The Chaos Region
I. Region Map
(Click on the map for a more detailed view)
The Chaos Region is a great and strong region in the Pokemon World. Among its great expanse, it encompasses all kinds of different places, from freezing cold regions to the North to faraway scorching hot deserts, from pleasant flowery valleys to extremely tall and rough mountains, from plain grassy fields to thick and wild jungles, and from rivers and lakes to large regions of the sea. It has many beautiful natural places, such as reefs, caves and waterfalls, which merge elegantly with the towns and other creations of the people of the region, such as bridges and canals. Among the pleasant scenery, a plethora of rich natural resources are also available for exploitation, contributing to the region's outstanding prospects for prosperity. As well, there are some mysterious or exotic sites too, for those yearning for research and adventure. Filling all those places are countless kinds of Pokemon - just about every known Pokemon can be captured at some area of the Chaos Region, making it a prime choice for adventurous Pokemon Trainers, researchers, or anyone else interested in seeing a lot of Pokemon.
A region with a very long history, the Chaos Region is a notably hardened and well-developed one. Its developmental prowess is mostly evident in the area to the right side of the map, which is more urban, while in contrast, the area to the left side of the map is more rural, trading some convenience for more natural beauty. Nevertheless, all of them are sufficiently well off, each with their own appeals and things to offer. Items which can be rare elsewhere, such as TMs, are plenty in supply in markets in cities, and all kinds of different Berries, even those that are exceedingly hard to acquire in other places, can be found in the countryside. Gems and Nuggets can be found in large quantities in the region's mines, and all other goods which are available in the Pokemon World can be found here as well, and generally with much more ease, due to high supplies in nature, and well-organized markets, including imports and exports. Such high availability of goods makes for well-supplied Pokemon Trainers, whose use of TMs and in-battle effect items makes them overall more challenging opponents than average (especially those who are serious about Pokemon battling, such as CoolTrainers). And to make things even harder, people are often very informed about matters of Pokemon, thanks to the popular teachings of St. Antony, so unless they are still inexperienced, they will rarely make clueless choices in battle, which is a frequent sight in regions abroad.
The Chaos Region is ruled from Castle Drachensburg, a legendary, old castle that has been the battle grounds for many well-known (to the people of the region) conflicts. The dragon-surrounded castle was originally held by a person known as Dark Dragon Master, who used the dragons native to its surrounding forests and rivers to terrorize and slaughter nearby populations. However, he was eventually confronted and taken down by King Jager, who then took over the castle, and from there, took steps to become the first King of the Chaos Region. Since then, the Chaos region has been traditionally ruled from there by the Kings who followed, up until the current King in reign, King Randor. The King decides everything about how the region is run, from its internal affairs, such as how to deal with those who break the law, how high the taxes to be, what to construct and where, to its external affairs and policies with other regions. A council of nobles, or in fact just about anyone can request audience with the King and may make suggestions about these matters, and the King decides. People who violate the rules are always brought before the King for judgement, as the King is the only person who is allowed to decide on justice in the region, a system meant to avoid corruption (which can become more likely the more people get involved with justice, as some of them may be corrupt, and keeping an eye on all of them can be difficult) by being based entirely on the King himself, who is assumed to be of good character, ensuring that people will be treated justly. Historically, the punishments for breaking the rules have varied, from rotting in the dungeons of Castle Drachensburg, being forced into slavery and worked in horrible conditions until one's clothes fell off, exposure to wild Pokemon, tortures and impalement, to being forced to one's knees facing the direction of the PokeGod's Sanctuary and being lashed in the case of blasphemy. The harshest of those punishments were mostly done in the past though - for example, slavery, which was common at the time of Pharaoh Daelite's time, was abolished by St. Antony, after the last Pharaoh's disgraceful fall. Now, people are usually warned or lashed (if the warning did not work) when they commit offences, with the number of lashes being proportionate to the weight of the crime. When the punishment is lashing, people are stripped down to their underwear, made to kneel and face at the direction of the PokeGod's Sanctuary before a large surrounding crowd, and then lashed the predetermined amount of times. Sometimes, exposure to wild Pokemon is also utilized as a method to give offenders a good scare if they survive, if a person commits a serious offence but lashing would be unlikely to get the point across their head. If a criminal has committed such an atrocity and has such an irredeemable demeanor that it would be deemed too dangerous for them to roam about freely anymore, then they are locked down at the dungeons of Castle Drachensburg until, if ever, it is considered safe to let them go again. Those who enforce the rulings of the King are mainly the Knights, defenders of Castle Drachensburg, who also act as the region's main defensive core against external threats. In case of a war, it is those Knights who would defend the region, and the region's power can further be bolstered by the Ninja Monks of the Hidden Village of Pokemon, the royally pardoned, King-sanctioned Pirates, and of course, any of the region's many skilled Pokemon Trainers who would want to lend their aid as well. Their great valor, skill, and strength, in addition to Chaos Region's many incredibly defensive areas, such as Ambushade Forest, make for a virtually impenetrable region, while the event of an offensive would see their enemies begging for mercy, at the hands of opponents who possess both the moral and the mightly high ground.
Here is some information about the various towns and other locations of Chaos Region:
Castle Drachensburg: An old, historical castle, where the King of the Chaos Region and the Knights have traditionally resided over the years. It consists of some huge stone walls, within which is the castle, surrounded by a small medieval-esque settlement of people who work for provisions, making the place self-sufficient. Some canals provide water within the walls. In the interior of the castle, there are dragon head decorations on the walls, like those in the Dragon's Den. Outside of its walls, Castle Drachensburg is surrounded by a thick forest and a powerful river, which are filled to the brim with vicious and aggressive Dragon-type or dragon-like Pokemon. Those dragons were once used by Dark Dragon Master - the original ruler of the castle - to terrorize and slaughter nearby populations of people and non-dragon Pokemon, until he was defeated by King Jager. From then on, Castle Drachensburg became the place from which the Kings of the Chaos Region would exercise their rule on the region, up until the current enthroned King, King Randor.
Belloviste Town: A nice agricultural town on the countryside's highlands, with a very beautiful and calming vista. Farmers tend to the very fertile lands of this place, which are used as farms and orchards, producing a lot of Berries and other edibles. Ranches are also used by Pokemon herders to keep their herds of Pokemon such as Miltank and Mareep, when they are not out feeding on grass. There is also an old windmill on a hill somewhere, and a well to drink water from. In addition, the town also has a Pokemon Gym. The Gym Leader is Melody, a talented young girl who is good at both Pokemon battles and painting, both of which she regularly spends her time doing.
Anglerie Town: A town that mainly relies on fishing for commerce. Fishermen either sit by the waters and fish with rods, or go out to the sea in small fishing boats for bigger hauls. An old man may give an Old Rod to someone who is enthusiastic about fishing, while the local PokeMart also sells Net Balls, Lure Balls, and Dive Balls, in addition to the standard stuff.
Qackwater Town: A rather isolated, backwater town deep in the woods. It has simple, wooden houses with green roofs covered with vegetation, and climbing plants sometimes making their way up people's homes. Herbs are available here, and can be bought. The town also has a wooden platform extending a bit into the large, swamp-like lake in front of it, which actually blocks off the route that would lead to the town. Surf can be used to travel through the lake, but it is possible to be attacked by powerful Feraligatr who live in these waters, along with various other duck and toad-like Pokemon, and Yanma that fly over the lake.
Oldenor City: An old and historical medieval-like city, where many nobles live (though they actually make up a small part of the town's population, as the rest are "common" people). In the past, those nobles often fought each other in their struggles for power, pursuing the crown and throne of the Chaos Region. Crimson, the current Champion of the Chaos Region, is also one such noble from this city. The town features a PokeMart that is much larger and different than normal (resembling the Driftveil City Market), and contains an incredible selection of items, including TMs, rare Berries, medicine, general items, and just about anything else a Pokemon Trainer would want. The reason there are so many and rare items is because the nobles can afford to buy them, so the demand is enough to justify the supply.
Kodoku Town: A calm, peaceful town with a distinct architecture, including pagodas, and a wonderful park known as the Tranquilence Park. It is actually a quite old and historical place which, for a time, developed with minimal influences from the outside, and grew its own unique culture. That culture produced some powerful warriors, known as the honourable Samurai and the stealthy Ninja, who acted as that town's warriors against their enemies. Once, under a warlord known by the name of Ruben, those Samurai and Ninja even raided and took over Castle Drachensburg. However, they would soon afterwards be defeated by St. Antony, who became King of the Chaos region after that victory. Kodoku Town started to become more open during and after St. Antony's reign, and now, though at a remote position, it is as closely tied to the Chaos Region as any other of the region's towns.
Hidden Village of Pokemon: A village founded by a very famous King of the Chaos region, St. Antony. At one point in his reign, St. Antony returned to the place where he grew up when he was young, and a large crowd of followers followed him there. St. Antony then felt inspired by that place, and started giving a lot of speeches about Pokemon, which the crowd listened to with awe, experiencing a feeling of enlightenment as their King shared with them his unbelievably vast knowledge of the Pokemon World. Eventually, the people formed a village around that place, just to be able to be close to their King. St. Antony also decided to erect a huge temple to the Great PokeGod nearby, known as the PokeGod's Sanctuary, and the people who worked on the construction of the temple - including St. Antony himself, who worked on the temple among everyone else - also contributed to the creation of the village. And this was how the Hidden Village of Pokemon came to be. Things were flowing well in the newly formed village, when at some point, St. Antony prophesized the return of DragonMaster ACCLAIM, someone he had defeated twice in the past, who would soon come back with a massive army of dragons to exact his passionate revenge, and destroy the Chaos Region, and in fact, the whole Pokemon World if he was not stopped. Terrified at the prospect, the people then asked St. Antony what to do. Then St. Antony told them that it would be prudent if they trained themselves in preparation for the upcoming conflict. Knowing ACCLAIM to be a person who does not play by the rules, St. Antony foresaw that ACCLAIM would order his dragons to attack the Pokemon Trainers first rather than their Pokemon, in order to also weaken the Pokemon themselves, since they would no longer have the support of their trainers. And so no matter how skillful a Pokemon Trainer was (which many indeed were, after attending the teachings of St. Antony), if that trainer was targeted and killed, then their skill would no longer be a factor to anything in the battle against ACCLAIM. In light of these revelations, the people then unanimously decided that they wanted to train themselves, such that they would be able to fend for themselves against ACCLAIM's dragons in the event they were targeted. With the crowd consenting, St. Antony then called the Samurai and Ninja of Ruben's band, who were previously held in the dungeons of Castle Drachensburg in order to prevent them from taking their own lives in shame, after losing their honor in their defeat to St. Antony and his Pokemon. Then St. Antony told them that they could restore their honor, if they shared their skills and knowledge of combat with the people of the Hidden Village of Pokemon for a good purpose. Though it was really hard to convince them, St. Antony eventually did manage to convince them that a chance to redeem themselves was possible, and then the Samurai and Ninja complied with the King's wishes, and trained the people of the Hidden Village of Pokemon in the arts of stealth, hand-to-hand combat, agility, footwork, and swordsmanship at the PokeGod's Sanctuary. At the end of it, the people then became prepared to fight against ACCLAIM's dragons with both their own skills and their Pokemon. The Samurai and Ninja were then thanked and generously rewarded by St. Antony, and told they could participate in the upcoming conflict against ACCLAIM and his dragons if they wanted, to which they agreed, as they felt greatly indebted to the King. Then the people, Samurai and Ninja were told to spread across the towns of the Chaos Region to protect them, as ACCLAIM, being unbound by anything such as honor, was very likely to order his dragons to strike where he believed was defenseless. So they did, while St. Antony returned to Castle Drachensburg, in preparation for the upcoming conflict with DragonMaster ACCLAIM. Soon enough, one night DragonMaster ACCLAIM flew into Chaos Region in the company of a huge army of dragons, just as St. Antony had prophesized. And exactly as he anticipated, his dragons were sent across the towns of the Chaos Region to slaughter the people there... but thanks to the preparations set forth by St. Antony, the Samurai, the Ninja, and the people of the Hidden Village of Pokemon, those plans actually turned against him: like St. Antony had said, DragonMaster ACCLAIM had ordered his dragons to attack the Pokemon Trainers first rather than their Pokemon. But this strategy backfired, as now the Pokemon Trainers had been trained in combat and could dodge the dragons' attacks, serving as nothing more than decoys who attracted the dragons' attention, while the Pokemon of those Pokemon Trainers were able to freely land hits on the dragons with almost no resistance, as the dragons were busy trying to kill their unexpectedly maneuverable and resistant trainers. The Pokemon also had been trained in stealth like their trainers, and laid a lot of devastating ambushes on the unsuspecting dragons, together with the Samurai and the Ninja, while the people of the towns in the Chaos Region who had not been trained in conflict were instructed by the Samurai, Ninja, and people of the Hidden Village of Pokemon to hide and avoid conflict, avoiding casualties among the defenseless. While the Samurai, Ninja, and people of the Hidden Village of Pokemon were fighting back against the dragons, the same was also happening with St. Antony and the Knights at Castle Drachensburg, who were fighting against DragonMaster ACCLAIM himself and some of his most elite dragons. DragonMaster ACCLAIM then jumped from the back of the dragon he was riding and landed on the top of Castle Drachensburg, where St. Antony was also standing, and then he pulled out a Poke Ball and challenged St. Antony to a Pokemon battle. Despite his initial confidence, DragonMaster ACCLAIM quickly lost the Pokemon battle against St. Antony 6-0, due to the fact that ACCLAIM had become far too predictable to St. Antony by this point, something reflected in the Pokemon team St. Antony had formed to battle with against ACCLAIM. At the pointing out of such, ACCLAIM perceived St. Antony's words as nothing more than belittlement, and could not believe what was happening. A desperate, widen-eyed ACCLAIM then screamed loudly and charged at St. Antony. An epic series of incredible events then took place on the top of Castle Drachensburg, unfolded in a breathtaking clash which split the heavens, and even included the appearance of the Legendary Pokemon themselves! At the end of these events, after a long, passionate last stand, ACCLAIM fell defeated at St. Antony's feet. The Legendary Pokemon then chased off the dragons, who were quick to flee after their master's fall, and the new day's dawn saw peace settling again in the Chaos Region. In the aftermath of those events, not a single person in the Chaos Region doubted that St. Antony must have indeed been a saint. Out of the incredibly great respect for him and everything he accomplished, the people decided to honour and remember St. Antony and his deeds by continuing to practice and train at the PokeGod's Sanctuary, like he had shown them. The people of the temple, practicing spiritual growth and physical training, became the Ninja Monks, and St. Antony was titled "The First PokeKage", a title given to honour and acknowledge his off-the-charts qualities and leadership.
Frigiweald Town: A town in snow and ice, amidst the freezing cold woods. The woods have many dangerous Mightyena living in them, who howl during the night. There is also a frozen lake, although it is only frozen on the surface, and water can be obtained by breaking through the layer of ice. There are fireplaces and chimneys coming out of the roofs of almost all of the buildings of this town, which are lit to provide warmth to combat the harsh, low temperatures. Amidst these buildings is also an Ice-type Pokemon Gym, whose Gym Leader is Polaro, a veteran Hiker who is used to freezing temperatures by now, after having journeyed far away and climbed to the peaks of many snowy mountains.
Buried Town: A town built within a huge tunnel and mountain pass. Once, the tunnel "burying" the town did not exist - there was an open mountain pass between two mountains, and Buried Town, which was known under a different name back then, was built in that mountain pass, bewteeen the two mountains. People travelling from one side of the Chaos Region to the other by land came through the mountain pass, and subsequently, the town built in it, and so the town prospered by making good sales on various supplies, such as Escape Ropes. But one day, a person known as Blaster came to the town, and demanded that the PokeMart hand over all of its earnings, threatening that he would blow up the town if they did not. Then the people at the PokeMart refused, and then things started to get rough, but then someone called the Town Guard, and the perpetrator fled. But soon afterwards, Blaster followed up with his threat: having positioned three of his Pokemon on the mountain on one side of the town, and his three other Pokemon at the mountain across it, to the other side of town, he ordered all of his Pokemon to use Explosion. Then Blaster's Pokemon all used Explosion on the two mountains on either side of the town, and then parts of the mountains collapsed and fell onto the town, burying the whole town and the people in it. After some excavations, all of the people and Pokemon were rescued, with miraculously no casualties and only minor injuries. The excavations then continued, creating a large tunnel where the mountain pass once was, for the convenience of those passing through. The tunnel was then gradually expanded to encompass the area of all the town, and soon enough, after some repairs and renovations, the town was restored and became known as the Buried Town.
Lepatin Town: A cold, snowy mountain resort. Skiing down the mountain is a popular activity here (skiing works like the Cycling Road in Kanto, except you obviously have skis instead of the bicycle), which many Skiers engage in, and can be fought down the mountain. Once at the bottom, one can then climb back up the mountain through a somewhat more traversable, but still steep and forested mountainside area, made more dangerous by Pokemon living in it. At the town, there is a warm, cozy hotel, where Hikers, vacationers, and other visitors to the town can rest, an ice skating park, and a Snowthlon Dome, where some special, ice-based games similar to the Pokethlon games can be played (some games are Ice Climbing, Snow Throw, Ice Block Smash, and Goal Slide).
Orospeak Town: A rich town on the summit of Mt. Chaos, with mansions where some wealthy people live. The mansions can be quite large, with big gardens and sometimes even springs or swimming pools. Some of the people in the town are very interested in certain items, like Gems or Pearls, and may pay large sums of money for them. Edward McKiller, the richest person in the Chaos region, lives here. Eugenia, a woman with noble roots from Oldenor City, also lives here in a mansion with a large greenhouse. With her team of Poison-type Pokemon, many of which she caught in the greenhouse that she likes tending to, she acts as the Gym Leader for the town's Pokemon Gym, taking on challengers with her venomous style.
Sturmoyl City: A very unruly city, where many shady people, criminals, and misfits can be found. It is not the safest place to be in, as in the words of one of the residents, "getting outside of your house is the same as begging for death". Wandering into an alley here is an invitation to be mugged by thieves, and not even the open places are guaranteed to be safe. Burglars, Cue Balls and Bikers may be encountered around the city, with the former breaking into houses, and the latter two mainly gathered around a bar which is in the town. Also, the town has a Game Corner, where many Gamblers are indulging in their passions for gambling. The Game Corner's owner is a woman known as Gloria, who is secretly affiliated with Team Riot, and using the Game Corner to launder money acquired through the group's illegal activities. In exchange, Team Riot may sometimes perform specific missions at Gloria's request, like stealing a rare and beautiful jewel from a museum, or something along those lines. Team Riot, a group made of of all kinds of mischieving people and misfits, also is based in this city, within a previously abandoned, large building, which has now been barricaded and fortified. In this base of operations they gather and plan their attacks (those of them which are actually planned, as most of Team Riot's attacks tend to happen randomly and spontaneously by individuals or small groups). Finally, the city actually has a Pokemon Gym as well, which also doubles as a Fighting Dojo. The Gym Leader is Thrasher, a powerful, intimidating, and muscular man who mercilessly thrashes and tosses his opponents around with his vicious team of Fighting-type Pokemon.
Stellentral City: A huge, very populated city with an incredible number of large buildings and attractions. Among them are: the headquarters of Chaos Co., a huge company in the Chaos Region which is is involved with research and development of a massive array of goods, the production of such goods, imports and exports between the Chaos Region and other places, and also runs the PokeMarts acros the region; a Join Avenue-like place, complete with all eight different kinds of shops (Market, Flower Shop, Beauty Salon, Raffle Shop, Antique Shop, Cafe, Dojo, and Nursery) which offer all kinds of services; a Radio Tower which plays many programs that are broadcast across the Chaos Region; a massive Pokemon Colosseum where spectacular Pokemon battles are had before huge, cheering crowds; a Pokemon Hippodrome, where bets are placed on races between horse-like Pokemon, like Ponyta and Rapidash; a Pokeathlon Dome, where Pokemon engage in various forms of athletic competition (Snow Throw is instead known as Mud Throw and is played with mudballs in a muddy ring, though, and Pennant Capture is also played in a different-looking place, which is a grassy hill with trees); a Contest Hall, where Pokemon show off their coolness, beauty, cuteness, smartness, or toughness in contests; a Movie Theater where movies can be seen; the Chaos Region Cultural Building, which is a Museum, Library, and Art Gallery all combined in one building; an Emergency Station, which is a police station, fire department, and hospital all combined in one massive building, for better organization and cooperation between them; and a Space & Science Center, which, as its name suggests, it a place of scientific research and the study of space. One wing of the Space & Science Center is also the Pokemon Gym of this city, with the Gym Leader also being a very profound researcher, a female scientist known as Caroline, who takes on challengers with her team of Electric-type Pokemon.
Highpine Town: A town amidst the thick forest high in the mountain. Integrated beautifully among its natural surroundings, the town has some windmills working with the air that blows at this altitude in the mountain, some watermills running with the power of a stream that flows from a lake, some wooden bridges, simple, wooden houses that blend well in this setting, and a small fire station to keep watch of any possible fires starting and stop them. The forests surrounding the town are often visited for camping, although there are Ursaring and other wild Pokemon in them who may attack, and the existence of climbable mountain regions nearby attracts Hikers as well. All in all, this is a favorite place for Campers, Hikers, and Pokemon Rangers, who can camp, observe, and travel among the beautiful natural surroundings, and enjoy the great view.
Produstross City: A city with many production facilities, where a lot of things (Pokemon-related and not only) are made, and warehouses, where the created goods are stored for later distribution across the region. Power is provided to all of those facilities by the nearby Power Plant, which makes use of solar, wind, and water energy and converts them all to electrical power through some incredibly advanced and innovative technology which maximizes the output of electrical power. The production facilities are owned by Godwin, an exceptionally skilled and powerful Pokemon Trainer whose talents have made him one of the Elite Four, and whose knack for business made him a really successful and wealthy man with industries such as this all over the Pokemon World. Although the facilities are quite environmentally friendly, they were still considered a target by Team Flora, who have performed a number of attack and sabodage attempts in the past. Because of this, a large wall was eventually built to offer protection against them.
Avialtude Town: A somewhat isolated and hard-to-reach town with people who are fans of aviation, and a small aerodrome of its own. For the town's sustenance, there are many large fields where edibles are grown and harvested in the rich soil, as well as a river from where to gather drinkable water from, which flows from a waterfall that comes out of a cave high up on a cliff. As the town is mostly cut off from the rest of the region, those fields and the river had to be relied on in order for the people here to thrive. However, as the people here created and started using planes, trade of commodities became much easier, and as such, there is no longer as much pressure for self-sufficiency, but the town still is so anyway.
Kestaldasart City: A big desert city built behind the protection of some large walls. It has simple houses made of basic materials, and it has a large open market (like the Slateport City Market). In the past, this city and the surrounding vicinity were ruled by one person holding the title of Pharaoh, like a second Kingdom within the Chaos Region. However, this eventually came to an end during the reign of St. Antony, who saw the Pharaoh at the time, Daelite, losing to him in a Pokemon battle, and disgracefully falling from his position in the process. After the Pharaoh's crushing defeat to the King of the Chaos Region, the areas previously ruled by the Pharaoh, who had suffered a lot in the hands of the Pharaohs in the past and until that time, then completely shed off their shackles to the Pharaoh, and joyously welcomed St. Antony as their saviour and King instead. With the collapse of the last Pharaoh, there were no more Pharaohs to succeed Daelite to the title, as that title meant nothing anymore. A remnant of the Pharaohs' dynasty, the Pharaoh's Palace where the Pharaohs of old used to live, still stands tall in the most prominent position in the city. But rather than being a symbol of grandeur like in the past, now it is only a memory of those times, with its state of ruin and disrepair telling of the extremely negative disposition the local populace of those times had towards their Pharaohs - after the last Pharaoh's fall, the palace was just neglected and looted by thieves, and its formerly beautiful and decorated interior is now mostly emptied, full of wild plant growths and damaged sections. Nevertheless, it is within those shadowy, dust-filled ruins where the Pokemon Gym of the city is located. The Gym Leader is Malik, a long descendant of the Pharaohs of old, who defends his title with a team of powerful Rock-type Pokemon.
Dustwood Town: An old town in the desert, buffeted by occasional strong winds. The buildings of the town are old and wooden, and among them are a bank and a saloon. The people here can often be seen wearing sombreros and cowboy hats. Near the town is the Loop Canyon, a canyon formed like a loop, and Nugget River (which flows throughout Loop Canyon), a rather shallow river with many rocks that one can use Rock Smash on, and occasionally find Nuggets by doing so in the fragments. In fact, the search for those Nuggets is how a lot of people came to this place, and settled into what later became a full town.
Savel Town: A town noted for its incredibly rich mines. In the past, many of the natives here used to work as slaves in the extraction of Gems from the mines, under the harsh rule of the Pharaoh. However, this ended when the last Pharaoh fell before St. Antony, who then abolished slavery and freed the people from bondage. The mines are now worked by ordinary workers, and continue to be a source of rare and incredibly valuable Gems, adding to the treasury of the Chaos Region. The town is scenic with many trees, and also has a Safari Zone nearby, where various rare Pokemon can be found and caught.
Tourestorta Town: A popular tourist resort with many hotels and a beautiful beach to go on Summer vacation. Pokemon Surfing contests are held in the waves of those beaches, which any Pokemon that knows Surf may participate in (these basically look like the Surfing Minigame of Pokemon Yellow, but with four contestants). Some other beach games can also be played with Pokemon as well. The town is also well-known for its excellent cuisine, available for taste at the town's restaurants.
Bilimen City: A huge and incredibly busy city with both a seaport and an airport, as well as a hospital, a fire department, and a police department. It also has a Train Station, from where the train can be boarded to Kestaldasart City, Stellentral City, Sturmoyl City (the train station at Sturmoyl City has fallen out of order due to the actions of Team Riot, though), and Oldenor City. For provisions, there is a huge Department Store where many varieties of goods are sold, and some motels to rest at.
Rumport Town: A port town famous for its great rum, which also once used to be a haven for pirates, who ran rampant in the town. Now things are a bit calmer though, and the town is more focused on trade. There is also a Pokemon Gym, where a powerful pirate captain known as Oceania is the Gym Leader, battling with her team of Water-type Pokemon to give her enemies a taste of the sea.
Vacatune Town: An exotic town with dancers, palm trees, and a beautiful calming beach. Kricketune also make beautiful music at night. It is believed that a Raikou, an Entei, and a Suicune roam through the island where Vacatune Town is, and this attracts adventurous visitors to the town. This town has a Pokemon Gym, whose Gym Leader is Claude, a trainer of Fire-type Pokemon with a somewhat unclear past, other than he earned a lot of money at some point and is now spending it on vacation.
Ticoxatl Village: A village of some indigenous tribespeople, who have had almost no contact with civilization. They have settled near a river, and life off the lands with some simple and basic farms. Their houses are simple huts, and they don't wear much on their bodies. The people here worship who they call the Jungle God, who is in fact an unusually large, muscular, and black Persian, resembling a panther.
Mt. Chaos: An incredibly huge mountain filled with many complex tunnels, connecting many different areas of the Chaos Region together. The caves also have several interior regions of water forming lakes, streams, and waterfalls, and sometimes Dive is used to go through some underwater tunnels, leading to otherwise unconnected areas. One section of the mountain leads the way to Castle Drachensburg, and another part of the mountain can be entered from a tunnel in Buried Town, and exits up at the route that leads to Lepatin Town, as well as at another exit on a small cave near Highpine Town.
Ambushade Forest: A forest ideal for laying ambushes in the bushes, behind the trees, and under their shades. Such opportunities for ambush are utilized by some of the Pokemon that live in this forest, such as Scyther. Part of the forest (near Qackwater Town) is also swampy, making a habitat for some more kinds of Pokemon not seen in the rest of the forest.
Chilleav Forest: A cold forest, where dangerous packs of Mightyena live and may attack travellers in large groups.
Ice Cavern: A cavern frozen full of ice, leading to Kodoku Town. Various Ice-type and bat-like Pokemon live in it.
Florlorn Forest:
Labyreef Depths:
Shellrock Cave:
Newdawn Beach: A beautiful, secluded beach to watch the Sun rising from, under the calming sounds of the splashing waves. There is a small shack here, where Darkel lives.
Ancient Pyramids:
Dark Meteorite Crater:
Jungle Passage: A passage through the jungle, leading to Vacatune Town. Various wild Pokemon including Persian can be found in the jungle. On a rocky place near the sea, there is also a lighthouse.
Volcano Base: A Team Magma base. It is run by a Team Magma Admin, Kashper. Kashper is a man with red hair (similar in style to the hair of Palmer, the Tower Tycoon), almost always speaks in a loud voice, and has a fiery, impulsive personality.
Pirate Cove: A Team Aqua base. It is run by a Team Aqua Admin, Craine. Craine is man with a bald head and round sunglasses covering his eyes, and a perpetual serious expression on his face, a reflection of his cold, collected personality.
Institution of Scientific Research:
Hidden Village of Darkness: An old fort, known in its time as Fort Kriegstein, which was previously abandoned, until the former fifth PokeKage, later known as the YamiKage, set up a village in it. Dark Ninja are trained in the dark arts by the YamiKage here, for a purpose that is not known until now. But the Dark Ninja do use their skills for personal gain, which has resulted in quite a bit of troublemaking.
Forbidden Mines: Also known as Yaoguai Mines. These mines were once worked for their rich minerals, being a source of luxurious resources for the region. But then, as the cave was excavated deeper and deeper, a purple gate leading to another dimension was discovered! Out of the gate jumped some ferocious, bear-like beasts, known as Yao Guai, which massacred the workers. Those outside the mines did not know of what had happened, and so explorers were sent in to find out. However, they never returned. Frightened by the mysterious disappearances, which were attributed to ghost kidnappings, the people then sealed the mines, forbidding entry or exit from them. The key to the lock was then broken to three pieces, which were subsequently thrown to the three most dangerous areas of the Chaos Region. Those three key pieces were then founf and kept by three extraodrinary beings who dwelled in those places, known as Ulf, Lasph and Sorciere. They would give their key pieces wo anyone who can manage to prove their worth by defeating them in a battle. The key pieces can then be combined back to the key, which can then be used on the lock on the mines to open them. Then deep into the cave, Datenshi can be found, guarding the purple gate at the end of the mines. If defeated, he will allow passage through the purple gate, leading to another dimension which is known as the Ghost World. Passage is only possible with a Ghost-type Pokemon in one's party, though, as ghosts possess the power to travel between dimension, and can also take anyone they want with them, in this case their trainer and their other Pokemon. Without a Ghost-type Pokemon, the purple gate is simply like a wall and cannot be entered. From inside the Ghost World, one can then go to three places: back to Earth, to Hell, or to Chaos Planet. On Earth and Chaos Planet, the gates to travel to the Ghost World are in fixed locations: the end of the Forbidden Mines and the Gates of Hell, respectively (the Gates of Hell on Chaos Planet lead straight to Hell as their name suggests though, as after entering them, one starts falling through some darkness, which is actually an area in the Ghost World, before falling through a purple gate on the ground in the Ghost World, which leads to Hell). As for Hell, the gates to get in or out or it are opened up by ghosts, who have the power to do so. This means that ghosts can take beings from Earth and Chaos Planet to Hell and back forth. The ghosts often trick beings from Hell, telling them they would release them from Hell and let them back into the living world, only to take them to the Ghost World instead, where the ghosts have absolute power, and turn the beings they bring with them into their slaves and toys, hypnotizing them and having them do their bidding. Some ghosts like to collect dark beings from Hell, hypnotize them and have them fight each other in the Ghost World, like the humans do with Pokemon, although the ghosts battle their captive dark beings without their consent, hypnotizing or simply controlling them with their ghostly powers them instead. Any beings lured to the Ghost World from Earth also share similar fates of being controlled by the ghosts in their world.
Power Plant: A power plant making use of solar, wind, and water energy to bring a maximum output of electrical energy. It was designed by Caroline, a researcher who mainly studies the various forms of energy.
Victory Road:
Virtworth Island:
Tripoint Lake: A notably large, triangle-shaped lake where many kinds of Water-type Pokemon can be caught. It's a quite famous spot for picnics, camping, and even a fishing contest that is held at some spot.
Loop Canyon: A canyon shaped like a loop, with the Nugget River flowing throughout it. There is also a hidden passage between some rocks, which leads a path to the otherwise secluded area where the Hidden Village of Darkness is.
St. Antony College:
The PokeGod's Sanctuary:
II. Notable Kings
1. King Jager
King Jager is said to have been the first King ever in the Chaos Region. Long, long ago, when the Chaos Region was still nothing but a vast natural expanse littered with distant unconnected towns, he arrived on the shores of the region with his brave men, and created the Viking Settlement at the coast they landed. The settlement thrived, and some were left behind to live there, while the King set out to explore and conquer the new region. However, at the time, there were still not many people living in it, with Kodoku Town and Desert Castle Town being pretty much the only noteworthily prosperous places at the time. But due to their remoteness, King Jager did not come across those places in his travels. Instead, he and his men marched forwards, through the wide open plains, then the tall, dark forests, and then up the frozen, snowy Mount Chaos to the North. There, he and his brave soldiers climbed the harsh, inhospitable mountain, and reached its top. On that place, they settled, creating the Castle of Might as the place from which to rule the world... setting the foundation stones for the unification of the surrounding lands into a single Kingdom, the Chaos Region. In the following years, from the Castle of Might as a base of operations, King Jager would send out searching parties to gather knowledge about the rest of the region, establishing contacts with the local populace and setting up routes through which to travel and trade, helping increase wealth, growth, and prosperousness. At the borders of the region (which were where other regions were discovered to start) he set up 23 Guardians, known as the "Immortals", which were actually 23 Pokemon known as Steelurk, which were like Golurk but were Steel/Ghost type instead, had colors similar to shiny Golurk, all their stats were 1.25x higher, and had Heatproof as an Ability. They also know a variety of other moves, such as Fire Punch, ThunderPunch, Ice Punch, and Ice Shard (to massacre Dragon-type Pokemon), Pursuit, and others. These Pokemon are normally hidden within some caves which were dug and then made to collapse to hide them under the ground, and they resemble nothing but huge rocks, and they are sleeping in the Ghost World unless awakened by a special technique created by King Jager and passed down to the royal line of the Chaos Region.
2. St. Antony
St. Antony was a man dressed in some white robes, had light brown hair and an "Honest Abe" beard, and hard-to-read eyes. He is known by several titles, such as "The King of Pokemon", "The Greatest Pokemon Master to have ever walked the Earth", "The Saintly Bringer of Salvation", "The Prophet of Truth", "The Founder of the Hidden Village of Pokemon", "The First PokeKage", and "The Sage of the 13 Paths". Most notably, he is also known as the man who put a halt to the plans of Shogun Ruben, Pharaoh Daelite, and DragonMaster ACCLAIM (the last of which was threatening to destroy the entire world!).
At first, St. Antony lived a solitary life high on a mountain (at a place near where The PokeGod's Sanctuary currently is), as a shepherd of a herd of Mareep. In those humble beginnings, despite a lack of contact with the greater world and the knowledge and experience it had to offer, St. Antony had already began to demonstrate an unparalleled level of skill in the art of Pokemon battling, managing to pretty much always emerge the victor in any of the local challenges or against the occasional travellers he came across. His love and interest for Pokemon was so great, that St. Antony eventually raised about 170 Pokemon to level 100, much to the awe of everyone who knew him! With his army of Pokemon, he was considered to be nigh-invincible by the small local community, and the people looked up to him and considered him as an idol of Pokemon Mastery to be reached.
Then one day, as St. Antony was leading his herd through a forested path, he came across the edge of a cliff. As he stood at the edge, he looked at the beautiful sight of the wide expanses of natural places below, and among them, he distinguished something interesting: a town! Immediately, St. Antony decided to set off on a journey, hoping to take on and annihilate any Trainers he came across, in order to further cement his confidence and fulfill his pride as an invincible Pokemon Trainer. And so he did. St. Antony, a bit shyly at first (as he was a solitary person without much contact with the world), approached the town, and observed the level of skill of its people in Pokemon battling. He noticed a level of strategy was slightly different than his, and learned a few things. And that was it. With just a bit of observation on top of his own training, St. Antony was now ready to compete with the most experienced Pokemon Trainers the Pokemon World had to offer! Of course, most people were just riffraff who St. Antony swept effortlessly, and in countless instances demonstrated his superior skill and knowledge by addressing and correcting various statements made by them, such as that Hyper Beam was a reliable move, let alone the best move as some clueless people believed. But even when it came to more experienced Pokemon Trainers, the "veterans" as some would call them, St. Antony still managed to prove his worth by casually defeating such people whenever he encountered them, soldifying his belief that he was the Greatest Pokemon Master Ever.
St. Antony travelled across the lands, searching far and wide, and at the end of that thorough search, he in the end found none who he believed qualified to stand on the same level as him. At this point, with an army of about 170 Pokemon he had trained to level 100 with his very own hands, and unparalleled skill and knowledge, some of which was known to almost no one else but him, St. Antony then fittingly, rightfully, and loudly proclaimed his invincibility and status as the King of the Pokemon World. This was met with some protests, but the few jealous people who resorted to such were naturally promptly crushed. Among them was a person known as ACCLAIM, who had appeared to be friendly at first, but revealed his true countenance after St. Antony proclaimed himself King. ACCLAIM began making hostile attacks against St. Antony, claiming that it was him who is the King of Pokemon, despite having his clueless beliefs, such as that Hyper Beam was the best move, publicly debunked and his lack of skill exposed to shame. But none of this was apparently enough to stop ACCLAIM, who passionately continued insisting on his illogical and irrational beliefs that he was actually the King of Pokemon. The matter was eventually settled in a Pokemon battle between St. Antony and ACCLAIM. ACCLAIM passionately gave it his best against a calm and nonchalant St. Antony, and attempted to utilize the most underhanded methods he could think of to win. However, St. Antony's defense was beyond ACCLAIM's reach, and soon, ACCLAIM's inability to overcome that defense had started to become evident. The battle progressed, and ACCLAIM started sweating nervously and visibly shaking in the fearful anticipation of things that were to come. At that stage in the battle, it had become unquestionably obvious to St. Antony, the audience, and even ACCLAIM himself that he was getting whooped, as all his Pokemon were checked by St. Antony's Pokemon, and it was only a matter of time before the battle concluded with a complete, triumphant 6-0 sweep by St. Antony. Realizing this, and out of the great, intolerable fear of suffering a humiliating defeat at the hands of his opponent, ACCLAIM then suddenly called an emergency, withdrew his Pokemon, and forfeited the battle, fleeing away from the scene with his tail between his legs. St. Antony then stood proudly and watched his opponent fleeing with a slight smirk on his face and his arms folded, shining triumphantly in the midst of an ecstatic, cheering crowd, after having gained a victory by means of his opponent forfeiting the battle.
Aside from ordinary opponents, however, St. Antony also had a much greater opponent to face: the unjust Shogun, Ruben. Ruben, a warlord from Kodoku Town who had been left unchecked, had curently taken over the Castle of Might with his band of Samurai, and turned it into his Castle, making himself the Shogun. Now, he was trying to impose his rule over the rest of the lands, and his oppressive methods and harsh punishments for disobedience to his rules caused much suffering to the townsfolk. Among his attempts to establish control over the region, Ruben also tried muffling the great influence St. Antony was starting to have due to his seemingly endless stream of victories, which started to make him look like a hero, causing Ruben to see him as a threat to his own influence. Ruben at first simply asked St. Antony to give up on his journey lest bad consequences would befall him. But St. Antony completely ignored such threats and continued wandering around towns, enlightening people with his knowledge about Pokemon and shining like a beacon of light of Pokemon Mastery, convincing more and more that he was indeed a King. Seeing that, Ruben then decided to simply resort to violence to solve the problem, sending Samurai after St. Antony, with the goal of preventing him from entering any towns and influencing the populace. But despite that. St. Antony simply defeated the guards with his Pokemon and entered the towns anyway, merely slowed down a bit by the conflict. This was noticed by the people, who were at awe at with how much graceful ease St. Antony was defeating the guards. This was because those Samurai had previously defeated them and the very best their towns had to offer, and had conquered them, and the people thought resistance to those Samurai was therefore hopeless. But now, those Samurai were being defeated before their eyes by St. Antony. Amazed by those miraculous feats, the people then sought St. Antony for help. Before being approached by the people, St. Antony barely even knew who the Shogun was, or what his powers were, or that there even existed such a ruler (as he had grown up in the mountains, and did not really know how things worked in towns and the region as a whole). After he learned of the Shogun, he decided to pay him a visit. The Shogun was informed of this through his Ninja spies, and went to great efforts to stop St. Antony, sending his finest Samurai to apprehend him and his Ninja to sabotage his journey. But St. Antony overcame all the challenges and reached the Shogun's castle. Seeing the enemy before the gates, the Shogun then ordered every Samurai and Ninja in the castle to attack! But St. Antony was not backing down, either! He released his entire army of about 170 Pokemon out all at once, and stormed the castle! St. Antony's Pokemon engaged in conflict with every one of the Samurai and Ninja in the castle, while St. Antony made his way to the Shogun's room. The Shogun then, with a Poke Ball in his hand, challenged St. Antony to a Pokemon battle. St. Antony still had 6 Pokemon left, and so the battle started. But the Shogun, for all his mighty and intimidating appearance, was no match for St. Antony and his powerful and well-trained Pokemon, and the match concluded 6-0 after a short while in St. Antony's favor. Enraged, Ruben then pulled out a huge hammer known as the Hammer of Banishment, which sends whoever it hits with force greater than their own weight to the Ghost World, and threatened St. Antony that he was about to send him on a long vacation. Despite being faced with such a huge threat, St. Antony maintained his composure, and after an intense conflict, St. Antony stood victorious over Ruben's corpse.
With the fall of the Shogun, and all his Samurai and Ninja pinned against the wall by St. Antony's outstandingly strong Pokemon, St. Antony then completely took over the Castle of Might, ending Ruben's cruel and oppressive grip on the region. At the news of this, the people rejoiced in celebration, and St. Antony was crowned King of the Chaos Region.
St. Antony then wanted to travel around the Chaos Region to get to know the place he was ruling. His travels led him to Desert Castle Town, a busy eastern-looking town protected by some large stone walls in the colors of the desert. This town was like a second Kingdom within the Chaos Region, and the ruler of it, the Pharaoh, lived in a huge, magnificent and extremely luxurious and awe-inspiring palace, known as the Pharaoh's Palace. It was a deliberately impressive symbol of the great Pharaoh's authority and power, whose grandeur showed the locals the benefits of the Pharaoh's rule and the futility of rebellion. Desert Castle Town was a town founded on some strong, ancient religious beliefs, with four beings known as The Great PokeGod and The Three Generals being worshipped as deities. St. Antony visited an area where a huge carving of the Great PokeGod existed, the one, single depiction of the Great PokeGod to be found anywhere on Earth. As he layed his eyes on that great carving, his soul was overcome with great intimidation, awe, admiration, and a need to worship, in that order. Immediately, St. Antony fell on his knees and worshipped the Great PokeGod, who he sensed in his soul and entire being, with unshakeable, unquestionable faith, to truly be the Ultimate Organism to stand in the Pokemon World. Extremely intrigued by the inspiring and radiant carving that he saw, he asked some people to know more about the Great PokeGod, but susprisingly, none seemed to know much. Then he was told that the Pharaoh might know. Since ancient times, the Pharaoh was believed to be an emissary of The Great PokeGod's will on Earth. If anyone knew, it would be him. So, St. Antony went to see the Pharaoh. He went into the Pharaoh's Palace and went to his quarters, meeting the Pharaoh himself, a dark-skinned person known as Daelite, vainly adorned with various golden accessories and some locally traditional royal garments. At first, the Pharaoh did not make a very good impression on St. Antony, as by his looks, he seemed to be extremely arrogant and narcissistic. And his suspicions were only confirmed once he got to know him and learn of his various deeds on Desert Castle Town. As mentioned earlier, the Pharaoh was supposed to express the will of the Great PokeGod on Earth. As such, he is the absolute unquestionable authority on Desert Castle Town, and so, whatever the Pharaoh said should be unconditionally obeyed. The Pharaoh used that power to completely control the people of Desert Castle Town and get them to do whatever he wished. He instilled an extremely strict and unreasonable set of rules, which required of the people to ask permissions of the Pharaoh before doing just about anything of significance, such that the Pharaoh had absolute control over almost everything and the people barely had any freedom to act on their own. He demanded that his people worked unreasonably much, and if they didn't, they would be considered undeserving of their freedom and sold into bondage! The same or even worse fates applied if the people behaved outside some standards which the Pharaoh had set, many of which were just his opinions and not actually harmful behaviours. Although ironically, the Pharaoh himself was guilty of breaking many of the rules he had set for his own people, but did not address his own actions for some reason. When asked about the Great PokeGod, the Pharaoh initially said that he loves and admires the Great PokeGod, but later admitted not really knowing anything about him, making his hypocritical nature obvious. All in all, the image of Daelite which St. Antony was seeing before him did not at all seem to represent or inspire the emotions of greatness he experienced when he saw the Great PokeGod's carving, and St. Antony was appalled and disgusted that such a person could possibly be so shameless, arrogant, and brazen as to claim to represent a being that stands far higher than he could ever dream or reaching, the Great PokeGod. Outraged at the Pharaoh's abuse of what is holy for his own selfish, vain, and cruel purposes, St. Antony loudly denounced the Pharaoh, saying that there's no way one such as him could possibly represent the Great PokeGod, and demanded that he quit his position at once. Daelite then rudely insulted St. Antony and said he doesn't know what he's talking about. In response, St. Antony pulled out a Poke Ball and challenged Daelite in a Pokemon battle. Daelite widened his eyes as that happened, and quickly refused, saying St. Antony had to pass a test first to prove he was worth the Pharaoh's time. St. Antony asked what that test was, and Daelite explained it was a tournament. St. Antony had to win a tournament of his Kingdom's very best Pokemon Trainers before being qualified to challenge him. St. Antony accepted, and thus, a few days later, preparations were finished and the tournament began. Daelite had rigged the tournament's rules such that healing one's Pokemon was not allowed between battles, making things more difficult for St. Antony and his Pokemon. But despite the adversities, St. Antony easily swept aside the competition with his mighty Pokemon, clearing the path towards the final opponent, the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh then watched with evident nervousness, as St. Antony destroyed his last opponent, clearing the tournament, and now facing at the direction of the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh started sweating as St. Antony approached, while a cheering crowd also shouted loudly in his support! Then suddenly, St. Antony's last opponent in the tournament, who he defeated before reaching the Pharaoh, said "Wait!". St. Antony stopped and looked at him. Then the person he had defeated claimed that the team he had used in the tournament was not his tournament team, and that the battle was a mistake and had to be repeated. The crowd derisively shouted extended boos at the person's pathetic antics, but St. Antony nevertheless said very well and agreed to repeat their battle, confident that defeating a person of such level was nothing he couldn't effortlessly do again anyway. And indeed, St. Antony, once more, defeated the last person in the tournament for a second time, and the crowd cheered extremely loudly, while Daelite widened his eyes and grinded his teeth angrily, looking extremely desperate and frustrated! The Pharaoh then, unable to take any more of this torturous experience any longer, impatiently threw out his first Poke Ball, commencing the battle between him and St. Antony. St. Antony then sent out a Pokemon of his own and the battle began. Despite the Pharaoh's reputation as an "exceptionally skilled" Pokemon Trainer, he merely seemed like a mediocre rookie when placed before and contrasted with St. Antony's unbelievable level of skill, which left everyone with their mouths wide open in awe. After the battle was over, Daelite raged and whined about luck, to which he passionately attributed his loss and St. Antony's win. St. Antony then pointed his finger at Daelite and loudly called him out in front of the whole crowd for his arrogance, hypocrisy, and overall lowly character, something which was then supported by a huge, prolonged cheer of affirmation from the crowd! Daelite then tried to argue his case, but his voice was simply muffled by the crowd's incredibly loud, cheering voice! Knowing that this event most undoubtedly spelled the end of the Pharaoh's disrespectful reign, St. Antony then turned his back at Daelite and calmly walked away, while Daelite fell on his knees defeated, shortly before collapsing to the ground and fainting from the unbearable emotional pressure and exhaustion that occured as a result of opposing St. Antony.
After his defeat, Daelite lost all respect from his followers, and fell so much in their eyes that no one listened to him anymore. Even his own soldiers turned on him, pledging their allegiance to St. Antony instead, since he had proven to be the stronger Pokemon Trainer. Daelite and the few who remained loyal to him tried to keep his rule alive for about two or three more years, but ultimately, without support from the population of Desert Castle Town, their ambitions for the Pharaoh to stay in power soon faded away. The once respected Pharaoh, his followers, and his petty Kingdom ended up as nothing more than a mere footnote in history, and the once grand and majestic Pharaoh's Palace ended up as nothing more than an abandoned ruin, which was later raided by looters who stole most of the valuables inside, leaving it as nothing but a shadow of its former form, ruined and filled with growing wild plants coming out of the cracking walls, floor and ceiling inside. On the other side, St. Antony was widely accepted by the crowd as their new King who saved them from the Pharaoh's whips, and his kindness and generosity contrasted so much with the ways of the previous Pharaoh, that in addition to his radiant, shining presence, it caused the people to see him as some kind of holy figure, and as a result, the people proclaimed him to be a Saint (this was when he started to become known as St. Antony)! St. Antony visited the Pharaoh's Pyramids, which were some huge Pyramids that the selfish Pharaoh had built in his own name and glory, overworking the people and Pokemon of Desert Castle Town to finish them during his reign. They were three pyramids, one huge one and two smaller ones on either side of the larger pyramid. The huge pyramid was filled with gold, jewels, pieces of fine art collected from all around the world, such as statues and paintings, and other aesthetically pleasing works and stuff like that. Many depictions of the Pharaoh existed in that pyramid, as well as inscriptions instructing readers to worship him, indicating that it was all a monument to his own glory. To its left, one of the two smaller pyramids was used as a place to store enormous amounts of food supplies which were produced by the rich fields near Desert Castle Town, and the other pyramid was the temple to the PokeGod in which the carving that St. Antony saw was stored, and was much less luxurious and decorated that the pyramid of the Pharaoh, clearly demonstrating his lack of proper respect and appreciation for the Great PokeGod, as well as his own unbelievable vanity and arrogance, which would go as far as to disrespect the Gods themselves. St. Antony he was never a man to care about gold, aesthetics, and luxuries, and instead preferred practical things. So he completely emptied the huge pyramid of all the decorative and luxurious stuff in it, which he instead stored in the small pyramid where the PokeGod's carving was (this pyramid was later made into an art museum in which the art exhibits were put on display), while he also moved the PokeGod's carving out of the small pyramid, and placed it in a place he considered much more appropriate, at the top floor of the huge pyramid. St. Antony then decided to turn the huge pyramid into one great library in which to store all the knowledge of the world, on the top of which would rest the most significant piece of information of them all: the truth about the Ultimate Organism of the Pokemon World, the Great PokeGod. And thus, St. Antony sent hundreds of historians, researchers, writers, artists, doctors, engineers, priests, philosophers, and many other people travelling all across the world, collecting knowledge and recording them into books, which got sent back to the Chaos region to be stored in The Great Librarian Pyramid, as it came to be known. St. Antony was much praised for the creation of this library, which is, even up to this date, considered the greatest collection of information to exist in the entire world, containing countless texts, many of which were lost in the course of time or simply were never publicized, and can not be found anywhere else in the world but this place! Forgotten truths, mysteries, legends, unknown researches, old prophecies, and much other extremely interesting stuff can be found in this extraordinary, absolutely wondrous place.
Around the time St. Antony was making those innovations, he was one day looking around in Pharaoh's Palace, when suddenly, an old adversary appeared before him. It was ACCLAIM, the "King of Pokemon" claimant! Contrary to his shaky past, ACCLAIM now seemed quite more experienced and confident, but still, he was arrogant as ever, as in addition to continuing his claim that he was the King of Pokemon, now he also claimed to be a holy figure as well, in another attempt to make himself look better than St. Antony, no doubt a result of his great jealousy of him! It was clear at this point that ACCLAIM was trying to imitate and surpass St. Antony (who was unconsciously like a great idol to him, who he secretly admired very much, but would never admit so, not even to himself) in Pokemon and sanctity, and intended to achieve such by emerging as the victor of a battle he challenged St. Antony at. St. Antony accepted, and the battle began. St. Antony saw that ACCLAIM intended to use underhanded and dishonorable tactics against him again, and decided to do the same. But perhaps as a reaction of such unacceptable conduct coming from a Saint, luck did not smile at St. Antony, and this came at a dear cost: he seemingly lost the battle. Overjoyed with satisfaction, ACCLAIM then laughed extremely loudly, and his over-the-top expression of happiness and pleasure made it clear that ACCLAIM had considered his apparent victory over St. Antony to be an unbelievably extraordinary feat of exceptional and unequaled significance, almost as if he had just fulfilled his very goal of life! This reaction, the fact that this battle immediately got stored into ACCLAIM's mind as one of his most memorable experiences ever in his life, made it obvious that he held St. Antony in extremely high esteem, in addition to betraying the great fear he had of him, as shown by the enormity of the relief he experienced after seemingly winning a Pokemon battle against him. Laughing loudly, ACCLAIM then said "You're finished, "Saint" Antony!", as he pulled out his Dragon Sword and viciously slashed St. Antony diagonally downwards across the chest! A small crowd of people, who had been observing the battle, then gasped in shock and horror as they saw that! But then St. Antony, with blood coming out of his mouth, looked at ACCLAIM and said "But I'm not St. Antony... You are". ACCLAIM then widened his eyes, as he looked down and noticed he was wearing St. Antony's robes, had a huge slash on his chest, and was standing at the location St. Antony used to stand before, while St. Antony was wearing ACCLAIM's clothes, cape and sword, and was standing intact at the place where ACCLAIM used to stand during their battle! "W-What?!" ACCLAIM said then as he looked at himself, and then at St. Antony with a dumbfounded look in his widened eyes, trying to make sense of things. "What the hell?! Where is the logic in this?!" he protested then. "What are you so surprised about, ACCLAIM? Reason is for those who cannot go on living without clinging to it. Now, let's go... to the edge of reason" St. Antony said as he walked up to ACCLAIM, before kicking him at the chest into a bottomless pit! ACCLAIM screamed loudly as he fell down and vanished into the darkness of the pit, while St. Antony suddenly transformed into a deranged rock ape before jumping into the pit after ACCLAIM, disappearing into the darkness as well! "S-St. Antony!!" some people said then, as they watched the extremely bizarre sight with widened eyes in surprise! Then they walked near the pit and looked down, and saw nothing but darkness. "St. Antony..." a man said then. Then they heard some footsteps. The people turned around and saw St. Antony in his normal appearance, standing near the site of his battle with ACCLAIM! "St. Antony! What happened?" a man asked then. "What did it look like?" St. Antony asked then. "It looked like.. you won the Pokemon battle, St. Antony!" a man said then enthusiastically, and then the others nodded in agreement. St. Antony then smiled in peace, and then he carried on with his business, after having won his second battle against ACCLAIM.
After travelling through the Chaos Region and making a great many improvements at many places he visited, St. Antony then returned to the Castle of Might, to continue organizing things from there. While in the castle, St. Antony started studying about Ninja and Samurai, to whom he had taken an interest in after being exposed to their tactics during his conflict against the Shogun Ruben. The combination of those studies and his great knowledge about Pokemon, including how they are able to use their various attacks and abilities, led to the discovery of ways for various elemental attacks to be possible to be replicated by people, with St. Antony being the first person ever to truly discover the mechanics behind this process! As St. Antony demonstrated his ability to use techniques based on Thunder, Nature, Fire, Water, Ice, Air, Earth, Sound, Psyche, Power, Darkness, SpaceTime, and Light, he left the crowds at awe, and was soon hailed as "The Sage of the 13 Paths", a miraculous man who controlled the elements! Such appreciation was also greatly increased after a Pokeian army numbering in the hundreds of thousands attempted to invade the Chaos Region in the belief they could take it over and instill their own type of rule in it, only to be single-handedly stopped and completely wiped out by St. Antony himself!
3. King Randor
III. Notable Characters
1. The Sixth PokeKage
2. Ed
3. The Gym Leaders
4. The Elite Four
5. The Champion
6. The Blood Knights
6.5. Post-E4: The Four Masters of Chaos
The Four Masters of Chaos are four elusive characters who live in four secluded, extremely dangerous areas in the Chaos Region. Ulf can be found in some inctedibly steep and tall, freezing cold and heavy wind, snow and blizzard-buffeted mountains on the borders of the region; Lasph can be found in a crazily vast, scorching hot, sandstorm-buffeted desert; and Sorciere can be found in a creepy castle on a large, forested hill amid a huge, dark, foggy forest. All three of these areas are filled with insanely powerful and high-level Pokemon, which would give even the Elite Four a run for their money! Because of this, these areas remain inaccessible by a guard at the entrance of each of these areas, who will not allow passage to anyone who has not proven themselves by defeating the Elite Four. If one does meet that qualification, then they are allowed through to search for the Masters of Chaos. However, they are not guaranteed to be there! The Masters of Chaos may very well be randomly missing from their areas, causing quests to find them while they're absent to end in nothing but exhaustion and frustration! Therefore, in order to find them, one may have to go through their areas more than once, if they were unlucky enough to explore in search for them while they weren't there! If the Masters of Chaos are found, however, then they can be fought in a Pokemon Battle, only with the twist that the Masters of Chaos themselves will also physically participate in the battle! If one manages to overcome their incredible powers and actually defeat them, then Ulf, Lasph and Sorciere will drop Ulf's Key Fragment, Lasph's Key Fragment and Sorciere's Key Fragment, respectively. The three Key Fragments can then be combined to form the Forbidden Key, which, as any of the three first Masters of Chaos to be defeated last will explain, can be used to open the lock at the Forbidden Mines, an unspoken of area to the North of the region. Indeed, the key can be used on that lock, gaining one access to the interior of the Forbidden Mines, which were locked away due to the multiple accounts of mysterious, unexplained disappearances of the workers who mined there for minerals in the past! Going down the mines will, after enough exploration, lead one to the place where the final, most powerful among the Four Masters of Chaos is located. In a huge arena suspended over hellish flames, the final Master of Chaos, Datenshi will appear to confront whoever arrives. If he is somehow defeated, he will allow the one who defeated him to proceed further, into a different dimension: the Ghost World! The Ghost World is a dimension between the Pokemon World, Hell, and Chaos Planet, and if one explores it enough, they can end up in Hell or Chaos Planet! The beings in those places are on a completely different level to those found in the Pokemon World, though, so survival for someone coming from the Pokemon World would be unlikely...
7. The YamiKage
8. Chnights

9. Team Riot
"VS Team Riot Theme"
10. Darkel
11. The White Coat Triad
12. ???
13. Team Flora
IV. Faith and History
I. Region Map

(Click on the map for a more detailed view)
The Chaos Region is a great and strong region in the Pokemon World. Among its great expanse, it encompasses all kinds of different places, from freezing cold regions to the North to faraway scorching hot deserts, from pleasant flowery valleys to extremely tall and rough mountains, from plain grassy fields to thick and wild jungles, and from rivers and lakes to large regions of the sea. It has many beautiful natural places, such as reefs, caves and waterfalls, which merge elegantly with the towns and other creations of the people of the region, such as bridges and canals. Among the pleasant scenery, a plethora of rich natural resources are also available for exploitation, contributing to the region's outstanding prospects for prosperity. As well, there are some mysterious or exotic sites too, for those yearning for research and adventure. Filling all those places are countless kinds of Pokemon - just about every known Pokemon can be captured at some area of the Chaos Region, making it a prime choice for adventurous Pokemon Trainers, researchers, or anyone else interested in seeing a lot of Pokemon.
A region with a very long history, the Chaos Region is a notably hardened and well-developed one. Its developmental prowess is mostly evident in the area to the right side of the map, which is more urban, while in contrast, the area to the left side of the map is more rural, trading some convenience for more natural beauty. Nevertheless, all of them are sufficiently well off, each with their own appeals and things to offer. Items which can be rare elsewhere, such as TMs, are plenty in supply in markets in cities, and all kinds of different Berries, even those that are exceedingly hard to acquire in other places, can be found in the countryside. Gems and Nuggets can be found in large quantities in the region's mines, and all other goods which are available in the Pokemon World can be found here as well, and generally with much more ease, due to high supplies in nature, and well-organized markets, including imports and exports. Such high availability of goods makes for well-supplied Pokemon Trainers, whose use of TMs and in-battle effect items makes them overall more challenging opponents than average (especially those who are serious about Pokemon battling, such as CoolTrainers). And to make things even harder, people are often very informed about matters of Pokemon, thanks to the popular teachings of St. Antony, so unless they are still inexperienced, they will rarely make clueless choices in battle, which is a frequent sight in regions abroad.
The Chaos Region is ruled from Castle Drachensburg, a legendary, old castle that has been the battle grounds for many well-known (to the people of the region) conflicts. The dragon-surrounded castle was originally held by a person known as Dark Dragon Master, who used the dragons native to its surrounding forests and rivers to terrorize and slaughter nearby populations. However, he was eventually confronted and taken down by King Jager, who then took over the castle, and from there, took steps to become the first King of the Chaos Region. Since then, the Chaos region has been traditionally ruled from there by the Kings who followed, up until the current King in reign, King Randor. The King decides everything about how the region is run, from its internal affairs, such as how to deal with those who break the law, how high the taxes to be, what to construct and where, to its external affairs and policies with other regions. A council of nobles, or in fact just about anyone can request audience with the King and may make suggestions about these matters, and the King decides. People who violate the rules are always brought before the King for judgement, as the King is the only person who is allowed to decide on justice in the region, a system meant to avoid corruption (which can become more likely the more people get involved with justice, as some of them may be corrupt, and keeping an eye on all of them can be difficult) by being based entirely on the King himself, who is assumed to be of good character, ensuring that people will be treated justly. Historically, the punishments for breaking the rules have varied, from rotting in the dungeons of Castle Drachensburg, being forced into slavery and worked in horrible conditions until one's clothes fell off, exposure to wild Pokemon, tortures and impalement, to being forced to one's knees facing the direction of the PokeGod's Sanctuary and being lashed in the case of blasphemy. The harshest of those punishments were mostly done in the past though - for example, slavery, which was common at the time of Pharaoh Daelite's time, was abolished by St. Antony, after the last Pharaoh's disgraceful fall. Now, people are usually warned or lashed (if the warning did not work) when they commit offences, with the number of lashes being proportionate to the weight of the crime. When the punishment is lashing, people are stripped down to their underwear, made to kneel and face at the direction of the PokeGod's Sanctuary before a large surrounding crowd, and then lashed the predetermined amount of times. Sometimes, exposure to wild Pokemon is also utilized as a method to give offenders a good scare if they survive, if a person commits a serious offence but lashing would be unlikely to get the point across their head. If a criminal has committed such an atrocity and has such an irredeemable demeanor that it would be deemed too dangerous for them to roam about freely anymore, then they are locked down at the dungeons of Castle Drachensburg until, if ever, it is considered safe to let them go again. Those who enforce the rulings of the King are mainly the Knights, defenders of Castle Drachensburg, who also act as the region's main defensive core against external threats. In case of a war, it is those Knights who would defend the region, and the region's power can further be bolstered by the Ninja Monks of the Hidden Village of Pokemon, the royally pardoned, King-sanctioned Pirates, and of course, any of the region's many skilled Pokemon Trainers who would want to lend their aid as well. Their great valor, skill, and strength, in addition to Chaos Region's many incredibly defensive areas, such as Ambushade Forest, make for a virtually impenetrable region, while the event of an offensive would see their enemies begging for mercy, at the hands of opponents who possess both the moral and the mightly high ground.
Here is some information about the various towns and other locations of Chaos Region:
Castle Drachensburg: An old, historical castle, where the King of the Chaos Region and the Knights have traditionally resided over the years. It consists of some huge stone walls, within which is the castle, surrounded by a small medieval-esque settlement of people who work for provisions, making the place self-sufficient. Some canals provide water within the walls. In the interior of the castle, there are dragon head decorations on the walls, like those in the Dragon's Den. Outside of its walls, Castle Drachensburg is surrounded by a thick forest and a powerful river, which are filled to the brim with vicious and aggressive Dragon-type or dragon-like Pokemon. Those dragons were once used by Dark Dragon Master - the original ruler of the castle - to terrorize and slaughter nearby populations of people and non-dragon Pokemon, until he was defeated by King Jager. From then on, Castle Drachensburg became the place from which the Kings of the Chaos Region would exercise their rule on the region, up until the current enthroned King, King Randor.
Belloviste Town: A nice agricultural town on the countryside's highlands, with a very beautiful and calming vista. Farmers tend to the very fertile lands of this place, which are used as farms and orchards, producing a lot of Berries and other edibles. Ranches are also used by Pokemon herders to keep their herds of Pokemon such as Miltank and Mareep, when they are not out feeding on grass. There is also an old windmill on a hill somewhere, and a well to drink water from. In addition, the town also has a Pokemon Gym. The Gym Leader is Melody, a talented young girl who is good at both Pokemon battles and painting, both of which she regularly spends her time doing.
Anglerie Town: A town that mainly relies on fishing for commerce. Fishermen either sit by the waters and fish with rods, or go out to the sea in small fishing boats for bigger hauls. An old man may give an Old Rod to someone who is enthusiastic about fishing, while the local PokeMart also sells Net Balls, Lure Balls, and Dive Balls, in addition to the standard stuff.
Qackwater Town: A rather isolated, backwater town deep in the woods. It has simple, wooden houses with green roofs covered with vegetation, and climbing plants sometimes making their way up people's homes. Herbs are available here, and can be bought. The town also has a wooden platform extending a bit into the large, swamp-like lake in front of it, which actually blocks off the route that would lead to the town. Surf can be used to travel through the lake, but it is possible to be attacked by powerful Feraligatr who live in these waters, along with various other duck and toad-like Pokemon, and Yanma that fly over the lake.
Oldenor City: An old and historical medieval-like city, where many nobles live (though they actually make up a small part of the town's population, as the rest are "common" people). In the past, those nobles often fought each other in their struggles for power, pursuing the crown and throne of the Chaos Region. Crimson, the current Champion of the Chaos Region, is also one such noble from this city. The town features a PokeMart that is much larger and different than normal (resembling the Driftveil City Market), and contains an incredible selection of items, including TMs, rare Berries, medicine, general items, and just about anything else a Pokemon Trainer would want. The reason there are so many and rare items is because the nobles can afford to buy them, so the demand is enough to justify the supply.
Kodoku Town: A calm, peaceful town with a distinct architecture, including pagodas, and a wonderful park known as the Tranquilence Park. It is actually a quite old and historical place which, for a time, developed with minimal influences from the outside, and grew its own unique culture. That culture produced some powerful warriors, known as the honourable Samurai and the stealthy Ninja, who acted as that town's warriors against their enemies. Once, under a warlord known by the name of Ruben, those Samurai and Ninja even raided and took over Castle Drachensburg. However, they would soon afterwards be defeated by St. Antony, who became King of the Chaos region after that victory. Kodoku Town started to become more open during and after St. Antony's reign, and now, though at a remote position, it is as closely tied to the Chaos Region as any other of the region's towns.
Hidden Village of Pokemon: A village founded by a very famous King of the Chaos region, St. Antony. At one point in his reign, St. Antony returned to the place where he grew up when he was young, and a large crowd of followers followed him there. St. Antony then felt inspired by that place, and started giving a lot of speeches about Pokemon, which the crowd listened to with awe, experiencing a feeling of enlightenment as their King shared with them his unbelievably vast knowledge of the Pokemon World. Eventually, the people formed a village around that place, just to be able to be close to their King. St. Antony also decided to erect a huge temple to the Great PokeGod nearby, known as the PokeGod's Sanctuary, and the people who worked on the construction of the temple - including St. Antony himself, who worked on the temple among everyone else - also contributed to the creation of the village. And this was how the Hidden Village of Pokemon came to be. Things were flowing well in the newly formed village, when at some point, St. Antony prophesized the return of DragonMaster ACCLAIM, someone he had defeated twice in the past, who would soon come back with a massive army of dragons to exact his passionate revenge, and destroy the Chaos Region, and in fact, the whole Pokemon World if he was not stopped. Terrified at the prospect, the people then asked St. Antony what to do. Then St. Antony told them that it would be prudent if they trained themselves in preparation for the upcoming conflict. Knowing ACCLAIM to be a person who does not play by the rules, St. Antony foresaw that ACCLAIM would order his dragons to attack the Pokemon Trainers first rather than their Pokemon, in order to also weaken the Pokemon themselves, since they would no longer have the support of their trainers. And so no matter how skillful a Pokemon Trainer was (which many indeed were, after attending the teachings of St. Antony), if that trainer was targeted and killed, then their skill would no longer be a factor to anything in the battle against ACCLAIM. In light of these revelations, the people then unanimously decided that they wanted to train themselves, such that they would be able to fend for themselves against ACCLAIM's dragons in the event they were targeted. With the crowd consenting, St. Antony then called the Samurai and Ninja of Ruben's band, who were previously held in the dungeons of Castle Drachensburg in order to prevent them from taking their own lives in shame, after losing their honor in their defeat to St. Antony and his Pokemon. Then St. Antony told them that they could restore their honor, if they shared their skills and knowledge of combat with the people of the Hidden Village of Pokemon for a good purpose. Though it was really hard to convince them, St. Antony eventually did manage to convince them that a chance to redeem themselves was possible, and then the Samurai and Ninja complied with the King's wishes, and trained the people of the Hidden Village of Pokemon in the arts of stealth, hand-to-hand combat, agility, footwork, and swordsmanship at the PokeGod's Sanctuary. At the end of it, the people then became prepared to fight against ACCLAIM's dragons with both their own skills and their Pokemon. The Samurai and Ninja were then thanked and generously rewarded by St. Antony, and told they could participate in the upcoming conflict against ACCLAIM and his dragons if they wanted, to which they agreed, as they felt greatly indebted to the King. Then the people, Samurai and Ninja were told to spread across the towns of the Chaos Region to protect them, as ACCLAIM, being unbound by anything such as honor, was very likely to order his dragons to strike where he believed was defenseless. So they did, while St. Antony returned to Castle Drachensburg, in preparation for the upcoming conflict with DragonMaster ACCLAIM. Soon enough, one night DragonMaster ACCLAIM flew into Chaos Region in the company of a huge army of dragons, just as St. Antony had prophesized. And exactly as he anticipated, his dragons were sent across the towns of the Chaos Region to slaughter the people there... but thanks to the preparations set forth by St. Antony, the Samurai, the Ninja, and the people of the Hidden Village of Pokemon, those plans actually turned against him: like St. Antony had said, DragonMaster ACCLAIM had ordered his dragons to attack the Pokemon Trainers first rather than their Pokemon. But this strategy backfired, as now the Pokemon Trainers had been trained in combat and could dodge the dragons' attacks, serving as nothing more than decoys who attracted the dragons' attention, while the Pokemon of those Pokemon Trainers were able to freely land hits on the dragons with almost no resistance, as the dragons were busy trying to kill their unexpectedly maneuverable and resistant trainers. The Pokemon also had been trained in stealth like their trainers, and laid a lot of devastating ambushes on the unsuspecting dragons, together with the Samurai and the Ninja, while the people of the towns in the Chaos Region who had not been trained in conflict were instructed by the Samurai, Ninja, and people of the Hidden Village of Pokemon to hide and avoid conflict, avoiding casualties among the defenseless. While the Samurai, Ninja, and people of the Hidden Village of Pokemon were fighting back against the dragons, the same was also happening with St. Antony and the Knights at Castle Drachensburg, who were fighting against DragonMaster ACCLAIM himself and some of his most elite dragons. DragonMaster ACCLAIM then jumped from the back of the dragon he was riding and landed on the top of Castle Drachensburg, where St. Antony was also standing, and then he pulled out a Poke Ball and challenged St. Antony to a Pokemon battle. Despite his initial confidence, DragonMaster ACCLAIM quickly lost the Pokemon battle against St. Antony 6-0, due to the fact that ACCLAIM had become far too predictable to St. Antony by this point, something reflected in the Pokemon team St. Antony had formed to battle with against ACCLAIM. At the pointing out of such, ACCLAIM perceived St. Antony's words as nothing more than belittlement, and could not believe what was happening. A desperate, widen-eyed ACCLAIM then screamed loudly and charged at St. Antony. An epic series of incredible events then took place on the top of Castle Drachensburg, unfolded in a breathtaking clash which split the heavens, and even included the appearance of the Legendary Pokemon themselves! At the end of these events, after a long, passionate last stand, ACCLAIM fell defeated at St. Antony's feet. The Legendary Pokemon then chased off the dragons, who were quick to flee after their master's fall, and the new day's dawn saw peace settling again in the Chaos Region. In the aftermath of those events, not a single person in the Chaos Region doubted that St. Antony must have indeed been a saint. Out of the incredibly great respect for him and everything he accomplished, the people decided to honour and remember St. Antony and his deeds by continuing to practice and train at the PokeGod's Sanctuary, like he had shown them. The people of the temple, practicing spiritual growth and physical training, became the Ninja Monks, and St. Antony was titled "The First PokeKage", a title given to honour and acknowledge his off-the-charts qualities and leadership.
Frigiweald Town: A town in snow and ice, amidst the freezing cold woods. The woods have many dangerous Mightyena living in them, who howl during the night. There is also a frozen lake, although it is only frozen on the surface, and water can be obtained by breaking through the layer of ice. There are fireplaces and chimneys coming out of the roofs of almost all of the buildings of this town, which are lit to provide warmth to combat the harsh, low temperatures. Amidst these buildings is also an Ice-type Pokemon Gym, whose Gym Leader is Polaro, a veteran Hiker who is used to freezing temperatures by now, after having journeyed far away and climbed to the peaks of many snowy mountains.
Buried Town: A town built within a huge tunnel and mountain pass. Once, the tunnel "burying" the town did not exist - there was an open mountain pass between two mountains, and Buried Town, which was known under a different name back then, was built in that mountain pass, bewteeen the two mountains. People travelling from one side of the Chaos Region to the other by land came through the mountain pass, and subsequently, the town built in it, and so the town prospered by making good sales on various supplies, such as Escape Ropes. But one day, a person known as Blaster came to the town, and demanded that the PokeMart hand over all of its earnings, threatening that he would blow up the town if they did not. Then the people at the PokeMart refused, and then things started to get rough, but then someone called the Town Guard, and the perpetrator fled. But soon afterwards, Blaster followed up with his threat: having positioned three of his Pokemon on the mountain on one side of the town, and his three other Pokemon at the mountain across it, to the other side of town, he ordered all of his Pokemon to use Explosion. Then Blaster's Pokemon all used Explosion on the two mountains on either side of the town, and then parts of the mountains collapsed and fell onto the town, burying the whole town and the people in it. After some excavations, all of the people and Pokemon were rescued, with miraculously no casualties and only minor injuries. The excavations then continued, creating a large tunnel where the mountain pass once was, for the convenience of those passing through. The tunnel was then gradually expanded to encompass the area of all the town, and soon enough, after some repairs and renovations, the town was restored and became known as the Buried Town.
Lepatin Town: A cold, snowy mountain resort. Skiing down the mountain is a popular activity here (skiing works like the Cycling Road in Kanto, except you obviously have skis instead of the bicycle), which many Skiers engage in, and can be fought down the mountain. Once at the bottom, one can then climb back up the mountain through a somewhat more traversable, but still steep and forested mountainside area, made more dangerous by Pokemon living in it. At the town, there is a warm, cozy hotel, where Hikers, vacationers, and other visitors to the town can rest, an ice skating park, and a Snowthlon Dome, where some special, ice-based games similar to the Pokethlon games can be played (some games are Ice Climbing, Snow Throw, Ice Block Smash, and Goal Slide).
Orospeak Town: A rich town on the summit of Mt. Chaos, with mansions where some wealthy people live. The mansions can be quite large, with big gardens and sometimes even springs or swimming pools. Some of the people in the town are very interested in certain items, like Gems or Pearls, and may pay large sums of money for them. Edward McKiller, the richest person in the Chaos region, lives here. Eugenia, a woman with noble roots from Oldenor City, also lives here in a mansion with a large greenhouse. With her team of Poison-type Pokemon, many of which she caught in the greenhouse that she likes tending to, she acts as the Gym Leader for the town's Pokemon Gym, taking on challengers with her venomous style.
Sturmoyl City: A very unruly city, where many shady people, criminals, and misfits can be found. It is not the safest place to be in, as in the words of one of the residents, "getting outside of your house is the same as begging for death". Wandering into an alley here is an invitation to be mugged by thieves, and not even the open places are guaranteed to be safe. Burglars, Cue Balls and Bikers may be encountered around the city, with the former breaking into houses, and the latter two mainly gathered around a bar which is in the town. Also, the town has a Game Corner, where many Gamblers are indulging in their passions for gambling. The Game Corner's owner is a woman known as Gloria, who is secretly affiliated with Team Riot, and using the Game Corner to launder money acquired through the group's illegal activities. In exchange, Team Riot may sometimes perform specific missions at Gloria's request, like stealing a rare and beautiful jewel from a museum, or something along those lines. Team Riot, a group made of of all kinds of mischieving people and misfits, also is based in this city, within a previously abandoned, large building, which has now been barricaded and fortified. In this base of operations they gather and plan their attacks (those of them which are actually planned, as most of Team Riot's attacks tend to happen randomly and spontaneously by individuals or small groups). Finally, the city actually has a Pokemon Gym as well, which also doubles as a Fighting Dojo. The Gym Leader is Thrasher, a powerful, intimidating, and muscular man who mercilessly thrashes and tosses his opponents around with his vicious team of Fighting-type Pokemon.
Stellentral City: A huge, very populated city with an incredible number of large buildings and attractions. Among them are: the headquarters of Chaos Co., a huge company in the Chaos Region which is is involved with research and development of a massive array of goods, the production of such goods, imports and exports between the Chaos Region and other places, and also runs the PokeMarts acros the region; a Join Avenue-like place, complete with all eight different kinds of shops (Market, Flower Shop, Beauty Salon, Raffle Shop, Antique Shop, Cafe, Dojo, and Nursery) which offer all kinds of services; a Radio Tower which plays many programs that are broadcast across the Chaos Region; a massive Pokemon Colosseum where spectacular Pokemon battles are had before huge, cheering crowds; a Pokemon Hippodrome, where bets are placed on races between horse-like Pokemon, like Ponyta and Rapidash; a Pokeathlon Dome, where Pokemon engage in various forms of athletic competition (Snow Throw is instead known as Mud Throw and is played with mudballs in a muddy ring, though, and Pennant Capture is also played in a different-looking place, which is a grassy hill with trees); a Contest Hall, where Pokemon show off their coolness, beauty, cuteness, smartness, or toughness in contests; a Movie Theater where movies can be seen; the Chaos Region Cultural Building, which is a Museum, Library, and Art Gallery all combined in one building; an Emergency Station, which is a police station, fire department, and hospital all combined in one massive building, for better organization and cooperation between them; and a Space & Science Center, which, as its name suggests, it a place of scientific research and the study of space. One wing of the Space & Science Center is also the Pokemon Gym of this city, with the Gym Leader also being a very profound researcher, a female scientist known as Caroline, who takes on challengers with her team of Electric-type Pokemon.
Highpine Town: A town amidst the thick forest high in the mountain. Integrated beautifully among its natural surroundings, the town has some windmills working with the air that blows at this altitude in the mountain, some watermills running with the power of a stream that flows from a lake, some wooden bridges, simple, wooden houses that blend well in this setting, and a small fire station to keep watch of any possible fires starting and stop them. The forests surrounding the town are often visited for camping, although there are Ursaring and other wild Pokemon in them who may attack, and the existence of climbable mountain regions nearby attracts Hikers as well. All in all, this is a favorite place for Campers, Hikers, and Pokemon Rangers, who can camp, observe, and travel among the beautiful natural surroundings, and enjoy the great view.
Produstross City: A city with many production facilities, where a lot of things (Pokemon-related and not only) are made, and warehouses, where the created goods are stored for later distribution across the region. Power is provided to all of those facilities by the nearby Power Plant, which makes use of solar, wind, and water energy and converts them all to electrical power through some incredibly advanced and innovative technology which maximizes the output of electrical power. The production facilities are owned by Godwin, an exceptionally skilled and powerful Pokemon Trainer whose talents have made him one of the Elite Four, and whose knack for business made him a really successful and wealthy man with industries such as this all over the Pokemon World. Although the facilities are quite environmentally friendly, they were still considered a target by Team Flora, who have performed a number of attack and sabodage attempts in the past. Because of this, a large wall was eventually built to offer protection against them.
Avialtude Town: A somewhat isolated and hard-to-reach town with people who are fans of aviation, and a small aerodrome of its own. For the town's sustenance, there are many large fields where edibles are grown and harvested in the rich soil, as well as a river from where to gather drinkable water from, which flows from a waterfall that comes out of a cave high up on a cliff. As the town is mostly cut off from the rest of the region, those fields and the river had to be relied on in order for the people here to thrive. However, as the people here created and started using planes, trade of commodities became much easier, and as such, there is no longer as much pressure for self-sufficiency, but the town still is so anyway.
Kestaldasart City: A big desert city built behind the protection of some large walls. It has simple houses made of basic materials, and it has a large open market (like the Slateport City Market). In the past, this city and the surrounding vicinity were ruled by one person holding the title of Pharaoh, like a second Kingdom within the Chaos Region. However, this eventually came to an end during the reign of St. Antony, who saw the Pharaoh at the time, Daelite, losing to him in a Pokemon battle, and disgracefully falling from his position in the process. After the Pharaoh's crushing defeat to the King of the Chaos Region, the areas previously ruled by the Pharaoh, who had suffered a lot in the hands of the Pharaohs in the past and until that time, then completely shed off their shackles to the Pharaoh, and joyously welcomed St. Antony as their saviour and King instead. With the collapse of the last Pharaoh, there were no more Pharaohs to succeed Daelite to the title, as that title meant nothing anymore. A remnant of the Pharaohs' dynasty, the Pharaoh's Palace where the Pharaohs of old used to live, still stands tall in the most prominent position in the city. But rather than being a symbol of grandeur like in the past, now it is only a memory of those times, with its state of ruin and disrepair telling of the extremely negative disposition the local populace of those times had towards their Pharaohs - after the last Pharaoh's fall, the palace was just neglected and looted by thieves, and its formerly beautiful and decorated interior is now mostly emptied, full of wild plant growths and damaged sections. Nevertheless, it is within those shadowy, dust-filled ruins where the Pokemon Gym of the city is located. The Gym Leader is Malik, a long descendant of the Pharaohs of old, who defends his title with a team of powerful Rock-type Pokemon.
Dustwood Town: An old town in the desert, buffeted by occasional strong winds. The buildings of the town are old and wooden, and among them are a bank and a saloon. The people here can often be seen wearing sombreros and cowboy hats. Near the town is the Loop Canyon, a canyon formed like a loop, and Nugget River (which flows throughout Loop Canyon), a rather shallow river with many rocks that one can use Rock Smash on, and occasionally find Nuggets by doing so in the fragments. In fact, the search for those Nuggets is how a lot of people came to this place, and settled into what later became a full town.
Savel Town: A town noted for its incredibly rich mines. In the past, many of the natives here used to work as slaves in the extraction of Gems from the mines, under the harsh rule of the Pharaoh. However, this ended when the last Pharaoh fell before St. Antony, who then abolished slavery and freed the people from bondage. The mines are now worked by ordinary workers, and continue to be a source of rare and incredibly valuable Gems, adding to the treasury of the Chaos Region. The town is scenic with many trees, and also has a Safari Zone nearby, where various rare Pokemon can be found and caught.
Tourestorta Town: A popular tourist resort with many hotels and a beautiful beach to go on Summer vacation. Pokemon Surfing contests are held in the waves of those beaches, which any Pokemon that knows Surf may participate in (these basically look like the Surfing Minigame of Pokemon Yellow, but with four contestants). Some other beach games can also be played with Pokemon as well. The town is also well-known for its excellent cuisine, available for taste at the town's restaurants.
Bilimen City: A huge and incredibly busy city with both a seaport and an airport, as well as a hospital, a fire department, and a police department. It also has a Train Station, from where the train can be boarded to Kestaldasart City, Stellentral City, Sturmoyl City (the train station at Sturmoyl City has fallen out of order due to the actions of Team Riot, though), and Oldenor City. For provisions, there is a huge Department Store where many varieties of goods are sold, and some motels to rest at.
Rumport Town: A port town famous for its great rum, which also once used to be a haven for pirates, who ran rampant in the town. Now things are a bit calmer though, and the town is more focused on trade. There is also a Pokemon Gym, where a powerful pirate captain known as Oceania is the Gym Leader, battling with her team of Water-type Pokemon to give her enemies a taste of the sea.
Vacatune Town: An exotic town with dancers, palm trees, and a beautiful calming beach. Kricketune also make beautiful music at night. It is believed that a Raikou, an Entei, and a Suicune roam through the island where Vacatune Town is, and this attracts adventurous visitors to the town. This town has a Pokemon Gym, whose Gym Leader is Claude, a trainer of Fire-type Pokemon with a somewhat unclear past, other than he earned a lot of money at some point and is now spending it on vacation.
Ticoxatl Village: A village of some indigenous tribespeople, who have had almost no contact with civilization. They have settled near a river, and life off the lands with some simple and basic farms. Their houses are simple huts, and they don't wear much on their bodies. The people here worship who they call the Jungle God, who is in fact an unusually large, muscular, and black Persian, resembling a panther.
Mt. Chaos: An incredibly huge mountain filled with many complex tunnels, connecting many different areas of the Chaos Region together. The caves also have several interior regions of water forming lakes, streams, and waterfalls, and sometimes Dive is used to go through some underwater tunnels, leading to otherwise unconnected areas. One section of the mountain leads the way to Castle Drachensburg, and another part of the mountain can be entered from a tunnel in Buried Town, and exits up at the route that leads to Lepatin Town, as well as at another exit on a small cave near Highpine Town.
Ambushade Forest: A forest ideal for laying ambushes in the bushes, behind the trees, and under their shades. Such opportunities for ambush are utilized by some of the Pokemon that live in this forest, such as Scyther. Part of the forest (near Qackwater Town) is also swampy, making a habitat for some more kinds of Pokemon not seen in the rest of the forest.
Chilleav Forest: A cold forest, where dangerous packs of Mightyena live and may attack travellers in large groups.
Ice Cavern: A cavern frozen full of ice, leading to Kodoku Town. Various Ice-type and bat-like Pokemon live in it.
Florlorn Forest:
Labyreef Depths:
Shellrock Cave:
Newdawn Beach: A beautiful, secluded beach to watch the Sun rising from, under the calming sounds of the splashing waves. There is a small shack here, where Darkel lives.
Ancient Pyramids:
Dark Meteorite Crater:
Jungle Passage: A passage through the jungle, leading to Vacatune Town. Various wild Pokemon including Persian can be found in the jungle. On a rocky place near the sea, there is also a lighthouse.
Volcano Base: A Team Magma base. It is run by a Team Magma Admin, Kashper. Kashper is a man with red hair (similar in style to the hair of Palmer, the Tower Tycoon), almost always speaks in a loud voice, and has a fiery, impulsive personality.
Pirate Cove: A Team Aqua base. It is run by a Team Aqua Admin, Craine. Craine is man with a bald head and round sunglasses covering his eyes, and a perpetual serious expression on his face, a reflection of his cold, collected personality.
Institution of Scientific Research:
Hidden Village of Darkness: An old fort, known in its time as Fort Kriegstein, which was previously abandoned, until the former fifth PokeKage, later known as the YamiKage, set up a village in it. Dark Ninja are trained in the dark arts by the YamiKage here, for a purpose that is not known until now. But the Dark Ninja do use their skills for personal gain, which has resulted in quite a bit of troublemaking.
Forbidden Mines: Also known as Yaoguai Mines. These mines were once worked for their rich minerals, being a source of luxurious resources for the region. But then, as the cave was excavated deeper and deeper, a purple gate leading to another dimension was discovered! Out of the gate jumped some ferocious, bear-like beasts, known as Yao Guai, which massacred the workers. Those outside the mines did not know of what had happened, and so explorers were sent in to find out. However, they never returned. Frightened by the mysterious disappearances, which were attributed to ghost kidnappings, the people then sealed the mines, forbidding entry or exit from them. The key to the lock was then broken to three pieces, which were subsequently thrown to the three most dangerous areas of the Chaos Region. Those three key pieces were then founf and kept by three extraodrinary beings who dwelled in those places, known as Ulf, Lasph and Sorciere. They would give their key pieces wo anyone who can manage to prove their worth by defeating them in a battle. The key pieces can then be combined back to the key, which can then be used on the lock on the mines to open them. Then deep into the cave, Datenshi can be found, guarding the purple gate at the end of the mines. If defeated, he will allow passage through the purple gate, leading to another dimension which is known as the Ghost World. Passage is only possible with a Ghost-type Pokemon in one's party, though, as ghosts possess the power to travel between dimension, and can also take anyone they want with them, in this case their trainer and their other Pokemon. Without a Ghost-type Pokemon, the purple gate is simply like a wall and cannot be entered. From inside the Ghost World, one can then go to three places: back to Earth, to Hell, or to Chaos Planet. On Earth and Chaos Planet, the gates to travel to the Ghost World are in fixed locations: the end of the Forbidden Mines and the Gates of Hell, respectively (the Gates of Hell on Chaos Planet lead straight to Hell as their name suggests though, as after entering them, one starts falling through some darkness, which is actually an area in the Ghost World, before falling through a purple gate on the ground in the Ghost World, which leads to Hell). As for Hell, the gates to get in or out or it are opened up by ghosts, who have the power to do so. This means that ghosts can take beings from Earth and Chaos Planet to Hell and back forth. The ghosts often trick beings from Hell, telling them they would release them from Hell and let them back into the living world, only to take them to the Ghost World instead, where the ghosts have absolute power, and turn the beings they bring with them into their slaves and toys, hypnotizing them and having them do their bidding. Some ghosts like to collect dark beings from Hell, hypnotize them and have them fight each other in the Ghost World, like the humans do with Pokemon, although the ghosts battle their captive dark beings without their consent, hypnotizing or simply controlling them with their ghostly powers them instead. Any beings lured to the Ghost World from Earth also share similar fates of being controlled by the ghosts in their world.
Power Plant: A power plant making use of solar, wind, and water energy to bring a maximum output of electrical energy. It was designed by Caroline, a researcher who mainly studies the various forms of energy.
Victory Road:
Virtworth Island:
Tripoint Lake: A notably large, triangle-shaped lake where many kinds of Water-type Pokemon can be caught. It's a quite famous spot for picnics, camping, and even a fishing contest that is held at some spot.
Loop Canyon: A canyon shaped like a loop, with the Nugget River flowing throughout it. There is also a hidden passage between some rocks, which leads a path to the otherwise secluded area where the Hidden Village of Darkness is.
St. Antony College:
The PokeGod's Sanctuary:
II. Notable Kings
1. King Jager

King Jager is said to have been the first King ever in the Chaos Region. Long, long ago, when the Chaos Region was still nothing but a vast natural expanse littered with distant unconnected towns, he arrived on the shores of the region with his brave men, and created the Viking Settlement at the coast they landed. The settlement thrived, and some were left behind to live there, while the King set out to explore and conquer the new region. However, at the time, there were still not many people living in it, with Kodoku Town and Desert Castle Town being pretty much the only noteworthily prosperous places at the time. But due to their remoteness, King Jager did not come across those places in his travels. Instead, he and his men marched forwards, through the wide open plains, then the tall, dark forests, and then up the frozen, snowy Mount Chaos to the North. There, he and his brave soldiers climbed the harsh, inhospitable mountain, and reached its top. On that place, they settled, creating the Castle of Might as the place from which to rule the world... setting the foundation stones for the unification of the surrounding lands into a single Kingdom, the Chaos Region. In the following years, from the Castle of Might as a base of operations, King Jager would send out searching parties to gather knowledge about the rest of the region, establishing contacts with the local populace and setting up routes through which to travel and trade, helping increase wealth, growth, and prosperousness. At the borders of the region (which were where other regions were discovered to start) he set up 23 Guardians, known as the "Immortals", which were actually 23 Pokemon known as Steelurk, which were like Golurk but were Steel/Ghost type instead, had colors similar to shiny Golurk, all their stats were 1.25x higher, and had Heatproof as an Ability. They also know a variety of other moves, such as Fire Punch, ThunderPunch, Ice Punch, and Ice Shard (to massacre Dragon-type Pokemon), Pursuit, and others. These Pokemon are normally hidden within some caves which were dug and then made to collapse to hide them under the ground, and they resemble nothing but huge rocks, and they are sleeping in the Ghost World unless awakened by a special technique created by King Jager and passed down to the royal line of the Chaos Region.
2. St. Antony

St. Antony was a man dressed in some white robes, had light brown hair and an "Honest Abe" beard, and hard-to-read eyes. He is known by several titles, such as "The King of Pokemon", "The Greatest Pokemon Master to have ever walked the Earth", "The Saintly Bringer of Salvation", "The Prophet of Truth", "The Founder of the Hidden Village of Pokemon", "The First PokeKage", and "The Sage of the 13 Paths". Most notably, he is also known as the man who put a halt to the plans of Shogun Ruben, Pharaoh Daelite, and DragonMaster ACCLAIM (the last of which was threatening to destroy the entire world!).
At first, St. Antony lived a solitary life high on a mountain (at a place near where The PokeGod's Sanctuary currently is), as a shepherd of a herd of Mareep. In those humble beginnings, despite a lack of contact with the greater world and the knowledge and experience it had to offer, St. Antony had already began to demonstrate an unparalleled level of skill in the art of Pokemon battling, managing to pretty much always emerge the victor in any of the local challenges or against the occasional travellers he came across. His love and interest for Pokemon was so great, that St. Antony eventually raised about 170 Pokemon to level 100, much to the awe of everyone who knew him! With his army of Pokemon, he was considered to be nigh-invincible by the small local community, and the people looked up to him and considered him as an idol of Pokemon Mastery to be reached.
Then one day, as St. Antony was leading his herd through a forested path, he came across the edge of a cliff. As he stood at the edge, he looked at the beautiful sight of the wide expanses of natural places below, and among them, he distinguished something interesting: a town! Immediately, St. Antony decided to set off on a journey, hoping to take on and annihilate any Trainers he came across, in order to further cement his confidence and fulfill his pride as an invincible Pokemon Trainer. And so he did. St. Antony, a bit shyly at first (as he was a solitary person without much contact with the world), approached the town, and observed the level of skill of its people in Pokemon battling. He noticed a level of strategy was slightly different than his, and learned a few things. And that was it. With just a bit of observation on top of his own training, St. Antony was now ready to compete with the most experienced Pokemon Trainers the Pokemon World had to offer! Of course, most people were just riffraff who St. Antony swept effortlessly, and in countless instances demonstrated his superior skill and knowledge by addressing and correcting various statements made by them, such as that Hyper Beam was a reliable move, let alone the best move as some clueless people believed. But even when it came to more experienced Pokemon Trainers, the "veterans" as some would call them, St. Antony still managed to prove his worth by casually defeating such people whenever he encountered them, soldifying his belief that he was the Greatest Pokemon Master Ever.
St. Antony travelled across the lands, searching far and wide, and at the end of that thorough search, he in the end found none who he believed qualified to stand on the same level as him. At this point, with an army of about 170 Pokemon he had trained to level 100 with his very own hands, and unparalleled skill and knowledge, some of which was known to almost no one else but him, St. Antony then fittingly, rightfully, and loudly proclaimed his invincibility and status as the King of the Pokemon World. This was met with some protests, but the few jealous people who resorted to such were naturally promptly crushed. Among them was a person known as ACCLAIM, who had appeared to be friendly at first, but revealed his true countenance after St. Antony proclaimed himself King. ACCLAIM began making hostile attacks against St. Antony, claiming that it was him who is the King of Pokemon, despite having his clueless beliefs, such as that Hyper Beam was the best move, publicly debunked and his lack of skill exposed to shame. But none of this was apparently enough to stop ACCLAIM, who passionately continued insisting on his illogical and irrational beliefs that he was actually the King of Pokemon. The matter was eventually settled in a Pokemon battle between St. Antony and ACCLAIM. ACCLAIM passionately gave it his best against a calm and nonchalant St. Antony, and attempted to utilize the most underhanded methods he could think of to win. However, St. Antony's defense was beyond ACCLAIM's reach, and soon, ACCLAIM's inability to overcome that defense had started to become evident. The battle progressed, and ACCLAIM started sweating nervously and visibly shaking in the fearful anticipation of things that were to come. At that stage in the battle, it had become unquestionably obvious to St. Antony, the audience, and even ACCLAIM himself that he was getting whooped, as all his Pokemon were checked by St. Antony's Pokemon, and it was only a matter of time before the battle concluded with a complete, triumphant 6-0 sweep by St. Antony. Realizing this, and out of the great, intolerable fear of suffering a humiliating defeat at the hands of his opponent, ACCLAIM then suddenly called an emergency, withdrew his Pokemon, and forfeited the battle, fleeing away from the scene with his tail between his legs. St. Antony then stood proudly and watched his opponent fleeing with a slight smirk on his face and his arms folded, shining triumphantly in the midst of an ecstatic, cheering crowd, after having gained a victory by means of his opponent forfeiting the battle.
Aside from ordinary opponents, however, St. Antony also had a much greater opponent to face: the unjust Shogun, Ruben. Ruben, a warlord from Kodoku Town who had been left unchecked, had curently taken over the Castle of Might with his band of Samurai, and turned it into his Castle, making himself the Shogun. Now, he was trying to impose his rule over the rest of the lands, and his oppressive methods and harsh punishments for disobedience to his rules caused much suffering to the townsfolk. Among his attempts to establish control over the region, Ruben also tried muffling the great influence St. Antony was starting to have due to his seemingly endless stream of victories, which started to make him look like a hero, causing Ruben to see him as a threat to his own influence. Ruben at first simply asked St. Antony to give up on his journey lest bad consequences would befall him. But St. Antony completely ignored such threats and continued wandering around towns, enlightening people with his knowledge about Pokemon and shining like a beacon of light of Pokemon Mastery, convincing more and more that he was indeed a King. Seeing that, Ruben then decided to simply resort to violence to solve the problem, sending Samurai after St. Antony, with the goal of preventing him from entering any towns and influencing the populace. But despite that. St. Antony simply defeated the guards with his Pokemon and entered the towns anyway, merely slowed down a bit by the conflict. This was noticed by the people, who were at awe at with how much graceful ease St. Antony was defeating the guards. This was because those Samurai had previously defeated them and the very best their towns had to offer, and had conquered them, and the people thought resistance to those Samurai was therefore hopeless. But now, those Samurai were being defeated before their eyes by St. Antony. Amazed by those miraculous feats, the people then sought St. Antony for help. Before being approached by the people, St. Antony barely even knew who the Shogun was, or what his powers were, or that there even existed such a ruler (as he had grown up in the mountains, and did not really know how things worked in towns and the region as a whole). After he learned of the Shogun, he decided to pay him a visit. The Shogun was informed of this through his Ninja spies, and went to great efforts to stop St. Antony, sending his finest Samurai to apprehend him and his Ninja to sabotage his journey. But St. Antony overcame all the challenges and reached the Shogun's castle. Seeing the enemy before the gates, the Shogun then ordered every Samurai and Ninja in the castle to attack! But St. Antony was not backing down, either! He released his entire army of about 170 Pokemon out all at once, and stormed the castle! St. Antony's Pokemon engaged in conflict with every one of the Samurai and Ninja in the castle, while St. Antony made his way to the Shogun's room. The Shogun then, with a Poke Ball in his hand, challenged St. Antony to a Pokemon battle. St. Antony still had 6 Pokemon left, and so the battle started. But the Shogun, for all his mighty and intimidating appearance, was no match for St. Antony and his powerful and well-trained Pokemon, and the match concluded 6-0 after a short while in St. Antony's favor. Enraged, Ruben then pulled out a huge hammer known as the Hammer of Banishment, which sends whoever it hits with force greater than their own weight to the Ghost World, and threatened St. Antony that he was about to send him on a long vacation. Despite being faced with such a huge threat, St. Antony maintained his composure, and after an intense conflict, St. Antony stood victorious over Ruben's corpse.
With the fall of the Shogun, and all his Samurai and Ninja pinned against the wall by St. Antony's outstandingly strong Pokemon, St. Antony then completely took over the Castle of Might, ending Ruben's cruel and oppressive grip on the region. At the news of this, the people rejoiced in celebration, and St. Antony was crowned King of the Chaos Region.
St. Antony then wanted to travel around the Chaos Region to get to know the place he was ruling. His travels led him to Desert Castle Town, a busy eastern-looking town protected by some large stone walls in the colors of the desert. This town was like a second Kingdom within the Chaos Region, and the ruler of it, the Pharaoh, lived in a huge, magnificent and extremely luxurious and awe-inspiring palace, known as the Pharaoh's Palace. It was a deliberately impressive symbol of the great Pharaoh's authority and power, whose grandeur showed the locals the benefits of the Pharaoh's rule and the futility of rebellion. Desert Castle Town was a town founded on some strong, ancient religious beliefs, with four beings known as The Great PokeGod and The Three Generals being worshipped as deities. St. Antony visited an area where a huge carving of the Great PokeGod existed, the one, single depiction of the Great PokeGod to be found anywhere on Earth. As he layed his eyes on that great carving, his soul was overcome with great intimidation, awe, admiration, and a need to worship, in that order. Immediately, St. Antony fell on his knees and worshipped the Great PokeGod, who he sensed in his soul and entire being, with unshakeable, unquestionable faith, to truly be the Ultimate Organism to stand in the Pokemon World. Extremely intrigued by the inspiring and radiant carving that he saw, he asked some people to know more about the Great PokeGod, but susprisingly, none seemed to know much. Then he was told that the Pharaoh might know. Since ancient times, the Pharaoh was believed to be an emissary of The Great PokeGod's will on Earth. If anyone knew, it would be him. So, St. Antony went to see the Pharaoh. He went into the Pharaoh's Palace and went to his quarters, meeting the Pharaoh himself, a dark-skinned person known as Daelite, vainly adorned with various golden accessories and some locally traditional royal garments. At first, the Pharaoh did not make a very good impression on St. Antony, as by his looks, he seemed to be extremely arrogant and narcissistic. And his suspicions were only confirmed once he got to know him and learn of his various deeds on Desert Castle Town. As mentioned earlier, the Pharaoh was supposed to express the will of the Great PokeGod on Earth. As such, he is the absolute unquestionable authority on Desert Castle Town, and so, whatever the Pharaoh said should be unconditionally obeyed. The Pharaoh used that power to completely control the people of Desert Castle Town and get them to do whatever he wished. He instilled an extremely strict and unreasonable set of rules, which required of the people to ask permissions of the Pharaoh before doing just about anything of significance, such that the Pharaoh had absolute control over almost everything and the people barely had any freedom to act on their own. He demanded that his people worked unreasonably much, and if they didn't, they would be considered undeserving of their freedom and sold into bondage! The same or even worse fates applied if the people behaved outside some standards which the Pharaoh had set, many of which were just his opinions and not actually harmful behaviours. Although ironically, the Pharaoh himself was guilty of breaking many of the rules he had set for his own people, but did not address his own actions for some reason. When asked about the Great PokeGod, the Pharaoh initially said that he loves and admires the Great PokeGod, but later admitted not really knowing anything about him, making his hypocritical nature obvious. All in all, the image of Daelite which St. Antony was seeing before him did not at all seem to represent or inspire the emotions of greatness he experienced when he saw the Great PokeGod's carving, and St. Antony was appalled and disgusted that such a person could possibly be so shameless, arrogant, and brazen as to claim to represent a being that stands far higher than he could ever dream or reaching, the Great PokeGod. Outraged at the Pharaoh's abuse of what is holy for his own selfish, vain, and cruel purposes, St. Antony loudly denounced the Pharaoh, saying that there's no way one such as him could possibly represent the Great PokeGod, and demanded that he quit his position at once. Daelite then rudely insulted St. Antony and said he doesn't know what he's talking about. In response, St. Antony pulled out a Poke Ball and challenged Daelite in a Pokemon battle. Daelite widened his eyes as that happened, and quickly refused, saying St. Antony had to pass a test first to prove he was worth the Pharaoh's time. St. Antony asked what that test was, and Daelite explained it was a tournament. St. Antony had to win a tournament of his Kingdom's very best Pokemon Trainers before being qualified to challenge him. St. Antony accepted, and thus, a few days later, preparations were finished and the tournament began. Daelite had rigged the tournament's rules such that healing one's Pokemon was not allowed between battles, making things more difficult for St. Antony and his Pokemon. But despite the adversities, St. Antony easily swept aside the competition with his mighty Pokemon, clearing the path towards the final opponent, the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh then watched with evident nervousness, as St. Antony destroyed his last opponent, clearing the tournament, and now facing at the direction of the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh started sweating as St. Antony approached, while a cheering crowd also shouted loudly in his support! Then suddenly, St. Antony's last opponent in the tournament, who he defeated before reaching the Pharaoh, said "Wait!". St. Antony stopped and looked at him. Then the person he had defeated claimed that the team he had used in the tournament was not his tournament team, and that the battle was a mistake and had to be repeated. The crowd derisively shouted extended boos at the person's pathetic antics, but St. Antony nevertheless said very well and agreed to repeat their battle, confident that defeating a person of such level was nothing he couldn't effortlessly do again anyway. And indeed, St. Antony, once more, defeated the last person in the tournament for a second time, and the crowd cheered extremely loudly, while Daelite widened his eyes and grinded his teeth angrily, looking extremely desperate and frustrated! The Pharaoh then, unable to take any more of this torturous experience any longer, impatiently threw out his first Poke Ball, commencing the battle between him and St. Antony. St. Antony then sent out a Pokemon of his own and the battle began. Despite the Pharaoh's reputation as an "exceptionally skilled" Pokemon Trainer, he merely seemed like a mediocre rookie when placed before and contrasted with St. Antony's unbelievable level of skill, which left everyone with their mouths wide open in awe. After the battle was over, Daelite raged and whined about luck, to which he passionately attributed his loss and St. Antony's win. St. Antony then pointed his finger at Daelite and loudly called him out in front of the whole crowd for his arrogance, hypocrisy, and overall lowly character, something which was then supported by a huge, prolonged cheer of affirmation from the crowd! Daelite then tried to argue his case, but his voice was simply muffled by the crowd's incredibly loud, cheering voice! Knowing that this event most undoubtedly spelled the end of the Pharaoh's disrespectful reign, St. Antony then turned his back at Daelite and calmly walked away, while Daelite fell on his knees defeated, shortly before collapsing to the ground and fainting from the unbearable emotional pressure and exhaustion that occured as a result of opposing St. Antony.
After his defeat, Daelite lost all respect from his followers, and fell so much in their eyes that no one listened to him anymore. Even his own soldiers turned on him, pledging their allegiance to St. Antony instead, since he had proven to be the stronger Pokemon Trainer. Daelite and the few who remained loyal to him tried to keep his rule alive for about two or three more years, but ultimately, without support from the population of Desert Castle Town, their ambitions for the Pharaoh to stay in power soon faded away. The once respected Pharaoh, his followers, and his petty Kingdom ended up as nothing more than a mere footnote in history, and the once grand and majestic Pharaoh's Palace ended up as nothing more than an abandoned ruin, which was later raided by looters who stole most of the valuables inside, leaving it as nothing but a shadow of its former form, ruined and filled with growing wild plants coming out of the cracking walls, floor and ceiling inside. On the other side, St. Antony was widely accepted by the crowd as their new King who saved them from the Pharaoh's whips, and his kindness and generosity contrasted so much with the ways of the previous Pharaoh, that in addition to his radiant, shining presence, it caused the people to see him as some kind of holy figure, and as a result, the people proclaimed him to be a Saint (this was when he started to become known as St. Antony)! St. Antony visited the Pharaoh's Pyramids, which were some huge Pyramids that the selfish Pharaoh had built in his own name and glory, overworking the people and Pokemon of Desert Castle Town to finish them during his reign. They were three pyramids, one huge one and two smaller ones on either side of the larger pyramid. The huge pyramid was filled with gold, jewels, pieces of fine art collected from all around the world, such as statues and paintings, and other aesthetically pleasing works and stuff like that. Many depictions of the Pharaoh existed in that pyramid, as well as inscriptions instructing readers to worship him, indicating that it was all a monument to his own glory. To its left, one of the two smaller pyramids was used as a place to store enormous amounts of food supplies which were produced by the rich fields near Desert Castle Town, and the other pyramid was the temple to the PokeGod in which the carving that St. Antony saw was stored, and was much less luxurious and decorated that the pyramid of the Pharaoh, clearly demonstrating his lack of proper respect and appreciation for the Great PokeGod, as well as his own unbelievable vanity and arrogance, which would go as far as to disrespect the Gods themselves. St. Antony he was never a man to care about gold, aesthetics, and luxuries, and instead preferred practical things. So he completely emptied the huge pyramid of all the decorative and luxurious stuff in it, which he instead stored in the small pyramid where the PokeGod's carving was (this pyramid was later made into an art museum in which the art exhibits were put on display), while he also moved the PokeGod's carving out of the small pyramid, and placed it in a place he considered much more appropriate, at the top floor of the huge pyramid. St. Antony then decided to turn the huge pyramid into one great library in which to store all the knowledge of the world, on the top of which would rest the most significant piece of information of them all: the truth about the Ultimate Organism of the Pokemon World, the Great PokeGod. And thus, St. Antony sent hundreds of historians, researchers, writers, artists, doctors, engineers, priests, philosophers, and many other people travelling all across the world, collecting knowledge and recording them into books, which got sent back to the Chaos region to be stored in The Great Librarian Pyramid, as it came to be known. St. Antony was much praised for the creation of this library, which is, even up to this date, considered the greatest collection of information to exist in the entire world, containing countless texts, many of which were lost in the course of time or simply were never publicized, and can not be found anywhere else in the world but this place! Forgotten truths, mysteries, legends, unknown researches, old prophecies, and much other extremely interesting stuff can be found in this extraordinary, absolutely wondrous place.
Around the time St. Antony was making those innovations, he was one day looking around in Pharaoh's Palace, when suddenly, an old adversary appeared before him. It was ACCLAIM, the "King of Pokemon" claimant! Contrary to his shaky past, ACCLAIM now seemed quite more experienced and confident, but still, he was arrogant as ever, as in addition to continuing his claim that he was the King of Pokemon, now he also claimed to be a holy figure as well, in another attempt to make himself look better than St. Antony, no doubt a result of his great jealousy of him! It was clear at this point that ACCLAIM was trying to imitate and surpass St. Antony (who was unconsciously like a great idol to him, who he secretly admired very much, but would never admit so, not even to himself) in Pokemon and sanctity, and intended to achieve such by emerging as the victor of a battle he challenged St. Antony at. St. Antony accepted, and the battle began. St. Antony saw that ACCLAIM intended to use underhanded and dishonorable tactics against him again, and decided to do the same. But perhaps as a reaction of such unacceptable conduct coming from a Saint, luck did not smile at St. Antony, and this came at a dear cost: he seemingly lost the battle. Overjoyed with satisfaction, ACCLAIM then laughed extremely loudly, and his over-the-top expression of happiness and pleasure made it clear that ACCLAIM had considered his apparent victory over St. Antony to be an unbelievably extraordinary feat of exceptional and unequaled significance, almost as if he had just fulfilled his very goal of life! This reaction, the fact that this battle immediately got stored into ACCLAIM's mind as one of his most memorable experiences ever in his life, made it obvious that he held St. Antony in extremely high esteem, in addition to betraying the great fear he had of him, as shown by the enormity of the relief he experienced after seemingly winning a Pokemon battle against him. Laughing loudly, ACCLAIM then said "You're finished, "Saint" Antony!", as he pulled out his Dragon Sword and viciously slashed St. Antony diagonally downwards across the chest! A small crowd of people, who had been observing the battle, then gasped in shock and horror as they saw that! But then St. Antony, with blood coming out of his mouth, looked at ACCLAIM and said "But I'm not St. Antony... You are". ACCLAIM then widened his eyes, as he looked down and noticed he was wearing St. Antony's robes, had a huge slash on his chest, and was standing at the location St. Antony used to stand before, while St. Antony was wearing ACCLAIM's clothes, cape and sword, and was standing intact at the place where ACCLAIM used to stand during their battle! "W-What?!" ACCLAIM said then as he looked at himself, and then at St. Antony with a dumbfounded look in his widened eyes, trying to make sense of things. "What the hell?! Where is the logic in this?!" he protested then. "What are you so surprised about, ACCLAIM? Reason is for those who cannot go on living without clinging to it. Now, let's go... to the edge of reason" St. Antony said as he walked up to ACCLAIM, before kicking him at the chest into a bottomless pit! ACCLAIM screamed loudly as he fell down and vanished into the darkness of the pit, while St. Antony suddenly transformed into a deranged rock ape before jumping into the pit after ACCLAIM, disappearing into the darkness as well! "S-St. Antony!!" some people said then, as they watched the extremely bizarre sight with widened eyes in surprise! Then they walked near the pit and looked down, and saw nothing but darkness. "St. Antony..." a man said then. Then they heard some footsteps. The people turned around and saw St. Antony in his normal appearance, standing near the site of his battle with ACCLAIM! "St. Antony! What happened?" a man asked then. "What did it look like?" St. Antony asked then. "It looked like.. you won the Pokemon battle, St. Antony!" a man said then enthusiastically, and then the others nodded in agreement. St. Antony then smiled in peace, and then he carried on with his business, after having won his second battle against ACCLAIM.
After travelling through the Chaos Region and making a great many improvements at many places he visited, St. Antony then returned to the Castle of Might, to continue organizing things from there. While in the castle, St. Antony started studying about Ninja and Samurai, to whom he had taken an interest in after being exposed to their tactics during his conflict against the Shogun Ruben. The combination of those studies and his great knowledge about Pokemon, including how they are able to use their various attacks and abilities, led to the discovery of ways for various elemental attacks to be possible to be replicated by people, with St. Antony being the first person ever to truly discover the mechanics behind this process! As St. Antony demonstrated his ability to use techniques based on Thunder, Nature, Fire, Water, Ice, Air, Earth, Sound, Psyche, Power, Darkness, SpaceTime, and Light, he left the crowds at awe, and was soon hailed as "The Sage of the 13 Paths", a miraculous man who controlled the elements! Such appreciation was also greatly increased after a Pokeian army numbering in the hundreds of thousands attempted to invade the Chaos Region in the belief they could take it over and instill their own type of rule in it, only to be single-handedly stopped and completely wiped out by St. Antony himself!
3. King Randor

III. Notable Characters
1. The Sixth PokeKage

2. Ed
3. The Gym Leaders

4. The Elite Four

5. The Champion

6. The Blood Knights

6.5. Post-E4: The Four Masters of Chaos
The Four Masters of Chaos are four elusive characters who live in four secluded, extremely dangerous areas in the Chaos Region. Ulf can be found in some inctedibly steep and tall, freezing cold and heavy wind, snow and blizzard-buffeted mountains on the borders of the region; Lasph can be found in a crazily vast, scorching hot, sandstorm-buffeted desert; and Sorciere can be found in a creepy castle on a large, forested hill amid a huge, dark, foggy forest. All three of these areas are filled with insanely powerful and high-level Pokemon, which would give even the Elite Four a run for their money! Because of this, these areas remain inaccessible by a guard at the entrance of each of these areas, who will not allow passage to anyone who has not proven themselves by defeating the Elite Four. If one does meet that qualification, then they are allowed through to search for the Masters of Chaos. However, they are not guaranteed to be there! The Masters of Chaos may very well be randomly missing from their areas, causing quests to find them while they're absent to end in nothing but exhaustion and frustration! Therefore, in order to find them, one may have to go through their areas more than once, if they were unlucky enough to explore in search for them while they weren't there! If the Masters of Chaos are found, however, then they can be fought in a Pokemon Battle, only with the twist that the Masters of Chaos themselves will also physically participate in the battle! If one manages to overcome their incredible powers and actually defeat them, then Ulf, Lasph and Sorciere will drop Ulf's Key Fragment, Lasph's Key Fragment and Sorciere's Key Fragment, respectively. The three Key Fragments can then be combined to form the Forbidden Key, which, as any of the three first Masters of Chaos to be defeated last will explain, can be used to open the lock at the Forbidden Mines, an unspoken of area to the North of the region. Indeed, the key can be used on that lock, gaining one access to the interior of the Forbidden Mines, which were locked away due to the multiple accounts of mysterious, unexplained disappearances of the workers who mined there for minerals in the past! Going down the mines will, after enough exploration, lead one to the place where the final, most powerful among the Four Masters of Chaos is located. In a huge arena suspended over hellish flames, the final Master of Chaos, Datenshi will appear to confront whoever arrives. If he is somehow defeated, he will allow the one who defeated him to proceed further, into a different dimension: the Ghost World! The Ghost World is a dimension between the Pokemon World, Hell, and Chaos Planet, and if one explores it enough, they can end up in Hell or Chaos Planet! The beings in those places are on a completely different level to those found in the Pokemon World, though, so survival for someone coming from the Pokemon World would be unlikely...
7. The YamiKage
8. Chnights

9. Team Riot

"VS Team Riot Theme"
10. Darkel
11. The White Coat Triad
12. ???

13. Team Flora

IV. Faith and History