed, evading the enemy's attacks and attacking them at high speeds to which they may not be able to react in time.
Lupine Beast: Roars and delivers a huge smash with the back of his arm at the opponent, unleashing a huge blue blast that resembles a wolf's head that knocks away the opponent with power.
Summoning Howl: Howls and summons hundreds of Mightyena to assist him in battle.
Fissure: Punches the ground so hard it creates a large fissure that starts extending towards his enemy.
Lasph of the South

Team: Hippowdon, Sandslash, Whiscash, Flygon, Claydol, Swampert
Lasph is the second member of the Four Masters of Chaos. He resembles a mummy-like person covered in worn-out old bandages and mud. Lasph's area is known as the Desert. After exiting the long, rocky tunnel going down from the Blizzard Mountain, one will find themselves in a completely different place, which is basically an extremely huge desert, constantly buffeted by a powerful, harassing sandstorm. The desert is extremely vast, seemingly having no end in the distance, and there are also many skulls and bones of animals scattered around the sand at places, disheartening travelers. There are no notable landmarks in the desert, making it extremely easy to get lost and wander around aimlessly in the sandstorm, while occasionally being attacked by the high-level Pokemon that inhabit the desert, such as Sandslash, Cacturne, Garchomp, Flygon, and others. As the challengers keep fighting against these Pokemon, their own Pokemon also get weakened by the constant Sandstorm, continually wearing them down battle after battle. On top of that, some of the Pokemon of the desert know and often use Fissure, making them extremely dangerous! In addition, the desert has many quicksand pits scattered around it, which are very hard to notice, and if challengers fall in them, they get sucked into the earth and end up in some underground caves beneath the desert! These caves are like extremely complicated mazes with various perplexing puzzles, making it extremely long and difficult to get out and back to the surface, while the puzzles also often require the techniques taught by various HMs such as Surf, Strength and Rock Smash to proceed, else the challengers will get trapped in the cave and be unable to go any further! Also, the caves are inhabited by powerful ancient Pokemon such as Kabutops, Omastar, and Relicanth, and these Pokemon also sometimes know OHKO moves, such as Omastar using Horn Drill, and some of them may even use OHKO moves they normally wouldn't know, such Kabutops using Guillotine and Cradily using Fissure! All in all, the underground caves are an extremely dangerous place and very hard to get out of, on par with the desert above, if not even harsher. Around the desert, there are a few places where a small oasis may be found, but they are extremely few, very hard to find, and they are also guarded by various Pokemon that will attack anyone that comes to the oasis. However, if they clear out all the dangers awaiting them, the challengers may use the oasis as a place to rest temporarily. But to proceed anywhere from there, they must find the Master of Chaos located in the desert, Lasph. Lasph is wandering around randomly in the desert, so he is insanely hard to find considering the unbelievable vastness of the area, the extremely limited visibility because of the sandstorm, and the fact that he also moves around. However, if the challenger somehow manages to stumble upon him, they must then retrieve a key from him. The key is tied to the end of one of his bandages. Acquiring it will be no easy task however, as Lasph is particularly dangerous and elusive, being able to hide under the sand and move freely under the ground to attack with ambushes, and he is even able to easily move even in quicksand where his opponent may not be able to follow him. Lasph's Pokemon are also great at battling in the desert, unaffected by the Sandstorm, and they will undoubtedly give any challenger a very hard time as they attack together with Lasph, as well as the very environment around them. If the challenger manages to take his key, the battle will end. The challenger is then to find a hidden, buried, ancient temple somewhere to the west of the desert. Naturally, locating this will be an extremely difficult task, as apart from having defeated the Master of Chaos in the Desert, all the other threats in the area, such as wild Pokemon, the sandstorm, and the numerous quicksand pits, will still continue to be active. If the challenger has no previous clues as of the existence of the hidden buried temple, they may not even know what to do with the key, as Lasph will not even say anything about it, making it nearly impossible to find the answer. In fact, there have been some cases where challengers who made it this far gave up at this point, after wandering for days through the desert without finding anything to do. But aside from those cases, eventually, if the challenger manages to find the small buried temple, its entrance can be opened with Lasph's Key. Inside the temple, there is a trapdoor to the ground, and opening it will reveal some stairs leading to the next area.
Here are some of Lasph's attacks:
Bandage Bind: Throws out his bandages and wraps up the enemy, immobilizing them.
Power Whip: Throws out his sand-covered bandages with huge power like whips, striking the enemy.
Rapid Spin: Makes some bandages on his body unfold and spin extremely fast, striking everything around like slicing swords. The whips then spin once again the opposite way to fold themselves back to normal.
Quicksand: Places his hand on the ground and makes the ground below the enemy's feet into a quicksand, making them sink into the earth.
Sandstorm: Raises a huge sandstorm, buffeting the enemy and greatly decreasing their visibility and their mobility.
Sand Tornado: Creates a massive raging tornado of sand around him, blowing everything around him away. This attack is great for both defense and offense, as the tornado around him both blocks any incoming attacks and sucks in any nearby enemies, hurting them and leaving them to Lasph's mercy as they spin around in the tornado. The tornado can also be sent out against the foe.
Geyser: Places his hand on the ground, and makes a huge stream of boiling-hot water erupt under the enemy and blast them upwards at huge pressure.
Dive: Dives into the water of even into the earth and swims freely there, ambushing his opponent.
Aqua Fang: A sharp blast of water erupts and starts slicing along the ground at high speed towards his opponent.
Mud Missiles: Unleashes countless bullets of mud from all over his body, dealing damage to everything around.
Muddy River: The ground suddenly cracks and a gigantic wave of mud erupts out powerfully towards the foe, overwhelming them and carrying them away.
Earthly Whirlpool: Places both of his hands on the ground, and makes a huge area around turn into a gigantic whirlpool of mud, sucking everything in.
Sand/Water/Mud Clone: Creates clones of himself made of sand, water, or mud.
Sorciere of the West

"Hee hee hee hee hee!"
Team: Gengar, Banette, Dusknoir, Drifblim, Froslass, Mismagius
Sorciere is the third member of the Four Masters of Chaos. She resembles a mischievous white-haired, green-skinned witch which always grins evily. Sorciere's area is known as the Evil Witch's Castle. After one goes down the stairs from the hidden temple in the Desert before, they will find themselves in a small room with a black door. Upon opening the door, they will see a great area, in which it is always night, and there is a huge, tall, creepy castle with bats flying around. Around the castle, there is a massive, dark and bloody red forest, although there are also occasionally lakes and rocky areas blocking the way around the forest. Nevertheless, everywhere in the forest there is danger, as there are various kinds of Pokemon such as Gengar, Golem, and Gyarados (in the lakes), which are all after challengers, and they are also extremely powerful. The Pokemon around the forest are tough and strong, and they all use extremely powerful attacks to damage the wandering trainers' Pokemon as much as possible. There is also a heavy fog everywhere in the forest, although it can be made to go away with Defog. After going through the forest, a challenger is then to enter the Evil Witch's Castle, and make their way up the several levels of the castle until they reach the roof, where the Master of Chaos in this area, Sorciere awaits. However, going up the castle will not be easy. The grounds inside the castle are cursed, and with every step a trainer takes, all the Pokemon in their team lose 1HP per step! This steadily weakens the trainer's Pokemon, and if they neglect to take care of them, they will faint. Also, besides this curse, there are also many tricky puzzles, pitch-black chambers, and traps around the castle, making it very hard to advance up the castle, while lurking inside the castle are many dangerous pokemon such as Ariados, Raticate, Seviper, Golbat, and Haunter, all of which are very eager to use moves that cause status effects such as Toxic, Hypnosis, Glare, and Confuse Ray on the Pokemon of challengers to badly harass them! By this point, even extremely strong trainers who started out well-equipped and prepared will probably be starting to run out of items, starting to feel the true pressure of the challenge they decided to get themselves into. If they manage to get to the top of the castle after a lot of struggle, challengers will finally meet Sorciere, the witch, waiting to battle under the crescent moon. Sorciere likes to send out her team of Ghost-type Pokemon to float around the enemy and their team, appearing and disappearing around their foes to confuse and surround them, and using their techniques to cause them status effects before striking them with powerful elemental and other attacks. Sorciere herself takes off into the air riding on her magical broom, flying above the battlefield and continuously casting extremely devastating spells such as Indignation, Explosion, Ground Dasher, Absolute, Tidal Wave, and Cyclone to completely obliterate the enemy and their team. As usual, for the challengers, their objective would be to retrieve a key that Sorciere has hidden in her upper garment. If Sorciere's Pokemon are somehow defeated and she starts getting hit by attacks in battle, she will eventually give up after taking some damage, and then she will land on the top of the castle across her opponent. She will then take out her key and reveal that it is used to activate a teleporter to the next area, which, fortunately, is not far from there or difficult to find, as was the case with the two previous areas. In fact, the teleportation portal to the next area is just nearby, on the top of the castle where the battle just took place, to the east part of it. At this point, the challenger should be just a few steps away from proceeding to the next area. However, Sorciere, instead of handing over her key, she will throw it off the top of the castle to fall at the ground below! As Sorciere laughs evily, the challenger who just defeated her will then have to go through her castle all over again twice, once to get down and search for the key, and once more to get back up to reach the teleporter! Naturally, this will take an extremely heavy toll on a trainer's Pokemon, thanks to the cursed, dangerous nature of the inside of Sorciere's castle. If all of this hardship is overcome, then after the challenger has gotten Sorciere's Key and made their way back to the top of her castle, the teleportation portal that is located there can be activated, enabling the challenger to finally move forward. However, before proceeding, Sorciere will warn any trainers that managed to reach this far that after that teleportation portal is the point of no return, as the final and most powerful Master of Chaos, Datenshi, is much more serious than anything they've seen so far, and facing him would be placing their lives at stake. If the challenger wishes to continue despite that, all they have to do to get to the end of this long challenge is to step on the teleportation portal, on to the final battle.
Here are some of Sorciere's attacks:
Aqua Edge: Sends out slicing disc-shaped blasts of water flying at the enemy, cutting them.
Spread: Makes a large eruption of pressurized water happen under the enemy, blasting them upwards.
Aqua Laser: Shoots out a massive horizontal blast of water at the enemy that is like a huge aquatic laser.
Tidal Wave: Summons a giant, destructive tidal wave to crash on the enemies and obliterate them.
Fire Ball: Shoots fire balls at the enemy.
Eruption: Several waves of magma pulse out of the ground in a dome-like formation, blasting the enemy upwards several times.
Flame Lance: A great magical blade of fire descends diagonally down from the air to the ground where the enemy is, striking them with much power. Shortly afterwards, an explosion of fire also happens along the area near where the magical fire sword has been stabbed, blasting the enemy once more.
Explosion: A large, insanely compressed fire ball descends from the sky vertically straight down at the foe, crashing onto them in a gigantic, catastrophic explosion.
Icicle: A large icicle suddenly rises up from beneath the target, stabbing them.
Ice Tornado: Summons a huge icy tornado to suck in, damage and freeze the enemy.
Freeze Lancer: Sends out multiple ice shards flying fast at the foe, hitting and damaging them.
Absolute: The ground under the enemy suddenly starts freezing, and then all of a sudden the foe is hit and completely frozen inside a huge mass of insanely hard ice. A few moments later, the ice shatters along with the enemy.
Lightning: Summons lightning to strike the foe.
Thunder Blade: A great magical blade of blue lightning descends vertically from the air straight down at the foe, stabbing them for a lot of damage. Shortly afterwards, a large amount of lightning also surges out along the area near where the magical sword of lightning has been stabbed, zapping the enemy once more.
Spark Wave: Creates a localized discharge of lightning in the form of a sphere, which zaps anything that touches it extremely rapidly and multiple times.
Indignation: A bright light shines above the enemy, enlightening them and a large area around them, and then some time later, a thick, insanely powerful bolt of lightning descends from the sky, obliterating everything it hits with its unbelievably extreme power. The bolt of lightning also causes a massive explosion as it hits the ground, blasting everything in the enlightened area even if they don't get hit directly.
Stone Blast: Many small rocks rise out of the ground beneath the enemy and fly upwards with power, damaging them.
Stalagmite: A large mass of sharp rock erupts under the enemy to inflict heavy damage.
Grave: A massive spike of rock quickly arises from under the enemy to impale them on its top, and then many more similar rock spikes also erupt from the surrounding area and all impale the target from all sides.
Ground Dasher: The ground under the enemy starts shaking heavily and cracks open in many areas, from where much power from the earth bursts out to deal huge damage to the enemy.
Wind Blade: Summons many blades of wind to surround and slice up the enemy.
Air Thrust: The enemy is surrounded by many powerful, slicing blades of wind in a spherical formation, dealing a lot of damage in a short time and also lifting the foe off the ground during the attack.
Air Blade: Shoots out a large, horizontal blast of wind that slices up everything it hits on its way.
Cyclone: Creates a huge, devastating cyclone that lifts everything off the ground and destroys them.
Dark Sphere: The enemy is suddenly immobilized by a sphere of darkness, which drains out their energy for some time. Afterwards, it explodes and hits the enemy with much power that it absorbed from them.
Bloody Lance: Sharp spears of darkness rise out of the ground around the enemy, and then they fly at them extremely fast and stab them from all sides. A final spear of darkness also descends straight down at the enemy from the air at the end of the attack, finishing them.
Poison Mist: Makes a huge purple mist appear and surround the entire battlefield, poisoning all enemies. Sorciere herself is immune to the poison, though.
Magic Bolt: Fires a bolt of magical energy from her hand. The bolt can also be charged to increase in size and power, and home in on the target.
Protecting Force: Creates a spherical force field of magical energy around herself, which protects against attacks.
Spell Break: Breaks any spells the enemy uses with her superior magic.
Meteor Storm: Summons a catastrophic rain of meteors that rains down across the entire battle field and obliterates everything.
Datenshi of the East

"Do you really want to know what happens after death? Then I will send you there."
Team: Houndoom, Weavile, Umbreon, Charizard, Absol, Tyranitar
Datenshi is the fourth member of the Four Masters of Chaos. He is a calm, serious man wearing black and red clothes, a half black half white mask that also makes his eyes appear red, a pair of wings, one of which is a diabolic one and the other is an angelic one, a tail like that of a Houndoom, and holds a human skull in his hand, looking at it and pondering over life and death. After one uses the teleporter from the Evil Witch's Castle, they will disappear and reappear on a huge, round platform inside a dark cave. The masive round platform is flat and is colored like a Poke Ball, and it is suspended above a huge inferno of gigantic, raging flames burning wildly beneath the platform! The way the platform is suspended above these flames is with some chains that are attached at six areas of the platform and connect the platform to the walls of the dark cave, keeping it in place. On this platform inside this dark cave, which is enlightened by nothing other than the huge flames burning beneath the platform, the challenger then stands and watches as Datenshi, the final, most powerful Master of Chaos, makes a short speech about life and death, before getting up and immediately beginning battle. Datenshi wastes no time as he immediately summons his team of Pokemon to charge and attack his opponent with all their power at once, while Datenshi himself also spreads his wings, jumps up, and begins flying towards the challenger at high speed! This is the last and, by far, most difficult part of the Four Masters of Chaos challenge. Datenshi is far stronger than Ulf, way more evasive than Lasph, casts even more powerful spells than Sorciere, and has more endurance than all three of them together! Even taking in consideration all the other hardships the challengers have to go over just to get to Datenshi, such as the countless wild Pokemon they must have battled and the insane amounts of persistent effort they must have had to go through all the difficult obstacles in their way, all of these are nothing compared to Datenshi's unbelievably insane power, which can even OHKO a Blissey with a single intermediate-level spell! Unlike the previous three Masters of Chaos, who would usually attack the enemy's Pokemon team unless the enemy trainers themselves were to participate in the fight too, Datenshi always goes after the enemy trainer, leaving their Pokemon to be dealt with by his own Pokemon. This makes him extremely more dangerous, as the trainers facing him won't be able to support their Pokemon properly as they'll be too busy trying to avoid his attacks, if they can even do that. In addition, the battlefield itself is extremely dangerous and agonizing, as if anyone other than Datenshi falls into the huge flames burning beneath the platform, they'll most likely die instantly. Also, the intense heat of these flames can also be felt above the platform, quickly weakening Datenshi's opponents. Finally, unlike the previous battles against the other three Masters of Chaos, Datenshi's battle can not be won in the same way, as Datenshi does not have a key to be retrieved from him. Instead, for the battle to be considered won, Datenshi and his team of Pokemon must be completely defeated, which seems like an impossible thing to happen considering Datenshi's demonic power. As a final resort, Datenshi will attempt to destroy the platform where the battle is taking place, throwing his opponents to burn in the fire below. How exactly the Hermit managed to defeat him is a complete mystery, but other than him, no one has ever managed to complete the challenge of the Four Masters of Chaos.
Here are some of Datenshi's attacks:
Demonic Power: Datenshi possesses unbelievable power, being able to bare-handedly stop creatures thousands of times his own size with little effort. This power extends to his offense, defense, and speed, in all of which his level is far beyond even the strongest Legendary Pokemon, such as Groudon, Kyogre and Rayquaza.
Fire Ball: Points his hand at the enemy and shoots out an incredibly hot fire ball.
Flame Lance: Summons a magical blade of fire which descends diagonally onto the foe to impale and incinerate them. After getting stabbed onto the ground or the opponent, the flame lance also destroys itself in an explosion of fire, further damaging anyone it hits.
Flame Wall: A huge wall of flames arises from the ground to serve various purposes, such as defense against an attack or blocking an enemy's way. The wall of fire can also extend to the sides and encircle the enemy, trapping them in huge surrounding flames.
Eruption: An eruption of multiple magma waves happens beneath the opponent, burning them.
Explosion: Summons a large, unbelievably concentrated fire ball from the sky, descending down with huge power and producing an insanely gigantic and destructive explosion of fire upon hitting the ground, totally obliterating everything within an extremely vast range the size of an entire town.
Flaming Sword: Datenshi has in his possession a sword of legendary power known as the Flaming Sword. This sword has an insanely overheated blade engulfed in super hot flames, and possesses tremendous destructive capability. It is so powerful that other weapons that clash against it are immediately melted and destroyed in no more than one or two hits by it. The same also goes with armor, melting away in a few slashes, so it becomes extremely difficult, if not impossible to properly defend against this fiery blade of destruction. Combined with the overwhelming, relentless onslaughts that Datenshi unleashes on his opponents, it is a nearly unstoppable force that can crush through just about any defense no matter how tight and careful.
Hell Fang: Swings his sword and sends out a huge blast of insanely hot fire that completely incinerates anything it hits.
Burning Tiger Blade: Attacks the enemy with many fierce upward and downward swings of his sword in an attempt to break through their guard.
Blazing Sword Rain: Unleashes an overwhelming flurry of fiery stabs against his opponent with his sword.
Infernal Thrust: Thrusts his sword at the enemy, and then upon impact, even if the enemy guards, a massive pillar of flames erupts underneath the foe to reduce them to cinders. In other words, this technique is two attacks at once.
Explosion Circle: Slams his flaming sword onto the ground, creating a huge explosion of fire around the place of impact.
Fiery Beast: Rams a shoulder on the enemy, and then swings the back of his fist at them, striking them and also unleashing a huge flaming blast that resembles a fiend's head during the swing of his arm.
Incineration Tempest: Leaps at the opponent and starts to flip into the air with huge speed while holding his sword outward, resembling a fiery vertical shuriken that heads towards the target to devastate them.
Rising Phoenix: Flies up into the air (if he is not in the air already) and then dives at the enemy with his sword held and pointed forwards to impale the target before him. Many fiery shockwaves also engulf him as he dives down during this attack.
Blaze Spin: Holds his sword outward and spins around wildly, sending out multiple waves of fire in all directions. Even if the enemy blocks or dodges the sword's blade, they still get hit by the huge waves of fire that are sent out in the attack.
Flare Blitz: Unleashes an insane amount of high-speed consecutive attacks with his sword, which pin the enemy into the defensive and overwhelm them. If the enemy can even defend, that is.
Fiery Outburst: Produces a huge explosion of insanely hot fire from his body, incinerating everything near him.
Grave: Points his hand at the enemy and makes a huge stalagmite erupt right underneath the target, impaling them. Many additional stalagmites then also erupt all around the impaled foe to stab them from all sides.
Light/Darkness Immunity: Datenshi is completely immune to any techniques of the light or darkness element. They are completely harmless against him, as he breaks them effortlessly, no matter how powerful they are.
Light Shot: Points his hand at the enemy and blasts out a small but extremely powerful shot of light energy at them.
Shadow Beam: Points his index finger at the enemy and shoots out a thin, slicing laser of shadow energy.
Hyper Light Beam: Fires an insanely catastrophic beam of unbelievably compressed light from his hand, destroying as much as an entire city with the attack.
Hyper Darkness Beam: Fires an absolutely devastating beam of unbelievably condensed darkness from his hand, obliterating as much as an entire city with the attack.
Judgement: Summons a rain of light pillars which destroy anything they hit. The pillars instantly disintegrate anything they touch and cause huge explosions of light upon hitting the ground.
Black Hole: Points his hand at a location, and then a black hole-like sphere of darkness appears there, sucking everything within a large range around it straight to Hell. The force with which the black hole sucks things in is nearly irresistible, even by the most powerful opponents.
Heaven and Hell: Blasts countless rays of light and darkness from his wings, obliterating everything everywhere around him in an extremely huge area.
The Champion

"Bland and simple."
The only person to have ever defeated the challenge of the Four Masters of Chaos is a mysterious character known by no name but just as "Hermit". One day, out of nowhere, this man suddenly appeared and challenged the Four Masters of Chaos. They had no previous reputation, and by their initial appearance, which was not very impressive, it seemed confusing how a trainer with such simple, ordinary Pokemon could possibly hope to win the challenge that no one else had ever completed before. However, soon after their introduction, the Hermit and his team of trusted Pokemon began displaying their unbelievable power in battle, completely surprising their opponents as they overwhelmed them in a manner never seen before in battle. Overcoming every challenge in their way, the Hermit and his Pokemon soon defeated the Four Masters of Chaos for the first time ever, leaving them impressed with the unique, astounding skills and strength that had developed as a result of the strong bonds of trust and care between the Hermit and his Pokemon. As the first Champion of what is possibly the hardest Pokemon League challenge in the entire Pokemon World, the Hermit was then approached by the King of the Chaos region himself, and the two had a discussion about something. Soon afterwards, the Hermit disappeared once again, before getting the chance to become well-known across the region. His exact identity remained a mystery, as he left to live alone in the Ice Caves to the north of Northern Island. There, in the deepest, darkest, and coldest depths of those caves, the Hermit continues training with his Pokemon, while also guarding the passage to something known as the Otherworldly Gate, which is said to connect the Pokemon World to another world of darkness, where beings completely different than the lifeforms on Earth are said to exist...
Here are some of Hermit's attacks:
Master Dice: The Hermit possesses two mysterious dice with the abilitiy to change form into weapons. During battle, they can transform to suit the needs of combat and surprise the enemy with their unpredictable nature. Each of the dice can change between a sword, an axe, a spear, a scythe, a hook, a lance, a hammer, a halberd, a trident, a dagger, a knuckle with claws or spikes, a whip, a chain, a magical rod through which spells can be cast, a bow or crossbow with arrows, a heavy mace, a morning star, a shield, a chakram, a leg guard, and others. Using both his dice, the Hermit can also dual wield weapons, increasing his power further.
Chi Healer: The Hermit concentrates and sends his energy to assist his Pokemon in battle.
History of the Pokemon World
Legendary PokeGod

An ancient cave painting of a mysterious, unknown being (to the people of the Pokemon World). In the extremely few ancient inscriptions talking about it, the being is referred to as "God", said to be standing "even above Arceus". It is described as a being of unbelievable, overwhelming, otherworldly power, who in his mere presence causes all existence around him to fall down into submission, forcing people and Pokemon to their knees and making even the surrounding trees bend down before him. Not much more information is provided about the being. Due to lack of evidence for its existence, it is considered as just a legendary, mythological being, and is not very well-known among people except those interested in archaeology, such as Ruin Maniacs. Due to the fact that the being's name is never mentioned in texts, archaeologists have simply dubbed the being as "The PokeGod", based on the accounts of it. Once worshipped by people in ancient times, the PokeGod is now no longer worshipped or even known by the majority of people, although a few Ruin Maniacs believe that there may be more to this being than simply a legend...