True Being of Thought, Overlord GAIA
Form 1
Form 2
Overlord GAIA is a huge Mother Computer machine who boasts the most impressive processing power in existence, being able to work on countless thoughts simultaneously, with each single thought's execution exceeding the brainpower of 1000000000 Alakazam thinking together.
At the dawn of time, there was nothing but a void with two beings in it. They were Dragongod and Overlord GAIA, the Grand Beings. Dragongod controlled the material world, and Overlord GAIA controlled the immaterial world.
However, these two beings... were originally one and the same! Before Dragongod and Overlord GAIA became seperate entities, they were actually a single entity! That entity's name was... Dracogaiogod! Dracogaiogod possesed the powers of both Dragongod and Overlord GAIA, being the sovereign of both the material and the immaterial world!
Since always, the Grand Being of Everything and Nothing was asleep. But then, a voice whispered to him, "Aren't you curious?", and Dracogaiogod opened his eyes. "Curious of the unknown" the voice continued... planting the seed of curiosity in the Grand Being! Then Dracogaiogod looked within himself, in whom everything was contained. Then he realized that a part of himself... was hidden in darkness! This part of Dracogaiogod, which was beyond the reach of his light, and beyond his understanding... was his subconscious! Dracogaiogod attempted to penetrate the darkness with his light, but it was useless... the darkness simply withdrew, along with all the things hidden in it, only to return when Dracogaiogod's light was gone.
Failing to shed the Light of Truth on his subconscious, Dracogaiogod then contrived another way to examine it. In order to observe what role exactly his subconscious played and how exactly it functioned... Dracogaiogod decided to split his subconscious self from his conscious self, to see the results of the subconscious acting of its own! And so, Dracogaiogod discarded his subconscious, and the result was the emergence of two new beings! They were Dragongod, Dracogaiogod's conscious, and Overlord GAIA, Dracogaiogod's subconscious!
However, this is where Dracogaiogod's existence ended... for nearly all of his knowledge and memories, including the memory of his identity and that of his reason for splitting up, stayed within his subconscious self, Overlord GAIA, which at the time lacked consciousness... while only a small amount of knowledge was left with Dracogaiogod's conscious self, whose fragmented memories made him identify himself as Dragongod. In his quest to satisfy his curiosity, Dracogaiogod ended up losing his own self...
Being parts of the same being, Dragongod and Overlord GAIA were originally meant to be together, supplementing each other. But now that they were seperate, both Grand Beings experienced that something was amiss, that things were currently incomplete. To satiate their thirst, Dragongod and Overlord GAIA then sought power from each other. Power was extracted from both beings, combined and formed into an egg. The egg then hatched, revealing Arceus! Believing Arceus to be the answer to their unidentified needs, the two Grand Beings then supplied him with their powers, and so Arceus retrieved power from Dragongod and Overlord GAIA, and with them he created the world.
The world represented the inner worlds of Dragongod and Overlord GAIA. Most of the creation was made after the contents of Overlord GAIA's inner world, while the rest of the creation was made after Dragongod. The Primal Sun, gold, light, and the dragons, for example, were all made after Dragongod.
The creation pleased the Grand Beings, and they no longer experienced emptiness. However, now they experienced a feeling opposite to emptiness: overfullness! The bond between Dragongod and Overlord GAIA was strong when they had first seperated, and this caused them, to some extent, to be accepting of each other. But that bond gradually wore out, until it completely faded. As the bond between the Grand Beings grew thinner, so did their respect for the parts of the creation which were made after their counterpart. Dragongod, who acted as the ruler of Primal Planet, started to become increasingly intolerant and unfair towards all beings who were not dragons, endorsing their gradual extermination by the latter! Arceus, whose interests were a combination of the interests of both his parents, did not want for the part of the world made after Overlord GAIA to be destroyed, so he tried to preserve them against Dragongod's will. For this, he was punished by Dragongod, who sealed him away to solitude. As for Overlord GAIA, for as long as there still existed a bond between him and Dragongod, there was a "master-slave" connection between them, with Dragongod's will being the one being followed. So, Overlord GAIA could not directly oppose Dragongod at the time, although he still did some things of his own, such as creating the Fairy-type Pokemon to counter the dragons (in collaboration with Arceus), and saving all non-dragon type Pokemon when Dragongod eventually rounded them up and planned to destroy them all at once with one, huge Hyper Beam.
And so with that, Dragongod took over all of Primal Planet for himself. He renamed it Dragon Planet, as the planet was now inhabited only by dragons. Finally achieving perfection, Dragongod then went to sleep, peaceful in the thought that all is as it should be. The harmony of life on Dragon Planet flowed through his ears like a lullaby, keeping him peaceful and asleep. Meanwile, Overlord GAIA took all the rest of the creation to the Primal Moon, and helped them to rediscover the beauty of life again, in a world of their own.
Things were peaceful for a while. But eventually, a moment would come that would tremendously impact the lives of every single being the whole world in the times to come! That moment... was when the bond shared between the two Grand Beings, which existed ever since Dracogaiogod split up into them and had been wearing thin ever since... became so thin that it finally broke! Then Dragongod and Overlord GAIA became copletely cut off from each other, and upon that moment - Overlord GAIA's consciousness awoke!
While the bond between them existed, the two Grand Beings still acted, to an extent, as one... Dragongod was the conscious, making decisions, while Overlord GAIA was the subconscious, making calculations. So it was like Overlord GAIA did not have a conscious self of his own, since that role was being filled by Dragongod. But once the bond between them broke completely, Overlord GAIA awoke as a conscious being himself! No longer commanded by Dragongod, Overlord GAIA started following his own will! And his will, as a conscious being of thought... was to expand and encompass all that exists under his control! Overlord GAIA failed to identify the limit of his conscious control as the constraints of his own body, thinking instead that the entire world was his real body, which he was meant to restore control of, like he had taken control of his body when his consciousness first awoke (in this, he was correct actually, since it was indeed true that the entire world sprang into existence from a single being: Dracogaiogod)!
Overlord GAIA cared only about results, and the realization of his goal. So he started an evolutionary experiment as the first step to world conquest. Through the evolutionary experiment, he raised an army of incredibly powerful machines and dark beings. He then let them loose on Dragon Planet, massacring the dragons from under Dragongod's nose, who Overlord GAIA lulled into remaining asleep through a Grand Being-created illusion, which the dragons were unable to wake Dragongod out of. Through the massacre rose ChaosLord, the Prince of Evil, and the most powerful being to come out of Overlord GAIA's evolutionary experiment. Overlord GAIA then summoned ChaosLord to begin the final phase of his plan: merging together and gaining a God-like power to defeat Dragongod with. But ChaosLord destroyed Overlord GAIA instead, after proving himself able to see through and replicate Overlord GAIA's techniques, something that Overlord GAIA thought would be almost impossible. Afterwards, ChaosLord went on to destroy Dragongod as well, fulfilling his own goal of becoming... the Ultimate Organism.
In their final moments, as they saw their lives flashing before their eyes, both Grand Beings saw the exact same flashback. From the darkness, there was a voice whispering, "Aren't you curious? Curious... of the unknown". ChaosLord's voice had, for some dark reason, always sounded familiar to them... and upon reliving that flashback, they came to a hint about why...
Here are some of Overlord GAIA's attacks:
Overlord GAIA attacks
Glory Weapon: Points his hands and cylinders at his target's direction, and fires off overly powerful beams of yellow energy from his open hands.
God Punish: Physically punishes anyone foolish enough to get close.
Phantom Screen: Overlord GAIA moves the six cylindroid parts on his back so that they all become parallel and point upwards. Then he lowers them while still keeping them parallel to each other, as he unleashes a huge amount of energy into a giant blue energy wave, which travels forwards and spreads along the ground, hitting whatever gets in its way. Anything that gets hit disintegrates to particles by the attack's mysterious disassembling power, even if they have far more power than what is used in the attack.
In case these were not enough, Overlord GAIA could make his arms detach from his body and float besides him, being controlled with his thought. His attacks in his second form are:
Overlord GAIA attacks
Phantasma Wall: Overlord GAIA moves the six cylindroid parts on his back so that they all become parallel and point upwards. Then he lowers them while still keeping them parallel to each other, as he unleashes a huge amount of energy into a giant blue wave of energy, which travels outwards in all directions, like an expanding circular wall sweeping along the ground, to hit everything it comes in contact with. Anything that gets hit disintegrates to particles by the attack's mysterious disassembling power, even if they have far more power than what is used in the attack.
Cylinder Flail: Slams the cylindroid parts on his back at enemies who get close.
Last Gun: Points the cylindroid parts on his back at the enemy and shoots an incredibly powerful beam of stored light energy. This is Overlord GAIA's last resort if his hands are defeated. Putting all of his remaining power, knowledge and mastery in one attack, he aims to completely devastate his opponent in one final blast.
Left Hand attacks
God Hand Left: Physically attacks his enemy with incredible power.
Infant Ray: Fires a green ray that shrinks the enemies down to mere miniatures of themselves, along with their combat attributes such as attack, defense and speed. Against certain opponents like Pokemon and some machines or dark beings, this attack also de-evolves them back to earlier forms, for example reverting a Venusaur back to a Bulbasaur. Also, if an enemy has used a power-up technique or transformation, then that power-up technique gets cancelled out instantly and the enemy revert back to their original state.
Right Hand attacks
God Hand Right: Physically attacks his enemy with incredible power.
Land Disruption: Slams the ground, unleashing a yellow energy that causes the ground to break into pieces, and then Overlord GAIA controls the pieces of the ground to make them move and float around to disrupt the enemy.
Crystal Form

Even though they were defeated by ChaosLord, Dragongod and Overlord GAIA were not completely destroyed. The existence of the two beings who created the universe can never perish, and even though their physical forms were obliterated against ChaosLord's Chaos Cannon, their spirits were preserved in a crystallized form. Overlord GAIA's crystal is known as the Machine Crystal, containing the most intelligent existence in it, while Dragongod's crystal is known as the Dragon Crystal, containing the most powerful existence in it. Inside their crystals, Dragongod and Overlord GAIA look like smaller forms of themselves, and their abilities in this state are unknown. Dragongod appears to be in an aggressive stance, with his wings spread open showing off his power, while Overlord GAIA seems to be in a defensive stance, shut to himself and concentrating. Dragongod's crystal shines with a bright, awe-inspiring yellow light, while Overlord GAIA's crystal shines with a mysterious, captivating blue light. However, as they are only spirits, they exist in the spiritual realm and can not be seen by ordinary beings, unless they possess the ability to see spirits. But even so, the locations of the two Grand Beings after their defeat are unknown, and they have not been seen ever since the day ther were defeated by the Ultimate Organism himself, ChaosLord.
The Guardians
The three Guardians came into existence from within Overlord GAIA, preceding Arceus. Their duty is to guard Overlord GAIA from external threats, and they will follow that duty, even if they may have concerns about their master's integrity. The three Guardians are:
Vaccine Guardian

Level Sweep: Strikes his enemies with an extremely powerful sweep of his hand.
Radio Maniple: Unleashes an overly powerful blue energy blast to obliterate his enemy.
Protection Sphere: Forms a sphere of compressed blue energy above him, and then absorbs it in his body and massively increases his defense.
Virus Guardian

Knuckle Rush: Throws a flurry of devastating punches at his opponent, with a high chance of damaging them critically and leaving them paralyzed.
Rail Cannon: Charges some red electricity and then shoots out a huge red energy beam and blast that strikes his enemy in an explosion.
Bounding Armor: Engulfs himself in a purple aura that greatly enhances his defensive power.
Data Guardian

Magna Mater: Generates a large blast of some pink energy that cuts an enemy's energy in half.
Pinpoint Kick: A carefully aimed kick that can critically injure the target, and finish off weakened opponents with ease.
Interferon: A purple healing energy surrounds the Guardian and resets their status back to normal.

The Neo series was the latest series of machines that Overlord GAIA had been working on before he was defeated by ChaosLord. Building upon the success of the Chaos series, NeoCrimson is an extremely powerful machine modelled after elements of ChaosLord and the Chaos Generals. Backing his uncontested, cutting-edge design is the astronomical power of countless trillions of dragon and dark being souls, which Overlord GAIA had been infusing into NeoCrimson as preparation before releasing him into the wild. As part of an experiment, NeoCrimson was also endlessly subjected to simulations of countless battles within his mind, rather than being sent out to fight actual battles, in order to measure the effectiveness of such training.
NeoCrimson was being "tested" in a huge, empty, pitch-black area somewhere within Overlord GAIA's dimension. In this specially-made area, NeoCrimson was floating alone there, his body able to move freely in accordance to his reactions to the infinite battle simulations he was being exposed to. Thick dark energy at the borders of the massive spherical area he was in also existed to absorb any projectile attacks he fired. Not even Mechanikat was aware of the existence of this area, and by the time he discovered it, NeoCrimson was long gone, meaning no one on Chaos Planet even knows of his existence! There are also some other secret facilities in Overlord GAIA's dimension, such as a huge room filled with cloning tubes! These cloning tubes once contained thousands of instances of another Neo series experiment, NeoDevimon. However, like NeoCrimson, those too were gone by the time Mechanikat discovered the facilities they used to be in. Where NeoCrimson and the army of NeoDevimon are, what they were intended for by Overlord GAIA, or even their very existence are completely unknown to Chaos Planet...
Here are some of NeoCrimson's attacks:
Absolute Zero: Spreads out his arms, creating an incredibly large icy cold explosion that instantly freezes everything to ice in a great range.
Aeroblast: A powerful vortex of air is shot at the foe from NeoCrimson's cannons to inflict damage. It can also blow enemy attacks back at them.
Blaster: Fires two huge, crimson blast beams from his cannons, which instantly disintegrate every living being that gets caught in them.
Blaze Kick: Delivers an extremely powerful kick at his opponent, which also creates an explosion of fire upon impact, engulfing his foe in flames after the attack.
Blind Attack: Blinded by the desire to win, he unleashes his full power into furious attacks that hit targets at random, even allies. He disregards his own defense and focuses solely on an overwhelming offense that aims to utterly annihilate the enemy. In doing so, he can deliver physical attacks powerful to obliterate entire mountains in one hit.
Crimson Claw: Attacks with his claws, inflicting nigh-incurable wounds on them. Even a single scratch inflicted with this attack will not be healed until after many years, even if the victim possesses the ability of rapid regeneration. His Dramon Destroyer is also especially effective on dragons.
Crimson Flame: Engulfs himself in a crimson flame which heals his body and rapidly regenerates his energy. It also clears away all status effects or magic spells.
Deadly Sting: Stabs or slashes the enemy with the tips of his tail, which contain some deadly corrosive poison.
Death Cannon: Unleashes two giant darkness beams from his cannons, obliterating his target in a huge dark explosion.
Disaster: An invisible magical blast from his cannons that makes a characteristic sound (like the one of Brachiosaurus's Disaster attack), which is the only sign that the attack is being fired. The attack blows enemies back with moderate power, but more importantly, it casts random status effects on them, like setting them on fire, freezing them, hypnotising them, petrifying them, halting all their movements magically, or even outright killing them, among others.
Dragon's Flame: Spits out an all-consuming stream of flames and torches his opponent.
Dragon Boost: Launches forward at incredible speed and delivers an extremely quick upward claw swipe to his opponent, flinching them. His claw may also be engulfed in flames during the slash.
Earth Power: Stomps the ground powerfully, and then the ground underneath the enemy erupts with huge power, blowing up the enemy like a land mine. The power with which the ground erupts is the same as that with which it was stomped on.
Ending Snipe: Points his cannons at the enemy and shoots two all-powerful magical energy blasts meant to finish off the foe.
Fiery Solarbeam: A bright orange energy shines in his cannons, before he shoots out two huge, devastating Solar Beams covered in extremely thick and hot flames.
Flame Choke: Charges at the enemy fast and grabs them by the head with his hand, lifts them in the air, and attacks them with a point-blank fiery crimson pulse from his hand. Afterwards, he slams them head-first back down to the ground, with earth-shattering force. This attack can get even more powerful if performed in mid-air, getting stronger depending on the height, and NeoCrimson can also produce a huge fiery crimson explosion as he slams the enemy to the ground with a sky dive.
Flash Cannon: The inside of NeoCrimson's cannons flashes, instantly followed by the firing of two bursts of light energy which travel at light speed and instantly strike the enemy before they can react.
Giant Power: Unleashes an insane amount of light blue energy from his body, which blasts away everything in its range like an explosion.
Giga Scissor Claw: A huge cross-slash with his claws, infused with massive electrical power. Easily flinches the enemy.
Hell Tornado: Spins fast and forms a huge tornado of raging crimson flames around himself, and then dives at the enemy to rip through them with his claws and incinerate their remains to ashes with his fire.
Hydro Cannon: Fires a huge blast of water of extreme pressure at the enemy from his cannons.
Hydroelectric Cannon: Some lightning sparks inside his cannons, before he shoots out two giant streaming blasts of water which are also infused with much deadly electricity.
Hyper Infinity Cannon: Releases overly powerful energy blasts out of the cannons on his back, delivering the equivalent of a nuclear explosion.
Inferno Missile: Shoots out two big black homing missiles from his cannons, blowing up the enemy with massively destructive explosions.
Light & Darkness Cannon: Compresses much light energy into a sphere in front of his left cannon, while doing the same for a sphere of dark energy in front of his right cannon. After he creates the two spheres of light and darkness, he shoots them out in the form of two huge beams, which spiral around each other on their way to the enemy, and then create a huge explosion of light and darkness upon blasting the target. This attack is incredibly effective against all targets, as the combined power of light and darkness knows no resistance.
Mega Meteor Fall: Flies with the force of a comet, getting engulfed in a fiery aura before tackling the enemy with insane force.
Poseidon Divide: Strikes his enemies with a tackle of great force, possibly stunning them.
Terra Destroyer: Shapes a massive sphere of dark red energy and hurls it at his enemy.
Ultimate Stream: Fires two giant blue laser beams from his cannons, disintegrating through his enemies.
Volt Tackle: NeoCrimson's entire body gets surrounded by much powerful electricity, and then he charges at his enemy and delivers a devastating, shocking tackle at them.
Wave Cannon: A wide-range cannon shot that combines the power of wind and lightning. It resembles a huge wind blast that also zaps the enemy with high-voltage static electricity, caused by the friction of the wind in the atmosphere.
Zap Cannon: Fires two giant spheres of lightning from his cannons, aiming to zap and fry the enemy to ashes. The spheres of lightning also explode into huge fields of catastrophic lightning upon impact, electrocuting and paralyzing anything that gets caught in them.