On Chaos Planet, there exist ten legendary beings known as the Legendary Machines. Those beings are unlike the rest beings on the planet. They are on a completely different level than any of them, standing undefeated as Gods. Each of the Legendary Machines is an element that has taken a form. That form of the Legendary Machine is a machine of unimaginable power, which has complete control of the element it is made of, can convert its body to its element, and can produce, manipulate, and absorb anything related to their element. They can produce infinite amounts of their element from their bodies, granting them unimaginable levels of power, and they are completely immune to physical attacks, as their physical bodies will change to their element when and where they are hit. The only way to harm a Legendary Machine is by exploiting natural weaknesses of their element. But even in that case, the Legendary Machines are still able to fight with their physical bodies, which contain insane amounts of dark energy and are nearly indestructible. Any of the Legendary Machines can take point-blank range explosions without harm, and can release attacks that wreak havoc in incredibly huge areas and destroy anything in their path.
At the full power of their element, the Legendary Machines are as strong as the Ultimate Organism, ChaosLord himself! For example, M-Zapdos's electrical power and abilities are on the same level as that of ChaosLord. That being said, ChaosLord possesses the powers of all ten Legendary Machines, minus the ability to convert his body to element. And, since the Legendary Machines are on the same level as ChaosLord in their element, that naturally makes them nearly invincible like the OverLord of Chaos.
The ten Legendary Machines are the embodiments of Thunder, Light, Fire, Water, Ice, Air, Earth, Sound, Psyche, and Power. They are known as the Gods of their element, for example M-Moltres is the God of Fire. Also, sometimes they are called Element Gods instead of Legendary Machines. Their abilities include all attacks of their element, Hyper beam, and any physical attacks possible. Each of the Element Gods also has his own, unique ultimate attack capable of planetary destruction and more.
M-Zapdos - God of Thunder
M-Zapdos is a huge bird whose body is flowing entirely with electricity. He lives on the top of one of the four highest mountains of Chaos Planet, Mount Thunder, where it is always raining heavily and huge thunder storms are happening without end. M-Zapdos can use all electric-element attacks that exist, he can convert his body to electricity, and can travel at the speed of lightning. Like all other Legendary Machines, he can use Hyper Beam, as well as various other physical attacks such as Drill Peck and Sky Attack. His Ultimate attack is Thunderbird, in which he converts his entire body into near infinite electric power, and then dives through the enemy, electrifying them to oblivion with his limitless power. This attack can even destroy an entire planet with ease.
M-Grasquatro - God of Nature
M-Grasquatro is a very large bird with wings that have leaves as feathers, and a tail of vines. He lives on the top of one of the four highest mountains of Chaos Planet, the Mount Nature in File Island, a grassy island with many forests, where ordinary living organisms instead of machines live. File Island is the only place of Chaos Planet that has a suitable environment which allows for the development of vegetation and lifeforms other than the hardened machines and dark beings that live everywhere else. The oxygen on File Island is generated by none other than M-Grasquatro, the God of Nature, who endlessly absorbs the light created from Highlight Heaven, and then emits oxygen from his body that fills the whole island. M-Grasquatro lives and protects File Island with the power of his element, nature. He can convert his body to light filled with solar energy, which blinds and burns his enemies. As light, he can also travel at its speed. He can use any grass-type attacks, and he can also manipulate elements of nature such as wood and grass, for example to make roots, vines or branches from trees grow and trap his enemies, or call insects to attack his foe. He can use Hyper Beam and other physical attacks like Peck and Fly. His Ultimate attack is Light of Creation, in which he turns himself entirely to a light that is so bright it's impossible to see and is filled with near infinite solar energy, disintegrating anything it shines upon just as easily as it disperses darkness.
M-Moltres - God of Fire
The God of Fire, M-Moltres is a huge bird with flames on its wings, head, and tail. He lives on the top of Mount Lava, one of the four tallest mountains of Chaos Planet, which is actually an active volcano with huge flames constantly burning on its top and much lava pouring down without stop. M-Moltres can convert his body to either fire or molten lava, both of which are so hot they instantly disintegrate anything they touch. His move pool includes all fire-element attacks in existence, Hyper Beam, and many physical attacks. M-Moltres's Ultimate attack is Firebird, in which he turns his body entirely into flames and dives at and through his enemy, instantly burning them to nothing as even their ashes are burned and consumed by the flames. Similarly to M-Zapdos's Thunderbird, Firebird is also powerful enough to obliterate entire planets.
MetalKyogre - God of Water
MetalKyogre is an extremely large and heavy sea creature that lives in the lowest depths of Chaos Planet's largest and deepest ocean, the Endless Ocean. At this place, the water pressure is so powerful than only he and ChaosMetalSeadramon, the Chaos General could stand it - anything else would get crushed. As the God of Water, MetalKyogre can convert his body to water and has access to all water-element attacks, Hyper Beam, and physical attacks such as Body Slam. His Ultimate attack is Oceanic Pressure, in which he turns his body to water and surrounds the enemy completely inside him. Since he can produce endless amounts of water, MetalKyogre can overwhelm any opponent regardless of size. After the enemy are surrounded by water, MetalKyogre compresses the water unbelievably to the point where the pressure obliterates the target out of existence. The attack can continue after that, as MetalKyogre can release the compressed water and let it cause a huge explosion of water that causes massive destruction everywhere around it. In fact, after enough compression of enough amount of water, MetalKyogre could blast an entire planet in a huge watery explosion.
M-Articuno - God of Ice
M-Articuno is the God of Ice and lives on the top of one of the four highest mountains of Chaos Planet. That mountain is called Mount Ice, it is on the northest possible part of the planet, and it is completely filled with extremely cold snow and ice, which gather by the unending blizzards and snow stoms that happen on the top of that mountain. These blizzards and snow storms also affect a very large amount of Chaos Planet's north part, which has come to be known as Freezeland, as everything there is frozen to the point where only beings naturally resistant to ice, like Frigimon and IceDevimon, can survive there. All of this, of course, is caused by M-Articuno's power. M-Articuno can turn his body either to nearly indestructible ice that blocks all physical attacks, or to snow that just lets physical attacks pass through harmlessly. All ice-element attacks are available for use by M-Articuno, as well as Hyper Beam and other physical attacks. M-Articuno's Ultimate attack is Ice Age, in which he turns his body entirely to incredibly cold ice and lowers the environment's temperature unbelievably, to the point where things freeze so much they turn to ice themselves. He could freeze an entire planet and everything on it to nothing but ice, which would then naturally all fall under his control.
Grayquaza - God of Air
Grayquaza is an extremely long and large dragon colored mostly in light gray. He lives high above the clouds, roaming freely through the skies of the entire Chaos Planet. Because he travels always and has no specific place where he lives, Grayquaza is very hard to locate, although he is most often seen on the clouds above the Bird Islands. Sometimes called the King of the Sky, Grayquaza always travels flying and looks down at the denizens of the ground. He controls the element of air, and can change his body to either wind or to a cloud of smoke colored gray like his body. The cloud of smoke is useful for suffocating enemies or for being compressed and then exploding, while the wind can be used for all sorts of wind-element attacks, for example slicing wind blasts and devastating tornadoes. Like the other Legendary Machines, Grayquaza can also use Hyper Beam and a variety of powerful physical attacks, like Earthquake and Extremespeed. His Ultimate attack is Vanishing Wind, in which he turns his body into a wind which flies at the enemy with such insane power that the enemy vanish as soon as they are hit by the wind. Like the other Legendary Machines, Grayquaza can cause near infinite damage with his Ultimate attack. He can create wind powerful enough to blow an entire planet like a speckle of dust.
Grindon - God of Earth
Grindon is a gigantic, mostly brown dragon-like being with spikes and claws of rock on his body. He lives somewhere hidden in a canyon called Infinity Canyon. This canyon is in the most south place on Chaos Planet, in the center of the desert that is the south part of the planet. This desert barely has any life in it, as very few beings exist that can live under the extreme heat and drought that is there. This situation is caused by Grindon himself, as his mere presence causes everything to dry up in a huge range. The God of Earth controls drought and sand, and he can change his body to either sand or rock that is almost unbreakable. He has the ability to drain all moisture out of any object, living or not. By doing so, Grindon can dry things up to such a point that they lose their original form and turn into mere sand. Another skill Grindon has is Petrifier, the ability to turn anything he looks at into rock. His other abilities include all ground and rock-type techniques, a large choice of physical attacks, such as Slash and Double-Edge, and like the other Element Gods, Hyper Beam. His Ultimate attack is Desert Death, in which he takes the form of sand and flies at the enemy, draining all of their moisture and dissolving them to dust in an instant. Grindon can even turn an entire planet to nothing but sand with this attack, and the deserted south part of Chaos Planet is just the result of the dryness he creates without even trying.
Cygonaurus - God of Sound
Cygonaurus is a metal winged dragon with an extremely intimidating appearance. He has a scythe on his tail that can cut through any material, a right arm-cannon that can blast many kinds of attacks and can also be used as a drill or a claw, a left claw of great physical strength, a concealable horn on his head, razor-sharp wings and teeth, and frightening red eyes. He also has two openings on his chest, which can also release attacks. Cygonaurus is located somewhere in a desert known as the Desert of Destruction. It was named like that because anyone who has entered it got destroyed, by none other than Cygonaurus himself. Cygonaurus possesses immense amounts of energy and is quick to crush anyone who enters his territory. He controls sound, but he can not change his physical form to his element, although he still is unaffected of damage by it, and can dash at the speed of sound. At the same time, his element is the only one that has no counter or defense to it. Cygonaurus can shatter an enemy's existence with a single roar, but aside from that, he also has access to a wide range of elemental and physical attacks, including of course Hyper beam. His Ultimate attack is Sound Blast, in which he roars and creates a sound that shatters everything regardless of structure or element. With just one roar, Cygonaurus could release a sound powerful enough to annihilate hundreds of planets.
Cygonaurus also has a secondary Ultimate attack, Silver Blast. In this, he forms a massive sphere of unbelievably compressed steel-silver energy and hurls it at the opponent. This sphere emits a mysterious light that makes everything around a very large distance look colorless but only colored in the shades of gray, and enemies will experience feelings of emptiness and nothingness if they look at this ball of energy. These feelings are so strong that some enemies might lose their senses or even die of sadness. The sphere of energy itself can be powerful enough to destroy a planet.
Cygia - God of Psyche
Cygia is a very large white flying creature with some pink parts on its body. He is the embodiment of psychic power, the will-bending force considered by some to be the ultimate form of power. His exact whereabouts are unknown, as he is said to appear at random locations and in random times. He has been sighted on File Island and on the rest of Chaos Planet, but no one knows where or if he lives in a specific place. He is the cause of the giant whirlpool and cyclone at Umbrage Sea, but the fact that he has been sighted elsewhere means he is not always there. Cygia possesses the power of the Psyche, having psychic powers which are on the same level as that of ChaosLord himself, and being able to take just about anything under his control with them. He can make his body turn into invisible psychic energy, which can spread around infinitely and take anything under control, as well as teleport anywhere at will. As a being of psychic powers, Cygia can use any attacks related to psychic energy, Hyper Beam, and many physical and elemental attacks. His Ultimate attack is Absolute Control, in which he turns into psychic energy and possesses anything he wishes, disabling free will in the cases of existences which have such. With Absolute Control, Cygia could take control of an entire planet and everything on it, or even the entire universe if he tried hard enough. He can overwhelm any form of free will and power.
Clone Ho-oh - God of Power
Clone Ho-oh is the God of Power. He resembles a phoenix with black and white feathers on his wings, a tail which has blue feathers to the right and red ones to the left, as well as green ones between the rest, intimidating gold eyes and gold feathers on his belly, a black head and main body, a brown neck, a yellow beak, gray feet with silver claws, a purple crest, and a crimson tongue. Lusting for power and greatness, Clone Ho-oh wished to somehow show his ultimate superiority over all else. So he flew to the Moon of Chaos Planet and took it for himself as a sign of his greatness. Now, whenever the beings of Chaos Planet look at the Moon, they think of Clone Ho-oh and his power, and know that he is a great being who owns an entire and very important planet such as the Moon. The Moon has turned into a symbol of Clone Ho-oh, a symbol of Power itself, which inspires all who look at it. Clone Ho-oh, like Cygonaurus, can not change to his element. But because of his element, his physical strength is insanely higher than any of the other Legendary Machines, at the same level as ChaosLord's power. He can destroy a mountain in a single peck, and can release pure energy from his body that can disintegrate everything. His moves include a huge choice of physical attacks and elemental attacks of all elements minus psychic power. Like the other Legendary Machines, Clone Ho-oh can also use Hyper Beam, however his Hyper Beams are hundreds of times more powerful than those of the other Element Gods because of his element, which is power itself. His Ultimate attack is Ultimate Power, in which he dives at the enemy and literally shatters their being with his unimaginably superior power. He can easily destroy an entire planet with a single divebomb attack.